FWA 'Back in Business XVII' || RESULTS.

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Jimmy King

It’s Britney, bitch
Dec 12, 2010
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Fantastic night one! Can’t wait for tomorrow for night two!
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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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Quick Review:

Opener. Opener. The count-out is an interesting choice to start, but I think it told a really interesting story. MvH poking the beast of her long-time rival, a strong figure in FWA getting rag-dolled around, being humbled a bit even if she technically wins. Snowmantashi ends on his terms. This can lead to multiple directions for MvH. That I think is my big interest. What can be next?



Shame Aka Manto didn't win just because Grim's being doing well, but it is one of those, at times, very frustrating, situations where two good promos face off, someone has to "not win." But with the ending, I'm interested in the story. The potential of a ripple between FTN if the final spot catches up to the champion and he loses night two.

Katsu vs Vengedor:

1-0, shame I missed the Live read due to getting groceries inside... But looking back at the match, Jimmy did a solid job. Popped for the Avalanche Samoan Drop. Thank you Dubb for doing the match, the RESPECC is shoot, and I think if we face again without you having four (FOUR) matches on one card... I expect to have a scare, especially as you write more for Vengedor.

Triple Threat:

A match that ended up having a strong last couple of weeks of build, XYZ picks up a big win. I think the finish protects Death Walker well, the person who likely finished second in the match and who is going into the Golden Opportunity. Big congrats to XYZ with his win.

North American Title:





Additional notes: Trevor Walker ad, funny. And Tommy's two segments, unless there is more for night two, in some way I would have prefered them to be seperate, but both tell good stories with him mending one fence and burning another.

Garden of Eden:

All props to Jonny who wrote probably 80% of the match with me peppering my own stuff. I hope this lives up to the standard and maybe exceeded it. And the story we have built for months. But...

Welcome home, Elizabeth. <3

Main Event:

To quote Oz, fucking Cinema. Great job to the writers. Great job. Just a dramatic match with story telling beats, some interference, and a great story. The ending shot of Best's hand out of the grave... chilling and in some ways almost makes you feel sympathy for the guy. Dubb, Wolfie, fantastic. I also hope this isn't the end of Best. He's probably the Character of the Year frontrunner right now. Obviously some time to "Sell" the effects, maybe give Baxter's title reign a spotlight while it is going on, then his grand return.

Fantastic work. Can't wait for night two.
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Cyrus Truth

Sep 16, 2022
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Some quick thoughts on the matches:

MvH vs Snowmantashi - Exactly what it needed to be. Hard hitting, brutality a'plenty. And the perfect ending. No warrior's glory or death for Dreamer.

Tag Team Title Match - The ejaculate truck notwithstanding, this was a fantastic showcase. The ending where Alyster basically said "Fuck my own partner" to win the match was outstanding.

Katsu vs El Vengador - Solid. A good pupil vs mentor match that hit a good series of highs with a nice ending sequence.

Death Walker vs Jason Randall vs XYZ - Never bet again The Golden One, no matter which character he's rocking. Still, good solid sprint of a three-way.

Baxter vs Parr - Cue Ezekiel Jackson's WWE theme. MURDER.

Garden of Eden Match - What a wild ride. All the lovely twists and turns and psychological shit. And Lizzie has fallen to darkness. Konchu Hao is very concerned about this new dark crew. And even Truth is sad that his former one-time partner during Brand Warfare is now a part of something devilish.

Best vs Krash - HOLY FUCK. Super emotional tale and Krash getting well-deserved revenge is too sweet. It's nice to see Alyster remember his one true bestie in these dangerous times. Helluva main event.


Sep 13, 2022
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Also quick thoughts.

Opening match, had this finish worked out in case of MvH winning for a while and think it came together well. Shame dijo couldn't get something finished in but was happy with my promo.

Seg with Tommy and Reagan was nice and feels like it's building to something but would've liked to have seen Bedlam to tell him to sling his hook. Also enjoyed JJ popping up later in the night. Interesting to see them interact given what almost was a year or so ago.

Tag match was a fun and wild ride. Again a shame dijo couldn't add extra spice to this one but there were two really good promos posted. Think Grim is developing Aka and Keiko in the FWA universe really well and think he can bounce back from this. Really enjoyed both promos but I just about gave the edge to FTN.

Thought the Katsu and El Vengador promos tore the house down for a match that came together quite late. I had Katsu for the W but El V is an interesting prospect that I'd like to see more of. Match write up was solid, Katsu looked really good in this I thought.

Triple threat match was super fun, and finish was very well put together. Good work from Jimmy there. Death Walker stays strong, as he deserved to with his promo, whilst XYZ also comes out of it looking smart. I had XYZ winning but only just over Death Walker in what was a close split decision amongst the graders.

Bryan Bastard is super fun pantomime heel stuff. The 'match' was interesting and obviously feuled by the no-show. I know Prod initially wanted Bax to manhandle and dominate Parr a la Lesnar on Cena at Summerslam but think this was a better option. Hope to see Parr back soon but when he's ready.

Garden of Eden match was utter madness and a perfect payoff for this feud, which blossomed into a surprise package and one of the most interesting things going on heading into Back in Business. Was originally earlier in the order but got bumped to this semi main event spot thanks to the build, the promos, and the write-up, which was a wild ride. Initially when AON spoke to me about Lizzie maybe joining Eternal I was unsure but tbh the write-up here sort of sold me on this as a construct, at least temporarily. Super excited to see where this goes.

