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Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Yup, because WE storm Europe and demand conformity to our ideals, customs and views. Or face the our nukes! Mmhmmm...
Don't blame this shit on us, blame that shit on your elected officials.
elected officials to please your government, just a famous example from my own country: 1945 elections, US ambassador: ''vote Christian Democracy (italian pro-usa party) or face economic negative consequences''
for the record, Christian Democracy ended disbanded years later for massive corruption in the government, and links with mafia. Thank you.

Last time I checked it was also the last time. And that was, what? 65 YEARS AGO? And it was also the first time, no one knew of the consequences. But it's ok to be minding our own business, acting neutral and isolationist, and have a shitload of bat shit crazy Japs bomb the fuck out of our Pacific most harbor, all the meanwhile their German cohorts are in midst of a genocide? Not to mention they were trying to build a nuke before us, but they weren't as smart as us and we beat them to the punch. But, yah, we go around threatening everyone with our nukes, yup...
Pearl Harbour doesn't justify nukes. Deal with it.
2003 Iraq
Everything else we were provoked. If you had some religious extremists hijack planes on your home turf and murder thousands of your countrymen, what would you do? Be a pussy and ask the American's to intervene like 90% of the planet already does.
Korea, ok. Vietnam? Rofl. Iraq? Double rofl.
9/11 justifies Afghanistan, not Iraq.
Dec 23, 2008
Reaction score
Looks like some Euros in here need to read some history lessons...

Or be thankful their country isn't still a rotting shithole, thanks to John and Jane Q. Taxpayer

Enjoy the Sharia Law!

Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
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before I'll enjoy sharia, you'll see your country becoming EUA, Estados Unidos de America, land of gangstas and mexi-sluts... then you'll just bow down to your chinese lords..
so yea, we may cry, but you aren't laughing either.
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
Badstreet, USA
elected officials to please your government, just a famous example from my own country: 1945 elections, US ambassador: ''vote Christian Democracy (italian pro-usa party) or face economic negative consequences''
for the record, Christian Democracy ended disbanded years later for massive corruption in the government, and links with mafia. Thank you.
Sounds like your country's problem, not ours. Were American's running your country? No, just other easily corruptible Guineas that your people were fickle enough to elect.

Pearl Harbour doesn't justify nukes. Deal with it.
ROFL. Are yous serious? This, this is your argument? The fact that there was no precedent and henceforth no way to tell what was going to happen makes your point moot, not that you had a point to begin with, just an opinion. Deal with it.

Korea, ok. Vietnam? Rofl. Iraq? Double rofl.
9/11 justifies Afghanistan, not Iraq.
I don't believe you comprehended properly. See how I listed Vietnam and Iraq as wars that we weren't provoked into and/or made sorry excuses to start? Afghanistan is a separate war. They fucked with us first and we're retaliating.

Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Sounds like your country's problem, not ours. Were American's running your country? No, just other easily corruptible Guineas that your people were fickle enough to elect.
It's my country problem, but the cause it's you. Standard american hypocricy: ''yea, we bribed your politicians, threatened your population, but it's your problem, we have no fault, you have no reason to hate us'', ok.
ROFL. Are yous serious? This, this is your argument? The fact that there was no precedent and henceforth no way to tell what was going to happen makes your point moot, not that you had a point to begin with, just an opinion. Deal with it.
My point was, nothing justifies your nukes, not even the fact you were attacked. If so, then 9/11 is perfectly justified by your logic, and you can't whine about it.
I don't believe you comprehended properly. See how I listed Vietnam and Iraq as wars that we weren't provoked into and/or made sorry excuses to start? Afghanistan is a separate war. They fucked with us first and we're retaliating.
Ok, that just brings to my earlier point, stop fucking go around making wars.


Problems I have with England are as follows:

  • They are so many incentives to have a kid. You receive 50 pounds just for having a kid, and also BOTH The man and woman get 12 months maternity leave. Why does the man need to leave? He isn't having the damn baby
  • Government are far too sissy about kicking people from other countries who live here illegally.
  • They follow everything Obama and the USA Do rather than be independent, Obama recently allowed stem cells being tested on humans, and wait... As has brown.
  • The government don't actually stand up for anything. They just say what they will not be doing.

Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Problems I have with England are as follows:

[*]They are so many incentives to have a kid. You receive 50 pounds just for having a kid, and also BOTH The man and woman get 12 months maternity leave. Why does the man need to leave? He isn't having the damn baby
English originals must not reproduce, western people must die, and let their country in the hands of immigrants
[*]Government are far too sissy about kicking people from other countries who live here illegally.
see above. Whitez pplz are evilzz, poor immigrants are good, more civilized,smarter.
[*]They follow everything Obama and the USA Do rather than be independent, Obama recently allowed stem cells being tested on humans, and wait... As has brown.
You can't blame americanzzzzzzzz, they're goood ppplzz, they elected the smurf. Get your queen of the throne and make a smurf your king.


