Jade makes a serious thread...*world ends*

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Great One

Yeah, some of you guys overuse that internet is serious crap (LadyHotrod and Kenfan come to mind...), it's just fucking stupid. A big portion (including myself) don't take the internet seriously. If I call you a moron, am I ZOMG ANGRY irl? No. You're just portraying yourself as a dipshit and I'll have fun insulting you, and if you get angry irl, then that's just a bonus for me. More of pointed at Kenfan, who can be just a complete tool (which is worse than taking the internet seriously btw). And tbh, when I say I wouldn't give a shit, that mainly means I wouldn't cry or really even grieve over it; I basically wouldn't lose any sleep over the matter. But like I said, there's a couple people on here where I would really be like wow... damn, that fucking sucks.
May 28, 2007
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My Moms Basement
Well I guess maybe I am just fucked. But there are a couple people that have adapted from internet friend, to friend. And those people are the people that I would care, and would mourn, and would feel bad for if anything happened to them or their family. I may even go as far to say that I would try and go to the funeral and feel bad if I couldnt find the money. But beyond that, it is no skin off my nose, what so ever. I mean sure I have talked to a lot of people on this forum, but nothing past football or wrestling or that kind of thing. So would I mourn the death of them or their family? No. And if you need any proof, well you dont have to look to far.

And also, I dont really feel bad for people in hollywood that die either. Sure it was very unfortunate that Ledger died, but ya know, he was just a character, and he knew what he was getting into when he took the role. Nichelson told him that he had the same knightmares(lol at that) and that he had to go on sleeping pills and almost inadvertently killed himself too. I am supposed to feel bad for that? Unfortunate, yes. But I had never met him nor would I had ever. Same goes for anyone worth reporting that they died. Like Bernie Mac, very unfortunate, he was a good actor, will be missed, but life goes on. Death is a part of life, you cant go through life waiting for someone to die and mourn them, you can mourn some, but going on about it and feeling bad for a long ass time is just whack. My uncle recently died. He died of pancreas cancer. I went to the funeral, I didnt cry, I felt hella bad sitting there with my family, and it was very sad how he died, the whole situation was sad, but after that day of the funeral, I havent had any feelings over it. He was cremated and the ashes were put in keychains we all got, and sometimes I see the keychain on my shelf and think to myself, "poor guy", but thats the extent of it. When I was in the 6th grade, my grandfather died, I didnt even cry at his funeral. Yeah I missed him, still do miss him, but I didnt cry, and I didnt mourn that as much as anyone else in my family either. It was the day of the funeral. My friend died, I did cry at his funeral, he was 21 years old, drowned in a creek after being drunk at a party and two of his asshole friends left him there. Same with my grandpa, I miss him, and its really sad that he died that way, and sometimes I feel bad for not going to the grave site as often as I do, but everything didnt slow down for me after we found him and had the funeral. Sure there were a couple days that we all still hung out and had time off, but yeah.

So yeah there it is, only a couple people that I would care about and you have my complete outlook on death...it happens, life goes on


LHR, if there's one thing i dont like about you its the whole "zomg its teh internets" crap..see? its not serious, but just serious enough to make you feel a little bad if someone on here really died.

Sorry but that is a really stupid comparison.

There is a huge difference between getting butthurt over people making fun of you and someone actually dying. There are a number of people here who feel they have to make a 200 word post trying to explain to everyone how they aren't stupid or gay or whatever. Take that moron The Quintastic One, for example. That was completely Blue of him and it showed that he's one of those people who get all red in the face and have steam coming out of their ears when someone makes fun of them over the internet.

The flame-alation chamber and HIAT are clearly for fun and fucking around. I don't think anyone ever says anything serious there yet some people can't handle it. If you can't handle being made fun of, don't click the section.

