This may be the obvious of directions but who cares..
Start off with the HHH-like return promos and have them air for about a month or so..
This in turn will give Jericho more than enough time to refresh everyone's memories and cut several promos, citing Edge as a loser, a hypocrite, a parasitic tapeworm, and most importantly the weak link of "Team Ego"
So when the time comes, say around the RR, and Edge makes his triumphant return he'll obviously be an instant babyface by default, which as much as I may want him to remain a heel, Edge as a face serves as a good thing bc in the current state of the WWE its alot harder to come across a top tier main event face than it is to develop top main event level heel.
That being said, they have a couple of altercations, exchange a few promos, and essentially milk the feud til they meet up one on one at Wrestlemania 26 where they put on what I hope will be an excellent matchup from two of my favorites.
Oh and if Big show is still a factor at this time, which i doubt, but if he is he'll be a good excuse to keep Edge from Jericho til WM