I finally watched one of the Mox/Omega matches
@Jeff Valley Driver I'm not sure if this is the best one but I often find random matches on Dailymotion and just start watching them. Unsanctioned Match at Full Gear 2019. I feel like I didn't pick a bad one either way, I love how they just start beating the shit out of each other right ouf the gate and it only gets more crazy as it goes on.
Moxley is great in this match but that's to be expected when it's an Unsanctioned Match. I love when he's like "It's time for some fucking garbage" and the commentary is like "I ain't repeating that"

No fucks given in this match and I love that. It's hot and fast paced right from the get go, and I think they both bring out the best in each other. Even without knowing the story before this, it feels personal right away.
JR feels pretty good commentary wise in this match. I always thought he added to the moments where the guys are seemingly killing each other. Plenty of moments where I was cracking up or saying 'Holy shit' at least.
I like that they actually use the unsanctioned to its full advantage. Sometimes you'll get matches that are no DQ/anything goes and it might as well be just a normal match. They just stay in the ring or barely even use weapons, it's boring. So yeah, good stuff. Glad AEW is more adult orientated to where they can go the extra mile a bit. Plenty of exciting/crazy spots. Violent, brutal. It's the kinda thing you want if you're going in to a personal feud with no rules. Had a very attitude era vibe about it, similar to how I feel about matches like Cactus Jack/HHH. There's so much barbed wire.
Moxley is like fucking Negan with that barbed wire bat. He loves every minute of it.
It gets pretty insane towards the end when they start exposing the ring. Some of those spots looked geniunely painful and I pray for Omega's head.
Solid 8/10 match. I'd say I want to rewatch it again some time for the crazy spots, but it was so painful looking that I may give it a pass. Definitely winced a few times