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I'll jump in Episode 2.

Kim Jong Umb

Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Sounds great let me know when I'm up!

Kim Jong Umb

Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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Story So far
Week 2 of Smackdown:

We kick off Smackdown with a recap of Sami Zayn attacking Big E and Owens saving E. We then get notified that Kevin Owens has a match against Leon Ruff, who was called up to the Main Roster in December.

Big E is interviewed backstage, where he doesn't look in good shape, wrapped in bandages. He assures everyone he will continue to fight. But his interview is interrupted by Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens almost getting into a fight. This promps Adam Pearce to get involved, with Kevin Owens screaming at Zayn to fight him like a man.

The situation is talked about on commentary throughout the night until Owens/Ruff is up next. It's a competitive match, with Kevin Owens beating Ruff with a Stunner. After the match, Sami Zayn comes out to attack Kevin. He hits the Helluva Kick, before grabbing his steel pipe. If he couldn't go to Wrestlemania, he was gonna make sure Owens wasn't. Before he could lay into Owens, down came Big E. Despite being hurt, E managed to take out Zayn, despite taking a few pipe spots.

It seems Big E and Kevin Owens are on good terms when Big E picks him up and hits a Big Ending. Revenge from Last Week, E holds his universal title in the air.

Around 30 minutes before the show ends, Stephanie McMahon comes out to the ring. She talks about how she was supposed to wait for Vince to come back before she made a decision, but the fighting was too much. She offered KO and Sami a solution. At Elimination Chamber, a Last Man Standing match would take place. The winner is the rightful Royal Rumble winner.

This leads Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn to come out. After some arguing, they agree, staring a hole through each other. Then, Big E's Music Hits. But, no Big E. Suddenly, E is thrown out from the backstage area, as Roman Reigns comes out. He never got his Rematch, he never got another chance. He picks up the Universal Title, and makes his motivations known.
Week 3 of Smackdown

Show opens with Kevin Owens in the ring. He cuts a promo about having to defend his number one contendership against Sammy Zayn. He then talks about beating Big E for the title and scolds him for attacking him the week before. Out comes Big E from the back, he walks up the ramp and tells Owens he's not a legitimate competitor and what happened last week, he had it coming. Out come Roam Reigns, who gets in the ring and gets in Big E's face. telling him he shouldn't be talking about legitimacy. Out come Sami Zayn, smug. He attempts to talk some shit to get everyone against each other. The three men brawl to Zayn's delight, and he sneaks in to hit a Helluva kick on Owens, followed by a blue thunder bomb on the announce table. Reigns and Big E beat the shit out each other.

After commercial, Stephanie is interviewed in the back. She says all four men need to vent and learn to get along within the building . She sets up the main event, Tag Team match between the team of Owens/Big E vs roman and Zayn

Up next is an eliminator match between Shinsuke Nakamura and a freshly called up Bronson Reed. Bronson Reed is looking dominant, but Boogs hits Reed over the head with his electric guitar as Nak turns heel and wins dirty, taking up a spot at Elimination Chamber.

Big E and Owens argue in the back, making jokes at each others expenses. They end up agreeing to put their differences aside. Zayn tries to negotiate with Roman, but Roman ignores him and walks away.

In the Main Event, Big E and Owens originally work great together, even hitting combo moves on Zayn. Roman refuses to tag in while Owens is in the ring. During some miscommunication, Owens bumps his own partner off the apron on to the floor. Roman takes advantage and spears him through the barricade, As the ref checks on them, Zayn pulls out the same pipe as last week and crack KO over the head. He asks the referee to count him to 10 while he stands over him leering and laughing. referee counts to 10 and Team Zayn wins. The show ends with Roman and Zayn standing tall over their opponents.

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Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Idea to improve: add dates/countdown to ppvs so we know how many weekly shows left to.the following ppv :)
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Kim Jong Umb

Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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Elimination Chamber
So here we are at the chamber where we will have the elimination chamber match for the Universal Championship with Big E defending it against Roman Reigns, The Usos, Bronson Reed, Cesaro. Adam Pierce was not a fan of having The Uso's in the match but both Usos won a qualifying match to get in with Jey defeating Rey Mysterio & Jimmy defeating Apollo Crews. The chamber is the first match of the night.

However being how they were in the match. They both vowed that if they won the match they would give the championship to the head of the table. Roman Reigns starts the match with Cesaro. Cesaro gets control until Jey & Jimmy Uso end up being the next entries. Jimmy & Jey with Roman are completely destroying Cesaro until 5th entry Big E enters the match. E & Cesaro try to take control until they are met with a double superkick and Roman is setting up for the spear as behind him the pod releases for Bronson Reed. Reed is a house of fire taking out all The Bloodline & eliminating Jimmy Uso. Roman Reigns is seen talking to Jimmy after he is eliminating but, you cant really here what he says. Roman ends up turning into a Big End attempt but Jey Uso pulls Roman down and goes for a superkick he misses and Big E eliminations Jey Uso as Bronson & Roman fight. Later in the match Roman & Cesaro are fighting & Reed & E.

