No, I would rather be a smark discussing wrestling on boards such as this. Otherwise I'll be on twitter called TripleHLover and have a account dedicated to marking at Triple H or something.
Crayo said:Not sure though. Do 2012 WWE marks mark the same as the marks in the past did? Is there as much to mark about other than John Cena?
In the AE or Ruthless Aggression Era there was MUCH more to mark over right? If I get zapped do I become a 9 year old who likes Brodus' dancing?
Dolph'sZiggler said:Noooooooooooooooooooooooo
You still are yourself, you just think wrestling is real.
Crayo said:Okay but do we find the stupid stuff like his dancing enjoyable? Need specifics to answer this question :tough:.
Because otherwise there is only John Cena entrances/promos to mark over, as the crowd never goes crazy in modern WWE for anything else, apart from Ryback, but I mark for Ryback now so no difference.
Seabs said:If I thought it was real I wouldn't be a fan, so no I'd rather not be zapped. The only few shining lights which keep my albeit waining interests are smark finds.
Dolph'sZiggler said:Did you not grow up a wrestling fan?
Crayo said:I'm judging how much of a mark I'd be based on everyone around me (the crowd). I completely understand it lol. No way would I become a mark in modern WWE, I think I'd actually enjoy it more as a "smark".
Dolph'sZiggler said:I sure don't see how considering WWE caters to marks.
and no, you wouldn't just magically follow the crowd if you were a mark anymore than you do as a smark. Just because you think wrestling was real you would suddenly become a sheep and following what the crowd says? That's not true, the only way that would happen is if that's how you already are. The only thing changing is you go from understanding kayfabe, to not.
Dat Kid From Jersey said:Nope, the "mark" version of me was not socially acceptable. Chicks dig internet fanstunga:
Crayo said:You seriously don't think marks are generally sheep?