Main event was just this at its best. The promos for this one were incredible - I had them as my #1 and #3 on the card. Did have Krash a nose ahead with what was a fantastic piece of work. The promos more than repaid the main event slot that was earned through the build, and the match write up was phenomenal. Couldn't have been anywhere else on the card imo. Such emotion in this match but also incredible action, so well put together. Really unbelievable work on this whole angle by Dubb, SJW, and those working around this stuff too. Top draw.

Great stuff by everyone involved. Bring on Night Two!
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Sep 13, 2022
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About an hour before the start of Night Two of Back in Business, there is some activity within the stadium that stirs up some anticipation within the crowd. First, Anzu Kurosawa walks out onto the stage to a smattering of cheers, followed by Allen Price, who enters to general derision. Water off a duck's back at this stage. He shuffles behind the desk and sits down next to Anzu. They look directly ahead of themselves and address an invisible hardcam, even though none of this is being filmed.

Anzu Kurosawa: "We are less than one hour away from Night Two of Back in Business, where we will see a total of six bouts, culminating in our FWA World Championship match that pits the champion Chris Peacock against the 2023 Carnal Contendership winner Cyrus Truth."

Allen Price: "I can hardly wait for that one! The Exile's gums have been flapping, and I'm looking forward to Chris clamping them shut."

Anzu Kurosawa: "You've got some time to wait yet, Allen, that's our main event of the evening. Before then, we'll see the heated rivalry between Tommy Bedlam and Shawn Summers wage on, along with the showdown between weaselperson and dragonperson."

Allen Price: "Don't forget the battle royale, Anzu! We'll crown the first FWA Trios Champions tonight… and who could overlook the climactic showdown between Ratin Mikitchin and Steve the Techno Vampire?! A year in the making!!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "But we're not just out here to amp you up for that show… we have business of our own to attend to! CDW or NGW? Mantaray or disco dancer? Let's find out!!"

There's some claps, some boos, and a lot of confusion as the first competitor and his valet walk out onto the stage. The one dressed for action in ring boots and custom made trunks is a huge, anthropomorphic stingray. The other, accompanying him to the ring, is an octagonal, bright red stop sign who walks with a noticeable swagger.

There is no ring announcer. Kurt wouldn't sully himself like that. Sting Ray walks to the ring with a focused look on his face, before sliding under the bottom rope. He remains face down, his limbs hidden between his huge pectoral fins, in the middle of the ring for a moment, before popping up to his feet in a fighting stance.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Sting Ray looks ready for action!"

Allen Price: "How could he not be?! I'm sure that this humanoid sea creature has been dreaming of Back in Business since he was a young lab experiment!"

There's a slight delay as two dozen men and women flank the stage, dressed to the nines in snazzy, sparkily glittery overcoats like they were all auditioning to be the assistant to the world's most ridiculous magician. They stand to attention for a moment until-

'We want the funk' kicks in, and they all start STRUTTING down the ramp until about two dozen struttin' fools are forming a weird guard of honour on either side of the ramp as the music really kicks in, and here comes Funky Fedora, dressed in his pimp tactic fedora hat with a massive feather coming out of it, and feather boa, STRUTTIN' like we all know and love, adjusting his multi-coloured glasses he starts to make his way down the ramp, and once he does, all the dancers kneel down and join hands with their number on the opposite side. Funky Fedora steps into the hands of the first pair, and they lift him up. The rest of the dancers rise, linking hands in the same way, and Funky Fedora starts to strut on the hands of his personal dancers down the aisle like they're sort of carrying him while he struts.




Sting Ray
(w/ Stop Sign #3) vs. Funky Fedora.
Singles Match.
Match writer: SS.


The bell rings but Funky doesn't seem overly interested in fighting. Instead, he grabs a music and demands - in a screeching, half-melodic voice - that they play my funky song just one more time baby!

Funky then launches into an elaborate and seemingly spontaneous routine, in which he bumps, grinds, points, gyrates, thrusts, bops, moonwalks, electric slides, hustles, pulls, snaps, and loco-motions around the ring and indeed the ringside area. In fact, he twice almost gets himself counted out before dramatically sliding back into the ring and launching into a new round of hip thrusts as the music reaches its chorus. The crowd are into it at first, but the longer it wears on, the more tired of it they get. Just like with all jokes.

As the song reaches its final verse, Funky makes the mistake of encouraging Sting Ray to get involved. Ray initially shakes his head frantically, clearly quite anxious about the idea of disco dancing in front of tens of thousands of people.

Funky is quite persistent, though, taking Ray by the hand and attempting to lead him into the middle of the ring, which has now become a dance floor.

Sting Ray again shakes his head in refusal before snatching back his hand. Fedora looks nonplussed, and once more grabs Ray's hand, attempting to pull him onto the floor.

By this stage, Ray is growing tired of the routine, just like the rest of the crowd. He is particularly irked by Funky's apparently insistent nature. He clasps Funky's hand and drags him in towards him, knocking him over with a short-arm lariat!

Anzu Kurosawa: "He just clotheslined the fedora right off Funky's head!!"

Allen Price: "About time!"

The music suddenly stops, and Sting Ray goes to work. He first hits a second short-arm clothesline before teeing Funky up for a shoulder block. Most of the contact is with Ray's wide fin, but it's still enough to take him down. Sting Ray covers…


Kickout from Funky! Ray drags him up by the scruff of the neck, and plants him down into the middle of the ring with a scoop slam. The audience is cheering him on, bored of Funky's tiresome antics and pleased to see him taking some offense, as he points to the turnbuckles and begins his ascent. Ray steadies himself on the top rope, and then comes off with a huge big splash, spreading his fins out wide…

Anzu Kurosawa: "Nobody home!! Funky rolls out of the way!"

