IWF (Insane Wrestling Federation)

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The Wrestling Addict

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Jun 30, 2011
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Founder: Justin Credible


Justin Credible was fed up with the same, old, boring, wrestling shows you see on Monday and Friday Nights. He wanted to bring something crazy to the wrestling world with a new, edgy, seductive, violent, wrestling company that is just plain crazy. He thought of a company called the Insane Wrestling Alliance and has brought his thoughts into reality by creating the IWF. The Insane Wrestling Federation is taped from the Institute Arena in New York City, NY, and is broadcasted on HBO every Wednesday Night at 10 PM, with the show running until midnight. Every six weeks a PPV is broadcasted live from the Institute. IWF promises to bring you the best pro wrestling action, with the best entertainment as well. Justin Credible's Insane Wrestling Federation is not for the weak of heart, and can be offensive towards some people. The promotion is not intended for children as it will be the opposite from WWE, exposing blood, weapons, cursing, alcohol, and partial nudity. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

Current Roster

(H=Heel) (F=Face) (T=Tweener)

Abyss (H)
Austin Aries (F)
Bully Ray (H)
CM Punk (T)
Chris Sabin (F)
Colt Cabana (F)
Curt Hawkins (F)
Daniel Bryan (H)
Desmond Wolfe (H)
El Generico (F)
James Storm (F)
Jay Briscoe (H)
Jeff Hardy (F)
Jeremy Buck (F)
John Bradshaw Layfield (H)
Mark Briscoe (H)
Max Buck (F)
Rob Van Dam (F)
R-Truth (H)
Samoa Joe (T)
Sin Cara (F)
Trent Barreta (F)
Teddy Hart (H)
Tyson Kidd (H)

Tag Teams

The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe)
Generation Me (Jeremy and Max Buck)
Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley)
Teddy Hart and Tyson Kidd
Trent Barreta and Curt Hawkins

Other On Air Talent

Owner: Justin Credible
Ring Announcer: Reby Sky
Play by Play Commentator: Joey Styles
Color Commentator: Shane Douglas
Backstage Interviewer: Lauren Brooke
Backstage Interviewer: Todd Grisham


IWF World Heavyweight Championship: Currently Vacant


IWF World Tag Team Championships: Currently Vacant


IWF Day One will be the first IWF PPV, and will be the debut show of the Insane Wrestling Federation. The show will feature a one night tournament to crown the first ever IWF World Champion. Scheduled to appear are Bully Ray, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, James Storm, JBL, Jeff Hardy, RVD, Samoa Joe, Sin Cara, and more... Card subject to change. First show should be up soon! Stay tuned!​
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Looks like what ya did to ACW... abandoned.

The Wrestling Addict

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Jun 30, 2011
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The Dirty South
Looks like what ya did to ACW... abandoned.

Um no... It looks like I am still working on it. I have most the first show written but have to write the main event and a tag team match. Should be up in a week, if that. I will be posting shows when I have time.


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yeah almost a month later... ACW jr.

I'll count the days til you grow tired of it and leave it.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
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He's had a couple other BTB attempts here and I'm not sure even one produced a show.

I would like to see something come from this though.


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I wouldn't hold my breath... although now I'm pretty sure he'll be sure to produce one and be like "See told ya I'd get one out."

The Wrestling Addict

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Jun 30, 2011
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The Dirty South
I have produced all but two or three matches. Critisize me all you want, I enjoy it. I won't say I told you so. Just going to enjoy writing it. If it takes me a while to get shows out, so be it. But I will be working hard to get them done.


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Like I said... I'll believe it when I see something.

The Wrestling Addict

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Jun 30, 2011
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The Dirty South

Proudly Presents:

Day One

IWF Day One, broadcasting live from the Institute Arena in the world's most famous city, New York City, New York, kicks off with Veer Union performing tonight's official theme, "Darker Side of Me."


After the spectacular performance by Veer Union, we head over to the announce table with Shane Douglas, Joey Styles, and CM Punk!

Joey Styles: Thank you for joining us tonight with the debut of the hottest new wrestling promotion, IWF. I will be calling the action tonight alongside my broadcast colleagues, "The Franchise" Shane Douglas, and the "Second City Saint" CM Punk.

CM Punk: I was advertised to appear tonight, which I am sure you all thought, that meant I would be competiting. As much as I would love to compete, I can't because as you can all see my arm is in a sling. I suffered a broken arm after my signing with IWF. But since I was advertised to appear, I will be appearing, live from the commentary desk with Shane Douglas and Joey Styles.

Shane Douglas: That's right folks, The Franchise is back, and better than ever at the announce table.

We head to the ring, where IWF Founder, Justin Credible is standing with a microphone in hand.


Justin Credible: Hello everyone and welcome to the Insane Wrestling Federation's debut, Day One! So I was sitting on my sofa a few months back, watching that shitty wrestling show called, Monday Night Raw, when I realized this business needs a change! This business needs to be fun again! This business needs to be just incredible! Okay, so I went a little to far with my name there, but you get the point. I thought up an idea and wrote it down on paper, hoping it would be reality one day. The idea of a wrestling company that is just plain insane. Insane storylines, insane wrestling, insane athletes, and insane weapons, combined to make one insane company. That company is now a reality and it is the Insane Wrestling Federation! Tonight we are live on pay per view for Day One but starting next Wednesday, we will be airing on HBO every Wednesday Night at 10 PM Eastern Time. That's right, IWF is too insane for regular television! Now I went out and signed the best competitors that I found, and out of those competitors, I have chosen eight men to compete in a one night, single elimination, tournament to crown the first ever IWF Heavyweight Champion! Those eight men will be consisting of Austin Aries, Daniel Bryan, Desmond Wolfe, James Storm, Jeff Hardy, JBL, Rob Van Dam, and Samoa Joe. Now every match in IWF will be contested under Insane Rules. Insane Rules means there are no rules! The only way to win is by pinfall or submission inside this very ring! I want to thank everone live in attendance, everyone who ordered the PPV at home, and the Veer Union for bringing us a kickass theme song, tonight! It is now time to kick things off with Samoa Joe vs. Rob Van Dam in a first round tournament match!

Reby Sky: This contest is scheduled for one fall and is a first round match in the World Title tournament.


Reby Sky: From the Isle of Samoa, weighing in at 280 pounds, Samoa Joe!

Joe makes his way out to the ring with a serious look on his face as the fans chant his name in unison.


