I respect that outlook. It looks good to the fans though and I'd imagine it'd catch on quickly when he arrives on the main rosterJeff Valley Driver said:Yea i just dont think it looks good or adds extra power, but hey milleage may vary
eh its just...idk nxt has all these overly convoluted finishers that require specific setups. But i also dont love handsprings. It took a long time for me to like lethal injection tooBLAINEPERIUM said:I respect that outlook. It looks good to the fans though and I'd imagine it'd catch on quickly when he arrives on the main roster
see were on opposites here. I like big boy slams of any kind.BLAINEPERIUM said:Beats having a generic big man move imho
Same here. NCT,Jeff Valley Driver said:eh its just...idk nxt has all these overly convoluted finishers that require specific setups. But i also dont love handsprings. It took a long time for me to like lethal injection too
I love big boy slams, don't get me wrong, but I feel Gacy in himself with his athleticism doesn't need a "big man" starter pack move for his type of physicJeff Valley Driver said:see were on opposites here. I like big boy slams of any kind.
it looks cool but same issue, super convoluted n requires specific setups. I like out of nowhere or devastating as my fave types of finishesSasha said:Sol Luca's finisher annoys me
yes lolJungle Looch said:That handspring lariat feels like he would love to use the Buckshot Lariat, but doesn't want to flat out copy it.