Sting Ray crashes and burns and then skids across the ring. He slowly fights up to his feet, but Funky is already charging at him… and he connects with a hip attack! Then a second! Sting Ray collapsed into a heap and then sits in the corner, Funky charging in at him again and connecting with another hip attack! Funky drags Ray away from the corner and then goes for a lateral press…


Sting Ray doesn't kick out, but Stop Sign #3 reaches beneath the bottom rope and pulls Funky out of the ring! The official barks at SS3 as Funky glares at him… and then Fedora lays the stop sign out with a big right hand!! Stop Sign #3 hits the ground!

Funky climbs up onto the apron, but is immediately rocked by a forearm from Ray. Sting Ray puts him in a front face lock, trying to suplex him back into the ring… but Funky lands on his feet behind him! Sting Ray turns around into a big enziguri from Funk6! And then a Falcon Arrow!

Anzu Kurosawa: "He's done the deal! Funky just needs a cover here… but wait, who's this?!"

All eyes turn to the stage, where a slightly glum man in a grey suit walks out onto the stage. He adjusts his tie and begins at a brisk walk down the ramp…

Anzu Kurosawa: "Some suit has arrived and is making his way to the ring. What's going on?! This guy looks like he belongs more in an office building than a wrestling ring…"

Allen Price: "Wait, I recognise this guy! That's THE MAN! He runs the FWA Board of Directors, and has been repeatedly blocking any attempt to book Funky Fedora in the FWA for months!"

THE MAN arrives at the ring, just as Fedora manages to cover Ray again…

ONE… TWO… ….

Anzu Kurosawa: "This time it's THE MAN that pulls Funky Fedora out of the ring! The official has got to get control of this one!"

Allen Price: "What can he do?! That's the chairman of the board!"

There's a tense stand-off between Funky Fedora and THE MAN on the outside. Foaming at the mouth, the suit begins to bark at Funky in words so loud that everyone can hear them even without a microphone.

THE MAN: "There's only room for one thinly-drawn disco dancing buffoon in this company, Fedora! I'm not going to let you undo all of my hard work!!"

The suit pulls back for a right hand, but it's obvious and Fedora is able to duck beneath it. When THE MAN turns around, Fedora gives him a hip thrust so rhythmic and so perfect in every way that the suit saw the curvature of the earth. Then, his head exploded.

Funky steps through the brain goo and climbs onto the apron, but Sting Ray is waiting for him with a Mongolian chop! He then puts Funky in a front facelock, and brings him back into the ring with a jackhammer! Cover by Ray…


Anzu Kurosawa: "I thought he had him!"

Allen Price: "After distractions from Stop Sign #3 and then THE MAN, Sting Ray almost seized an opening and sealed victory… even now, he waits in the corner, stalking Funky as he makes his way to his feet…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "He's going for a spear… NO! Reversed by Funk Fedora! He hits him with a Famouser!!"

Allen Price: "And he's not done there… FUNKPLEX!!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "How do you know all of his moves?"

Allen Price: "Student of the game, Anzu!!"

Sting Ray is hopping around after the move, one of his uncoordinated bounces even taking him into the referee and knocking him off balance… as well as obscuring his vision for long enough for Funky to hit a LOW BLOW!!

Anzu Kurosawa: "I… don't know who to cheer for here. Both of these guys are pathetic."

Allen Price: "Here comes Funky again… that's the FUNKY STRUT! Love it… oh wait, is this a Chris Peacock parody?!"

Funky sinks into the cover after the running knee strike…


Winner: Funky Fedora via pinfall at 08:11.

As soon as the match ends and the bell rings, Funky kips up from the ground. He allows the referee to lift his hand as 'We Want the Funk' hits again, before snatching it away again smf and launching into a euphoric strut around the ring.

Anzu Kurosawa: "What a huge win for Funky Fedora, and indeed for NGW, here on the Back in Business Night Two pre-show!"

Allen Price: "We should ban this sick filth."

Funky picks up his fedora from the corner of the ring and places it back on his head, holding it in place as he climbs through the ropes and steps rhythmically down the steel steps. He does another circuit of the ring, a lap of honour if you will, whilst the audience look on in a bemused manner.

The first play-through of his song finishes as he gets to ramp. He holds himself in a static position, as if held in stasis by some inexplicable higher power, until the guys in the truck start it again. Then, he continues bopping up the ring ramp.

When Funky has disappeared and his music has stopped, Sting Ray finally finds his way to his feet in the ring. He seems unsteady on them, but more than the physical effects of the match he's suffering with the mental ones of losing. Of failure. He has his hands on his hips, his face a picture of consternation and disappointment.

With a soundtrack of uninterested silence surrounding him - that same song that had played through much of his life - he sits down and begins to remove his custom made wrestling boots. He stares for a moment at the pink, groping octopus - the insignia of his one true family, now and always - on the heel… and then he places the boots down in the middle of the ring.

Sting Ray walks up the ramp. The camera focuses on the boots he left behind.


The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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Take back everything everyone said yesterday. THIS. This is REAL cinema right here.

ps. i smell
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Sep 13, 2022
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proudly presents

Live from Estadio Azteca in Mexico City, Mexico.
Sunday 23rd July, 2023.


Only on the WCNetwork.


As we return for the second night of action inside the Estadio Azteca, Kurt Harrington - wearing his finest tuxedo, naturally - stands within the ring, a microphone in his hand and a smile on his face.

Kurt Harrington: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following is your opening contest… and is a ‘Three Stages of Hell’ match!!"

The excitement in the arena, already high, is immediately ramped up even further by the announcement.

Kurt Harrington: "In this bout, the first fall will be a singles match for the FWA Television Championship, the second fall will be an X Rules Match for the FWA X Championship, and the third fall will be a bullrope match for the naming rights to Tommy Bedlam's first child!"