Reed hits a Splash from the top of the pod and covers E for the 3. He is quickly met with a spear attempt by Roman who misses and is caught with a uppercut by Cesaro. Cesaro then hits 2 neutralizers followed by another splash by Reed and Roman gets eliminated.

Roman does not exit gracefully as he gets up The Usos come in and they start to attack both men with steel chairs and put them both through the pods. They lay broken and battered in the ring as Roman walks out.

Cesaro & Reed come to it both injured from the fight and it looks like Reed has it in the bag going for another splash. Cesaro catches him tho and a super neutralizer takes out the former NA Champion and Cesaro wins Universal Championship.

Meanwhile later on in the night after a brutal back and forth last man standing match there is Zayn & Owens head to head on both knees in the middle of the ring blood covers the canvas and there blood drenching each others heads. You can hear them scream at each other as they trade shots all the way up the stage. Owens goes for a stunner off the stage Zayn reverses it going for a Helluva Kick Sami is reversed and Owens hits a pop up powerbomb on the stage. Sami gets up at 6.

Zayn & Owens then tease old finshers until they are back at fisticuffs again and both taking a nasty double bump off the stage crashing down They both try to make the ten count but at the same time fall to the mat unable to answer the 10 count.

They are both stretch off and as they go through the back Cesaro looks on his new title wrap round. Cesaro turns to Adam Pierce and goes who am I facing at mania. Sonya arrives and says Vince is on the phone and says that this has gone far enough and says this sd he returns.


Kim Jong Umb

Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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Reactions: Comrade Khan

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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ok ill grab the next one now

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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annnnd i forgot lmao ok here we go


The show opens with Stephanie McMahon in the ring with a microphone. She begins by congratulating all the competitors at Elimination Chamber. She says there's someone here who has a few words to say. NO CHANCE IN HELL plays and out comes the chairman Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

Vince congratulates Cesaro on his title win, but says he isn't sure Cesaro is up to the task of being champiom. Cesaro comes out and shakes his hand and grabs a mic. He says that while he's still beat up from last night, he wil ltake on any challenger anytime, anywhere.
Out comes Kevin Owens, mic in hand. He says he didn't lose last night and that he proved his toughness. He deserves the next shot at the titles. Out of nowhere Sami Zayn comes out and they start brawling on the stage. Vince yells for security to separate them and that enough is enough. He says the feud ends tonight in a best out of three falls. Cesaro claps. Vince turns and says to Cesaro that he will actually fight the winner in the main event. TONIGHT!

In the back Bronson Reed and Big E are having a conversation about Elimination Chamber in a jovial manner. The Usos and Roman reigns suddenly attack them with chairs and lay them out after a savage beatdown. Roman declares that they cost they cost The Bloodline the title at Elimination Chamber, and they will have to pay restitutions for a long time coming. Scary!

In a quick squash, Shinsuke Nakamura beats the living shit out of Rey Mysterio with various cheat spots with Boogs. Dominik comes out for the save, but Boogs smashes him from behind with his electric guitar and both he and Nak dance in the ring.

A graphic comes up on the board with a dark figure cutting a promo on how she's won every title available to her and now she's coming for smackdown's the women's division. She takes off her hood revealing Io Shirai.

In the best out of 3 falls, Kevin Owens comes out first only to be attacked from behind by Sammy. He slams him against the steps and hits a helluva kick on the outside. Rolls him in the ring, 1 2 3. Sammy is 1 pin away from a championship bout. Sami and KO have a clean back and forth and beat each other up a lot. Pop up powerbomb. kickout. Owens pulls out the Steen Driver (package piledrive). 123. Both men are tied. Multiple finisher counters and false finishes. Helluva kick followed by apron brainbuster by zayn. 1...2....3 Zayn gets the surprise clean win. Zayn has an emotional moment and goes to shake Owens hand. Owens looks like hes a bout to hug him but slaps his hand away and the last moment and walks away.

