I don't care who Hunter is fucking. Fact of the matter is, he continues to bury people and that reputation sticking with him is what makes people sick and tired of the guy.
He's talented as Hell on the mic, in the ring, and in a damn suit. But he isn't worth a damn when it comes to putting guys over, no matter if he tapped to Benoit or if he let Sheamus put him out or if he took the L to Shelton Benjamin (hell, Undertaker got eliminated by Maven... MAVEN... nevermind he beat the crap out of the guy for 30 minutes all over the arena and Maven got his wallet stolen by some fan).
I won't go over ALL of the burials over the years, but have a look at what he did to Sheamus since I mentioned him above. Sheamus took him out... put him on the shelf. H returns, needs to set an example going on to Mania w/ Taker, and Trips killed Sheamus so badly it took them forcing a YEAR of Sheamus not losing matches cleanly. Sheamus went on a bigger winning run than Cena has ever been given... and I've seen Cena lose clean before. Not only did what H do to Sheamus not help Sheamus, but the resulting shove down our throats of Sheamus ruined a lot of talent on the roster who could have benefited from a win... and also soured people on Sheamus.
Look at CM Punk. Summer of Punk was on a roll, Nash came in, obviously setting up Punk/Nash.. right? Of course not. Hunter decides it's best to get a match between he and Nash that NOBODY, including the two of them, cared about, and completely leave Punk out of it. Not to mention, Vince left around that time so Trips could be the on-screen authority who gets a little violent. Punk vs. Nash should have happened, setting up Punk vs. Hunter with the Punk victory payoff to set Punk up as THE GUY with Cena. But nope.
Then take a stroll on down to right here with Daniel Bryan. Manipulates Show. Costs Bryan the title. Should lead to a Bryan/Show match for Bryan's revenge on Show taking him out and costing him a title. But Bryan is his best buddy two nights later and Show gets fired. Where is the big Bryan/Hunter payoff? Oh yeah... taking a backseat to Orton/Show, leading to Show/Hunter which nobody, including the two of them, will care about. Again... Bryan vs. Show should have happened, leading to Bryan vs. Hunter... but nope.
Oh, and I have my theories regarding Cesaro and Hunter... jobbing Cesaro to Cena in a handicap match the same night "Face of the WWE" Orton couldn't stop the tag-champs... who just so happened to lose last week against The Real Americans. Blame booking if you want... but I find it funny how Cesaro gets shit on every single time Hero's name pops up... and Hero's biggest opponent behind the scenes was apparently Hunter. Make what you will of it.