IPW: Impact Pro Wrestling

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The Rated R CMStar

BM: The Fatal Four Way. It was a good match that flowed with nice spots. The ending was well thought but I don't know if I completely like it. I liked Orton using and then throwing out of the ring the steel chair, as it set him as a good heel.

WM: Abyss vs Jobber, obvious reasons, however, it does put Abyss over.

BP: Tbh, this was a complicated decision. All promos had a knock against. I didn't enjoy the interaction between HBK and Bischoff in the opening one. I didn't like Jeremy Borash calling himself JB instead of his full name. The apple spat didn't get enough emphasis. I am going the Cage and Kennedy promo though.

WP: The rest. Not on their entirety, but all had those knocks I mentioned before against.

AC: Promos were off in this show, altough with the matches you made up for them. I see that you are pushing again Matt Striker. Let's see where that goes. I see that you also write dark matches. Shocking to see Matt Sydal jobbing.

Check out BTW, show has been posted


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Explosion Review

Dark Match: Good match. I like the idea of having a dark match. Dean Roll's name should be changed to Rick Roll. Then call his finishing move Rock Rolled; as in "Matt Sydal just got Rick Rolled!"

Opening promo- Some of the dialog just seemed very dry and generic. This is a problem that I have too.

Mickie James vs. Victoria- A really good match. This is the best womens match that I've read on this forum (excluding Roxie's WWR).

Santino/Bishoff promo- Bishoff is way too nice. He shopuld have ripped Santino a new one for calling him "Bitchoff"

Striker promo- Not bad. Interesting choice to pair Striker and Melina.

Striker vs. D-Lo- Good match. A basic heel vs. face match, but still good.

Christian/Kennedy promo- Really good. The characters of both men came across nicely here.

Tag Title match: Another really good match. Lots of chaos, and everything flowed well.

Carlito/Reagl promo- It would have made more sence for Regal to attack Carlito after the apple was spit.

Abyss Squash- A basic squash match.

AJ Styles promo- It could have been better. Everyone that cuts a promo sees way to happy.

Main Event- Great match. Good use of nearfalls and the ending of the match was great.

BM: Main Event
WM: Abyss Squash
BP: Christian/Kennedy promo
WP: Santino/Bishoff promo
AC: Good first show. Your matches are good, the only thing you need to work on is your promos. I'll be sure to keep reading.
Plug: POI Episode 29 will be posted shortly. If you get the chance drop a review.


News and Rumours of IPW

A rumour has been floating around the world that IPW have signed a huge talent to their roster, we are not sure who it is or if they are even a wrestler but their is a possibility someone has been signed!

Owner of IPW, Eric Bishoff has named where the next PPV "No Way Out" will be. The show will be in New York City, New York!

Rumour has it that one of the wrestlers in the IPW Development squad will debut in time to come. We are unsure of who it will be but if this is true it will happen in the next 1-2 months!

The current dark matches that take place before every Explosion show will become once every two shows, this will begin after IPW's next PPV, No Way Out!

Preview for Explosion

Carlito Vs William Regal
After the encounter that these two had last Wednesday what will do down this Wednesday?! Both of these men will be looking for the win to become the #1 favourite to make the IPW Television title match! What will happen?

X-Division title match
This Wednesday for the first time in IPW our X-Division wrestlers will be in action! This isn't any ordinary match, this is a fatal four way match but what makes this special is what the winner will get, the IPW X-Division title! It will be Jamie Noble Vs Chris Sabin Vs Jay Lethal Vs Christopher Daniels, who will win?! Find out this Wednesday!

Mr Kennedy Vs Christian Cage
After what occurred between these two last Wednesday they will both be looking to inflict pain on one another. Check out what goes down between the two on Explosion!

Victory Highlight Reel
This marks the first ever Highlight Reel in IPW and what a special one it is, Y2J Chris Jericho will be celebrating his current success in becoming the first ever IPW World Heavyweight Champion! See what he has to say this Wednesday on Explosion!!!

If you check this out please feel free to review the show...

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Heres my late review for your first show man.

Matt Sydal versus Dean Roll: Good dark match, and show opener. Show cased what you have in store for the future. Will you always feature developmental talent?

Opening Promo: Generic to say the least. Showed each star's attitude (kinda).

Mickie James vs. Victoria: Great diva match. With tons of action (for a bunch of broads JK!) all around. Mickie with the win is good.

Santino, and Eric: Stupid how do you say? "Italliano's". Watch The Itallian Outsider call me out. He's getting squashed next week most definatly.

Matt Striker versus D-LO: Just like in YTW you will push Striker down are throats. LOL @ Striker with Melina. Good match here to begin the uh "televised" male action.

Christian Cage, and Jeremy Borash: I saw some Edge in there lol. Good promo, but I think it would have added to Cage's attitude if he cut Kennedy off in his "MISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTEEEEEERRRRRRR KEEEEEEENNNNNNEDY" line.

IPW Tag Titles Match: The best team won it in my opinion. Stick with the titles kids!! Good match that really set a pace for the show.. Not the best pace but it was average.

Carlito, and Regal: To short, as CMS said the promo's weren't the best in the show. You should have blown up the apple being spat on Regal's face rather than just make it an everyday thing.

Abyss Squash: Before I comment the match what is with the US title mix up with Adamle?? Weird man.. Anyways, its a squash what is there to comment?

AJ's actions, and interview: Bad grammy on Aj's part :sad:. Whats up with the promo's man? They aren't your best work at all. Abyss being a heel is something I miss, and I hope he sticks with the role.

Main Event: Best match, which was awesome. Y2J as champ is something I did in ECW!! Great champ, and match. Can't wait for high light reel next week!

AC: Average debut show. The promo's could've been so much better, and killed the show IMO. Overall, its looking good, and I'm excited to read the shows man.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Explosion picks
Carlito Vs William Regal

Jamie Noble Vs Chris Sabin Vs Jay Lethal Vs Christopher Daniels

Mr Kennedy Vs Christian Cage

The Rated R CMStar

Explosion picks
Carlito Vs William Regal

Jamie Noble Vs Chris Sabin Vs Jay Lethal Vs Christopher Daniels

Mr Kennedy Vs Christian Cage

I predict that a feud will start at the Highlight Reel, with that someone either being the guest or interfering.

Check out BTW, show has been posted

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Carlito Vs William Regal
Jamie Noble Vs Chris Sabin Vs Jay Lethal Vs Christopher Daniels
Mr Kennedy Vs Christian Cage

I'd say one of the loser's off the fatal four way comes to the Highlight Reel, and the feud sparks up.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Well, here comes a late review, but it's better than none lol.

