Calling Goldust being a veteran putting over Sheamus is like saying Randy Ortons RKO victory over Val Venis on an episode of RAW is a veteran putting over a young star. Goldy and Val, as much as I love those guys *Goldust sig anyone?* are/were jobbers. Sheamus will gain nothing from this.
Anyways, I already posted my opinion on this topic, until Enzo tried to make comparisons to WWE saying ECW was better. So I've really got nothing left to add.
It's pretty obvious Russo booking > Jarrett at this point.
Well no need to address some of the stuff thanks to CMStar. Appreciate it, pal.
ECW is better. It accomplishes two things TNA doesn't, 1. It creates fresh faces and prepares them for the BIG time (Kofi, Hart Dynasty and Evan Bourne are all perfect examples) and it gives some better placement for stale veterans to help establish and familiarize fans with the new faces.And they have *SURPRISE SURPRISE* coherent and linear storylines. Regal's heel group is booked better in one hour than the MEM is booked for two. TNA doesn't do either and they really should since they don't have the fanbase that the E provides for ECW. So what if Goldust and Sheamus headlined ECW, the right booking went over and you know what we got? Progress. ECW at least leads to progress, TNA leads you in a fucking circle.
Get off your little soap box fella, just because they started pushing a guy to a world title means squat if he's a former multiple time champ anyways. It's not progress if your looking to the past to try and kick start the present, it's TNA going full fucking circle again. See a pattern? And don't try and generalize me as a "trendy" TNA hater, I hate what I find terrible. I'm not hating with blind hate like you seemingly do with WWE with your minute generalizations and trying to sum up Raw as sucking because of Chavo-Hornswoggle again. Yah, you might not like it, nor do I, but I'll tell you this, that fuckin midget is far more over and gets more heat than anyone on the TNA roster, so what's that say for your precious TNA?
Your just a blind fanboy more than I am a "trendy" hater. Your all joyed that TNA is finally more "watchable" now that the money has told the shitty booking to fix this broken product of hers or his ass will be on the street with his ol buddy Double J. Just because a promotion becomes a little more bearable because they start doing things that make a little sense doesn't make it :
The product is the BEST 2 hours of wrestling you will ever see. Guaranteed.
Nothing goes from being the absolute worst wrestling program to what your lying about in a few weeks, especially if what's making sense is something that has already been done before. It's still going in circles and if
YOU'VE watched it before you will have known that AJ's been world champ before, that Joe has been X-champ before and battled Chris Daniels for that strap before and that no matter how the Sting-retirement angle goes it wont matter since only less than 1.5 million people watch this damn thing. You'd think you know this since you watch it so much. Not to mention while this has been what you claim to be :
the BEST 2 hours of wrestling you will ever see. Guaranteed.
the ratings have gone down. You should educate yourself a little bit before you show your obvious lack of wrestling knowledge.
So to sum it up ECW fulfills it's purpose and is booked much more coherently than TNA is and it has forward progress. So in that sense ECW IS better than TNA has ever been, plus it doesn't insult my fucking intelligence everytime I watch it. I'm glad your enjoying the first "watchable" episodes TNA has produces in three and a half years, but don't fucking insult my intelligence with really oversold remarks like this dandy:
The product is the BEST 2 hours of wrestling you will ever see. Guaranteed.
Because unless you like watching shit that books in circles than this is a flat out lie.