buy this game jabronis
it's like D&D but with cards and Batman style fights.
I've owned it on ps4/5 for years and barely scratched the surface but it's really a great game. Sadly they didn't release one of them on the switch for some reason.Yeah both of those games are awesome
I made the mistake of selling mine to a place called 'CeX' over here and I think that I got a really bad deal on the games and console, as I had a massive collection. I didn't know any better though at the time and thought I'd never want to play the older consoles again.Sometimes I wish I kept my PS2 but then I remember that it didn't sound that long for the world towards the end and it still went for $120 including games (Chrono Cross for PS1 was like $20 of that) that I just let my brother keep since I had kind of given him the PS2 at the time but he also stopped playing lol