Matt Sydal vs Dean Roll: Sydal pwns Shark Boy, he should have gone over lol. Silly Sharky fan. Anyway, a nice little shorgt match. You told me this is to help you get used to your guys, and I think it's a good idea. I considered it myself. Anyway, good work. Nice finish with it looking like Sydal would win, only for Roll to pick it up :smh

Opening promo: Bischoff's music is "I'm Back", not "I'm Bad". Just thought I'd point that out :p Jericho was by far the most on character. You did pretty well with him. The others were meh. They were alright, but not exceptional. I felt the promo could have gone a lot longer, especially the beginning. The start from Bischoff should have been big, as it should have meant a lot to him. Anyway, nice main event match, I look forward to it.

Mickie James vs Victoria There was a bit of a mid-match catfight, with both women rolling around hitting each other :shifty: Solid match, and it's cool to see you try your hand at writing with the women, as most people don't (I used to). Pretty cool match, and it all went along alright, nothing really wrong. I wanted Victoria to win, but oh well.

Santino Marella/Eric Bitchoff: lulz @ Bitchoff. The rest was pretty un-Santino like. I suggest you watch him post on IWF >_>

Matt Striker promo: It was short, and it didn't really start any feuds or anything. It's pretty obvious you'll put the belt on him, as you seem pretty obsessed with him lol. You even gave him Melina :p

Matt Striker vs D'Lo Brown I didn't really enjoy this match, as I'm not huge fans of either man. I don't mind them, but I don't find them particularly captivating. I had a bit of trouble getting into the match, and I found the writing maybe a bit disjointed. The finish was a heel finish. but I felt Melina should have done more than just act slutty. Ah well, whatever.

Christian Cage/Mr Kennedy promo: Cage was .... awful. Grammar was terrible, and it didn't sound like him in the least. I am the greatest wrestling IPW signed? Come on. This was rushed, plain and simple.

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs Ryder and Hawkins vs Kaz abd Matt Bentley: I thought you did a decent job here, and you have always enjoyed doing tag team matches. The match was pretty good, and you did pretty well at making sure we knew where everyone was. The transitioning was a bit of a weakness at times, but it wasn't too bad. I like these guys as a team, so some nice winners. Hopefully you feature the tag division well.

Carlito/William Regal: Way too short for an in ring promo, and you made Carlito spitting apple in Regal's face seem like nothing. It didn't infuriate Regal, instead he just wiped it off? Weak.

Abyss vs Shanal Poor, poor Shanal lulz. AJ starting a feud with Abyss, eh?

AJ Styles promo: Being overly generic is a terrible thing, and this felt like a CAWdy Rhodes face promo more than anything else.

Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels vs Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho: It was probably match of the show, but I had trouble getting around some of the transitioning again, as you don't seem to find it to easy. It was a good match, but the finish seemed kind of heelish from Jericho. You have him as a face, yet you had him pick up the scraps from Angle. That lacked a bit of psychology, which tainted the match.

AC: Matches were pretty good, but promos were nowhere near the standard they should be IMO. You need to emphasise things better, and put some character into it. Avergae first show, IMO.


Wednesday Night Explosion

Dark Match
Kenny Dykstra Vs Cody Rhodes

The match begins as Dykstra and Rhodes bind up in the middle of the ring with a test of strength, Cody Rhodes is just able to overpower Kenny and Rhodes starts to push him backwards into the turnbuckle. The ref tells Cody to release him so he does before giving him a hard punch to the face; Rhodes then walks backwards into the center of the ring as the ref tells him off. Kenny Dykstra runs out of the corner and starts hitting Cody with hard lefts and rights, Kenny Dykstra continues doing this and he builds a lot of momentum which is quickly ended by a low kick to the stomach by Cody Rhodes. Kenny Dykstra bends down holding his stomach in pain as Cody Rhodes looks to end the match early with an Instant DDT but Kenny is able to get out of that with a hard elbow to the temple of Rhodes, Cody holds his head while slowly moving backwards only to be dropped by a cross body followed by a pin, 1…2…and Rhodes gets the shoulder up. Kenny Dykstra gets up and bends down to pick up Rhodes but Rhodes gives Kenny a hard right hand to the face, Cody Rhodes quickly gets back up to his feet and runs at Dykstra only to drop him with a quick clothesline. Kenny Dykstra gets back up and walks right into another clothesline by Rhodes, once again Dykstra gets back up. Cody Rhodes walks over to him and knees him in the mid section following up with a quick snap suplex, he goes for a pin, 1…2…and Kenny kicks out.

Cody Rhodes gets back up and stomps on the ribs of Kenny a couple of times, he then picks him up and gets him in a tight headlock. Kenny Dykstra tries to fight out of it but Cody locks it in tighter, Kenny then throws him off into the ropes and once Rhodes gets back he knocks Kenny down to the mat with a shoulder block followed by a quick pin, 1…2…and another kick out by Dykstra. Cody Rhodes smirks confidently while picking up Kenny Dykstra, he gives him a few hard right hands to the face before Irish whipping him into the turnbuckle. Cody Rhodes runs at him but when he gets to him Kenny pushes off the corner ropes and and goes over the top of Rhodes’ head, Cody turns around and runs at Dykstra only to be hit with a huge hurricanrana! Cody Rhodes goes rolling along the ground, he slowly gets back up holding his back slightly only to be dropped by a hard dropkick, Kenny goes for the pin, 1…2…and Rhodes just manages to kick out. Kenny Dykstra gets up a little frustrated, he walks over to the corner and climbs to the top rope, he waits as Cody Rhodes slowly gets up a little stunned. Rhodes gets fully up and shakes his head before turning around and seeing Dykstra diving at him for a missile dropkick but Rhodes moves to the side leaving Kenny to land chest first on the mat. Kenny Dykstra rolls around on the mat for a while holding his chest in pain, he slowly gets to his chest still in pain. Cody Rhodes grabs him and gets him in position for a Flowing DDT; Dykstra is able to Escape by tossing Rhodes over his back leaving Cody to land onto his back. Cody Rhodes lies on the mat holding his back in pain as Kenny quickly gets up to the top rope, he leaps off and nails Rhodes with a huge leg drop followed up with a pin, 1…2…and 3.

Here is your winner, Kenny Dykstra!

Styles: Hello everybody and welcome to Wednesday night Explosion! Im Joey Styles here with Mike Adamle and what a show tonight shall be tonight here in Nevada, Las Vegas!

Adamle: That’s right Joey, Tonight we will have the Cruiserweights in action to determine the first ever IPW X-Division Champion!

Styles: That’s right and as much as that will be great get a load of this, tonight there will be a special Highlight Reel with our host the new IPW World Heavyweight Champion, Y2J, Chris Jericho!

Adamle: Yes Joey that will be great…

Adamle is cut out by the music of the Heart Break Kid Shawn Micheals who walks down to the ring holding a mic as the fans cheer like crazy!

