You seem to be confused. I was more than prepared to continue that argument until death did me part, but you had to stick your nose into it and tell me that I was wrong, and only until recently have you had the balls to step up to LH and actually try to shut HER up. But at the time you weren't any better than all the other guys looking to hop on the proverbial LH bandwagon. And yes by association of solely concentrating on my side of the argument of that thread, you were indirectly on the side of LH. The only reason I stopped was because you seemed to be making good points and were genuinely just wanting the argument to stop, but now I learned that you seemingly didn't want the argument to stop because now without me fighting with LH, this section seems to be "lame". Ooookkieeee, you seem to be flip flopping what you want more often than a kid in a candy store.