1. Unify the world titles. If they wanna run two house show circuits headlined by a world champion, then do as they did in the 80's by replacing the WHC with the IC Championship. WHC is only the second biggest title anyway, no different than how the IC belt used to be when it meant something (sometimes, IC Title feuds meant almost as much as world title feuds. Summerslam 1992, their second biggest crowd ever, was even headlined by an IC Title match.)
2. Replace Hollywood sitcom writers with actual wrestling minded people. Also, don't be so ashamed of the word 'wrestling' being said on screen.
3. Let wrestlers have the creative freedom with promos and coming up with their own characters/gimmicks. Some of the best or most successful gimmicks came from the wrestlers coming up with it themselves. Ultimate Warrior, Razor Ramon, Goldust, Steve Austin, John Cena, etc. And promos used to be guys being given bullet points and then coming up with the words themselves, which is why promos back in the day seemed a lot more real and genuine. Imagine if some Hollywood script writers wrote Austin's victory speech for KOTR '96 instead of what we got.