Has Youtube gone too far?

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Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
Reaction score

Looks like wrestling youtubers are getting hit hard with this because they are deeming the content as not family friendly. That seems a bit unfair considering Vince has made WWE more family friendly than it has ever been. I get wanting to get ads away from people who post and encourage real violence but WRESTLING IS FAKE!!! IT IS SCRIPTED! The talks and the fighting is not real to the extent of hand to hand fighting and most wrestlers are good friends in real life.

Nikki Nitro

The Beast
May 21, 2017
Reaction score
Beyond the Grave
I honestly did for a couple yrs used to think It was Real. The talks, the Fights, etc..... But it was my mom that told me it was fake. Its Entertainment. I still LOVE Watching WWE.... Or what I hv seen of it anyways.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score


Who is cuter, me or Pewdiepie? (before you answer, remember I'm a mod and I can ban you :excellent:)

*for the people who take things too seriously, the mod banning thing was a joke
  • Haha
Reactions: Nikki Nitro


The Artiste
Jun 10, 2017
Reaction score
Kentucky, United States
I was going to collaborate with a few friends on a YouTube channel, then this shit started happening, and I'll tell you now. There is no way in hell we would ever get sponsors, with the jokes and material that I go with. If I can make fun of it, I do. Specifically myself. I have actually used this to show kids how everything changes the more money gets involved.

Also, I will go on the record to say, that Pewdiepie could be of great humanitarian use. We could take him to Chernobyl to see if it's safe to let people back near the Epicenter of the meltdown...just a thought.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
I wonder how much of this is just in the minds of the people who are claiming to be losing ad revenue. Again, I run a horror narration channel. By definition, that is not family friendly. Many of narrators with similar content have made claims that they haven't been getting ad revenue.

Pewdiepie is claiming that he is only making $16 per video. I myself am making about $50 per video. So, if you believe him, my channel is financially more successful than his at the moment.

In all honesty, I think this is some sort of mass hysteria. People are being told they are getting less money from ads and are likely believing it. Generally, as your channel gets more successful, your pay continues to grow. So people may think that their channels aren't growing at the rate they once believed. But also, I've looked at the videos from the channels who claim to be making less money and found something very interesting. Many of them are making less videos and getting less views per video. Many of them are also spending a significant amount of their video time bitching about the adpocalypse. So what's more likely here:

We have a horror narrator who continues to make the same amount of videos each month and sees his revenue continue to increase as he grows... and he has NEVER mentioned the adpocalypse once in his videos.


A bunch of people have become so overly convinced that this thing is taking them down, has thus let their content suffer, produced less material and sees that they are making less revenue... but are right that this is because of advertisers leaving YouTube?

Give me a break guys on YouTube. I see that a YouTube job doesn't require you to take a critical thinking class. They are so obsessed with this thing, they are giving it life.


The Artiste
Jun 10, 2017
Reaction score
Kentucky, United States
If I may ask, What's your channel? I may be subscribed to it, because I love the Horror Narrations.

As far as the rest goes, it may not be as bad as it is being made out to be, but, I do know that I won't be the family friendly type, either, due to the content that was going to contributed. I should have added that I just left it alone, for a few other factors, as well. I've got a few projects in the works, as well as school, and there may not have been enough time.

You bring up Pewdiepie's revenue claims, and my thoughts on that are, is he disclosing any overhead, or any expenses? I have seen make some bullshit claims before, So, I have a hard time believing him on anything. I do take the time to research as much as I can, before making a choice about my life, so, I did watch him on a few things.

I know it doesn't take too much to run a channel, and you very well could be right, that it's mass hysteria, and people are just now starting to pay attention to their income, or just don't understand it at all, or just want to bitch because they can bitch. I don't know for sure, but, based off what I was hearing, my content would hurt the collab work on a channel with anyone else, that's all.
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
If I may ask, What's your channel? I may be subscribed to it, because I love the Horror Narrations.

As far as the rest goes, it may not be as bad as it is being made out to be, but, I do know that I won't be the family friendly type, either, due to the content that was going to contributed. I should have added that I just left it alone, for a few other factors, as well. I've got a few projects in the works, as well as school, and there may not have been enough time.

You bring up Pewdiepie's revenue claims, and my thoughts on that are, is he disclosing any overhead, or any expenses? I have seen make some bullshit claims before, So, I have a hard time believing him on anything. I do take the time to research as much as I can, before making a choice about my life, so, I did watch him on a few things.

I know it doesn't take too much to run a channel, and you very well could be right, that it's mass hysteria, and people are just now starting to pay attention to their income, or just don't understand it at all, or just want to bitch because they can bitch. I don't know for sure, but, based off what I was hearing, my content would hurt the collab work on a channel with anyone else, that's all.

I have never watched a single Pewdiepie video and never will. So I can't really speak completely confidently as to what he claims or does, I only see what is reported. However, he has been known to outright lie about things in the past and I assume his claims of how little money he makes is a lie. In recent times, he has seemed more interesting in stirring the put than anything else. However, I'd also keep in mind that he put some extremely anti semetic videos, so that might be why he's not making any money if he's telling the truth.

I am more apt to believe he is making shit up just to stir the pot. He is probably bored and wants to create trouble.

My channel is called Killer Orange Cat.