Reby Sky: And his opponenet, from Battlecreek, Michigan, weighing in at 235 pounds, Rob Van Dam!

RVD comes out to a huge pop from the NYC crowd as he enters the ring and strikes a pose.

CM Punk: This is going to be one hell of a match to kick things off here in IWF.

The referee calls for the bell and this match is officially underway. RVD offers Joe a handshake as a sign of respect before the match but Joe just stares him down as the crowd chants, "Joe is gonna kill you!" Van Dam runs at Samoa Joe but he takes RVD down with an arm drag. RVD is quickly up to his feet but taken down yet again with another arm drag. RVD back up, and Joe bounces off the roats, coming at him with a big boot but RVD ducks and connects with a spinning heel kick. Joe is down and RVD goes for a diving senton but Joe quickly dodges and Van Dam crashes. Joe covers him but only for the one count.

Shane Douglas: I've been in the ring with RVD. No way is he going to get pinned this ealry on.

CM Punk: And I've been in the ring with Samoa Joe. I could see him winning this whole tournament, here tonight.

Joey Styles: I have to admit, both Samoa Joe and Rob Van Dam would make for excellent World Champions. However, it is to early to call a winner for tonight's tournament, especially with six other men competiting as well.

Joe now has the Whole F'N Show in an F'N headlock. RVD slides out of it and whips Joe into the ropes. Joe comes back but RVD leaps over him and brings him down to the mat with a drop toe hold. He then connects with a standing moonsault but Joe takes it and rolls out of the ring. Once Joe is up to his feet on the outside, RVD leaps over the top rope and on to the shoulders of the Samoan Submission Machine, attempting a hurricanranna, but Samoa Joe catches him and powerbombs Rob Van Dam on to the arena floor!

Joey Styles: Oh my God! Here in IWF, we don't have supporting mats in the Institute Arena. Samoa Joe just powerbombed RVD on pure concrete!

Shane Douglas: I have seen some devastating powerbombs, and felt a few myself, throughout my career but I don't think I have ever seen one as devastating as that!

Samoa Joe now has the upperhand and he drags Van Dam to his feet, whipping him, back-first, into the steel barricade. Joe runs at him and connects, with a big knee to the chest of Van Dam as he holds himself up with the barricade. Samoa Joe follows up with some chops to his opponenet's chest, turning RVD's chest into a crimson tone. Samoa Joe then picks him up over his shoulders, looking to spinebuster him into the steel barricade but Van Dam counters with a tornado DDT, slamming the skull of Samoa Joe, against the concrete!

CM Punk: Concussion city, right there!

Joe is out cold but RVD somehow manages to pick him up and slide him in the ring. He goes for a cover and the referee drops down for the pin count.




Joe got the shoulder up in the knick of time. RVD sees an opening and he makes his way to the top turnbuckle. He taunts and then leaps off, looking for his Five Star Frog Splash....


But Joe sees it coming! He lifts his knees up and RVD crashes hard on the knees of Samoa Joe.

Joey Styles: That was one rib-rattler, right there!

Shane Douglas: Who the hell says, "rib-rattler?"

CM Punk: I'm with you there, Franchise.

Joe picks up Van Dam in a powerbomb position and connects with a running powerbomb, slamming RVD into the corner, turnbuckle. Samoa Joe locks in a sharpshooter, but only a few seconds, before RVD kicks him away. RVD slithers to the outside of the ropes and leaps off them, at Samoa Joe, with a springboard kick to the head! Van Dam bounces off the ropes, and connects with Rolling Thunder, landing on Joe's torso. He goes for the cover and the...




Joe kicks out once again! RVD heads to the outside, where he finds a steel chair. But as soon as he picks it up and turns around, Samoa Joe gets up, and runs across the ring, diving through the middle rope, towards RVD, but RVD sees it coming, and plants Joe across the head with a steel chair shot in mid-air!

CM Punk: I'll say it for ya, Joey. Oh My God!!! If he didn't have a concussion before, he does now!

RVD rolls him back into the ring, and heads to the top rope, looking to retry the Five Star Frog Splash. This time, he connects! He is now in a pinning position...




Joey Styles: How the hell did Samoa Joe kick out?

RVD looks on in shock, as Samoa Joe is slowly but surely, getting back to his feet. RVD picks up the chair and throws it at Joe, expecting for him to catch it, so he can hit the Van Daminator. Joe catches it alright, but tosses it back. As soon as RVD catches the chair, Joe hits the chair, hitting it against the forehead of Rob Van Dam, and taking him out. Joe slides out of the ring and is searching underneath it for a weapon of some sorts. He finds a steel pipe and takes it in the ring. He attempts to hit RVD in the head with it but Van Dam ducks. He kicks Joe in the gut and attempts an overhead suplex but he can't pick Joe up. The Samoan Submission Machine still has the pipe in hand and he wraps it around Van Dam's neck, and brings him to the ground in a rear naked choke position, choking him with the steel pipe!

Shane Douglas: No way, Rob Van Dam, can't get out of this one!

RVD looks to be fading away as he face turns purple. The referee picks up his arm and drops it for...


He picks it up again and drops it for...


Once again, the referee picks up his arm and drops it but RVD lifts it and he is still in this!

Joey Styles: Van Dam is still breathing!

Joe strengthens the hold, but RVD has no other choice but to tap out! The referee calls for the bell and pulls Joe off of Van Dam.

CM Punk: Samoa Joe advances!

Reby Sky: Here is your winner, via submission, and advancing to the next round in the championship tournament, Samoa Joe!

Samoa Joe's arm is held high by the official as Rob Van Dam heads to the back. Finally, Joe staggers to the lockeroom as well, as his music plays on. The cameras follow Samoa Joe to the back as Justin Credible approaches him and asks him to see a doctor because of all the headshots. Joe says he doesn't need a fuckin doctor but as soon as he says that, Joe passes out, right there, behind the entrance curtain! Justin Credible screams for a doctor, immediately.

Joey Styles: That is a very frightening sitiuation to say the least. That just goes to show you right there how insane this promotion is.

Shane Doulgas: And Samoa Joe was the winner of the match!

CM Punk: Don't count Joe out! I'm sure if he gets back up, he will make sure, he still competes tonight.

Joey Styles: We will be providing everyone with an update as the sitiuation develops. The show must go on. Let's send it to Reby Sky for the next match.

Reby Sky: This contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish and is a first round championship tournament match, with the winner, advancing to take on Samoa Joe in the semifinals!