HBK: Last Week during my match for the IPW World Heavyweight Championship I was doing great, I had the match in control until I accidentally knocked the ref out with the Sweet Chin Music. But that wasn’t the bad thing about last week though, you see after that occurred that little weasel Randy Orton decided to get the advantage by hitting me over the head with a steel Chair! Once that happened I had no clue as to where I was and that took my chances away of being the first every IPW World Heavyweight Champion! But I can’t blame Randy for what he done, I mean after all, it was the smartest thing he could have possibly done. His game plan was to take out someone to make is chances of winning the title better, he did take me out with that chair and he made his chances better but he was still not good enough to win the match better yet the title. Randy, what you done to me has only made me angry and now I think we should settle this at No Way Out! Think about it, The Heart Break Kid, the show stopper, the Legend Shawn Micheals taking on The Legend Killer Randy Orton! So Randy, what do you say we steal the show with a match at No Way Out or do you prefer to only fight me when my back is turned or when you have a weapon in hand?!

Randy Orton’s theme hits and he walks out with a microphone and an angry look on his face.

Randy: CUT THE MUSIC! Shawn, you’re going way over the top here! Last week all I done was give you a little nudge across the head with the chair; it’s really no big deal! Anyone would have done the same if they were in my situation which was nearly the biggest match in my life! If you say that you wouldn’t have done thee exact same thing then you are a liar because we all know you are capable of doing those sorts of things, I can prove that by asking a few of your ex team-mates.

HBK: That was back in my younger days when I didn’t know right from wrong. I was kinda like you in a way, young, talented and didn’t respect anyone but unfortunately for you I learnt from my mistakes and you haven’t. Oh and Randy, you still haven’t answered my question, yes or no?!

Randy: What the hell are you talking about? I am more skilled then you have ever been and will ever be! You call yourself the heart break kid and the show stopper, well I didn’t know that fifty year old men broke hearts and at No way Out, your show and career will be stopped by the Legend Killer, I accept your challenge!

HBK: haha, I knew you would be cocky enough to accept! One last thing Randy, You will never stop my show or kill the Legend of the Heart Break Kid!

Shawn Micheals theme plays as he walks off smiling and Randy Orton stands in the ring with a huge frown on his face.

Styles: Oh My God Mike, at No Way Out we will see Shawn Micheals take on Randy Orton! What a match that will be.

Adamle: Definitely Joey, two top superstars battling it out, what more could we ask for?

Styles: Nothing. All I know is that HBK is angry after what Randy Orton did to him last week and at No Way Out he will be looking for pat back!

William Regal’s theme hits as he walks down to the ring frowning while shouting at the fans, he gets to the ring just as Carlito’s theme hits who comes down with a little grin on his face as he shakes a few of the fans hands. The bells ring for the match to start.

Match 1
William Regal Vs Carlito

The men start the match off circling around the ring; they then come together with a test of strength. William Regal overpowers Carlito, he pulls Carlito down to one knee before pulling him in and getting him locked into a side headlock. Carlito tries to get out of it but William Regal lock it in tighter and applies more pressure, Carlito continues trying to pull his way out of it. William Regal hits Carlito with a hip toss which takes him down to the mat where Regal keeps the headlock locked in, he continues to apply pressure. Carlito slowly starts to get back up to his feet while Regal holds the lock in, Carlito throws William Regal off into the ropes and when Regal comes running back Carlito drops him with a quick dropkick followed by a pin, 1…and Regal gets a quick kick out. William Regal quickly gets back up, he walks right into a couple of hard punches from Carlito before being kneed in the mid section a couple of times, Carlito then hits him with a clothesline which knocks Regal backwards into the ropes. Regal lies on the ropes to catch his breath for a while, Carlito runs at him but is thrown over the top rope only to land on the apron. William Regal turns around and is shouldered in the stomach through the ropes by Carlito, Carlito then springs over the ropes and gets William Regal in a sunset flip pin, 1…2…and again Regal kicks out. Carlito gets up as does William Regal who is a little more tired then Carlito, they begin to trade punches with one another. Carlito starts to build a little momentum with continuous rights to the face, Regal swings at Carlito who ducks under the right hand and once William Regal turns back around to Carlito he is dropped by a huge swinging neck breaker followed up by a pin, 1…2…and Regal just kicks out in time.

William Regal slowly gets back up onto one knee holding his neck in a lot of pain, Carlito runs and bounces off the ropes only to get back and give Regal a direct dropkick to the face. William Regal drops straight onto his back in pain, Carlito walks over to him but Regal decides he wants to take a break so he rolls out of the ring. Carlito looks around smiling at the crowd as William Regal walks over and leans against the announcers table to catch his breath back, Carlito rolls out of the ring over to Regal as the ref begins counting, 1…2…Carlito grabs William Regal from behind but Regal grabs Carlito by the hair and slams his face down onto the announcers table. Carlito drops backwards onto the ground holding his face in pain, the ref continues to count, 3…4…William Regal kicks Carlito in the side of the head before picking him up, he punches him in the head before pushing him face first into the turnbuckle post. Carlito drops straight to the ground covering his face in pain as William Regal gets back into the ring, the ref continues to count, 5…6…7…Carlito gets back up to his feet a still holding his head as if he doesn’t know where he is. William Regal yells at the ref to count faster but Carlito just gets back into the ring at the 8 count, Regal drops him with a stiff arm clothesline and drops onto him for the pin, 1…2…and Carlito somehow kicks out.

William Regal gets up in frustration after somehow not getting the victory, he stomps on the face of Carlito before dropping down and driving his knee right into the face of Carlito. Carlito rolls around on the mat for a while holding his face in even more pain then what it was before, William Regal stomps Carlito from rolling around with his foot. Carlito slowly starts to get back up, he gets on all fours only to be kicked in the side of the head by Regal which causes Carlito to drop flat on his stomach, Regal goes for a quick pin, 1…2…and again Carlito is able to kick out. William Regal goes over and begins arguing with the referee as Carlito begins to get back up to his feet wiping a little bit of blood out of his eye where he has been slightly busted open, Regal turns around to Carlito only to be kicked in the mid section. William Regal bends down slightly in pain holding his stomach as Carlito turns around to bounce off the ropes for a springboard back elbow but just before Carlito gets away he is grabbed by William Regal and nailed with a huge Northern Lights suplex with a bridging pin, 1…2…and Carlito kicks out just in the nick of time! William Regal gets up in disbelief; he does not have a clue as to how Carlito kicked out. Carlito lies on the mat with a little bit of blood dripping down his face, William Regal walks over to Carlito as he sets up to lock in the Regal stretch. Carlito slowly gets up as he tries to pull himself up using Regal’s body; Regal looks down at Carlito with a look of hate until Carlito elbows him right in the mid section. William Regal gets down onto one knee holding his stomach slightly in pain, Carlito gets up fully and leaps off the ropes and he nails William Regal with a huge springboard back elbow which knocks Regal off his feet. Regal lies on the mat holding his face while Carlito crawls over to him for the pin, 1…2…and Regal gets the shoulder up just before 3! William Regal gets up holding the side of his head facing the referee and out of nowhere Carlito jumps up and nails him with the Back Cracker, Regal drops to the mat going crazy holding his back as Carlito goes for a quick pin, 1…2…and 3!

