I think the thing that sticks out to me most is that it doesn't sound forced. Which is what usually draws people in. When you can actually believe what the character says and get behind it. Whether to cheer or boo. And that's what Husky has with this gimmick. I'm already a fan. I just watched the match and he looked pretty good. They told him to lose weight and it looks like he smugly said, "Challenge accepted." He looks to be in great shape. He even used Mike Knox's Knox Out finisher in the match and if any of you know me from UCW, I LOVE Mike Knox so that's a solid plus for me. His finisher is... different but I don't see that being his permanent one. Its just not feasible for a lot of the bigger guys. Overall, this definitely has some crazy potential. I kind of got like a Raven meets Hugh Morris vibe from the character. And it works. How long until creative and the booking team fucks it up though?