I thought both were fine but easily below the quality of most of the rest of the show in my mind.
The only thing I really cared much for in the first episode was Mac's face getting progressively more fucked up, although even that was a little off for me, because it felt more like a Dee bit. The revelation of Charlie's apartment being much bigger than anyone knew was kinda cool though.
I preferred the second episode, but once again, I just feel like the set-up to everything was very clunky and unconvincing. The gang never really needed much of a strong basis for any of their schemes but these days it seems like they just fly into whatever the scheme is with such little basis, which is why I say I feel like the newer episodes always seem rushed, both in the writing process and in the performances sometimes. The highlight was definitely Mac meeting his uncle, that scene was great. The reveal of Charlie's sisters who haven't been mentioned at all since like the first season, was a pretty big letdown, considering they supposedly only did that story for the fans who remembered that they mentioned Charlie's sisters that one time.
And in the end, the episode just closed on such a flat note for me. Based on the title of the episode, I definitely hoped for something better.
Edit: I also feel like they spend too much time these days explaining what's happening in society, when back in the day they'd just give some radically uninformed takes and roll with that. Also it seems like the side characters at this point are bigger pieces of shit than the main characters, taking Charlie's sisters as an example. I feel like the essence of main characters has been diluted so much at this point.
I don't enjoy being so critical of this show but that's just my takeaways.
I think there will for sure be better episodes to come this season.