Kurt Harrington: "Introducing first, standing at 6-feet-4-inches tall, weighing in at 244 pounds, the native son of Sweetwater, Texas, TOOOOOOMMMMMY BEDLAAAAAAM!"[

The crowd goes into a frenzy as Tommy Bedlam appears at the top of the entrance on a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

Allen Price: "This certainly isn’t the Tommy Bedlam that we’re used to seeing!"

The roar of the engine can barely be heard over the pandemonium of the capacity crowd in Mexico City.

“Cause I’m a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. And I’m wanted….”

“WAAAAAAANTED! Dead or alive!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: "I think we know who Mexico City is throwing their support behind tonight. What an ovation!"

Tommy eases the motorcycle down the ramp and does a single lap around the ring. His signature black cowboy hat is pulled down low over his eyes, and he’s wearing a long, leather jacket that hits him in the middle of his calves when he climbs from the bike. He steps through the ropes and climbs to the second turnbuckle, taking his cowboy hat off with one hand before holding both arms to the air.

“And I’m wanted…”

“WAAAAAANTED! Dead or alive!”

Rod Sterling: "It’s worth noting, Bedlam has come to the ring alone tonight. No Randi, no Rocco Sullivan, both of whom have been on the receiving end of the wrath of Shawn Summers. It’ll be interesting to see how Tommy does with an empty corner."

Allen Price: "I think it’s a good move, Rod. Tommy doesn’t need to worry about Randi and their child, and he doesn’t need to be worried about Rocco, either. Bedlam is all business tonight. Look at those eyes!"

Tommy hands his hat and his folded coat through the ropes before leaning backward into the turnbuckle, waiting for Summers.

The camera shifts focus to the entryway, and the fans preemptively begin to boo as the lights in the arena dim, signaling the arrival of the bastard himself. A spotlight shines down on the center of the stage, and the boos of the fans grow with intensity as the familiar fog for Shawn’s entrance begins to fill the area. Like a bomb over enemy territory, the arena explodes with the audience's disapproval as Shawn Summers walks out onto the stage - foregoing the usual theatrics of his entrance.

The sound of jeers from the fans is almost deafening as the X and Television Champion stands underneath the spotlight.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "It is so loud in here that I can barely hear myself speak. No matter where we are, these fans HATE Shawn Summers."

Allen Price: "You know, I almost didn’t realize this because of the booing from the fans, but there’s no entrance music for Summers. His entrance music was the only redeemable part of himself."

The camera focuses on Summers, and he is wearing a white luchador mask with gold trimmings over his face. His usual ring attire is replaced by a white robe and white jiu-jitsu shorts with gold trimmings. Around his waist is the X Championship, and strapped across his body like a bandolier is the Television Championship.

Shawn takes his time walking down the ramp, occasionally stopping to peer around the stadium before beginning again. He comes to a stop at the ring steps, removes his robe, and proceeds up onto the ring apron, where he stands looking out into the sea of fans as Kurt Harrington announces his arrival.

Kurt Harrington: "Wrestling out of Laguna Beach, California, standing at six foot one inches, weighing in tonight at 225 pounds, he is a former CWA Tag-Team and X-Fly Champion, and the reigning, defending FWA Television and X Championnnnnn…..DEEEEEERRRRRR BASTARDDDDDDDDD ….. SHAAAAWWWWWWWN SUMMMMMMMERRRSSSSS!"

As Kurt announces Shawn, he rips off his luchador mask and gazes upon the masses with his trademark smirk, providing a sly wink at the camera before entering the ring. He enters the ring ropes and immediately charges at Tommy managing to perform a double-leg takedown on him and secure the top mount. He pummels the unsuspecting Tommy with right and left-hand strikes until the cowboy manages to buck him off, causing the champion to rush out of the bottom ring rope as the referee restrains Tommy.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Typical Shawn Summers. Blindsiding Tommy and then running once he no longer has the advantage."

Allen Price: The referee for this contest restraining Tommy and trying to get some order back into this one as Summers cheeses outside the ring real proud of himself.

Shawn waits for the referee to get an irate Tommy Bedlam under control before reentering the ring. He slowly hands the referee the championship belts before backing into his corner while waiting for the bell. The camera shifts focus to Tommy Bedlam, who has marks from where Shawn’s fist connected during the assault. He is as angry as we’ve ever seen him, and like a bull out of the pin, he charges out of the corner once the referee calls for the bell signaling the start of the match.



Shawn Summers
[c] vs. Tommy Bedlam.
Three Stages of Hell Match for the FWA X Championship and the FWA Television Championship .
Match writer: CBK and T-Bedz.



Summers and Tommy charge at one another, aiming to collide in the middle of the ring, but Summers bounces off of his back foot and connects with a jumping high knee to the jaw of Bedlam, slumping him in the middle of the ring much to the shock of everyone in the arena. Shawn holds his knee in pain before dropping down into the cover - hooking Tommy's leg with one arm and holding his own knee with the other.


Rod Sterling: "No way!"


Allen Price: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!"

THR - - NO!

Bedlam kicks out, much to the surprise of everyone in the arena. Shawn looks at the referee, whose hand is still midair, in disbelief as the fans roar with cheers for Bedlam. Summers mouths off to the referee briefly before pulling Tommy up by his hair, only to slam him back down with a snap suplex. He covers Tommy for a quick pin attempt, but Tommy manages to kick out at two, showing the resiliency we’ve come to know him for. Summers is quick to get to his feet and plants a kick to Bedlam’s face. He repeats the kicks to Bedlam’s face as the Cowboy attempts to get up, taunting him with every kick. As the kicks continue, we see Tommy starting to be fueled by the chants and cheers from the crowd. Summers goes to land another kick, but Bedlam catches it and shoves him backward. This brief moment of space created between the two allows him to get to his feet. Summers charges at him for another knee strike, but Tommy avoids it, catching Summers and dropping him with a sidewalk slam followed by a pin attempt.

