Crayo said:
Knockout division is becoming like the divas division. Kim jobs to jobbers, wins on PPV's. Nice.
I was reading to your and Dolph'sZ's arguing here, and that was one thing that caught my eye and really bothers me. :facepalm1:
That's very ironic, because I have a thingy that's shaped like a turnip.
You serious? Like divas division? Divas? Let me get straight to the point - there's nothing worse than divas division (not even Garett Bischoff - sorry D'Z).
Your argument about Kim and jobbing proves that you don't even know what the story is about between Kim and Tessmacher right now, or any other challenger before her for that matter: plus you base most of your opinion(s) based on the frickin spoilers, which is a dumbass smark thing. Every challenger story was different and most of them was quality storytelling, except with Madison Rayne, but even that was passable tbh.
Almost every Knockout is a quality wrestler or at least decent (if we exclude maybe Sky or Rayne, but Sky is at least over).
My final point, your view of KO's is very primitive and I don't think it's fair to them because they actually wrestle more than 2 mins a week.