I've seen some on Twitter and such try to justify Meltzer's criticisms saying some "nWo was real heat, the GCW fans were just trying to get themselves over

" which MAYBE... HOWEVER... look at the context. Cardona is the nega-deathmatch wrestler, a guy who is sports entertainment to the bone. The entire point of this angle and match was to drive home that Cardona is going into hostile territory where he should for all intents and purposes be torn to shreds by his opponent and the company as a whole. Take all that shit into account and the fans reacting the way they did, even if it was just to pop themselves, is the PERFECT OUTCOME for this entire storyline. How fucking dumb would it be if it's this entire doll collector gym, tan, laundry Matt Cardona vs. the entirety of deathmatch wrestling, and he goes into their territory and takes their belt, beating their top guy, and the fans just kinda boo a little, or even cheer? The shit that went down was, in my opinion, the best conceivable way things could have gone.