Here is your winner, Carlito! Matt Striker walks out at the top of the Entrance ramp clapping for both Regal and Carlito laughing. He signals that he is going to be winning the Television title before walking off.

Adamle: What a great match. It was even all the way through!

Styles: Yeah, both athletes tried there best and Carlito was just able to pick up the Victory! Either man could have got it.

Adamle: Tell me about it Joey, Both men are serious contenders for the Television title but as you saw, Matt Striker really wants that title also.

Commercial Break

Styles: Welcome back to Wednesday Night Explosion, and what a show it has been so far!

Adamle: That’s right Joey now let’s look up at the big screen.

Up on the big screen is Mickie James backstage somewhere with stitches and bruises on her face with the women’s title over her shoulder.

Mickie: Hey everybody, I wasn’t supposed to be here tonight because I was given the week off to recover but I couldn’t stand being away from you all and the show. Last week I won the IPW Women’s title but as I was celebrating the crazy lady who I beat Victoria showed her frustration by attacking me backstage. I am very proud to be the Women’s Champ here in IPW and I do not like what Victoria has done to me just because of a loss she had to me. Victoria, if you have a problem with me being Champ then settle it in the ring because if you attack me like that again smashing me through glass you will force me to do it to you which I don’t want to have to do and trust me, you will not like it! You will not like having to get all stitched up and have glass pulled out of your face and next week when I return you better hope you don’t come across me again because you will be sorry!

Styles: I see a lot of anger in Mickie’s eyes Mike!

Adamle: Well of course you do, she was unable to be here tonight and shoe off her Women’s title because the women she beat last week attacked her!

Styles: Yeah and Mickie’s face looked terrible which is much different to how it usually looks, I hope she gets better soon.

Adamle: Same here Joey…

Santino Marella’s theme hits as he slowly walks down to the ring with a big Italian Grin on his face. Abyss’ theme then hits and the grin on Santino’s face disappears immediately, Abyss walks down to the ring and the match is started.

Match 2
Santino Marella Vs Abyss

Santino Marella looks around the ring for some places to escape the Monster Abyss. Abyss shouts crazily as he slowly walks closer and closer to Santino, he runs at Santino who is standing in the corner but Santino ducks and runs to the other side of the ring. Abyss stops at the corner as Santino looks around the crowd laughing after he escaped from Abyss, he turns back around only to be hit with a huge clothesline which sandwiched Marella into the corner. Santino Marella drops down to the mat in the corner holding his head in pain, Abyss grabs him by the head and throws him backwards back into the turnbuckle. Santino leans against the turnbuckle while Abyss gives him a few hard punches to the head, Abyss then throws him down to the mat with one hand. Santino Marella slowly begins to crawl over to the ropes so he can run away but Abyss stands in his way, he Irish whips Santino and once Santino runs back he is dropped by a huge big boot by the Monster. Abyss looks at Santino Marella who is lying on the mat holding his head in a lot of pain, he picks Santino up by the head and lifts him back up to his feet. Abyss gives Santino a huge punch to the face which nearly knocks him over but it manages to make him stumble all the way back into the corner, Abyss walks over to Marella who is just leaning against the turnbuckle barely able to stand. The Monster Abyss grabs Santino by the head and continuously hammers it against the turnbuckle, he then grabs Santino Marella by the throat and lifts him up before nailing him with a devastating chokeslam! Abyss goes for the pin, 1…2…and 3!

Here is your winner, Abyss!

Abyss stands in the ring shouting before lifting up Santino Marella and he Irish whips him into the ropes getting ready for the Black Hole Slam but as Santino hits the ropes he falls through them out to the ground. Abyss turns around only to see AJ Styles leap off the ropes towards him for a Springboard forearm but before AJ can connect Abyss nails him with a huge Black Hole Slam! Abyss’ theme hits as he walks off leaving AJ Styles lying flat on his back in the ring.

Adamle: Well it looks like Abyss got his revenge on AJ this week after AJ ran down and attacked Abyss to make him stop the destruction he was causing after his match, this week AJ was looking to help out the little guy in Santino again but Abyss was able to take AJ out!

Styles: Yeah you pretty much summed it all up their Mike. Poor AJ, he was just trying to help out the little guy in being attacked by Abyss but he ended up getting hit with the Black Hole Slam!

Commercial Break

The camera comes back into the locker room with JB who stands by with Kaz and Matt Bentley…

JB: Guys, last week you both lost to The Worlds Greatest Tag Team, Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin, what are your current thoughts on what happened?

Kaz: Well JB there were times last week where I thought we could have easily won those titles but Matt here just wasn’t communicating with me good enough and bad communication means bad teaming which usually means your gonna lose!

Matt: What!? Are you kidding me Kaz? How was I the one to blame, I done all the hard work for you to run and dive into the announcers table and stay out hurt the rest of the match! When you done that it left me to face two other tag teams so you can’t possibly blame me for our loss!

JB: Come on guys; don’t argue you both done pretty good last week by the looks of things.

Kaz: Not good enough though JB, who do you think is in fault for last week? Me or Matt?

Matt: Yeah JB, who do you think?

JB: Well I really don’t know, you both done really well in my opinion. I mean your not IPW Tag Team Champions but you nearly were.

Kaz: Exactly. We NEARLY were which isn’t good enough in my book. I’m sorry Matt we were just having a rough night last week and I’m really frustrated about losing.

Matt: I’m sorry too man and look on the bright side, atleast Mr Bishoff gave us a rematch since we weren’t the team who was pinned last week.

Kaz: Yeah that’s right, we will need to train hard to make sure we get the win at No Way Out!

JB: See, there you go guys…

Adamle: It looks as though Kazarian and Matt Bentley are looking to win the IPW World tag titles from the Worlds Greatest tag team at No Way Out.

Styles: That’s right Mike, and if they train hard I believe they could…

Joey Styles is cut out by the theme of Jamie Noble, he walks down to the ring as Chris Sabin’s theme hits while he walks to the ring. Christopher Daniels theme hits as he walks to the ring and last to come out is Black Machismo Jay Lethal!

