
What now for regal? Well a cool ecw title run putting people over after that. Then maybe bow out in England in November?
WWE was more than willing to turn his midcard ass into a main eventer in 2008 and he got himself suspended, so screw him quite frankly.
I like this thread
WHC: Jericho
WWE: Randy Orton
ECW: Yoshi tatsu or Jackson
Tag: Dibiase and Rhodes
US: Jack Swagger
Intercontinental: Christian
Womens: Gail Kim
Divas: Kelly Kelly
To retirement. It isnt as if he's making his guns in the business.
Like I said, he blew his chance. After the Attitude Era, he really wasn't that over. Somebody in WWE decided to push him and gave him GM prominent role, King of the Ring and possible future push with The Game for the WWE Championship. He gets himself suspended and ruins his chances.
Anyways, fuck all this "he got suspended" bullshit.... Never did Jeff, Rey & others any long-term harm.
^^^Drew P. Mac?
...Iron Sheik?
No idea who the fuck that first person's meant to be, but 2 people in 50 years isn't exactly an impressive track record.