Shane Douglas: How in the hell will the winner take on Samoa Joe? He's out cold!


James Storm makes his way out to the ring with a beer bottle in his hand, getting a massive ovation from the crowd.

Reby Sky: Hailing from Leiper's Fork, Tennessee, weighing in at 230 Pounds, James Storm.

Storm stands in the ring, sipping on his beer, as he awaits his opponenet's arrival.

CM Punk: Drinking beer in a wrestling ring should be illegal! Hell, drinking alcohol anywhere should be illegal!

Reby Sky: And his opponenet...


Reby Sky: From Sweetwater, Texas, weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield, JBL!

JBL struts down to the ring and the referee calls for the bell but even though the match is officially underway, JBL demands a microphone and receives one.

JBL: Hang on, just a second! First off, I shouldn't be competiting in this stupid tournament because I deserve to be handed that IWF Heavyweight Championship, from Justin Credible, himself! Secondly, I need to have a word with James Storm. James, I have seen your work and I have only one thing to say. You are a Bradshaw wannabe! You come out to the ring, trying to be a redneck, drinking beer, like it's going out of style... Who does that remind you of? It reminds me of myself! Because long before you ever competed in that piece of shit, company, in Nashville, and Orlando, I was drinking beer in the big leagues!

Before JBL can go on, Storm grabs a microphone and cuts him off...

James Storm: Shut up! Just because we both like beer, doesn't mean I am some JBL wannabe. Hell, I could out drink you any day of the week!

JBL: Just because you can handle your beer like any other man doesn't mean you can out drink me. Just stay put right there!

JBL walks to the back as Joey Styles updates us on the condition of Samoa Joe.

Joey Styles: I have just received word that Samoa Joe is responsive. The doctor has confirmed, he suffered a severe concussion.

CM Punk: Called it!

JBL makes his way back down to the ring with a bottle of liqour in his hand.

JBL: You think you are a better drinker than me? Take a sip of this shit! It's foreign whiskey.

Storm grabs the bottle and reads the label. The fans cheer him on as he chugs the whiskey.

JBL: Let me show you how it's done!

JBL yanks the bottle away from Storm and chugs it. Storm then takes it back and chugs it. They go back and forth, chugging the entire bottle of whiskey, as the fans cheer them on. In a matter of minutes, both men are standing in the ring, dog drunk!

CM Punk: This is a disgrace!

Shane Douglas: I think it's pretty damn entertaining!

Storm speaks but he is slurring and it's hard to make out what he is saying.

James Storm: Yajoe what, BJL? We both similiar in likes as we longnecks and rednecks, but you still a dumb somebitch!

JBL falls on his ass in laughter for no reason once so ever as James Storm looks at him, dead serious. Justin Credible cuts them off and hits the ring.

Justin Credible: Both of you, get to the back, now! Even though that was pretty damn funny, I'm still going to fine both your asses! Next time you want to see who is the better drinker, do it after the show!

Eventually medical assistants hit the ring and assist both JBL and James Storm to the back.

Justin Credible: Now I am in one hell of a predicimant. I selected eight men for a tournament. One has been eliminated, and now not one but three are in no condition to compete. We had a kickass opening match but because of that match, Samoa Joe suffered a concussion and is unable to finish the show.

Joe's music hits and he charges the ring.

Samoa Joe: Listen here, Justin! No way in hell am I finished competiting for the night! I won my match and earned my right to move on to the next one. Piss on the doctors! I am standing here with a heart that is still beating, ready to win the World Heavyweight Championship, and you, nor anyone else is going to stop me!

Justin Credible: I like the attitude, Joe, but I am not sure if it's a good idea.

Samoa Joe: If I die, it will be in this ring, and I will die without shame! I am a wrestler, and I am here to wrestle, whether I am injured or 100%. I won my match, and I am moving on!

Justin Credible: Fine, Joe! I'm done arguing with you about this! If that's what you want, then fine, but I better not get sued! So here's what we are going to do. Since JBL and James Storm are passed out drunk in the back, I am giving you a bye in the tournament. You will move on to the championship match in the main event, tonight! Now your opponenet will be decided after this tournament finishes up. Jeff Hardy vs. Desmond Wolfe is up next!

Justin Credible exits to the back, while Joe sticks around and pulls up a chair at ringside, to watch the next contest.

Shane Douglas: Looks like Samoa Joe once to scout what could be a future opponenet of his later tonight.

Joey Styles: Samoa Joe shouldn't even be competiting later tonight!

CM Punk: Joey, shut up! You have no idea what it's like to be a competitor.

Jeff Hardy's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring but he's attacked from behind by his opponenet, Desmond Wolfe!

Shane Douglas: Smart move on behalf of Desmond Wolfe, seeing as how in IWF there are no rules.

Joey Styles: Actually it was a coward move on behalf of Desmond Wolfe!

CM Punk: I like Desmond Wolfe's strategy here.

Wolfe throws him inside the squared circle and the referee calls for the bell.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

Wolfe kicks him while he's down and goes for the quick cover but the Charismatic Enigma kicks out at one. Desmond Wolfe stands up but forefully drives his elbow into the heart of Jeff Hardy. He then turns Hardy over and locks in a one legged boston crab, but Jeff slithers out quickly and kicks Wolfe on his ass. Hardy then rolls him up but only gets a one count. They are both up to their feet and they lock up. Wolfe turns Hardy around and applies a waist lock, but Hardy throws elbows and turns it around into a neckbreaker. Hardy picks him back up but Wolfe shoves him away as they stare one another down, knowing what is on the line in this match.


Desmond Wolfe calls a timeout but their are no timeouts in IWF as Jeff Hardy runs at him with a diving forearm. Hardy backs him into the corner and throws blow after blow. He then positions Desmond Wolfe on the top turnbuckle and attempts a hurricanranna, however, Wolfe doesn't flip, and Hardy flips backwards, crashing and burning on the canvas! The fans boo and Desmond Wolfe yells from the top rope, for everyone to shut up. Wolfe then leaps off with a diving elbow drop and connects! He covers Hardy for the...




Desmond Wolfe picks up Jeff Hardy and holds him on his shoulder for a few seconds before dropping him down with an overhead suplex. He then has a chin lock applied as he drives his knee into the back of Hardy. He continues to clinch but Hardy uses his legs to kick Wolfe and get out of it. Hardy then goes for a kick when both men are to their feet but Wolfe catches him. However, Hardy connects with an enziguri.

