I used to like Carlito tbh. I though in 2006 he was going to win a World title, but ever since then for whatever reason, whether it be the reasons already stated or otherwise, he got lazy and I lost all interest in him, the last thing I remember Carlito doing other than the Unified tag team title run and that promo on Cena before TLC was hsi little feud the the Sandman when he was on RAW.
I recall a few years back reading something that he wasn't in very good standing with the higher ups in the WWE, if that was in fact the case it's a suprise that he lasted that long.
Much like Enzo said, I am sick and tired of all the former WWE guys going straight to TNA, other than Christian, Morgan and Angle I don't recall anybody being overly succesful, Tara did everything in WWE as well as TNA as far as a women wrestler in concerned. Morgan was never anything more than a studdering idiot from my recolection. He is now, like him or not a potential future world champ. Carlito I honestly see going back to Puerto Rico to wrestle.