ONE... TWO... THR - - NO!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Kickout by Summers just after two. Bedlam is starting to get back into this match now after that shaky start. It’ll be interesting to see how he handles that technical style of Summers. It’s not often mentioned, but Summers is a former collegiate wrestler. It’s a stark difference from the brawling style of Bedlam."

Bedlam quickly gets to his feet and drops three standing elbow drops onto the chest of Summers. He lifts him and tosses him hard into the corner causing Summers to hit the turnbuckle chest first before falling to the mat in pain. Bedlam doesn’t give him any time to catch his breath as he quickly lifts him and puts him back in the corner, delivering a series of knife-edge chops to his chest, echoing throughout the arena. The fans rally behind Bedlam, chanting his name, as he delivers a running clothesline that sends Summers sprawling to the outside of the ring.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Bedlam just ragdolling Summers in that corner, and then the clothesline outside the ring was just chef’s kiss good."

Shawn Summers can be heard yelling, “Shut up, bitch” at Anzu as she continues to call the action ignoring him. He crawls toward the barricade, but Bedlam isn’t far behind, clubbing at Shawn’s back. He grabs the champion from behind, and atomic drops him on the barricade, much to the pleasure of the fans in the front row.

Rod Sterling: "Those fans are certainly getting their money’s worth."

Allen Price: "They are, but Tommy has to be cognizant of the referee's count. As he learned at The Grand March, Summers has the champion's advantage. A win against him via count out or disqualification is pointless because he’ll still be the champion."

Anzu Kurosawa: "That’s a fair point. Tommy needs to work to get him back in the ring and do so quickly as the ref’s count has already reached six!"

Bedlam reaches over the barricade to bring Summers back to ringside but is cracked with a headbutt by the champ, who uses the moment to rush back into the ring, instructing the referee to continue counting. Shawn’s dreams of winning this match by count out are quickly dashed as Bedlam manages to beat the referee’s count by rolling in the ring. Shawn is quickly on him, stomping on his back and legs before dragging Tommy to the nearest corner. Summers gets down to Tommy’s level, and pie faces him before backing into the opposite corner and charging at Bedlam full speed, hitting the Bee’s Knees (charging double knee strike to the chest of a downed opponent in the corner).

Summers isn’t done with Tommy yet though, as he quickly maneuvers Tommy’s body so that he is crotch-first on the ring post. He exits the ring and maneuvers Tommy’s legs just right so that he can apply a ring post-assisted figure-four leglock. Tommy screams out in pain as Shawn leans back, laughing maniacally, as the referee begins the count. Shawn breaks the count before the referee gets to five and shouts, “I’VE GOT TILL FIVE” as he lays on his back, laughing at the damage that he’s caused his opponent.

Jean Luc Watkins (laughing to himself): "This guy is such a bastard."

Allen Price: "He is, but I can’t knock him. Shawn has been in control for the majority of this match. I hope Tommy didn’t think it’d be easy."

Rod Sterling: "No way. I’m not counting Tommy out. He’s got a lot left in the tank."

Summers gets into the ring and attempts a pinfall but is rolled up by Bedlam.

ONE... TWO... THR - - NO!

Summers kicks out just before three, pushing away from Bedlam. The camera gets a close-up of Summers, who looks legitimately shocked that he almost lost. We switch to a shot of Bedlam, who has a wry smile. Tommy struggles to get to his feet due to the damage caused by the figure four, and Shawn quickly notices it. He rushes at Tommy with a chop block to the legs but catches a kick straight to the face that stiffens him up straight. Tommy punches Summers square in the jaw, followed by a left hook. He pulls Summers in, lifting him for a sitout powerbomb but buckling due to the damage to his leg. With Bedlam down, holding his leg, Summer takes a moment to land a DDT. He grabs Bedlam's leg and drapes it over the bottom rope before coming down on it with a seated senton.

Allen Price: "Summers is smart as hell; I’ll tell you that much. Targeting the leg of Bedlam all but eliminates The Buckshot (superkick) and almost any other move that requires him to put excessive pressure on it."

Summers grabs the ankle on Bedlam’s injured leg and begins wrenching it.

Allen Price: "Summers is working that knee. Bedlam’s ligaments are straining and twisting with every turn."

Summers sets in with a single-leg Boston Crab, further punishing Bedlam’s leg. The referee drops to Tommy’s level, asking him if he wants to tap. He uses his size advantage to start dragging Summers toward the bottom rope. He inches closer…closer…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Tommy got the ropes!"


Allen Price: "Summers is gonna hold this to the edge of the five count."


Summers breaks the hold.

The referee checks on Tommy as Summers taunts the crowd, who is starting to fear the worst: Summers will hold onto the TV title. Seeming to be fueled by the crowd's jeers, Summers smiles, perhaps the most genuine smile of his miserable existence.

Unfortunately for him, he takes his eyes off Tommy for a bit too long. Hobbled but still moving, Tommy climbs back to his feet, using the ropes for leverage. Summers charges in, but Tommy ducks down, flipping the champion to the outside of the ring. Not wanting to give him a break, Tommy rolls out of the ring and continues putting pressure on him. The referee begins the ten count.

Allen Price: "These men are out of the ring once again, but Tommy cannot win out here. At some point, he’s going to have to get Summers in the ring and try to pin or submit him."