"Internet is serious business" in no way refers to if someone died. It refers to what people say on the internet and to not turn into a crybaby when someone calls you a fucking idiot.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
I'd say I would care. To a certain extent I would care. I wouldn't of course, be crying over it or anything, but I've always stood by my belief that you are dealing with real people, even if it's just the internet. If you don't go around in real life calling everyone cocksuckers and dickriders, you shouldn't do it on the internet. Talking to someone online is very similar to talking to a complete stranger either over the phone, or maybe even in person while your waiting for the bus or whatever. You don't know anything about them, and you don't have any personal feelings for them. But it's still a common courtesy to treat your fellow man the way you would want to be treated. Which is why if i wanted people to care if I were to die, I would care if someone here would die too. It's why I don't curse at you guys over the internet, I may argue, but that's because I would argue with anybody in real life too if they were being malicious or irresponsible. So yea, I would definitely care if I heard one of you guys died (even LHR and Blaze), but I wouldn't care anymore than if I had heard that the guy I talked to at the bus stop died either.

This Guy

I'd like to think that I would sympathize for anyones family if someone here died, but I don't know that we would ever know. It would just be a case of them being gone one day and never showing up again. I'd probably get over it pretty quick, and obvously there are a few that would be more of a shocker then others, but I don't think I'd feel any different really.

Think of it like this. Its like when a famous celebrity dies. If they weren't really one of your favourites, but you at least knew who they were, you'd probably feel a little sad at the announcement of there death, but you wouldn't carry on dramatically over it for days and weeks and months etc. Thats how I think it would be for the people on here.

I've said it before, I know there are guys like Famous pretending to be someone there not. I know there are annoying people like TSS who clearly suffer from all sorts of mental illnessess, and I know I've spoken harsh words to them and I admit that in many cases I ment it. But I do not wish death on anyone. And therefore anyones death would probably make me feel sadness for that loss of a life, but would most likely pass quickly.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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This Guy

yes even you. I don't wish death on you Blaze. I don't wish death on anyone.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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Same here I might say it in the thread about it..but meh I don't mean it I just do it to post u know...Everyone here has family and friends who would be sad if they died..and I mean all of you have grown on me rather I like you or hate you...your like family(a big happy online non gay family).


I'd say I would care. To a certain extent I would care. I wouldn't of course, be crying over it or anything, but I've always stood by my belief that you are dealing with real people, even if it's just the internet. If you don't go around in real life calling everyone cocksuckers and dickriders, you shouldn't do it on the internet. Talking to someone online is very similar to talking to a complete stranger either over the phone, or maybe even in person while your waiting for the bus or whatever. You don't know anything about them, and you don't have any personal feelings for them. But it's still a common courtesy to treat your fellow man the way you would want to be treated. Which is why if i wanted people to care if I were to die, I would care if someone here would die too. It's why I don't curse at you guys over the internet, I may argue, but that's because I would argue with anybody in real life too if they were being malicious or irresponsible. So yea, I would definitely care if I heard one of you guys died (even LHR and Blaze), but I wouldn't care anymore than if I had heard that the guy I talked to at the bus stop died either.

I call people in reality dickriders and cocksuckers. If they deserve it, I don't see why not.

People need to stop assuming that all of us are people like Famous and Mat/kirsty who just pose online. Some of us might be arrogant here but that doesn't mean we are pretending just because we're on the net.

Everyone acts a certain way for a reason. Some of us come here and act like hardasses just to get attention and some of us do it for real and for our own reasons. I have my own reasons for being a bitch to people. Now I don't do it 24/7 and I am actually a nice person (maybe one day when you decide to stop being a cunt and talk to me personally, you'll find out) but I am not afraid to tell people off when they need to be told. If you walk past me peacefully, all is good and happy but you decide to mouth off just because I look like the type of person who wont say anything back, you'll be put in your place.

That doesn't make me cool or better than anyone. Some people just need to be told off because they think they are cool infront of their friends, bothering you for no reason at all, so you open your mouth and make them look like a failure instead. A lot of kids in my area like to think they're awesome. For example, I was walking to the store to get groceries and a group of guys walked by. One thought he was funny saying "hey baby" and whatever so I gave him the finger and his friends laughed at him. The idiot was speechless. Hopefully, if he decides to be a fag again to someone else, he'll think twice and shut his face.