Match 3 for the X-Division title
Jamie Noble Vs Chris Sabin Vs Christopher Daniels Vs Jay Lethal

The bells ring and the match is started. All men look around the ring at their opponents; they each slowly creep into the middle of the ring. Chris Sabin lays the first punch right to the face of Jay Lethal, Daniels and Jamie Noble start to go at it. Chris Sabin continuously hammers away at the face of Jay Lethal; Lethal backs down into the turnbuckle and covers up while Noble and Daniels continue to go at it. Chris Sabin throws more punches at Lethal who is covered up in the corner, Sabin moves back into the middle of the ring before running and hitting Lethal with a huge dropkick which drops Jay Lethal down to one knee. As Noble and Daniels continue to battle it out Chris Sabin gives Lethal a hard cracking kick to the side of the head which knocks Jay over and he rolls out of the ring in pain. Chris Sabin runs over and hits Christopher Daniels as well as Jamie Noble with a cross body which just manages to take them both down to the mat. Chris Sabin gets up and sprints at the ropes as Noble and Daniels both get back up, they each get to one knee only to both be dropkicked with one leg directly in the face. Daniels and Noble both fall backwards onto their backs as Chris Sabin leaps up to the top rope and waits, Noble and Daniels both slowly get back up only to see Sabin diving at them with a huge cross body but both men leap up and dropkick him in the chest. Chris Sabin drops down to the mat holding his chest in pain as he rolls over to the side of the ring, Noble and Daniels again both get back up and throw punches at one another.

Jamie Noble runs at Christopher Daniels who takes him down with a quick arm drag, both men quickly get back up this time with Daniels running at Noble but Noble returns the favour and delivers him an arm drag. Again both men get back up and they stare at each other, they slowly move towards each other to lock up head to head. Christopher Daniels manages to overpower Jamie Noble; he brings him down into a hard side headlock which Noble struggles to get out of. Christopher Daniels hits him with a hip toss and holds Noble on the ground in a headlock position, Jay Lethal slides back into the ring, he jumps up and nails Daniels with a hard standing leg drop which causes Daniels to release Jamie Noble. Jamie Noble slowly rolls over to the side of the ring as Daniels lies on the mat. Chris Sabin gets back up to his feet by the ropes and Lethal hits him with a huge dropkick which sends him straight through the middle rope to the ground outside the ring. Jay Lethal gets up and turns around, he sees Christopher Daniels up to one knee, he runs past Daniels and bounces off the ropes and once Christopher Daniels turns around he is hit with a huge hurricanrana. Christopher Daniels lies on the mat holding his back in pain as Lethal crawls over to him for the pin, 1…2…and Daniels kicks out. Christopher Daniels slowly rolls out of the ring; Jay Lethal walks over and picks up Jamie Noble. Lethal punches Noble in the head a couple of times before he Irish whips him into the turnbuckle, Lethal walks over to him and hits him with a couple of hard backhand chops to the chest as Noble shouts in pain. Jamie Noble stumbles out of the corner holding his chest in pain as Jay Lethal nails him with a huge neck breaker followed by the pin, 1…2…and Noble gets the shoulder up.

Jay Lethal gets up a little frustrated, he grabs Jamie Noble by the arm and runs over and jumps the ropes leaving Nobles arm to wrench right down on the ropes but as Lethal gets to the ground outside the ring he is dropkicked right into the hard ring apron by Chris Sabin. Chris Sabin slides into the ring and begins to stomp on the head of Jamie Noble who is his lying on the mat in pain, Jamie Noble is pulled back up to his feet by Chris Sabin who lifts him up and hangs him in reverse on the turnbuckle. Chris Sabin walks backwards to the opposite turnbuckle to where Noble hangs, Sabin then runs and hits him with a devastating Hesitation dropkick! Jamie Noble drops to the mat holding his head as Sabin goes for the pin, 1…2…and Noble kicks out just in time. Christopher Daniels slides back into the ring as Sabin turns around to run back and Daniels gives him a knee to the stomach before locking him in for the Angels Wings but Sabin wriggles out of it only to lift Christopher Daniels up onto his shoulders for the Cradle Shot and he nails it! Chris Sabin drops down onto Daniels for the pin, 1…2…and Noble breaks it up! Christopher Daniels lies on the mat barely knowing where he is as Jamie Noble starts to hammer away to the face of Sabin, he dropkicks Sabin who falls over onto the mat and leans up against the bottom rope in the corner. Jamie Noble then runs and flips right in to the face of Chris Sabin who lies on the mat in pain. Jamie Noble walks around the ring gaining momentum as Jay Lethal gets to the top rope and dives off to hit Chris Sabin with a huge elbow drop and the pin, 1…2…and Noble dropkicks Lethal in the head to break it up! Chris Sabin rolls over to the side of the ring in pain as Jamie Noble jumps up and drops Jay Lethal with an enziguri followed by a pin, 1…2…and Lethal kicks out just in the nick of time!

Jamie Noble walks over and picks up Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal then gets up and clothesline Noble from behind dropping him down to one knee. Jay Lethal grabs Chris Sabin and nails him with the Lethal combination leaving Sabin out of it as Noble takes down Lethal with a hard clothesline. Sabin is out to it as Jamie Noble picks him up and hits him with a huge Tiger Bomb which likes to call the Nobillizer, Noble goes for a quick pin as Sabin lies on the mat barely able to move, 1…2…and Christopher Daniels breaks it up with a huge snap dropkick to the side of Jamie Noble’s head. Jamie Noble rolls out of the ring as Jay Lethal runs at Christopher Daniels only to be kicked in the mid section and nailed with a huge Angels Wings! Jay Lethal lies on the mat as Daniels springs up to the top rope and hits the B.M.E on Chris Sabin and gets the easy three count!

Here is your winner, and new IPW X-Division Champion, The Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels!

Styles: Oh My God! Christopher Daniels is the new X-Division Champion!

Adamle: I cannot believe it! What an outstanding match. Any of the four men could have won it but in the end it was the Fallen Angel!

Styles: Yeah! He will be really happy after that victory!

Commercial Break

The Camera goes backstage to Eric Bishoff’s office…

Daniels: You wanted to see me…

Bishoff: Yeah, I just wanted to congratulate you on your victory tonight, it was a spectacular match and everyone including myself enjoyed it.

Daniels: I just wish I had some actual competition in this industry because those three men out there were nothing! I could have ended that match early but I wanted to make the match last a bit longer so they actually thought they had a chance.

Bishoff: It looked like they gave you a run for your money out there, it will be much better for a second time because at No Way Out we will see a rematch of what happened tonight with you defending your newly won IPW X-Division title!

Daniels: I guess I could beat them down again but I better get some good competition soon Eric!

Styles: Wow, at No Way Out we will be seeing a rematch of what we just witnessed here!

Adamle: Yeah and it will be better the second time.

Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder’s theme hits as they both walk down to the ring while being booed, D-Lo Brown’s theme then hits as he walks down with a lot of cheers!

