Give me 5 reasons why Samoa Joe sucks

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Ace of Spades

New Member
Aug 11, 2007
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Beaverton, OR
Actually Joe has had a 5 star match in TNA; the Joe Vs AJ Vs Daniels match at Unbreakable 2005.
He has also had two other 5 star matches in, Joe Vs Punk II and Joe Vs Kobashi.
Just thought i'd clear that up.
P.S Where is Ricky Marvin on your list?

I wouldn't consider Joe/AJ/Daniels a ***** match. It was a classic, no doubt, but I'd consider it 4 1/2 stars. I forgot about Joe/Kobashi, though. Everyone bases their ratings as to what Meltzer gives, but I only give two matches to Joe.

straight_edge76 said:
Angle/Joe @ Genesis 2006> Taker/Angle @ No Way Out 2006

Not even close, my friend. Even though Taker/Angle wasn't billed as a "dream match" or "best match of the decade", it sure as hell delivered. It went just 23 seconds under a half hour and was just a roller coaster ride of a match. The ending was also one of the best I've ever seen (triangle choke reverse into jackknife cover) and was just simply awesome.

While Joe/Angle was good in the 13 minute match they had, they should have easily been able to go the same length as Taker/Angle. Instead, they did 13 minutes of suplexes and bleeding and Angle gets the win. It should have been an instant ***** classic, being billed as a "dream match" and "match of the decade" pre-bout. It just didn't deliver what it could have and should have.

The worst part of it all is that was their best in the "series".


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
Man,Is Samoa Joe even Samoan?,He just looks like some whiteboy bitch who said,"I need a name that rhymes.",so his Pal Cena said,"How about..."Samoa Joe"...huh?". anyways seriously I think he sucks dick, can't even get carried through a match by Kurt"Fucking"Angle. Their whole feud bored the shit outta me, Joes name sucks,umaga's got a better"I'm gonna fuck you up" attitude then joe does. Samoa Joe's probably near where GoldBerg was in old WCW.
Back when People thought Goldberg was some legit asskicker,til we found out he's just some pussy,much like Joe. Samoa Joes not even that big,just a bit cruiserweight fat. He doesn't even sound that tough or legit. Kinda like Lashley. Hell Lashley will fuck up joe in a real fight and Lashley's more entertaining then Joe. I'm just praying that theres some William Regal in the world who wouldn't mind outwrestling Joe,so we could all see how much of a pathetic piece of wasteful shit he is.


Aug 11, 2007
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Man,Is Samoa Joe even Samoan?,He just looks like some whiteboy bitch who said,"I need a name that rhymes.",so his Pal Cena said,"How about..."Samoa Joe"...huh?". anyways seriously I think he sucks dick, can't even get carried through a match by Kurt"Fucking"Angle. Their whole feud bored the shit outta me, Joes name sucks,umaga's got a better"I'm gonna fuck you up" attitude then joe does. Samoa Joe's probably near where GoldBerg was in old WCW.
Back when People thought Goldberg was some legit asskicker,til we found out he's just some pussy,much like Joe. Samoa Joes not even that big,just a bit cruiserweight fat. He doesn't even sound that tough or legit. Kinda like Lashley. Hell Lashley will fuck up joe in a real fight and Lashley's more entertaining then Joe. I'm just praying that theres some William Regal in the world who wouldn't mind outwrestling Joe,so we could all see how much of a pathetic piece of wasteful shit he is.

How big of a fucking mark are you? Joe is a legit martial artist and one of the stiffest guys in the world and you compare him to Goldberg?

And for your info,it was Joe who carried Angles broken down,drug addict ass through those awesome matches they had.

And yeah,really a fucking guy in a skirt is better than a wrestler who actually has skills.


Mar 21, 2007
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San Diego
If your trying to say Undertaker & Kane are better wrestlers than Joe, you have to be brain dead.
You wanna know why Joe is better lets look at the facts shall we?
3 of the last 4 five star matches; you wanna know who has been involved in them Samoa Joe. Just to clarify they were Joe Vs Kobashi, Joe Vs Punk II and Joe Vs AJ Vs Daniels. Kane's never put on a freakin 5 star match in his life and Undertaker put on one and that was against Michaels in the HIAC match.

