Didn't say it was directly internet mongoloids fault.....I just said would explain that many goofy characters clustered like that.And you could find tons of similar characters to these throughout WWE over the years, so I don't see how this is any of the "internet mongoloids" fault...
Could you imagine if they had that many characters on RAW, we would all be shitting all over WWE and wanting Titan towers burned to the ground, I asked this question once, and didn't get a serious answer. Why is nXt allowed to have so many goofy characters but we shit on Hornswoggle and Torito matches? Why was Emma supposedly a great worker and interesting character until she debuted on Raw with Santino, that same shit she was doing on nXt not even a week prior?
Could it be innernetz? Methinks so.
I also said neckbeard nation just want to shit on anything WWE does, because they don't want them to be successful. Pretty sure that was my main point of my first post.
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