Tommy Irish whips Summers into the ringside barricade before grabbing him and throwing him back first into the side of the ring. He repeats the cycle, bouncing the TV Champion back and forth a couple of times.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "I’ll be honest, Allen. I’m not sure that Tommy is thinking clearly right now."

The referee’s count gets to seven before Tommy finally rolls Summers back under the bottom rope after pummeling him on the outside. With Tommy positioned between Summers and the ref, Shawn sees his opportunity and puts a thumb in Tommy’s eye, staggering the challenger.

Summers grabs him from behind and hits a German Suplex, which he holds onto, going for the pin once again.

ONE... TWO... THR - - NO!

Tommy kicks out once again. Summers is indignant. He jumps to his feet and shoves the referee, who gives him a warning.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Is Summers gonna try to get himself disqualified again? Is that the goal?"

Summers unleashes a series of kicks into Tommy’s midsection. Blow after blow drives the wind out of “The Cowboy.” He drags the challenger closer to the bottom rope and drapes Tommy’s injured knee over it. Summers goes into the air, going for a seated senton, but Tommy moves his leg out of the way! Summers crashes to the mat, his head bouncing off of it hard.

The crowd begins to chant “Tommy” again, trying to motivate him to return to his feet. Summers gets back up at the same time. Tommy grabs him and tosses him into the nearside ropes. Summers ducks a clothesline attempt. On the second run-through, Tommy drops to his stomach as Summers leaps over him. On the third time, Tommy spins around and delivers a brutal discus lariat that nearly decapitates the champion. Summers does a partial flip just before crashing to the mat. Tommy picks Summers up from the mat and delivers a piledriver.

Rod Sterling: "Bedlam is focusing on the head and neck area of Summers. I like that. Sets him up for a Buckshot or a Bullseye."

Tommy pulls Summers in, apparently going for a swinging neckbreaker but the champion, always aware of what’s going on around him, starts delivering a bevy of punches to Tommy’s ribs, which are still feeling the effects of the boots that Shawn delivered earlier. He creates just enough distance between the two of them to deliver a headbutt. Both men are staggered, backing into the ropes on either side of the ring.

Allen Price: "I’m not sure who got the worst of that one."

As the tension in the arena builds, these heated rivals make eye contact from across the ring. Each man lets out a guttural scream as they charge toward one another. Chaos ensues as there are no wrestling maneuvers being performed. Just two men swinging wildly at one another’s heads. Blow after blow, punch after punch, their hatred more evident with each passing blow.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "This has quickly shifted from a wrestling match to a bar fight."

Rod Sterling: "Isn’t that what we were all expecting? These two absolutely hate each other."

The referee, for a moment, tries to restore order, but he quickly gives up.

Allen Price: "I like the fact that he’s just letting these two go. Are closed fists illegal? Technically, yes. But I’m not sure either of these guys care!"

Summers, finally gaining the upper hand, whips Tommy into the ropes. The challenger leap frogs him. On the rebound bounce, Summers stops Tommy in his tracks with a kick to the gut that drives the air out of Tommy and doubles him over. He grabs the challenger, sticks his head between his legs, locks his hands and delivers a Midsommar!

Allen Price: "Oh my God! Tommy’s neck may be broken."

The ref slides in to make the count.


Shawn Summers Wins Fall #1 by pinfall at 13:12

Rod Sterling: "Summers retains! Shawn Summers is still the FWA Television Champion."

Kurt Harrington: "The winner of the first fall and STILL Television Champion, Shawn Summers"


The ref puts each of the two men in their respective corners and ensures they can both stand before signaling for the bell.


Rod Sterling: "With one of the three stages of hell already decided, we’re on to an X-Rules match for the FWA X-Title"

Tommy, seeing an opportunity to capitalize on Summers’ woozy state, charges in, going for a spear to start the second phase of the match. Somehow, Summers catches Tommy’s head, applying The Alpha Male!

Allen Price: "Oh my God! Summers has The Alpha Male locked in! This one may be over before it even has time to get started. Tommy’s reaching for the ropes, but they’re not going to help him in this one."

Tommy’s arms are swinging wildly, trying to grab ropes, trying to break Summers’ grip, and none of it’s working. Slowly, the air begins to leave “The Cowboy’s” body. The referee goes down to Tommy’s level to check on him. He lifts Bedlam’s arm up, and it falls to the ground. He repeats the move, as Bedlam’s arm lands on the mat for the second time. As he grabs Tommy’s wrist for the third time, Tommy forms a fist. Somehow, someway, he begins to force his way up from the mat.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Oh my God! Tommy is back to his feet!"

Rod Sterling: "But Summers still has that Alpha Male firmly locked in."

Tommy musters up the strength to drive Summers into the turnbuckle, breaking his grip. Summers falls to the mat, clutching his back, as Tommy falls to the mat, clutching at his throat and gasping for air.

Summers gets to his feet first, a demonic grin on his face. He realizes that he almost took Tommy out in less than a minute. He slides out of the ring, flips the ring skirt up into the air, and starts to plunder. He pulls out chairs, a table, a ladder, a toolbox, a baseball bat, and a trash can that is filled with a variety of weapons.

Rod Sterling: "Shawn Summers is taking advantage of the fact that he’s done these X-Rules matches before. This is Tommy’s first one. Smart move by the champion."

Shawn grabs the toolbox and baseball bat and slides them into the ring before following suit. He unlatches the hinges of the toolbox and pulls out a crowbar, and examines it as a satisfied grin forms across his face. Shawn notices Tommy rising to a prone position and begins taking steps toward him, reeling back with the crowbar, ready to swing for the fences with it. As Summers swings wildly at Tommy’s head with the crowbar, Bedlam ducks. He ducks again on a second swing. As Summers wings and misses wildly for a third time, Tommy pushes him away into the far-side ropes. Before Summers has time to bounce off, Tommy dives in and delivers a crushing big boot. The crowbar flies out of Summers’ hands, and he nearly flips over the top rope! His feet fly into the air, his head briefly goes over the top rope, and his arms get tangled in the ropes!