Wow, Joe had five star matches against the best wrestlers in the world, what a fucking surprise. When Joe can carry guys like Khali and Mark Henry to a good match let me know. Plus in Joe/Kobashi all Joe did was get chopped like a million times, In Joe/Punk II all he did was take headlocks for the first thirty minutes. Yeah neither of those deserve 5 stars imo.

Matches are always going to have 2 or more people in them, to try and say Joe doesn't derserve it because it had other people in the match is the most moronic thing i've ever heard. When was the last time you seen someone put on a 5 star match with themselves lol!

How is Undertaker better in the ring? i don't get it, Joe is alot more versatile
in his moveset then the undertaker but you try and say you don't care about it lol, he's still better; amongst the petty high school insults.

Once agian Joe's wrestling in ROH, against the best wrestlers in the world, Taker's wrestling against Batista. It's a lot harder to put on a five star match with Batista then guys like oh I dunno Daniels/Styles/Kobashi/Punk.......

Well no shit Joe's more versitile, he's 27. Taker's like 45. Just the fact that Taker's able to compete with the versitility of a guy a little less then half his age is a testement to how good Taker is.......
(I'll reword it later)

Joe was so awesome in ROH that even when he was a heel the people cheered for him.

Wow Joe gets cheered in a fed where disposition doesn't really matter *cough*AmDrag*cough*

Why? Cuz his hardhit style was something the people had never seen in the US.

Yes, because prior to Joe there wasn't a single big guy in wrestling. Yeah everyone knows guys like Taker started wrestling after Joe

But one thing I do agree with. Joe gets owned by Taker mic skill wise. But still,Kane and Taker are both so damn slow, while Joe is a damn fast guy for his size.

I'm just going to point out that you said that Taker's better on the mic. And yeah Joe is faster because he's like half Taker's age, and he hasn't been wrestling for like 18 years

I dont wanna watch some slow ass giant use fake moves,like well I dont know....hmm maybe like Oldschool. That move so sucks.

Oh yeah because moves like the Tombstone Piledriver, Triangle Choke, Big Boot, Chokeslam etc all are SOOO fake. And besides Old Schools a cool move, if you want to bitch you should be bitching about the gayness that is the Muscle Buster

Joe can sell way better than both Taker and Kane combined.

Yeah Joe does sell better, simply because he isn't supposed to be an unstoppable zombie/monster. If Taker sold every hit it would kill his character. If you want to see Taker sell, just watch when he dropped the title to Edge.

The only two things Joe lacks are mic skills and a great gimmick. Well,nah he has a great gimmick, a big fat Samoan guy whos gonna fuck you up. And WWE had to copy him. Thats how great Joe is.

Oh yeah a fat guy that's gonna fuck you up, real creative. Yeah because everyone knows that Joe was the first "bad ass". And Umaga's a savage, not a fat ass.

And on the crowd reaction thing, I've never heard Takers gonna fuck you up,or Takers gonna kill you. Never heard Kanes gonna kill you. But I have heard Joes gonna kill you. The fans love Joe to death.

Wow, so you're saying that Joe can out pop Taker? One bong can get a louder pop then Joe can ever hope to acheive.

I now see that this board has a horde of WWE marks roaming around,claiming their opinions as fact. And I guess if theyt like seeing the same match over and over again "goughtakergough" fiune,do so,but dont come telling me how awesome it is to watch the same match over and over and over again.

Where did this come from?


Aug 11, 2007
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Wow, Joe had five star matches against the best wrestlers in the world, what a fucking surprise. When Joe can carry guys like Khali and Mark Henry to a good match let me know. Plus in Joe/Kobashi all Joe did was get chopped like a million times, In Joe/Punk II all he did was take headlocks for the first thirty minutes. Yeah neither of those deserve 5 stars imo.

