MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAnyone but Anderson, anyone but Anderson for the win.
:haha: How cute was Joe's bell-ringing?
Way to go, Roooooooooooooode!
Don't think "cute" is the word you're looking for there... :urm:
:yay: :yay: :yay: 2nd place baby! (But that knocks Daniels out of the top 4... :downer![]()
Boooooo for Daniels.: But yay for Roode. Loved seeing excited-Daniels at ringside.
Haha, for me it was kind of cute.1: In that, "Hey, now there's an idea!" kind of way.
The people that I want to win aren't winning!![]()
Was wrong! Forgot Anderson took his spot last week (for now :toughso no "
: for Daniels" involved, so :yay:
Oh, no. It was certainly entertaining and awesome and original and stuff, but... Cute?1:
Who ya rooting for? The standings are kinda even now.
I want AJ to come out on top.