I like Kane. I really liked his character when he first came back with the mask, but they have ruined that. Example, why would he need to choose between going after Daniel Bryan or trying to get the pin. He is Kane, he shouldn't care about being the number one contender. I could see him and Show teaming up with him saying Show has embraced the hate.
However, I would rather Kane only be on tv once or twice a month. They could say he is fired and then a couple weeks later he just randomly starts appearing in the shadows and destroying random people. They make it out as him being on a rampage backstage. No one knows where the monster will show up next or how to stop him. It's all done backstage, no speaking parts even though I enjoy Kane on the mic. Then eventually someone like Ryback could challenge him to stop the destruction. It would keep Kane out of matches for awhile freeing up other superstars. Then would end with Ryback going over Kane.
I would love to see that.