I just don't need to see every Mexican in one group. But also yeah I much prefer Lucha Bros to be on their own and if they have a third do something unique aka the 3rd person being someone not from Mexico like PAC was.
Don’t get me wrong… I also really liked death triangle, but it wasn’t for a particular reason it was just a Pac fit the vibe of what they were trying to do as a trio. My problem is I probably don’t want them in another trio as I just want to see them have singles runs on top of a tag run because I also kind of miss seeing penta get a nice singles push in the entire time in AEW because he didn’t wanna get one.
For me factions are good when everyone in that group fits the same vision. And a lot of times that’s easier to do when people share particular heritage, but not always. Like you said. Filthy animals for example was a great group where a lot of the wrestlers were Mexican but then you also had Billy Kidman because Billy had the same vibe that they were going for. And that’s all I want in a group, that’s cohesive, they work well together, so I’m not for or against any particular way of doing that.