Joey Styles: Enziguri kick to the head of Desmond Wolfe, from Jeffy Hardy!

Hardy covers him!




Shane Douglas: Wolfe kicked out after a devastating blow to the head.

CM Punk: That's nothing compared to the shots Samoa Joe took to the head, earlier.

Hardy picks up Wolfe and looks to toss him into the corner but Wolfe shoves him away, however, Jeff Hardy jumps on the top rope and leaps off, looking for Whisper in the Wind! Desmond Wolfe dodges it and Jeff goes high risk but to no avail. Wolfe positions his opponenet's legs on the top rope and connects with his finisher, the Tower of London!

Shane Douglas: Lights out!

Wolfe covers him, looking to end things.




Joey Styles: Jeff Hardy kicked out after the Tower of London!

Wolfe can't believe it so he picks Hardy back up, positions him on the ropes again, looking for a second Tower of London. However, Hardy reverses into a Twist of Fate! He then goes to the top rope and connects with the Swanton Bomb as the fans go crazy! Wolfe's shoulders are down and the referee drops down to count the pin.




The referee calls for the bell as Hardy's entrance music plays and the match comes to a close.

CM Punk: Unfortunately, Jeff Hardy will be moving on in this tournament.

Reby Sky: Here is your winner and advancing in the Championship Tournament, The Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy!

Joey Styles: Jeff Hardy will move on to face the winner of Austin Aries vs. Daniel Bryan, which is still to come.

Samoa Joe and Jeff Hardy stare each other down as the cameras head backstage.

We head to the office of Justin Credible where he is shown having a conversation with Todd Grisham.

Justin Credible: So ESPN fired you and now you want a job here?

Todd Grisham: You would be correct.

Justin Credible: Well to work for IWF, you have to be insane. In order for me to know you are insane, you must prove it.

Todd Grisham: How do I do that?

Justin Credible: Take off your shirt, turn around, and let me hit you bareback with a kendo stick ten times. If you can take it, you have a job.

Reluctantly, Grisham takes off his shirt, turns around, and takes the shots to the back with the kendo stick ten times. His back is now bloodshot as Justin Credible laughs. Grisham is weaping in pain when it's over and Justin Credible yells out, "Bully, get in here."

Justin Credible: Oh and you must take an open shot to the nuts from Bully Ray! Take it and you have the job, kid!

Bully Ray walks in and Todd Grisham spreads his legs as Bully Ray rares back and hits him between the legs as hard as he can. Instantly, Grisham drops to his knees! Justin Credible lays a contract on the ground beside Grisham, as Ray and Credible walk off in laughter.


Reby Sky: This next contest is a first round championship tournament match up. It is scheduled for one fall to a finish, with the winner advancing to the semifinals to take on Jeff Hardy. Hailing from Aberdeen, Washing, weighing in at 210 pounds, The American Dragon, Daniel Bryan!

As Bryan enters the ring, the IWF fans chant, "Yes" repeatedly.

Reby Sky: And his opponenet, from Minneaopolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 210 pounds, Austin Aries!


Aries heads down to ringside, receiving an equal reaction of his opponenet. He enters the ring as the match is about to begin.

CM Punk: I'm calling it now, match of the night!

Joey Styles: Samoa Joe is still watching from his chair at ringside, and I am sure Jeff Hardy is in the back, watching this one closely, as well.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

The match begins and the crowd is split, cheering for both men. Aries offers a test of strength and Bryan accepts. They lock hands but Bryan goes to the at and attempts to lift Aries up for a fireman's carry but Aries flips out of it and throws a swift kick to the back of Bryan's leg. Daniel Bryan takes it and throws a kick in return. They trade kicks before Aries catches Bryan. Bryan goes for an enziguri but A-Double ducks and launches Daniel Bryan into the corner. Aries then spears him into the ring post and begins to throw chest chops at him. Aries then backs up and runs at Bryan but eats a size twelve boot when Bryan lifts up his leg. The American Dragon then takes him down with a chop block. A-Double is down and Bryan comes at him with a leaping kneedrop, crushing Aries' skull into the canvas. He goes for the pin but Aries' shoulder is up before two. Bryan then applies a chin lock and throws knees into the spine of Austin Aries. He then releases the lock, and while Aries is sitting up, Bryan bounces off the ropes and comes back with a forceful kick to the face! He goes for another pin attempt and once again, Austin Aries is up before two!

Shane Douglas: This match has started off with a bang!

Joey Styles: That's for damn sure.

Both men are to their feet and they lock up. Aries whips him off the ropes and when Bryan comes at him, A-Double connects with a knee to the ribs of Daniel Bryan.

CM Punk: That was a rib-rattler! Haha! Joey's such a goon.

Aries then connects with a rolling elbow, pounding down on the chest of the American Dragon, Daniel Bryan. Aries rolls him over and locks in a Texas Cloverleaf but Bryan kicks him out of it, and pulls Aries down for a small package pin! Aries kicks out quickly! Both men are up fast and Aries bounces off the ropes, throwing a forearm at his opponenet. Bryan ducks and kicks him in the gut. He then hits him with a knee to the skull and pulls him in for a belly to belly. He goes for the suplex but A-Double reverses into his own Belly to Belly Overhead Suplex! Bryan hits the mat with a thud and rolls out of the ring, landing on his feet. Aries wastes no time as he runs across the ring, dives under the middle rope and lays out himself and Bryan with a suicide dive.

Joey Styles: How many guys do you know who can dive under the middle rope?

CM Punk: Did you know these men once wrestled for eighty minutes?

Both men are struggling to get to their feet on the outside and once they do, Aries throws Bryan at the steel steps but Bryan leaps on them, and flips himself backwards for a moonsault! It takes Aries down and Bryan is up quickly! Bryan picks up Austin Aries but it appears Aries has pulled something out of his tights and put it on his hands. Aries hits Bryan in the head and it is now noticeable that it was brass knuckles!

Shane Douglas: Aries hit Bryan with the Brass Knucks and it looks like The American Dragon is busted open.

Aries rolls him in the ring as the blood spews from Daniel Bryan's forehead! Austin Aries continues hitting him with the brass knuckles, targeting the open wound. Aries picks him up and positions him on the top turnbuckle. He goes to the top turnbuckle as well and attempts a side suplex but in mid-air, Bryan reverses it into a crossbody!

CM Punk: Epic reversal from the Dragon!

Daniel Bryan lands on Aries in a pinning predicament.




