Nash is still one of the greatest mic workers around. He works excellent as a heel, and he proved he can still go, just by taking on Triple H in a grueling Ladder Match. His work in that match was pretty great for what you might expect from a guy like Nash, but even so, I'd like to see him on the mic more, and I hope that his match with Triple H was his last, quite honestly.
There are of course exceptions, in cases where he gets into a feud with someone and has one night stands here and there to put over the youth, but basically what I'm saying is that I don't him listed or billed as a WWE Superstar.
I'd much prefer he have the job title of WWE Manager, or Colour Commentator, or Authority Figure. Or enforcer to Johnny Ace even? I can see Big Daddy Cool enforcing John's rules while Otunga plays his political backing. Hell, you could create an entire entourage for Ace, have Nash as his muscle, Otunga as his brains, and maybe if the WWE is feeling generous, they can bump Hawkins and Reks up to be his gophers, so to speak. Although clearly, given the booking status of the WWE, Reks and Hawkins appearing on Raw more than once a year is just wishful thinking.