English originals must not reproduce, western people must die, and let their country in the hands of immigrants

see above. Whitez pplz are evilzz, poor immigrants are good, more civilized,smarter.

You can't blame americanzzzzzzzz, they're goood ppplzz, they elected the smurf. Get your queen of the throne and make a smurf your king.

What lol? .. English people must no reproduce, They are more incentives to now than they were in Nazi Germany!

Immigrants are being painted as the bad guys in this situation. They come over here, Take our jobs, Health-care and look bad whilst doing it. Poor Them, Right? .. Wrong. How can they expect to just try and control another country without the people of England moaning, Which we do VERY well i must say.

No Offense, But the english queen needs to be white, For our country to have any credibility. I can see the polish claiming we're racist for never having a Queen with a turbin or with foreign blood, But yet again, They'd be wrong.. Because currently, Our royal family are German.

Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
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sorry, I forgot who you were.
Offcourse, you didn't understand it was sarcasm.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

You could obviously tell he was being sarcastic by your serious responses. England is better off w/ foreigners than people who pretend to know politics in order to look intelligent when everyone else already knows that the person's obviously not.
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
Badstreet, USA
It's my country problem, but the cause it's you. Standard american hypocricy: ''yea, we bribed your politicians, threatened your population, but it's your problem, we have no fault, you have no reason to hate us'', ok.
If your politicians were bribed, than they were immoral and lacked integrity. Your country men have always been of low moral fiber, hence the 130 + years of mafia corruption and the lack of gaul of any of your people to stand up to them. So because your people were so weak and stupid to be duped by my people, it's our fault? That's like a junkie going to a drug dealer and crying that the dealer is the reason he's an addict. Flawed logic out the ass, fella.

My point was, nothing justifies your nukes, not even the fact you were attacked. If so, then 9/11 is perfectly justified by your logic, and you can't whine about it.
Umm, do you choose to not read anything I type or you just don't know what you're talking about or just can't comprehend? Sounds like a combination of the three. But. again, we were attacked. For no reason. We entered a war we wanted no part in originally. Everyone involved was in a race to build an atomic bomb. My country, not being as stupid as the others, was the fastest to build said device. If the Axis Powers had been first, they would have dropped that shit on us, so we did to them what they would have done to us. It was the FIRST bomb of that nature ever built. There was no precedent. No one knew what would be the effects, but everyone knew who ever built it first would win the war. We won. How the fuck does any of that justify 9/11? The only parallel to any of that and 9/11 is that we were provoked into the war. What. the. fuck. are . you. talking. about?

Ok, that just brings to my earlier point, stop fucking go around making wars.
Ok. Once again, what. the. fuck. are. you. talking. about?

Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
If your politicians were bribed, than they were immoral and lacked integrity. Your country men have always been of low moral fiber, hence the 130 + years of mafia corruption and the lack of gaul of any of your people to stand up to them. So because your people were so weak and stupid to be duped by my people, it's our fault? That's like a junkie going to a drug dealer and crying that the dealer is the reason he's an addict. Flawed logic out the ass, fella.
Rofl. Corrupted politicians are guilty, but those who corrupt are innocent? Those who corrupt are morally superior?Ok..thank you. Last time I checked laws didn't say so, but if that's your ethic...
Umm, do you choose to not read anything I type or you just don't know what you're talking about or just can't comprehend? Sounds like a combination of the three. But. again, we were attacked. For no reason. We entered a war we wanted no part in originally. Everyone involved was in a race to build an atomic bomb. My country, not being as stupid as the others, was the fastest to build said device. If the Axis Powers had been first, they would have dropped that shit on us, so we did to them what they would have done to us. It was the FIRST bomb of that nature ever built.
Mix of assumptions without proof and true facts. Not even the need to debate them, because your logic crashes once more...
There was no precedent. No one knew what would be the effects, but everyone knew who ever built it first would win the war.
Once you used it first, you knew the effects, and decided to use it again.
That's why you deserve to be blamed, and you always will.Your argument to defend the use of nukes is destroyed.
We won. How the fuck does any of that justify 9/11? The only parallel to any of that and 9/11 is that we were provoked into the war. What. the. fuck. are . you. talking. about?
Rofl, once more, you weren't provoked, you provoked.
You know what's the parallel between them? American imperialism, something you refuse to acknowledge.
Japan attacking was caused by american imperialism in the Pacific, Muslims attacking was caused by american imperialism, this time supporting Israel in muslim lands. Again, if your country's attempt to rule the world gains a global reaction against your citizens, don't blame the world, blame your immoral leaders.
Ok. Once again, what. the. fuck. are. you. talking. about?
american imperialism, off course, you average americans, who rely on teledemocracy, never heard about it;