He put Batista over because he HAD to. He put RKO over cause he HAD to. Why did HHH have to have a two hour reign as Champion? Well, because he wanted to be 11x Champion, cause of his ego. He put Cena over because hey, Cena was drawing more than he was AT THAT TIME. Sure HHH may have gotten less egotistical over the years, but he has one big EGO. 10 Time Champion from late 99-2005. That's pathetic, really, and shows what kind of EGO he has. Just like his oh so good buddy, Shawn Michaels. And lets not forget his father Vince. HHH is best not writing or being apart of creative, or whatever crap he does in the back as hes in Stephanie's ear. What did he do aside from marrying Stephy to get to that level in the business?......oh that's right, nothing. Because before he was dating Stephanie, he had...1 WWF Title reign? Just took off right from when they began dating, pretty ironic huh? I think not. HHH is the game alright, the game of the politics in the back, he plays everybody. HHH is a coward, point blank. HHH should not be World or WWE Champion for a while.....and THEN U say he does whats right for the business, huh? What's right for the buisness is step down from WWE Title contention, and go for a shot at IC Title or something. Maybe he can give some credibility back to the Title by havign some good, kickass matches vs. Y2J for the Title, or vs. Kennedy for the Title. Why must he be in the Title picture damn near all the time? Oh right, goes back to who his father in law is, and what his father in law DOES. When HHH stops being a eGOmaniac, then I'll respect him for something he's done. Untill then, HHH is HHHitler.