WWE's ultimate destroyer, an asskicking machine lost to a 49-year old man coming out of retirement for one more match? Makes sense. tunga:
How do I feel? Indifferent, I guess. I was not surprised by the outcome, not one bit. Hell, I wasn't even mad at the outcome. lol
I honestly didn't care about the match at all, all I wanted was to see Lesnar win, but then he lost in like 90 seconds and I was like... Idk, I just found myself not caring.
How do I feel? Indifferent, I guess. I was not surprised by the outcome, not one bit. Hell, I wasn't even mad at the outcome. lol
I honestly didn't care about the match at all, all I wanted was to see Lesnar win, but then he lost in like 90 seconds and I was like... Idk, I just found myself not caring.