No. No sir. Hardcore matches are kind of back to what they were the 50 years before ECW, street fights, No DQ's and Falls Count Anywhere matches. ECW didn't invent hardcore, they popularized it. But years before ECW guys like Dirty Danny McShain were having chain matches and that generation lead to guys like Abdullah, Tiger Jeet Singh, The Sheik and mother fuckin Bruiserbrody himself and of course Terry Funk was bedeviling himself into some really gruesome shit too. Either way, having a hardcore division cheapens the product and basically kills any sense of kayfabe for a regular wrestler's heat with their moves. A no namer like Crash Holly can take 10 chair shots, be broken through a table,then hit with a rubber chicken, yet the Rock gets pinned after one pedigree. That's bad for kayfabe and business. Hardcore just needs to be saved for heated feuds and rivalries through Streetfights and the whatnot, no need to call it "hardcore" when it's gotten by in the business for 50 years as "brawling".
BTW, what are everyone's favorite hardcore moments?
Bossman/ Al Snow feud, awesome shit, Bossman was a bad ass character in 99, with this and the Big Show feud.
Crash Holly as the 24-7 hardcore champ. Good stuff.