Once agian Joe's wrestling in ROH, against the best wrestlers in the world, Taker's wrestling against Batista. It's a lot harder to put on a five star match with Batista then guys like oh I dunno Daniels/Styles/Kobashi/Punk.......

Well no shit Joe's more versitile, he's 27. Taker's like 45. Just the fact that Taker's able to compete with the versitility of a guy a little less then half his age is a testement to how good Taker is.......
(I'll reword it later)

Wow Joe gets cheered in a fed where disposition doesn't really matter *cough*AmDrag*cough*

Yes, because prior to Joe there wasn't a single big guy in wrestling. Yeah everyone knows guys like Taker started wrestling after Joe

I'm just going to point out that you said that Taker's better on the mic. And yeah Joe is faster because he's like half Taker's age, and he hasn't been wrestling for like 18 years

Oh yeah because moves like the Tombstone Piledriver, Triangle Choke, Big Boot, Chokeslam etc all are SOOO fake. And besides Old Schools a cool move, if you want to bitch you should be bitching about the gayness that is the Muscle Buster

Yeah Joe does sell better, simply because he isn't supposed to be an unstoppable zombie/monster. If Taker sold every hit it would kill his character. If you want to see Taker sell, just watch when he dropped the title to Edge.

Oh yeah a fat guy that's gonna fuck you up, real creative. Yeah because everyone knows that Joe was the first "bad ass". And Umaga's a savage, not a fat ass.

Wow, so you're saying that Joe can out pop Taker? One bong can get a louder pop then Joe can ever hope to acheive.

Where did this come from?
I do not even have to reply to this. The fact that you said that Taker vs Khali and Taker vs Henry were good matches already show how idiotic your whole post was.


Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego
Wow, your not gonna reply because you don't like my unimportant opinion. Huh, that's lame, oh well. Aside from a few comments my post wasn't that stupid, w/e no big deal, just a message board.

Ace of Spades

New Member
Aug 11, 2007
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Beaverton, OR
The only two things Joe lacks are mic skills and a great gimmick. Well,nah he has a great gimmick, a big fat Samoan guy whos gonna fuck you up. And WWE had to copy him. Thats how great Joe is.

Actually, Mazz, WWE offered Umaga's gimmick to Joe when he was debating about going to WWE or TNA. So, in a sense, TNA ripped WWE.

Great One

Could someone explain to ME how Joe is suppose to be fucking intimidating?! He's FAT and looks like a girl. How am I suppose to believe this man can "kill me". And this argument has already lost all merit when someone tried to justify Joe being good from saying that because the TNA sheep (old ECW fans) chant "Joes gonna kill you" he has more charisma and crowd reaction than Taker, ROFL, you are seriously stupid. =p

Also, watch some of Kane's OVW matches.


Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Actually, Mazz, WWE offered Umaga's gimmick to Joe when he was debating about going to WWE or TNA. So, in a sense, TNA ripped WWE.

Joe was offered that gimmick while Joe was in TNA. So no TNA did not rip WWE since they had the gimmick going first.


You really can't compare Joe to Undertaker.Kane or Umaga, they are more power type wrestlers where as Joe is a techincal/mat wrestler/MMA type of wrestler. But I would prefer Joe over 2007 'Taker or Kane ANYDAY


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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1. He's fat
2. He no sells
3. He has no charisma
4. He knows a bunch of moves but hasn't perfected any
5. He knows fuck all about ring psychology

the dark knight

Wow, Joe had five star matches against the best wrestlers in the world, what a fucking surprise. When Joe can carry guys like Khali and Mark Henry to a good match let me know. Plus in Joe/Kobashi all Joe did was get chopped like a million times, In Joe/Punk II all he did was take headlocks for the first thirty minutes. Yeah neither of those deserve 5 stars imo.

Once agian Joe's wrestling in ROH, against the best wrestlers in the world, Taker's wrestling against Batista. It's a lot harder to put on a five star match with Batista then guys like oh I dunno Daniels/Styles/Kobashi/Punk.......