Match 4
Curt Hawkins with Zack Ryder Vs D-Lo Brown

Both men stare at each other before binding up in the middle of the ring, D-Lo easily overpowers Curt Hawkins as he pushes him backwards into the turnbuckle where Hawkins ducks under the ropes causing the ref to get D-Lo to release him. Both men slowly walk back into the middle of the ring Curt Hawkins trying to hype himself up, both men again bind up with D-Lo once again overpowering Hawkins. D-Lo Brown gets Hawkins into a hard side headlock; he pulls him down and tightens the headlock. Curt Hawkins tries to get out of it but D-Lo locks it in tighter, Hawkins stomps on the foot of D-Lo Brown which causes Brown to release him. Curt Hawkins starts to fire up by hitting D-Lo Brown with some hard right hands, he then goes for an Irish whip which Brown counters and gives Hawkins an Irish whip of his own right into the turnbuckle. Curt Hawkins hits the turnbuckle at pace, he slightly holds his back until D-Lo sprints at him and sandwiches him into the corner with a huge clothesline. Curt Hawkins drops to the mat holding his head in pain as D-Lo walks around the ring hyping up the crowd, he bends down to pick up Hawkins but gets jabbed in the eye. D-Lo Brown turns around and slowly walks backwards holding his eye, the ref walks over and begins to talk to Hawkins as Zack Ryder gets up onto the apron and grabs the head of D-Lo before punching him right in the face. D-Lo Brown stumbles backwards still holding his eye, he is rolled up from behind by Curt Hawkins, 1…2…and Brown kicks out.

Curt Hawkins begins to stomp away on the face of D-Lo Brown who is holding his face on the mat, Hawkins picks him up and punches him a couple of times before going for a suplex. Curt Hawkins is unable to lift D-Lo Brown up as Brown elbows Hawkins in the face, D-Lo gives Hawkins a hard kick to the mid section before running and bouncing off the ropes, Brown comes running back only to be dropkicked right in the head which drops D-Lo down to the mat. D-Lo Brown slowly gets back up to his feet; Curt Hawkins also gets back up and punches him a couple of times. Curt Hawkins goes for an Irish whip but again D-Lo counters with an Irish whip of his own, Hawkins goes running down to one end of the ring as D-Lo bounces off the ropes at the other. Zack Ryder grabs a hold of D-Lo Browns leg causing him to stop running; he turns around and yells at Ryder but when he looks back into the ring he is taken through the middle rope by a huge cross body by Curt Hawkins. Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder lie on the ground outside the ring in pain as the ref begins to count, 1…2…3…4…Curt Hawkins slowly gets back up and rolls back into the ring, 5…6…7…D-Lo Brown then gets back up and rolls back into the ring only to be stomped in by Curt Hawkins. Curt Hawkins then runs and bounces off the ropes while D-Lo Brown gets back up, D-Lo moves into the middle of the ring and once Hawkins comes running back he tosses him over his shoulders with a back drop. Curt Hawkins slowly gets back up holding his back; D-Lo runs and drops him with a hard shoulder block. Curt Hawkins sits up on the mat still in pain as D-Lo bounces off the ropes and hits him with Sudden Impact which lays Hawkins out on the mat as Brown climbs to the top rope. D-Lo Brown nails Hawkins with the Lo Down and goes for the pin, 1…2…and 3!

Here is your winner, D-Lo Brown!

Styles: A good win here for D-Lo Brown, this will help him get closer to a shot at the Television title.

Adamle: Yes it will Joey, he is another great competitor for the Television title!

Styles: Don’t go anywhere because there is still a lot to come on tonight’s show…

Commercial Break

The camera comes back to the ring where Mr Kennedy and Christian Cage are in the ring ready to fight.

Main Event
Mr Kennedy Vs Christian Cage

Both men slowly move around the ring, Christian Cage swings at Kennedy and Kennedy swings back at Cage. Both men stand in the middle of the ring continuing to trade punches with one another, Mr Kennedy builds momentum by hammering away at the face of Christian Cage. He continues to punch Cage as Cage backs down into the ropes, Kennedy Irish whips Christian Cage into the ropes on the other side of the ring, Cage comes running back to Mr Kennedy who jumps up and drops Christian with a hard dropkick followed by a quick pin, 1…and Christian gets the shoulder up quickly. Mr Kennedy gets up and runs at the ropes as Christian Cage gets up to his feet, he turns around and is dropped by a clothesline by Kennedy who goes for another quick pin, 1…and again Cage gets a quick kick out. Mr Kennedy bends down to pick up Christian Cage and Cage jabs Mr Kennedy in the eye, Kennedy turns around and slowly walks backwards holding his eye until Christian Cage runs and bounces off the ropes before dropping Kennedy with a clothesline. Mr Kennedy gets back up quickly; he is kicked in the mid section by Christian Cage, Cage then Irish whips Mr Kennedy into the turnbuckle and Kennedy hits it hard. Kennedy stays in the corner holding his lower back in pain as Cage runs at him, Christian Cage hits him with a hard clothesline. Mr Kennedy slowly stumbles out from the corner still holding his back, Cage drops him with a dropkick followed by a pin, 1…2…and Kennedy gets hit foot up onto the bottom rope to stop the pin.

Christian Cage gets back up to his feet; he grabs a hold of Mr Kennedy and drags him into the middle of the ring. Christian begins to stomp away on the head and ribs of Kennedy, Cage runs and bounces off the ropes as Kennedy slowly sits up, Christian Cage hits Kennedy with a snap dropkick followed by a pin, 1…2…and Mr Kennedy kicks out. Christian Cage picks up Mr Kennedy and punches him a couple of times, Mr Kennedy then knees Cage right in the stomach causing Cage to drop to one knee. Mr Kennedy gives Christian a couple of hard punches to the head before grabbing him and hitting him with a huge swinging neck breaker, Kennedy crawls onto Cage for the pin, 1…2…and Christian Cage is able to kick out. Mr Kennedy gets back up to his feet still slightly holding his back in pain as he leans against the ropes, Christian Cage gets up holding his neck. Mr Kennedy runs at Cage for a clothesline but Cage ducks it leaving Kennedy to run off to the other side of the ring, Cage turns around only to see Kennedy running right back towards him so he drops to the mat causing Kennedy to jump over him and carry on running. Again Mr Kennedy comes running back at Christian Cage but this time Cage hits him with a huge back drop, Kennedy slowly gets back up holding his back in pain as he holds the ropes. Christian Cage runs at Mr Kennedy who lifts Christian Cage up and throws him over the ropes but Cage is able to land on the apron, Kennedy runs at Christian but Cage shoulders him in the mid section. Mr Kennedy slightly bends down holding his stomach in pain right by the ropes, Christian grabs Kennedy by the head and slams it flat down on the ropes as he jumps off the apron to the ground, Kennedy drops backwards down onto the mat holding his throat. Christian Cage slides back into the ring and goes for a quick pin on Kennedy, 1…2…and Mr Kennedy gets the shoulder up just in time still in pain.