With each of Summer's arms tangled up in the top two ring ropes, Tommy delivers a series of vicious knife-edge chops to Summers’ chest. The crowd lets out a loud “WOOOOO” with each chop. After the seventh chop, Tommy slides out of the ring and flips up the ring skirt.

Allen Price: "What’s he looking for now? You’d think most of the weapons are already in the ring."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "What the hell does Bedlam have there? Is that a cooler?!"

Tommy stomps back up the ring steps with a red camping cooler in his hand. He climbs back into the ring, Summers still bound up in the ropes, and sets the cooler down. He flips the lid up and pulls out two glass bottles of Corona.

He twists the tops off each of the beers, holds them up to the crowd, and proceeds to chug them both. Suddenly, Bedlam pulls one bottle back and smashes it over Summers head! Much to the delight of the crowd, he does the same with the other bottle! Tommy reaches into the cooler, pulls out two more Coronas, chugs them both, and repeats the cycle! As the fourth bottle smashes over Summers’ skull, the crowd goes into a frenzy, and Tommy is clearly fired up.

Allen Price: Bedlam just smashed four beer bottles over Summers’ head. This is pandemonium.

As the crowd begs for more, a bloodthirst craze taking over the arena, Tommy picks up the empty cooler, runs forward, and smashes it into Summers forehead. The force knocks Summers out of the ring and onto the floor. As Summers slowly tries to push himself up to his feet, the camera pans in close, revealing that he’s busted open, a crimson mask flowing down his face.

Rod Sterling: "Aww man, that’s not a good look for the champ."

Anzu Kurosawa: "I think it looks great on him. It’s what he deserves."

Shawn’s head is leaking like a faucet as he crawls around the ringside area, attempting to find something to use as leverage. Tommy rushes out of the ring and charges at Summers with a running punt kick to the ribs that causes Summers to scream out in agony. Tommy mounts Shawn and pummels him with rights and lefts as he attempts to cover his face with his forearms. Try as he might to cover his face, Tommy seems determined to break through them to connect his fist with Shawn’s face.

Tommy stops his onslaught and walks toward the litany of weapons that Shawn had brought out and grabs a spool of barbed wire, raising it above his head to cheers of approval from the fans. He carefully wraps the barbed wire around his forearm and turns to meet Shawn, his face crimson with blood and eyes as empty as can be. Tommy throws a forearm strike at Shawn, but as he raises his arm, Shawn shoves the tip of the baseball bat into his stomach, pushing all the wind out of Tommy's body. Tommy bellows over in pain as Shawn hits him across the back with the bat sending him to the floor. He drops the bat and grabs a table, setting it up against the barricade before grabbing another table and doing the same, followed by another.

Allen Price: "One can only wonder what sick thing Summers has planned for those tables."

Rod Sterling: "We won't have to wait long to figure it out because he’s right back on Tommy."

Shawn clubs at Tommy's back, dropping him back to the ground. He grabs Tommy, careful not to get caught by the barbed wire spool around his arm, and delivers a forearm uppercut. Shawn wraps his arms around Tommy, plants his feet, pops his hips, and launches him over his head and through one of the leaning tables. Tommy's body crumbles into the table and the edge of the barricade as a replay of the belly-to-belly suplex is shown. Summers crawls to his feet and grabs Tommy, bringing him to his feet and hitting yet another belly-to-belly suplex on him through the second-leaning table on the barricade. The table practically explodes upon impact, and the camera catches Summers with a slight grin as he stumbles to his feet. He raises a finger, signaling he has one more belly-to-belly suplex ready for Bedlam. Shawn, again, lifts Tommy to his feet and wraps his arms around him, preparing to hit another belly-to-belly suplex. However, Tommy somehow manages to keep his feet planted, frustrating Summers, who again attempts to toss him overhead to no avail. Tommy, using the barbed wire wrapped forearm clubs on Summers back, slicing open his flesh and eliciting screams from him.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Tommy fighting back into this - shredding Summers back with each strike to his back. He’s gonna make Summers fight for it if he wants to put him through that final table."

Allen Price: "Even through that pain, Summers refusing to release his grip, though!"

Summers reels his head back and connects with a stiff headbutt to Tommy that causes the cowboy to stumble backward but not too far as Summers keeps his arms wrapped around him. Summers blood is now smeared across Tommy’s face, but through the smears, we can see that Tommy has a gash on the left side of his head.

Anzu Kurosawa: "That ain't good."

Rod Sterling: "Not good at all. Tommy looks dazed too."

Summers hits a final belly-to-belly suplex on Tommy through the final leaning table sending him crumpling to the ground. Summers falls to his knees and holds his head before shaking the cobwebs, mustering the strength to roll him into the ring and going for a cover.

ONE... TWO... THR - - NO!

Tommy manages to get his shoulder up, cutting Shawn’s arm up with the barbed wire-wrapped forearm as he does so. Shawn immediately rolls off of Tommy and holds his arm, which is now bleeding from the cuts, onto the mat.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Tommy, POWERING out of that pinfall attempt by Der Basterd! And it looks like he took a little bit of Summers with him when he kicked out, thanks to that barbwire."