Well no shit Joe's more versitile, he's 27. Taker's like 45. Just the fact that Taker's able to compete with the versitility of a guy a little less then half his age is a testement to how good Taker is.......
(I'll reword it later)

Wow Joe gets cheered in a fed where disposition doesn't really matter *cough*AmDrag*cough*

Yes, because prior to Joe there wasn't a single big guy in wrestling. Yeah everyone knows guys like Taker started wrestling after Joe

I'm just going to point out that you said that Taker's better on the mic. And yeah Joe is faster because he's like half Taker's age, and he hasn't been wrestling for like 18 years

Oh yeah because moves like the Tombstone Piledriver, Triangle Choke, Big Boot, Chokeslam etc all are SOOO fake. And besides Old Schools a cool move, if you want to bitch you should be bitching about the gayness that is the Muscle Buster

Yeah Joe does sell better, simply because he isn't supposed to be an unstoppable zombie/monster. If Taker sold every hit it would kill his character. If you want to see Taker sell, just watch when he dropped the title to Edge.

Oh yeah a fat guy that's gonna fuck you up, real creative. Yeah because everyone knows that Joe was the first "bad ass". And Umaga's a savage, not a fat ass.

Wow, so you're saying that Joe can out pop Taker? One bong can get a louder pop then Joe can ever hope to acheive.

Where did this come from?

remind me to rep you.

Actually, Mazz, WWE offered Umaga's gimmick to Joe when he was debating about going to WWE or TNA. So, in a sense, TNA ripped WWE.
you are a complete idiot, TNA NEVER RIPPED OFF TEH WWE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111

WWE reversed the king of the mountain match to make the lame stupid meaningless waste of time ladder matches....:nonono: biased WWE sheep who cant support their garbage product and arent man enough to support the 8th wonder of the world, TNA.

Could someone explain to ME how Joe is suppose to be fucking intimidating?! He's FAT and looks like a girl. How am I suppose to believe this man can "kill me". And this argument has already lost all merit when someone tried to justify Joe being good from saying that because the TNA sheep (old ECW fans) chant "Joes gonna kill you" he has more charisma and crowd reaction than Taker, ROFL, you are seriously stupid. =p

Also, watch some of Kane's OVW matches.
i am in love with you, not just for the pimped text, the for whole post.

bottom line, you joe/roh aka circus marks should leave this out. i have had enough, the only fucking argument you can make is that he can "wrestle" a good match. if you like plain tit bouncing headlock armbar do a 1330 degree top rope flip wrestling, go watch the olympics.

this is like saying that joe's matches are more entertaining than a star wars action scene....



Joe hasn't improved in at least three years. He might actually be getting worse.

When's the last time he had a great match?
When's the last time he made someone besides himself look good in the ring?
When's the last time he cut a half way decent promo?

Joe will eventually go to the WWE, but he won't be able to adjust to the WWE style of wrestling that focuses on ring psychology.

Right now he is all about making himself look good. Thats why I will always consider people like Randy Orton and HHH to be great, and people like Joe to be halfway decent. If Orton or HHH are given 15 to 20 minutes they will consistently put on good matches where there opponent looks great even if they get pinned. Joe will no sell your offense and might even injure you in the process. I'm actually surprised he hasn't seriously injured anyone yet.


^^^There lies the genius of Joe. He delivers a "hard-hitting" offense, without actually hurting their opponent. And Joe is one of Cena's best friends, how can you hate him CenaMark?


^^^There lies the genius of Joe. He delivers a "hard-hitting" offense, without actually hurting their opponent. And Joe is one of Cena's best friends, how can you hate him CenaMark?

I think is offense is good and I don't hate him. I just think he tends to be overrated and basically lives off of his past reputation. Much like Punk does.

I actually think TNA will be his downfall and going to the WWE wouldn't solve any of his problems either. He was much better in ROH.

Nice sig by the way ahha. Kitty Orton. What the hell was up with that. What a terribly booked ending. Why didn't Cena just kick him in the head when he was laying there? I realize they didn't want Carlito to be DQed, thus the limited interference by Orton, but a ref bump and a chair shot into a backstabber would have done the trick. Anyway, back on topic.