John Cena or Randy Orton?

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John Cena or Randy Orton

  • John Cena

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Randy Orton

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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I'd go with Cena. Everything he does is interesting, and can be made into a big deal. Just look at the feuds with Umaga, Khali and K-Fed. He has more versatility as a face, and the fans are so sold on him, they would react to anything he does.

Orton is pretty good too, but I don't think he'll be as great as Cena. Just look at both of their recent injuries. IMO, Cena's return was more important and meant more to the crowd than Orton's return. Orton has been given lots of opportunities to succeed. Some of them have been amazing, like what he's doing right now. Others have been ruined, either by him messing something up, or not enough interest.

Great One

Right now its Randy Orton.

Long term its John Cena, simply because he is more versatile. Wait until he turns heel. It will be a sight to behold.
Yeah... it's the only reason I don't think this question is really answerable. It's been too long since he's played heel, and even too long since Orton has played face..


Mar 11, 2009
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Leeds, England
Frankly I don't see either of them turning any time soon. Orton's too good as a heel and Cena's the only decent (and reliable) main event face the company has that is remotely fresh.


Im going with Orton. I can' say that I am the biggest Cena fan, but he has slowly earned my respect. His ring work has gotten insanely beter since a year ago (last year he was just dreadful) Orton is one of the best in the WWE (IMO) he has been a favorite of mine since 2005. Orton is the best heel in professional wrestling if you ask me, in terms of mic skills he is golden. He can really just make you despise him (much like HHH of the early 2000's and Piper of the 80's). His ring work is good, not Jericho or Punk good but he is still good. He may be slow to some but he is great at what he does.

Cena on the other hand, is the WWE's biggest....and I think only draw. He moves merchendise like nobody's buisness. His ring work isn't the best but then again there are plenty worse (Mark Henry, Undertaker imo he is a shadow of the 1990's Deadman). He has moved on from the "5 Moves of Doom" that he was known for last summer. He is nowhere near a technical badass like Bret Hart but he is better then some. His mic skills are above average, but at time she seems to be trying to hard and somewhat childish. He is targeted at children I know this and that is part of his downfall.


Frankly I don't see either of them turning any time soon. Orton's too good as a heel and Cena's the only decent (and reliable) main event face the company has that is remotely fresh.

No one said anything about them turning right this second, or even within the next few years.

However, sometime down the road, they both will be turning and then the thread starters question will be answered. The person who can play multiple roles is going to be the most valuable, especially in todays day and age where the viewing public has ADD and everything has a short shelf life.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
No one said anything about them turning right this second, or even within the next few years.

However, sometime down the road, they both will be turning and then the thread starters question will be answered. The person who can play multiple roles is going to be the most valuable, especially in todays day and age where the viewing public has ADD and everything has a short shelf life.

Yeah, I agree with this. Now there were guys in the past that could play only one side for a vast majority of their career and be the best (Hogan, Dusty Rhodes played a face a majority of his career I believe too). But in this day in age, you got to be able to play both sides, and do great at it. Triple H has the mastered, Angle has that mastered, Jericho, Carlito, as well just to name a few. Cena's been a face for at least 5 years, 4 of those years, he's been a main eventer, when he does turn (and it will happen) it's going to be epic. I doubt that he'll turn back into the old Thuganomics Cena but it'd be cool to see that side of him again.

When Orton turned face, he was young and generic. I'd like to see him have a face run now just to see how he does with it. He's older and would have better character.


Orton imo is going to go down as one of the best heels in history. Cena can go down as a top face as well. The Cena turn will be epic (much like Austin and Hogan) But idk if Cena can excel as a heel as he does as a face. Same with Orton as a face, he always was just a generic person as a face, plus is recent look change (all of the tattoos, ring entrance etc.) would make him hard to believe as a face; but they both are good enough on the mic i believe to ull it off convincingly

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
I am actually shocked as to the results of this topic. Looking at the internet community you're first reaction to a thread like this is "Well this is just begging for the Orton fan boys to come out and bash Cena" but not only have more people said Cena over Orton in this topic, but everyone amazingly has their own logical and well thought out responses as to why. Simply amazing.

As for my pick, I say Cena. For no other reason than Ortons face runs have all failed horribly. While Cena has had successful runs as both a heel and a face, so he's proven he can work both. Orton may play a better heel by far, but he's not as versatile.


I didn't see this coming. Although Cena is "Mr. WWE" "Mr. Movies" "Mr. Media" IWF still chooses Randy Orton. That's unexpected.


Well the IWC isn't exactly the hugest group of Cena fans. So really it isn't that suprising IMO.


To be fair, the amount of Orton marks almost double Cena's fans in the IWC. But still, there's heaps of each, it's just that the fag Orton has his cocked sucked by 99% of the population.


Mar 11, 2009
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Leeds, England
I am actually shocked as to the results of this topic. Looking at the internet community you're first reaction to a thread like this is "Well this is just begging for the Orton fan boys to come out and bash Cena" but not only have more people said Cena over Orton in this topic, but everyone amazingly has their own logical and well thought out responses as to why. Simply amazing.

As for my pick, I say Cena. For no other reason than Ortons face runs have all failed horribly. While Cena has had successful runs as both a heel and a face, so he's proven he can work both. Orton may play a better heel by far, but he's not as versatile.



Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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Pretty hard choice TBH both have stepped up big time since they began. But I'M gonna go with Cena. He has come up and through on his own. He has worked hard and prob is one of the the hardest workers in the WWE. He is a huge draw, He was good as a heel he is great as a face. He is the total package. Don't get me wrong Orton is no slouch either but when he broke through he had Flair and Trips looking out for him and taking him under there wings. And Orton hit a shitty point when he turned face and he sorta went back over and stagnated for a year or two. Were Cena kept elevating himself higher.
But to be fair, Now they both are pretty damn good Cena is the face of WWE and prob there main money maker. But both have excelled from were they were to were they are now. Both are great Maineventers and could easily carry the brand on there own. Orton has just rocketed this past year. His in ring skills mic skills character everything has got much better. And he is one of the best heels around. They are both WWE big guns and will be taking over from the likes of HBK,HHH, and Taker when they have gone. But Id say Cena just pips Orton IMO.