Main event time, Zayn v Cesaro. Cesaro is more fresh but still beat up from previous night. Cesaro takes control. Cesaro swing and sharphooter. Zayn escapes on the ropes. Duelling chants. Zayn goes for a Helluva kick but Cesaro gets out of the way, Neutralizer. Zayn barely kicks out. Blue thunder bomb, followed by helluva kick. 1 2 Cesaro kicks out! Both men are exhausted and beat each other some more. Zayn misses another Helluva Kick and gets tangled in the corner. European uppercut, Cesaro climbs the ropes with Zayn and finally hits the super neutralizer. 1 2 WHAT! Kevin Owens emerges from the crowd and pulls the referee out of the ring. The referee berates him but in the confusion Sami Zayn hits a low blow on Cesaro. Helluva kick. another Helluva kick for good measure. crowd boos angrily. 1
Sami Zayn is the new WWE Champion! Kevin Owen gets in the ring and stares at Zayn. The y both begins to laughs and embrace in a huge hug as the crowd is fucking pissed. As the show closes, we can see Vince McMahon sitting in his office with a large smile on his face.


Leon TrotSky

Apr 17, 2019
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Part 8: Everything's Gone to Shit
Friday Night SmackDown: WrestleMania is 3 weeks from Sunday
  • We open the show with Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn coming out together (to Sami's music), taunting the fans, mugging for the cameras, acting like the smug little Canadian pricks they are. Sami takes the mic. "For the last year now, I have been filming a documentary about a conspiracy surrounding me, Sami Zayn. A conspiracy affecting the future of the world title picture in WWE. Now, at last, now that the rightful Champion is on top, I can show you that documentary."
  • We get a video package of moments that we didn't see. Of secret handshakes between KO and Sami. Of clandestine meetings with the McMahons. Of signs that all of this was planned all along. And over it, we get narration from Sami explaining how he, KO, and the first family of WWE fooled the WWE Universe. "Did you never notice how whenever I met a roadblock, it was always Kevin Owens? How he was always the one put in my way? You should have known. But you didn't. The conspiracy? It was me all along. And now I'm the WWE Universal Champion."
  • BIG babyface pop as the former champ Cesaro's music hits. He's got nothing to say, he just glares at KO and Sami as he approaches. He's looking to face them 2-on-1... but the numbers game overpowers him. Sami produces a piece of steel pipe from his jacket and starts SMASHING it into Cesaro's knees. Big E runs out to stop him... but is restrained by a throng of WWE security! Sami and KO just laugh at the former champ being dragged away as Cesaro lies on the ground, unable to stand.
  • We then get a backstage announcement from Stephanie McMahon, who's about as popular as syphillis at this point. She offers Big E and Cesaro a reprieve. The main event tonight will see them face off. The winner will go on to face Sami at WrestleMania... but if they don't win, they are FIRED.
  • During the show we get the SmackDown debut of Io Shirai, finishing off Zelina Vega in a quick squash. After the match, she goes backstage, meets the current SD Women's Champion, Sasha Banks. Io gives a look of "how about it, then?" but Sasha just brushes her off and walks away.
  • Also appearing is Shinsuke Nakamura, with Rick Boogs in tow. Boogs announces that the still self-proclaimed King of SmackDown feels that he didn't give a fair fight to Rey Mysterio, and wants to give him another chance. Who should show up, but HORNSWOGGLE in a cheap replica Mysterio mask? Yep, it's another overpowering. Rey's still rehabbing injuries he suffered in last week's match... but that doesn't stop Dominik showing up. Rick Boogs chickenshits it out of there, leaving Nakamura to stare Dominik down.
  • As is the tradition for future opponents of Roman Reigns these days, Bronson Reed faces Jey Uso. The match is fairly even, but Jey wins it with a handful of tights. After the match, though, Bronson gives Jey a lariat and a big splash, and rolls him out of the ring before grabbing a mic. "This is what your Bloodline is, Roman? Just a bunch of cheaters? It's so obvious to me that I stole nothing from you. I just stopped you from taking something you never earned your whole career. And you won't attack me tonight, because you know I'm right." Sure enough, Roman Reigns does not appear during this segment.
  • Main event time, and Cesaro is hobbling to the ring. Big E looks like he feels terrible just being in this match. He has the match won several times, but refuses to finish it off. He can't fire a man who was so badly screwed in this way. Of course, this lets Cesaro get back in to the match, bit by bit, little by little, until a Neutralizer and big swing (I'm not doing the fucking UFO spin, that looks stupid) has Big E on the ropes. Cesaro's looking set to deliver a second Neutralizer... when several men in masks and WWE security outfits storm the ring! They beat down Big E and Cesaro, while the ref watches and does nothing. Finally, those men roll the two competitors out of the ring, and the ref starts a 10-count. Predictably, neither man answers. Double count-out.
  • Vince comes out, Owens and Zayn on either side. "Neither man won, so... Big E! Cesaro! YOU'RE... BOTH... FAAAARRRRRDDDDDD!" The Universal Champion and his friend both have the biggest shit-eating grins on their faces right now.
  • Roman Reigns, Paul Heyman, and the Usos are in the back, just watching this scene play out on a screen. Roman has a look of deep thought on his face...

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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omb gonna wake up like :kennydone when he sees what we did with Cesaro