Bryan's blood is now stained on the chest of Austin Aries. Daniel Bryan is up and he glances at Samoa Joe, who could be a future opponenet for him tonight if he can somehow beat Austin Aries and then beat Jeff Hardy.


Joey Styles: Bryan could need a blood transfusion after tonight!

Bryan refocuses on Aries and he picks him up, looking for a suplex. However, Aries reverses and picks Bryan up instead, and he connects with the Brainbuster! Lights are out for Daniel Bryan and Aries covers him...




Shane Douglas: Bryan is still in this!

Aries picks him up again, looking for another brainbuster but Bryan reverses into a northern lights suplex pin!



A-Double kicks out!

Both men are up and Bryan delivers a kick to Aries skull, knocking him back down. Daniel Bryan heads to the top rope and wastes no time in diving across the ring, with a headbutt! He connects, butting heads with Austin Aries! Bryan rolls him over for the pin!




Bryan can't believe it, and he now locks in the crossface! Aries tries to fight it but Bryan clinches it in tighter. Aries is able to get to his knees but Bryan still has the hold applied! Aries lifts him on his shoulder and stands up with Bryan on his back!

Joey styles: Look at the strength from Austin Aries!

Aries falls back with a samoan drop! With Bryan down, Aries heads to the top rope. He leaps off and connects with a 450 splash from the top turnbuckle, landing on his opponenet! Aires goes for the pin, looking to end it here.



Thr... KICKOUT!!!

Joey Styles: How the hell did Daniel Bryan kick out?

Aries is standing in disbelief but Bryan is still down and A-Double heads to the top rope once again. He tries for a 450 once again but Daniel Bryan rolls out of the way and dodges a bullit! Aries is clinching his ribs in pain as he crashed and burned. Bryan locks in the crossface on Aries, once again!

CM Punk: Crossface locked in again!

Aries doesn't have much fight left in him and Bryan continues to apply pressure. Aries gives it all he has to fight out of it, but it isn't enough and he has no choice but to tap out!

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

Reby Sky: Here is your winner and advancing to face Jeff Hardy in the semifinals of the Championship tournament, Daniel Bryan!

Bryan exits the ring and gets in Samoa Joe's face. They begin to talk trash and Bryan picks up a microphone.

Daniel Bryan: Jeff Hardy, it's you and me! The winner faces Samoa Joe in the main event for the IWF Heavyweight Championship. Now why wait until later? I am ready to continue fighting! Get your ass out here and let's have our match, right now!

CM Punk: I'm a fan of Bryan's ring work but how stupid is this. He could have a break and his dumbass wants to keep fighting!

Jeff Hardy wastes no time getting to ringside and Bryan/Hardy brawl on the outside. The referee goes ahead and orders the bell to be rung, while Samoa Joe sits down and watches the matchup. Jeff throws a closed fist, Bryan throws a chest chop, closed fist... chest chop... fist! chop! fist! chop! Things finally slow down and blood is still gushing out of Bryan's head.

Shane Douglas: If Bryan had any brains, he would have went to the back, got stitched up, and then faced Hardy.

Jeff Hardy slams Daniel Bryan into the steel barricade. He then runs at Bryan but Bryan ducks and back body drops Hardy over the barricade, into the crowd, and down to the concrete! A fan hands Bryan a steel chair and Bryan takes it. He hits Hardy in the back with the chair! He follows up with another chair shot! A fan helps Hardy get to his feet and Bryan attempts to hit him in the skull with the chair but the Charismatic Enigma ducks and takes down Daniel Bryan with a swinging neckbreaker!

Joey Styles: The back of Bryan's head just slammed against the concrete with a wicked thud!

Hardy picks him up and throws him back over the barricade. Hardy picks up Bryan but he reverses and kicks Jeff in the gut! He then follows up with a piledriver on the arena floor! Daniel Bryan gains enough strength to pick up the deadweight of Jeff and roll him in the ring. Bryan heads to the top rope and leaps off with a diving headbutt!

CM Punk: Shades of Chris Benoit!

Shane Douglas: Did you just say, "Chris Benoit?"

CM Punk: Hell yeah, I did! This isn't fuckin WWE! It's the IWF!

Joey Styles: Back to the match, both men are laid out in the center of the ring. Who will gain momentum? Who will move on to face Samoa Joe for the IWF Heavyweight Championship?

Bryan lays his arm across the chest of Jeff Hardy, looking to end it here.



Jeff Hardy kicks out!

Bryan slowly gets up and gains enough strength to help Hardy to his knees. He throws repeated kicks to Jeff Hardy's chest and attempts a headkick but Hardy ducks and brings Bryan down with an inverted neck breaker. Hardy takes off his shirt, throws it in the crowd and heads to the top rope. It looks like he took too much time because Bryan is up to his feet, and is on the top rope as well. The American Dragon picks Hardy up on his shoulder and brings him down with a huge superplex from the top rope! Bryan with the cover, once again...




Bryan is irate and argues with the referee, claiming Hardy's shoulders were down for three. Hardy takes advantage and rolls up Bryan with an old fashion school boy!




Both men are back to their feet as Samoa Joe continues to watch from ringside, contemplating on who his opponenet might be. Hardy swings at Bryan but he ducks and connects with a german suplex into a pin.



Kickout again!!!

In frustration, Bryan heads to the top rope, looking for another diving headbutt. He goes for it, and in a split second, Hardy jumps up, and catches Bryan into a twist of fate in mid-air!!!

Joey Styles: OH MY GOD!!!

A "Holy Shit!" chant erupts throughout the institute. Hardy is down for a second but heads to the top rope once he is up. Bryan is out and Hardy goes for a Swanton Bomb.


He connects and goes for the pin!




Joey Styles: It looks like our main event is set!

Reby Sky: Here is your winner and moving on to the championship tournament finals to face Samoa Joe, Jeff Hardy!

Jeff's music hits and he stares down Samoa Joe, before Joe walks to the back.

Shane Douglas: Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy to crown the IWF Heavyweight Champion will take place later tonight!

We head to the back where Samoa Joe is walking down the hall and is approached by a hardcore icon.


Mick Foley: Joe, I am a huge fan of yours but I have to question your decision on competiting later tonight. Look, I know the match is important to you but I have made the mistake very many times throughout my career of competiting whenever I physically didn't need to. I have dealt with concussions, Joe. They are nothing to play with but I just don't want you to end up like me. You are too good for that. But the decision is all yours, Joe. Just make the right one.

Joe ignores Foley and continues walking as Mick Foley heads to ringside.


