Stolen from Reddit. @ChrisI really like the pairing of Idris Enofé and Malik Blade in NXT, for one thing and one thing only. I really hope Enofé once will snap, attack Blade and then shout 'Enofé 's enough!". Then Enofé goes solo again, because Enofé is indeed enough, he doesn't need anybody.
Stolen from Reddit. @Chris
Yeah I'm not going to be silly and say this was done on purpose or maliciously. Obviously just a derp (and like you said, thankfully wasn't a famous one). Likely they scrap it anyhow.Would this be related to Zoey Stark in any way or they just reusing a name that quick?
Either way I don't really hold it against them. That's a pretty fucking obscure character in history. I googled the name and only saw one result about the Nazi dude on the first page.
Would still probably be smart to Google any names you're planning to use though.