Christian Cage gets up a little frustrated; he stomps on Mr Kennedy a couple of times before picking him up. Christian hits Kennedy with a few hard right hands to the head, he then hits Kennedy with a kick to the stomach followed by a hard DDT. Mr Kennedy lies on the mat in pain holding his face as Cage goes for yet another pin, 1…2…and once again Kennedy manages to kick out. Christian Cage gets up a little more frustrated, he picks up a hurt Kennedy and punches him a few times before Irish whipping him into the ropes. Mr Kennedy comes running back towards Christian Cage, Kennedy ducks under the arm of Cage but leaves his knee out which goes right into the stomach of Christian Cage. Christian Cage bends down slightly in pain trying to catch his breath as Mr Kennedy gets in position for the Mic Check but Cage escapes by giving Kennedy a couple of hard elbow shots to the head, both men then run and drop each other at the same time with cross bodies! Both men lie on the mat in pain as the ref begins to count them out, 1…2…3…4…5…and Cage as well as Kennedy pull themselves up using the ropes on opposite sides of the ring. They both slowly move back into the middle of the ring and begin to trade punches with one another; Mr Kennedy Irish whips Cage into the turnbuckle and closely follows him and hits him with a hard clothesline into the corner. Christian Cage holds his back in pain while leaning against the turnbuckle in the corner, Mr Kennedy starts to fire up with continuous right hands to the face of Christian Cage. Mr Kennedy moves backwards a little bit, Christian stumbles forward right into a hard snap suplex by Mr Kennedy who then goes for a quick pin, 1…2…and somehow Christian Cage kicks out. Mr Kennedy slowly gets up and he rakes his arm across the face of Christian Cage before fully getting up, the referee starts to talk to Kennedy as Cage slowly gets up and rolls Kennedy up from behind while grabbing the tights, 1…2…and 3!

Here is your winner, Christian Cage!

Styles: What just happened?!

Adamle: Mr Kennedy had the match under control but I think Christian Cage grabbed his tights when he rolled him up!

Styles: That’s right by the looks of things, Cage that no good cheater! He ruined a perfectly good match.

Adamle: Yeah and Kennedy doesn’t look very happy about what Cage just done, he will be looking for pay back next week.

Chris Jericho’s theme hits out of nowhere as the Crowd goes CRAZY with cheers!!! He walks down slowly with his newly won IPW World Heavyweight Championship, he gets to the ring and poses while getting into the ring which is set up as “the highlight reel”.

Jericho: Explosion is Jericho! Welcome everybody to the highlight reel; your host tonight is none other then Y2J and your new IPW World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho! Ahhhhh, it feels good to be Champ again or better yet World Champ. When I first came here to IPW I knew it would be something new and I thought it would be a hell of a journey, I was looking to make history like it did when I became first ever Undisputed Champion somewhere else and right here in IPW I became the first ever World Heavyweight Champion it I am loving it! I really didn’t think I would win the title this quickly but I did so I can’t complain or anything.

Kurt Angle’s theme hits as he walks down to the ring holding a microphone with an angry look on his face.

Angle: Hold on there Jericho, shut the hell up! I am already sick of you talking about being the World Champ, I am surprised you don’t already know that you fluked your victory last week I mean come on! You can’t seriously think that if I was at my best that you would have beaten me and the other two that were in the match who were always getting in my way didn’t help at all!

Jericho: Wow Kurt, how long have you been working on those excuses? Seriously! Also when are you going to bring up the fact the your are an Olympic Gold Medallist? I won this title fair and square Kurt, why can’t you just handle the fact that I am better then you and everyone else on this roster!

Angle: Jericho, I know that I am better then you, it’s a fact! Last week you beat me in a Fatal Four Way, that means that I did not need to get pinned to lose which was the case here. You pinned Randy Orton and you knew there was no way that you could have pinned me for the simple fact that I am better than you! Oh and when was the last time you won an Olympic Gold Medal Chris?

Jericho: I don’t need an Olympic Gold Medal to show that I am the best, all I need is this title around my waist, one of which an Olympic Gold Medallist doesn’t have to show that I am the best! I know I pinned Randy in that match but I could have just as easily pinned you Baldy!

Angle: Very funny Jericho! Well if you’re so confident of being able to beat me then why don’t you prove it at No Way Out and this time it can just be us two, one on one with that title on the line! What do you say Jericho?!

Jericho: I really couldn’t care less as to whom I defend this title against because the result is going to be the same with me retaining the title against whoever and whenever! So you know what assclown, you’re on! But I am warning you now; I will NOT be losing this title anytime soon.

Angle: Well see about that Jericho, I will be seeking that title the same way I went after my Gold Medal and the outcome will be the same with me walking away with the Gold! Chris, you better take your last look at that title because after No Way Out you won’t be seeing it ever again.

Jericho: You know Kurt that’s funny, if the outcome from No Way Out is the same then you will be walking away with a broken neck or in this case a broken back when I lock you into the Walls of Jericho, I will leave you broken in the middle of that ring but I will be the one walking away with the Gold! So listen up junior, are you really sure you want to step into the ring with Y2J!? Because once you do step into the ring with me you will be leaving empty handed and hurt!

Angle: That World title is rightfully mine and speaking of broken things, the only thing broken after our match at No Way Out will be your spirit and your ankle! And who are you calling junior, junior!

Kurt Angle then pushes Chris Jericho backwards with an angry look on his face…

Jericho: This title is staying around my waist, JUNIOR!

Chris Jericho then pushes Kurt Angle backwards with the same look of hate on his face…

Angle: Is that right, well then…

Kurt Angle starts throwing punches at Chris Jericho and Chris Jericho punches back! Both men continue to hammer away at each other as they take each other down to the mat! Angle gets on Jericho and gives him a few hard rights to the head, Jericho rolls him over and gets on him and also punches him a couple of times. They roll outside the ring, Kurt Angle grabs him by the head and slams it down on the steel steps nearest to the Entrance ramp, Jericho then returns the favour by slamming Angle’s head down onto the steps! Both men continue to throw punches while slowly walking up the entrance ramp. Kurt Angle grabs Jericho by the hair and attempts to slam his head against the rail but Jericho puts his boot up to stop and he elbows Angle in the ribs before punches him in the head a few times still walking up the entrance ramp until they finally get to the top. They continue trading punches as they go to the back, Kurt Angle throws Jericho into the hard concrete wall before German suplexing Chris Jericho backwards into the hard wall. Chris Jericho lies on the ground unconscious as all the medics and referees run over, the refs take Kurt Angle away as the medics see if Jericho is not to badly hurt…

Styles: Oh My God!

Adamle: What is wrong with Kurt Angle, he got his title shot but he wanted more so he attacked Y2J!

Styles: Jericho is knocked out! Join us next week on Explosion!