Foley has a microphone in hand as he enters the ring. He has to stop to soak in the "Foley" chants from the respectful audiance.

Mick Foley: A few weeks ago, the word got out about Justin Credible opening the IWF. When I heard about this new pro wrestling company, I personally contacted Justin Credible and asked if I could make a special appearence on it's debut. No way in hell am I going to miss this debut! A wrestling company with insane storylines, insane promos, and insane WRESTLING!!! How awesome does that sound? And so far tonight, IWF has yet to let me down because it has been just that, INSANE! You see, that relates very dearly to my heart because throughout my career, whether I was Cactus Jack, Dude Love, Mankind, or just plain Mickey, I have been known for being a bit insane, myself. And ya know what? I am damn proud of it!


Foley proceeds to continue but is interupted...


Abyss heads down to the ring as the fans boo him. He demands a microphone from Reby Sky and gets one.

Mick Foley: Who gave you the right to come out here and interupt me?

Abyss: Someone who everyone will find out when the time is right. I am out here to deliver a message. During my tenture in TNA Wrestling, I was made into a joke. Well this is IWF and I am no joke. I am a monster! Someone is in my ear and they have brought back that monster inside of me! Mick, I was told to come out here and interupt you so remember, I am just a messanger. However, I will not be the only messanger. But since I am one of them, it is now time to deliver a message!

Abyss drops his mic and chokeslams Mick Foley in the middle of the ring!

Abyss exits the ring but finds a bang underneath it. He brings the bag inside the ring and turns it upside down. Hundreds of thumbtacks pour from the bag on to the canvas! The Monster picks up Mick Foley and hits him with the black hole slam on the thumbtacks in the middle of the ring! R-Truth runs out to the ring and has a barbed wire baseball bat in his hand, much like the one Foley used throughout his career. It looks as if he is coming out to make the save and Abyss exits the ring. However, R-Truth proceeds to beat down Foley with the barbed wire bat, hitting him over and over! Security rushes the ring but Truth takes them out with the bat as well. There are three security guards along with Mick Foley, laid out in the ring as Truth stands there talking to himself. He then walks off with Abyss.

Joey Styles: That is a horrific scene. I honestly don't know what to say.

CM Punk: I want to know what kind of partnership Abyss and Truth have going on and who is in their ear.

Shane Douglas: What kind of sick individual would construct a beatdown like we just witnessed?

We go to the back where Justin Credible has all the IWF tag teams in his office. In attendance are The Briscoe Brothers, The Motor City Machine Guns, Generation Me, Teddy Hart and Tyson Kidd, and Barreta and Hawkins.

Justin Credible: I have called you all here because I wanted to discuss the direction of the tag team division in IWF. Tag Team wrestling is something that isn't as strong as it used to be in the glory days of wrestling. No wrestling promotion out there has a credible tag division anymore. I want IWF to bring back credibility to the tag division. We will have the best tag team division out there and we will put tag team wrestling back on the map! Now to crown the tag champs, I have decided, I will book you all in matches the next several weeks and eventually I will choose who I think are the two best teams. Those teams will face off for the tag belts at the next IWF PPV event, Born to Bleed. So over the next several weeks, all of your matches will be evaluated very closely, and it all starts tonight because up next, the Briscoe Brothers will be squaring off against the Motor City Machine Guns! If you want to compete for the tag belts, bust your ass the next several weeks and prove that your team is the best there is. Good luck to all of you.

We go down to the ring where Reby Sky is waiting patiently to introduce the tag team contest.

Reby Sky: This next contest is scheduled for one fall and is a tag team match! Introducing first...


Reby Sky: From Sandy Fork, Deleware, at a combined weight of 430 pounds, Jay and Mark, The Briscoe Brothers! And there opponenets...


Reby Sky: From Detroit, Michigan, at a combined weight of 420 pounds, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, The Motor City Machine Guns!

Shane Douglas: This should be an exciting match. Glad to see tag team wrestling being brought back to life here in IWF.

CM Punk: I'm suprised tag team wrestling didn't die for good when the Dynamic Dudes made there debut.

It appears as if Mark Briscoe and Alex Shelley will be kicking things off in this matchup. Chris Sabin and Jay Briscoe are in their respective corners as their tag team partners lock up. Mark backs Shelley into the corner and throws a few chest chops. He then connects with some repeated closed fists to the temple of Shelley, before whipping him across the ring. Shelley jets at him with a flying forearm, and follows up with a spinning heel kick. He then comes down on Mark with a knee to the chest, before tagging in his partner. Chris Sabin heads to the top rope and leaps at Briscoe with a diving crossbody but Mark catches him! He drops him with a sidewalk slam and tags in Jay, who springboards off the top rope with a flying elbow drop into a pin.



Jay gets Sabin off his feet and throws some european uppercuts. He then goes for a clothesline but Sabin ducks and dropkicks Jay Briscoe out of the ring! Jay is on his feet on the outside and Sabin comes running across the ring, only to leap over the top rope and connect with a diving senton, crashing on Jay Briscoe! Mark runs around the ring, looking to come to his brother's aid but Alex Shelley springboards himself from the top rope and lands on Mark with a moonsault on the outside!

CM Punk: High flying action coming from everywhere!

Sabin rolls Jay back inside the ring and goes for a cover.




Sabin picks up Jay over his shoulder and Shelley jumps from the top rope connecting with a dropkick as Sabin drives Jay Briscoe down with a spinebuster!

Joey Styles: Tag Team wrestling at it's finest!

Chris Sabin with the pin attempt!



Mark Briscoe runs in and breaks the pin! He then superkicks Alex Shelley and heads back to his team's corner. Sabin is up and whips Jay into the corner. He then positions him on the top rope, looking for a top rope side suplex, until Jay throws elbows and knocks Sabin on his back. Jay Briscoe rakes advantage and goes for a moonsault off the top rope but Chris Sabin rolls out of harm's way.

CM Punk: Crash and burn. High risk doesn't always call for high reward!

Both men are down and slowly, they look to crawl towards their corners to make a tag. Finally, Alex Shelley is tagged in and now, Mark Briscoe is in as well. Shelley sprints at Briscoe but is turned inside out when Mark takes him down with an impactful clothesline. Mark goes for the pin!



Shelley's shoulder is up!