In terms of anyone dying, I agree that I wouldn't cry or lose sleep, I'd just be a bith shocked and feel weird that I posted in the same place as someone who died and knew them online.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Something no one has brang up yet is that XBA's cousin died a couple week's ago.. I felt bad for him.. Hell I only know the guy through here, and myspace, but I still cared.. Shit if BKB commited suicide I'd care(Not as much as I would if someone like WS did). It gives me a wierd eeire feeling if I don't care.. Maybe it's because I'm religious.. Maybe it's because I'm a softie(I can cry for advertisements if said enough).. Maybe it's because I kind of feel like we I personally know you guys. I mean only one of my friends know that I'm so into wrestling, and he think's I'm pretty much over wrestling. You guys know how much I like this crap, so that makes you guy's special :grin:


Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
The 'Nati
i would like to think that i would care, but i know i wouldn't. Seriosuly, if it was someone i absolutely could not stand at all, i wouldn't care. Besides, how would i know? I don't know anyone's full name here, and only know what a couple look like. I'd probably notice that they aren't getting on IWF anymore, but that happens a lot. Their death wouldn't be in my news, unless they lived in my area, so unless someone on the forum got the news and posted, I'd never know.

If somehow I did find out, then I would think more of "whoah, I knew him/her. I posted with them, and now they're dead. Kinda creepy."

But unless I honestly knew them, I wouldn't really care that much. Don't get me wrong, I would care because he/she just died, and I care when people die, but not an extroadinary amount just because I once knew them on IWF.

the dark knight

Sorry but that is a really stupid comparison.

There is a huge difference between getting butthurt over people making fun of you and someone actually dying. There are a number of people here who feel they have to make a 200 word post trying to explain to everyone how they aren't stupid or gay or whatever. Take that moron The Quintastic One, for example. That was completely Blue of him and it showed that he's one of those people who get all red in the face and have steam coming out of their ears when someone makes fun of them over the internet.

The flame-alation chamber and HIAT are clearly for fun and fucking around. I don't think anyone ever says anything serious there yet some people can't handle it. If you can't handle being made fun of, don't click the section.

"Internet is serious business" in no way refers to if someone died. It refers to what people say on the internet and to not turn into a crybaby when someone calls you a fucking idiot.

yea i understand that but you make it sound like THE INTERNET can never be serious. you can say flaming isn't serious and people who cry over it are pathetic. but "internet is nothing" just sounds like pretentious bullcrap. and i really dont mean to start shit here, but when it comes to "it showed that he's one of those people who get all red in the face and have steam coming out of their ears when someone makes fun of them over the internet" .... it applies on YOU the most. im not saying you take it seriously, it just sounds like it at times. and i dont mind anyway, a lot of people say that about me. someone just told me that on youtube from the comments i've been making. he also added its a good thing sometimes cuz it adds passion to the discussion...so fuck it. just felt like pointing it out.

I For example, I was walking to the store to get groceries and a group of guys walked by. One thought he was funny saying "hey baby" and whatever so I gave him the finger and his friends laughed at him. The idiot was speechless. Hopefully, if he decides to be a fag again to someone else, he'll think twice and shut his face.

this happens everytime i go out with my friends. we all laugh too, just to tease our friend but in truth, we're laughing at the unexpected childish reaction. sorry

Exactly. If I ever wished death on someone and they died. I'd feel like shit.
i'd feel so proud and happy if that happened, depending on the person.


this happens everytime i go out with my friends. we all laugh too, just to tease our friend but in truth, we're laughing at the unexpected childish reaction. sorry

So you think the childish reaction is the women flipping the man off, and not the man, who is basically downgrading a woman and acting Blue? Ok...

the dark knight

So you think the childish reaction is the women flipping the man off, and not the man, who is basically downgrading a woman and acting Blue? Ok...
flpping him off with a middle finger? rofl.

im not gonna argue some dumbass n00b, sorry. talk to me when you got any real life friendship experience.