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The main event is a great match but I prefer the X-Division championship match to be the best match in this show. I definitely like the pace of this match. A nice ending for me when they pull out their finishers then Daniels dominated and then win the title. Their rematch could be another good one at No Way Out.

Worst Match: The cat and mouse chase squash match between Abyss and Santino

Best Promo: The Highlight Reel, Promos with Jericho and Angle are always good and having a good storyline instead of having a feud for the title between the two could be a great one imo.

Worst Promo: N/a really but Daniels' promo is my least fave.

Additional Feedback: Overall, it's a great show Shark... err.. I mean Lennie! I think you are improving in your promos, cheers for that. The match are also good. I just hope you stick with this one and good luck with this. I'll check your next show.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Cody Rhodes vs Kenny Dykstra The match was alright, although I don't think you used really good moves. I mean, neither men would really be weakened by them. Cody was using a side headlock and shoulder tackle right up until right near the end. Kenny counter certainly wouldn't have been enough to keep Rhodes down for the finish, either. There's no way a back body drop of sorts would leave Kenny time to head up top and hit his leg drop.

Shawn Michaels/Randy Orton promo: Erm, why in the hell was Orton so angry? He had no motivation to be angry. It's not like Michaels insulted him or anything. It just seemed like you didn't know what to write, so you went back on lines you had heard before. Michaels was alright, but he kept saying, "What you done to me." It should be, "What you did to me." Alright promo, but some pretty big flaws in there.

Carlito vs William Regal: Uh, for future reference, both of these guys punch with their left hands. So I have no clue as to why they were exchanging rights. The rest was decent, except I didn't quite get the counter to the Regal Stretch. Did Carlito stand up in it? Because surely he's not strong enough to do that. Once again, the match was alright, but attention to detail is neeeded. Oh and Striker sucks. :shifty:

Mickie James promo: I lol'd at 'crazy lady'. Could have said something a little better. The whole promo was extremely generic. Just your average face promo.

Abyss vs Santino Marella: Even with it just being a squash, some of the transitioning wasn't right. AJ vs Abyss should be interesting.

Matt Bentley/Kaz promo: Once again, 'did' not 'done'. I guess these two will be breaking up.

Jamie Noble vs Jay Lethal vs Christopher Daniels vs Chris Sabin: This was a lot better, it was a good solid match. I'm surprised you went better with a multi man match, as I usually find them harder. The action was pretty good, and they hit their signature moves (hesitation dropkick is ftw). Christopher Daniels dominates everyone at the end, and picks up a nice win. I can't say I'm surprised he's champ, look at your sig. :eek:

Christopher Daniels/Eric Bischoff promo: The match announcement was alright, but the promo was too short. Daniels wasn't overly in character either.

D'Lo Brown vs Curt Hawkins: Basiaclly just a lengthened squash, so it didn't really interest me. I'm wondering what you have in store for D'Lo now.

Christian cage vs Mr Kennedy: I thought it was a pretty good main event, alhough it wasn't as long as your previous match (the X Division Title). The action was your regular match, as the heel (Cage) dominated the match for the most part, and Kennedy made his face comeback. The match didn't have any mahor flaws like a few others, and cage's dirty win obviously means you're looking for these two to feud to No Way Out.

Highlight Reel: Both men were kinda in character. It wasn't great though. I thought you could have maybe laid off on trying to make Jericho such a smartass, because I don't think you pulled it off too well.
Jericho: This title is staying around my face, JUNIOR!
lolwut? :p

AC: Meh, very up and down show in terms of matches, and none of the promos were really where they should have been at. Improvement is needed.


Quick Preview of Explosion

This week on Explosion, the World Heavyweight Champion Y2J kicks off the show! What will he have to say after what happened between him and Kurt Angle last week!?

Also this week it will be William Regal and Matt Striker with Melina to take on the team of Carlito and D'Lo Brown!

Abyss will again be in action this week, who will be up to take on the Monster?

The crazy women Victoria is in action this week, she will be taking on Katie Lea. Who will win and what will go down!?

There is much more on this weeks Explosion including a HUGE Main Event, be sure to check it out this Wednsday!!!

OOC: Feel free to comment and review my last show :eek:

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Lets hope you showw some improvement with this show with some of the tips everybody gave you. I wish you good luck because I already know you have the show done...


Best match: Jamie Noble vs Chris Sabin vs Christopher Daniels vs Jay Lethal for the X Title-This was exciting, definitely your best match on the card. Lots of fast paced action, I wonder what you'll do with Daniels now that he has the title. The one thing that bothered me was the Daniels promo after this match, he talked about not having any competition when this was clearly a competitive match, that just doesn't feel like what the real Fallen Angel would say

Worst Match: Santino vs Abyss, it was a glorified squash match. Abyss basically destroyed everything in sight, I'd say you did a good job putting him over as a crazy monster.

Best Angle: The Chris Jericho Highlight Reel was pretty cool, I liked how Jericho and Angle were going back and forth. They were in character, but I feel like you should do a little more to make them feel like the REAL Jericho and Angle. It also got a little repetitive towards the end, but still, it was a nice little segment that set up a feud between the two.

Worst Angle: I'm going with the Mickie James promo. It felt kind of random, I would have just had Mickie return and beat the hell out of everyone instead of cut a promo like this. She didn't really seem that pissed off, and she also said she wouldn't put Victoria through the glass, but then said that she was going to do something "that she wouldn't like". It was a little weird, didn't really feel realistic imo.

Line of the night:
That was back in my younger days when I didn’t know right from wrong. I was kinda like you in a way, young, talented and didn’t respect anyone but unfortunately for you I learnt from my mistakes and you haven’t.

Additional Thoughts: You need to improve your promos, the Kaz and Matt Bentley one was another useless promo. They came off as two arguing brothers who disliked each other, and then all of a sudden everything was okay. The promos also seem to be a little redundant, and you need to try and improve your grammar a little. By that I mean, try and use words that wrestlers would actually use, instead of what some guy on a wrestling forum would say. The matches were completely different though, you definitely did a good job with those, the X Title match was very fun to read, and basically all of your matches served a purpose and they weren't that bad. So good job there

Overall rating: 7.0


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Noble vs. Sabin vs. Daniels vs. Lethal. It is well known I am a mjor fan of the X Division. The match was incredibly competitive. Plus everyone puling out their finishers was a great idea. Seeing Daniels come out was really awesome. Best match of the night.

Worst Match: Santino vs Abyss. Squash match. Not very entertaining but it served it's purpose i guess.

Best Promo: The Highlight Reel. I like the feud building. It started out great but dragged on a little bit too long. COuld be improved but was the best of the night.

Worst Promo: Daniels promo. Not the greatest talker in the world. Trying to get him to come off as a super heel is not working very well.

Additional Comments: Not bad lennie. I will admit I have not read a lot of your stuff. But I think you got the potential and tools to make it. Decent show Lennie.