Royal Rumble Is this the year for a shock Rumble winner?

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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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I hope so but I doubt it will be anything too shocking. But it has been a while since there were any surprising ones.

I recall 1993, I don't think any of my friends thought Yokozuna was going to win. I mean, looking back on it, it actually made sense since Bret Hart was the champion and they really needed a heel for him to go up against. They couldn't go with Shawn Michaels as he was feuding with Marty Janetty. Hart faced Razor Ramon at the Rumble. Actually Lex Luger would have been a good choice since he debuted that night but they didn't do surprise entrants back then.

Anyway, I'd like to see something really different. I'd also like to see a first time winner though. I wouldn't mind Bray Wyatt or Chris Jericho. Jericho actually might not be shocking, because it already seems like he and KO are heading towards an encounter. That might actually be a good way to completely break them apart. Jericho wins and faces KO at WrestleMania. Would be nice, but I guess not really shocking.

Well that post was all over the place.

I'm not sure what the list is of "Best superstars to NEVER win a Royal Rumble" but remember hearing in 2009 that Y2J never won one and actually having to look that up in disbelief. Would be a hell of a legacy-endorser for Jericho to win one now...

Not just that, but the Raw/Smackdown divide plays in well there, as well as that time when he pinned AJ Styles (if he's still champ) at Mania 32 for no reason whatsoever. It would actually be some fun storyline fuel as he goes after Styles again, before clicking that pin and turning on his best friend...


The Architect
Nov 4, 2016
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Moncton, New Brunswick, CA
It would actually be some fun storyline fuel as he goes after Styles again, before clicking that pin and turning on his best friend...

Or who knows, maybe he never planned to turn on his best friend & they just fooled us.

Finn comes back, tries to get the Title shot at WM & is entered into the RR by Foley after KO screws him out of a qualifying match.

KO: "No... no that's not fair... that wasn't the deal, he already had his shot Mick, & he blew it"

**HHH comes out: "Fine Foley you want to play that way... Balor if you win, you get your title shot but KO, you WILL be IN the RR & for the first time ever, if you win, you get to choose who your opponent is at WM"

RR, 5 guys left in the ring... Roman, Balor, KO, Zayne, Seth

Everybody gets up & regains composure... KO in 1 corner, the rest in another & then KO realizes while all 5 guys are staring at him that they all hate him. Obviously they all gang up on him & almost eliminate him until HHH comes out of no where with a sledge hammer to Roman's face, & then everyone else as well.

HHH & KO throw Seth & Roman both out **Crowd pops! Foley runs down with a barbwire bat & beats HHH, points at the screen as the clock begins counting down from 30 for the 30th entrant.
Countdown clock gets to 10 seconds & switches to Jericho's entrance clock & KO can't believe it.
Y2J comes to the ring as Foley, Seth & Roman watch & stand guard over HHH

JBL - WELL THIS IS HARDLY FAIR!! ...That idiot Foley isn't even in the match!! ....All of these men hate him, this is a conspiracy!!

While KO is staring at Jericho, Zayne tries to capitalize & eliminate KO but gets eliminated himself in the process. KO puts his finger to his head like he's smart & he knew Zayne was gonna do that but Y2J runs in behind him and knocks him down, beating on him in a rage. Eventually Jericho eliminates KO.

Y2J & Balor left... Jericho extends his hand & Finn shakes it.

Fast Forward after a bunch of close calls, Finn's on the top about to hit the double stomp on Jericho. KO pulls his leg & he face plants... KO gets in & picks Balor up for the power bomb as the rest try to run in & help but it's too late... KO powerbombs Finn over the top onto Seth & Roman.

KO & Jericho rejoice & celebrate: "WE WON THE ROYAL RUMBLE... WE'RE BEST FRIENDS!!!"

KO grabs a mic: "You all thought you could use jealousy to split us up but we're smarter than you. You all said I was jealous of Jericho but look, look what I gave up for my best friend! ...And I know what all of you are thinking. I have to face my best friend at WM but here's the thing" **Gives mic to Jericho

Jericho - AJ Styles... you're not the best. I am the best in the world at what I do & my best friend Kevin Owens is the best at what he does... because we're best friends ...& at WM we will prove it to all of you by walking out with all the gold & owning this business. We're smarter than all of you which is exactly why we created this master plan... and you all fell for it

...because you're all a bunch of stupid idiots ***spikes the mic

RAW, Seth, Roman & Finn get put in an EC match to see who the #1 contender is for the Universal since they were all screwed over at the RR.
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Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
So...late mail...

Orton wins the Rumble...
Bray Wyatt wins the World title at the Elimination Chamber...

Wrestlemania Card:
Lesnar vs Goldberg...
Orton vs. Wyatt for the World Title...
Reigns vs. Strowman for the Universal Title...
Jericho vs. Owens for the United States Title...
Undertaker vs. Finn Balor
A.J Styles vs. Shane McMahon (Ugh...)
John Cena vs. Samoa Joe

Like I said...these are late rumors circling around...

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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No way in hell Orton wins the Rumble. Plus, Wyatt/Orton feud doesn't need a title.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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I like Orton, but him winning the biggest Rumble ever would be a bit underwhelming. Then again, I'll take Orton (or anyone else, really) over Goldberg any day.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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I actually don't like Orton but I am completely fine with him winning. If it means that Bray Wyatt will win the EC and the two will face each other for the World title at WrestleMania rather than having both Reigns and Cena in the two World title matches, I'll be completely happy with that.

Orton vs Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania would be a nice change in my opinion.


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
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Orton would shock me, I just feel like Jericho, Balor, Joe, even Lesnar would be better candidates.