In frustration, Mark Briscoe shoves the referee down but he takes no shit from anybody as the ref jumps back up and pushes Mark in return. He picks up Shelley and kicks him in the gut, followed by a european uppercut, and a snap suplex attempt. He holds Shelley, high over hs shoulders but The Motor City Machine Gun reverses into a crossbody pin attempt.


Briscoe flips him over for a pin of his own.



Now Shelley rolls him over again.



Once again, Shelley is rolled over, but instead of a pin attempt, Mark picks him up and connects with a back breaker. Shelley sits up and Briscoe bounces off the ropes and connects with a boot to the face. He then tags in Jay, and Sabin runs in without being tagged! Jay Briscoe and Chris Sabin brawl it out in the middle of the ring before they collide over the top rope and out of the ring. Mark picks up Alex Shelley but Shelley connects with a spinning heel kick. He then tosses Mark out of the ring, but Jay is back in the ring and goes after Shelley but Shelley sees this and goes for a hurricanranna BUT Jay catches him and connects with the Jay-Driller in the middle of the squared circle, and the cover...




The referee calls for the bell as this one comes to a close.

Reby Sky: Here are your winners, Jay and Mark, The Briscoe Brothers!

Shane Douglas: If the Briscoe's win over the Guns didn't impress Justin Credible, I don't know what will.

Joey Styles: The Briscoes will be a threat to every tag team in IWF.

The Briscoe's theme hits and they celebrate as our cameras go to the back. We go to the lockeroom where James Storm and JBL are passed out in the floor. Justin Credible walks in, very unhappy.

Justin Credible: Wake up! I said, wake the fuck up!

They have still yet to move.

Justin Credible: That's fine. Since the two of you think getting drunk and passing out is more important than the tournament tonight, I will bring in someone who knows how to drink, teach you a thing or two. Like Mick Foley, he too is a special guest here tonight. And by God, he couldn't have came at a better time.


The Sandman walks in with a singapore cane in one hand and a beer in the other. He chugs the beer and then begins to cane the hell out of the drunken Storm and Bradshaw. They wake up in screaming pain as Sandman pulls another beer out of his pocket and hands it to Justin Credible. They drink beer as they look at the welts from the kendo stick all over the bodies of James Storm and JBL.

We go back down to ringside as the announcers hype up tonight's main event.


Joey Styles: That picture says it all, folks. Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe to crown the first ever IWF Heavyweight Champion!

Shane Douglas: But what that picture doesn't say is Samoa Joe is suffering from a severe concussion, he suffered earlier tonight in a first round tournament match, against Rob Van Dam.

Joey Styles: Lets go to the back, where Lauren Brooke is standing by with Jeff Hardy before the big main event match.

Lauren Brooke: Jeff, your title match is up next and I just wanted to get a word with you about your opponenet, Samoa Joe. What are your thoughts on him competiting in the condition he is in?

Jeff Hardy: Honestly, I am not sure if he has balls or he is just plain stupid. But I have always respected Samoa Joe and now I respect him that much more that he is willing to go out there and put his career and maybe even his life on the line for the IWF Heavyweight Championship. Unfortunately, he is going in there with me, and Joe, after everything is all said and done, don't use your concussion as an excuse for the outcome of the match.

Hardy's music hits and he walks towards the curtain and down to ringside.


Reby Sky: This next contest is for the IWF Heavyweight Championship and is your main event of the evening. Introducing first, from Cameron, North Carolina, The Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy!


Reby Sky: and his opponenet, from the Isle of Samoa, the Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe!

Joe enters the ring, concussion and all, as the fans chant his name. Both men have entered and this match is ready to get underway.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

The crowd is split in half as both men are liked by the NYC fans. Samoa Joe pushes Hardy, and Hardy pushes him right back, and then they lock up! Joe applies a tight waist lock but Hardy slithers out, very quickly. He has the arm of Samoa Joe and brings him down with an arm drag but Joe jumps to his feet and takes Hardy down with a clothesline. Once Hardy is up, he gets taken down with a second clothesline. Up again and down again with clothesline number three! Joe then bounces off the ropes and throws his body at Hardy on the mat but Hardy rolls out of the way and follows up with a dropkick! Hardy whips Joe off the ropes but he comes back with a shoulder block. He then rolls Hardy over into a one-legged Boston Crab submission hold. But not for long as Hardy rolls himself over and kicks Joe away. Joe runs back at him but Hardy catches him in a small package.



Both men are up and they start brawling. Hardy kicks Joe in the gut and runs at him but Joe counters with a back body drop. He then goes to the top rope.

CM Punk: Only in IWF will you see a near three hundred pound man go to the top rope.

Before Joe can go high risk, Hardy is up and on the top rope as well. They brawl back and before before connecting at the same time with a punch to the head, sending both men off the top turnbuckle on to the outside of the ring, crashing on the concrete floor! Both men are down for the short being, until Hardy is up first, and then Joe. Jeff goes for a drop kick but Joe catches him and takes him down with a clothesline. A fan near ringside, takes off his prostetic leg and hands it to Samoa Joe!

Shane Douglas: What the fuck?

The fans begin to chant, "Use his leg!" and Joe agree. He smacks Hardy across the back with it and hands the fan his leg back.

Joey Styles: Oh my God! Joe just hit Jeff Hardy with a prostetic leg from one of the fans at ringside.

Joe rolls Hardy back into the ring and looks underneath the ring. He finds a garbage can full of weapons and tosses it into the ring. Joe goes back into the ring and pulls a kendo stick out of the garbage can. He swings at Hardy's legs but Hardy jumps over it and avoids the strike. Hardy connects with a punch to the face and a kick to the gut, forcing Joe to drop the kendo stick. He picks the cane up for his own use, connecting with a shot to Joe's abdominal region. He then strikes him in the back. Hardy goes for a head shot but Joe catches it and takes it away. Joe kicks Hardy and then uses the kendo stick across Hardy's throat, connecting with a russian leg sweep. Joe throws the stick out of the ring, into the crowd. He goes for the cover, looking to end things early on.




Joe picks up the Charismattic Enigma and attempts a rear naked choke but he reverses and takes Joe down with a Jaw Buster! Once The Samoan Submission Machine is to his feet, Hardy goes to the top, looking for whisper in the wind, but misses because Joe walks away with his signature dodge from the aerial move. Joe then glances at the crowd as they chant his name.


He picks up Hardy and throws some chest chops. There is a "Wooo!" chant after every chop, paying respect to the legendary, Ric Flair.

CM Punk: The concussion hasn't noticably effected Samoa Joe.

