there is nothing to we are having a conversationStone Cold X said:At this point, just drop it.
Even mine?Juice said:I am using all my purple powers - to steal everyones rights and claim all the power that I am able to claim
I haven't really seen it here, moreso because when it does happen we've generally gotten rid of those mods from a historical perspective. This site is not indicative of places like WC or WF or WWEF (potentially) though. We're kind of a melting pot of ideals so you do have to keep that in mind.Dakstang said:But can you atleast see where I am coming from on this? You know Mods have abused that immunity to being blocked to bait people before. Right?
I'd never do such a terrible thingI mean you could push a granny on a wheel chair down a flight of stairs, Fourth... everyone would be "I bet she deserved that"
I am slightly aware you did have a bit of a staffing controversy in the past.Zany Clowny said:wwef was very diverse
Smark himself was banned for something that was so arbitrary it's still funny.Fiend Looch said:That is because half the mods here were probably banned themselves on other forums...![]()