
I think unless WWE manage to overcome the damage they did to Cena's fanbase during his 05-07 SUPER-reign and find a way to re-unite the crowd reactions, then Orton will eventually become the bigger star (I too subscribe to the idea that Orton can become THE MAIN MAN in the Austin-like tweener role, but credit due to CenaMark54... He's been saying Orton's future is as a tweener ever since I joined IWF.)
That is a very good point. Without Cena having a very long reign on top for awhile he sort of took the backseat especially pre Summerslam 2008 which didn't do him any good with the fans. He comes back and wins the World title on his first night, that's all fine and good, but then loses it not too long later which killed his decent amount of momentum. Cena excels in long periods of him as the top guy, but if he isn't top guy he suffers. If Orton could take the ball and run with it and continue to be the top heel of the WWE he will surpass Cena.