Joe picks up the garbage can lid and plants Hardy with a strike to the temple. He then lays it on the canvas and connects with a DDT, smashing Jeff Hardy on to the gabage can lid.

Joey Styles: Jeff Hardy may have a concussion after that DDT on the metal lid!

Joe is now looking for a pin.



Hardy's shoulder is up!

Joe turns him over and locks in a Texas Cloverleaf Submission hold! It is locked in and pressure is applied to Hardy's legs and lower back. He is struggling to get to the ropes and finally he does but it doesn't matter because this is IWF and there are no rules except for pinfalls and submissions in the ring! Hardy is in a lot of pain but won't tap out. Joe finally lets go and Hardy crawls out of the ring. He uses the apron to help himself up on the outside but Joe runs across the ring and leaps through the middle rope with a suicide dive, crashing into Jeff Hardy on the outside of the ring! Joe picks him up and is looking for a powerbomb on the concrete but Hardy reverses into a hurricanranna on the concrete floor of the Institute arena! In desperation, Jeff Hardy picks up a chair and smacks it in the back of his opponenet. He lets Joe stand up, and goes for another shot to the back but Joe connects with a pele kick, smacking the chair into Hardy's temple! Joe picks up Hardy and tosses him into the steel barricade, looking to clothesline him over the barricade but Hardy ducks and connects with a backbody drop, over the barricade. Hardy then stands on top of the barricade and dives off with an elbow drop. They are laid out in the midst of the IWF fans. Hardy is up and so is Joe, now. They begin to brawl back and forth as they head over to the entrance stage area. Hardy climbs up a fifteen foot high, steel tower that is apart of the staging design. He then leaps off at Samoa Joe with a diving crossbody!!! An "IWF" chant circulates throughout the arena as both men are laid out on the floor!

Joey Styles: Oh my God!

The entire IWF roster is shown watching this match from a television monitor in the back. After a couple minutes, Hardy is back to his feet. He assists Joe to his feet and they head back down to the ring. Hardy rolls Joe into the ring and waits for Joe to stand. Once he does, Hardy kicks him and connects with the Twist of Fate! Hardy sees a potential win here as he goes for the pin attempt.





The fans go crazy and Hardy can't believe it. He throws his shirt into the crowd and heads to the top rope. Hardy poses for the NYC crowd, before leaping off with the Swanton Bomb... BUT Joe lifts his knees up and Hardy's back hits them hard!

Shane Douglas: This has been an excellent match! I am not sure who will get the win. Both men fully deserve the IWF Title, no doubt.

Joey Styles: Remember Samoa Joe has only competed once here tonight, while Jeff Hardy has competed twice already.

CM Punk: Yeah but Joe is battling a severe concussion!

Joe rolls him over, looking for a pin of his own.




Joe picks up Hardy over his shoulders, looking for the Muscle Buster, but Hardy flips himself over, going under Joe's legs and binging him down for a pin.



Joe kicks out!

Both men are up and Joe kicks Hardy. He then lifts him up for a powerbomb and connects! Instead of dropping him, he connects with a second powerbomb, and a third! Hardy is spread out in the middle of the ring after Joe hit him with a triple powerbomb combination! Joe grabs another steel chair from the outside and brings it into play. He waits for Hardy to stand and when he finally does, Joe cracks him over the head with the chair! Joe then throws down the chair and goes for another pin attempt.





CM Punk: Nearfall after nearfall!

Joe can't believe Hardy kicked out, again. Joe picks up Hardy but Hardy shoves him away, and runs at him. However, Joe catches him and connects with a scoop slam! Joe follows up by picking him up and this time successful with the Muscle Buster!

Shane Douglas: It's over!

Joe looking for the pin, is confident that he has picked up a victory.





Joey Styles: How the hell did Hardy kickout again?

There is not a single fan sitting down as they chant, "Let's go Hardy!" Joe is stunned! He can't believe what he is seeing. He exits the ring and finds a table, underneath it. Joe sets up the table on the outside and heads back towards the ring to get Hardy, but Hardy is already up and connects with a baseball slide! Hardy, then springboards himself off the top rope, on to the outside, landing a moonsault on Joe! Once Hardy is up, he rolls Joe into the ring and finds a ladder, from under the ring. Of course he has to use it as he slides it inside the ring.

Shane Douglas: That is no short ladder. Has to be at least 25 feet!

Hardy throws the ladder into Joe, and then leans it up against the corner turnbuckle. Hardy whips Joe towards the ladder but Joe stops himself, before he hits the ladder. Hardy runs at him and Joe catches him with an atomic drop, followed up by a snap suplex on the ladder!

Joe drags him off the ladder and throws it outside, near the table. Samoa Joe, goes for yet another pin attempt.




Before the official's hand comes all the way down for three, Hardy's shoulder is up AGAIN!!!

Joey Styles: Jeff Hardy will not give up!

Joe is in complete frustration and he throws Jeff over the top rope onto the floor. He leaves the ring as well and bounces Hardy's head off the table! He then picks him up, looking to hit him with a muscle buster through the table! However, Hardy kicks out of it and hits a Twist of Fate on the concrete!

Shane Douglas: Joe is out cold!

Hardy is up and uses all of his strength to pick up Joe's dead weight and lay him on the table. Hardy then positions the ladder, near the table and proceeds to climb it.

Joey Styles: Don't do it Jeff!


Hardy leaps off the ladder, connecting with the Swanton Bomb, on Samoa Joe through the table!!!

CM Punk: I will say it for you, Joey. OH MY GOD!!!

Both men are down for two or three minutes as the fans chant, "Holy shit!" Hardy is up first and he rolls Samoa Joe into the ring, and slides in the ring as well. He crawls to Joe and lays one arm across Joe's chest...




CM Punk: What a battle! As much as I dislike Jeff Hardy, I respect the hell out of him for that performace. Same goes for Samoa Joe!

Joey Styles: It's official. Jeff Hardy is the first ever IWF Heavyweight Champion!

Reby Sky: Here is your winner and new IWF Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Hardy!

Both men are still down in the center of the ring, as Justin Credible comes to the ring with the Championship belt. He helps Hardy to his feet and calls for the medical staff to come tend to Joe. The Samoan Submission Machine refuses medical attention and he walks on his own, out of the ring and to the back. The fans are cheering in respect for Samoa Joe. Justin Credible hands Hardy his title and he exits the ring, posing with the IWF Heavyweight Championship as the Pay Per View comes to a close.


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I really enjoyed that show, keep it going!