Jade makes a serious thread...*world ends*

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I was actually thinking about this just now....Most people here know that the flame-alation chamber is not a serious place and we can all tell each other to go fuck ourselves until our faces turn blue but I think most people aren't being serious and just do it because flames can be rather funny...but I was thinking, would you actually care if someone here died or had something bad happen to them (like a relative dies or gets into a serious accident or something)? Even if it's someone who irritates you, would it actually bother you or would you just shrug it off because you don't know the person personally? Woul you feel hurt if someone here had something bad happen?

The internet isn't serious business but I don't think I could just shrug something like that off, no matter who the person is. Everyone has feelings and, even though we don't have to care what people say to us on the internet, I still think people should have at least a bit of caring in them for their fellow forum posters. We are all basically an online family, if you think about it.

Just wondered if people actually cared about the people who post here.


About the Internet being serious business. It's not but the thing is if you come on a forum everyday for years. It has to mean something to your life. Like IWF I've been on it for like 2 and a half years now and know most of the members pretty good. So yea if something happened to them the site wouldn't be the same and I'm going to sounds like an idiot. Maybe. But if something happened to IWF I'd feel lost. Cause I'd have to find something else to do with my spare time.

Great One

Depends on who it was. There's a couple where I would actually care... a little. Otherwise, I could give a shit less.

Hidden Blaze

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I joke also about death and wishing it upon people but I mean if it happened I would feel bad(not that I wished it upon them) but I mean think about there family and friends and all that..I am sure everyone on here is loved by someone...so I mean yeah I would feel pretty bad..

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

People die everyday, unless its somebody I care about or know. I could care less.


Why do some people not care?

Just wondering. Yes, people do die everyday but it's people you don't know so you don't feel much sympathy. Here, you log in everyday and talk to the same people and get to know them. It's not like some random person was killed. You'd be thinking "damn, I posted in a forum with that guy" so I think it might hit at least a bit of a personal spot.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

I really have no good response to that.

Maybe i'm just bitter.
Feb 8, 2007
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Australia... and no, I do not ride around on a Kan
Well, if someone here died (Not that you could prove it on the internet unless it was in the news and you knew that person full name and what they looked like) I would probably be like "Woah that is sad" but I wouldn't murn their death, even if I spoke to them alot on the forum, MSN ect, because I didn't know them personally, I mean we don't know if people on here are who they say they are...How would you react if you found that the guy who you thought was 13 years old and had spoken to him on the net for two years, and you found out he was really a 50 year old peadophile?

I don't care too much about people on the net mainly cause I am never quite sure that they are who they say they are, sure I believe more people are who they claim they are more than others, but I am not 100% sure about anyone I talk to on the net even if I chat with them on MSN alot.

Italian Outsider

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Apr 19, 2007
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Why do some people not care?

tbh i couldn't care less.you are just random people, on a random forum, i'll probably never meet in my life,it just can't affect me.
also if you think about it, if one person who posts here dies, it's highly unlikely we end up knowing that, unless it's a big thing, published on major newspapers and on the news.
example: famou$187 dies,since we never knew who he really was, nobody would notice his death, we'd just notice he does not post anymore.


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Ottawa, ON
As an aside, in the case of my early demise (with my lifestyle, it is possible) I have actually prepared a sort-of will. Its pretty much just hand written on some loose-leaf, and held on to, but it has a part on it where in case of my death, my brother will come on here and let you guys know. Presuming of course I still post here when it happens (anything can happen, y'know?).

I dunno. I wouldn't feel right not letting people know.


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Actually, I wouldn't be feeling anything tbh, but you know what I mean. :D


Lol, MS. But , you have to think, that knowning you, if your brother ever came on and said you were dead, people would just assume it was some sick joke :laugh:

the dark knight

People die everyday, unless its somebody I care about or know. I could care less.
sums it up. its a matter of who dies on the internet/real life. i really dont give a shit about 99% of the world. and sometimes i feel happy when people die...

Why do some people not care?

Just wondering. Yes, people do die everyday but it's people you don't know so you don't feel much sympathy. Here, you log in everyday and talk to the same people and get to know them. It's not like some random person was killed. You'd be thinking "damn, I posted in a forum with that guy" so I think it might hit at least a bit of a personal spot.
it should be, why do some people care? i obviously care if his/her death meant ill be missing something. whether its a laugh, a waste of time, anything. and why is it always the internet?

i think ill say this for the last time; ITS NOT JUST THE INTERNET. its the internet+someone, just like you trying to talk through the internet. what if you talk to someone on the forum who you know irl?

brings me to something else i asked before but nobody answered, why is it we're allowed to have celebrity crushes and not internet crushes? they're both kinda Blue, but why double standards? your chance in meeting a forum member is greater than meeting a celeb. this whole thing is just horniness anyway, not a real crush. at least in most cases. and why are we allowed to have emotions towards movie characters' deaths and not members on here? i could swear i almost cried when anakin turned to vader in III, eventhough i knew it..i just felt bad lol. i hate it when people try to make the internet sound like...NOTHING at all :nonono:

back to caring if i miss something, ill take ledger's death as an example. i liked heath as an actor, his death in the movie "the patriot" shook me(sorry 'bout the spoiler)...and i liked him as an actor ever since. i couldn't care less about meeting him irl, and i dunno if im even going to like him. but i was upset we're(well, I.. but i dont wanna sound selfish) gonna miss a role or two he's gonna do and entertain us all . same goes with carlin, i loved the guy, but not really loved ya know? im still upset he died cuz i wont get to see a new stand up special :(. on the other hand, if some entertainer like........VICKIE GUERRERO dies, ill be fucking happy as fuck. i dont ever wanna see her again. seriously, if she dies 2morrow i think we should just post the thread, lock it and censor her name so we dont remember her ever again.

SOOO, i care, i think we all do. its just a matter of who dies..
As an aside, in the case of my early demise (with my lifestyle, it is possible) I have actually prepared a sort-of will. Its pretty much just hand written on some loose-leaf, and held on to, but it has a part on it where in case of my death, my brother will come on here and let you guys know. Presuming of course I still post here when it happens (anything can happen, y'know?).

I dunno. I wouldn't feel right not letting people know.
i kinda thought about it...if i had a real suicide note, i'd ask to inform everyone i know irl, and on the internet that im finally gone. im not joking..
Lol, MS. But , you have to think, that knowning you, if your brother ever came on and said you were dead, people would just assume it was some sick joke :laugh:
thats why i didn't fake a suicide on the forum a while ago lol it'd just be obvious its a joke. unless its serious, you'll know im dead when i dont post for an extended period of time.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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and if I was to die u would know its true if I don't sign on for ever...like 10 days pass and I've not signed on I am dead or lost power..

the dark knight

btw, i say (well i rarely do it on the forum) that the internet is not serious too. but i dont take most of the things outside my internet seriously either so its not because "its the internet".

LHR, if there's one thing i dont like about you its the whole "zomg its teh internets" crap..see? its not serious, but just serious enough to make you feel a little bad if someone on here really died.