JBL would be amazing. Sad thing is they have him do a face turn once in a while.
Can't remember who round here first considered it but an APA-style face JBL, drinking, smoking cigars and playing cards in his office would be sweet-as in a GM role...
It's not like his awesome mic skills will suddenly dissapear if he's a face...
Hell you could maybe even bring Simmons in for a run as his assistant or sumthin.
^Lol and people are anticipated about that Cena/Tista match. Sure we might get decent build up but the match itself is going to be predictable shit.
Nah.... With Batista involved, by default the match, however crappy, will be the best part....
Batista: Grrrrrrr
Cena: I won't back down....
Batista: [Smirks... Botches the one sentence he has to remember]
Cena: [Cue textbook 'inspirational' bluurb followed by...] I W-I-L-L N-O-T B-A-C-K D-O-W-N.... Not even from an Animal.
(Note: I thought their Summerslam08 match was suprisingly decent, tbh.)