Shawn crawls out of the ring and disappears from the camera's view as Tommy slowly gets to his feet, blood dripping from his head onto the canvas. The referee attempts to check on the gash in his head, but he shoves him away - uncharacteristic behavior. Tommy holds onto the ring ropes to balance himself as he breathes heavily and searches for Summers. Through the ropes, we see Summers slowly rising to his feet with a barbed wire-wrapped wooden baseball bat in one hand and a black bag in another. He tosses the bag into the ring before sliding in after it and pointing the bat at Tommy, laughing maniacally. Tommy, clearly exhausted, limps out of the corner and charges forearm first at him, managing to dodge the first swing of the bat but missing his own strike. Summers turns and unexpectedly throws the bat at Tommy, but it is dodged to the shock of everyone in the arena. As Tommy turns back to face Shawn, he is met with a kick to the groin that brings him to his knees in front of the American psycho.

Shawn looks down at Tommy with disgust and positions his head between his knees, and plants him with Midsummer (Gotchstyle Piledriver) on him. Shawn and Tommy both lay in the middle of the ring broken until Summers kips up to his feet, eliciting boos and jeers from the thousands in attendance.

Anzu Kurosawa: "He’s like one of those horror villains that won't go down. What the hell is he doing now?"

Shawn grabs the black bag he’d tossed in the ring and empties thousands of thumbtacks into the ring before returning to Tommy. He drags him to the corner and seats him atop the turnbuckle. Shawn slaps the cowboy several times before scaling the top rope with firm control of Tommy. He takes a long look throughout the stadium.

Rod Sterling: "What the hell is he doing?"

Allen Price: "Wasting valuable time if you ask me."

Shawn holds Tommy tight as both wrestlers flip off of the top rope at the same time. As the two come down Tommy manages to maneuver himself to have the primary grip and the two land hard on their feet. Shawn looks shocked as Tommy pushes him backward and nearly kicks his head off with a buckshot that sends him falling into the thumbtacks.


Rod Sterling: "It’s not every day you see Summers attempt a high-flying move, and we can see why. It didn’t pay off for him, and he ate the hardest Buckshot (superkick) I’ve seen Tommy throw."

Tommy falls onto Shawn and hooks the leg as the referee goes for the pinfall.


Tommy Bedlam Wins Fall #2 by pinfall at 25:38

Kurt Harrington: "The winner of the second fall and the NEW X-Champion, Tommy Bedlam"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Bedlam is the new X-Champion!"


For the final time, the referee orders each man to their corners as the crew comes out to push the tacks and other weapons out of the ring. Both Summers and Bedlam are bleeding, their bodies looking like pin cushions. Each of them struggle to muster up enough strength to pull themselves to vertical bases.


Rod Sterling: "The bell sounds for what will be the final stage in this three stages of hell contest."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Hard to believe that we still have an entire second night of Back in Business to go. This is only the first match!"[/B]

Unlike the first two falls, neither man charges in for an early advantage. Instead, the two blood-soaked warriors circle one another. Tommy, still limping on the left leg that Summers targeted so heavily in the TV title match, Summers, woozy from the amount of blood that he’s lost.

Finally, the two rivals meet in the middle of the ring in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Tommy uses his size advantage to push Summers to the ground, his head bouncing off the mat. Too exhausted and battered to pounce on his fallen enemy, Tommy motions for Summers to get back up.

Shawn slowly climbs back to his feet, engaging Tommy in another grapple. Summers, the quicker of the two men, quickly moves behind Tommy and drops him to the mat with a belly-to-back suplex. While Tommy is down, Summers quickly slides into an ankle lock, wrenching Tommy’s already injured left leg. But the challenger is near the ropes, forcing a break.

Summers is also feeling the effects of the first two falls, insomuch that he doesn’t even hold the submission in place to a four-count. He lets go, backs away and tries to regroup. As Bedlam struggles to his feet, Summers charges in. Tommy’s a step ahead as he delivers a spine buster. This time, Tommy isn’t too tired to inflict some more punishment. He mounts himself over Summers, delivering a cascade of closed-fist shots that further bust open Der Basterd. The referee finally manages to pull Bedlam away, reminding him that closed firsts are illegal.

The crowd, firmly behind The Cowboy, is on their feet and coming more unhinged by the second. Just as Tommy moves back in to inflict further damage, Summers delivers a crushing boot to Tommy’s midsection, doubling him over and driving the wind from his lungs. Summers, obviously driven by adrenaline, gets to his feet quickly, bounces off the ropes, and charges at Tommy. He goes airborne and delivers a knee to the side of Tommy’s face. Summers goes for the pin!

ONE... TWO... THR - - NO!

NO! Tommy kicks out. Summers, a look of pure rage on his face, slams both fists on the mat and slides out under the bottom rope. He grabs a steel chair and climbs back into the ring just as Tommy gets to his feet. Both men, with blood-soaked faces, make eye contact. As Summers draws the chair back over his head, Tommy…puts his hands behind his back.

Tommy Bedlam: "Do it, motherfucker."

Allen Price: "Summers is so overcome with rage he’s forgotten that the advantage goes to Tommy in this final fall! If Shawn Summers gets himself DQ’ed, Bedlam gets to name his kid whatever the hell he wants!"

Summers stands there, the chair over his head, Tommy daring him to swing it down as the referee continues to shout for him to drop it. Summers finally decides that discretion is the better part of valor and slings the chair back out of the ring.

Tommy delivers a massive right hand, and Summers responds with the same. Another right from Tommy, another right from Summers. After a couple more blows, Summers swings wildly and Tommy ducks. He grabs Shawn’s arm, slings him into the ropes and delivers a falling powerslam. Summers gets to his feet surprisingly fast, but just in time for Tommy to bounce off the ropes and deliver a running lariat, nearly decapitating Summers.

Somehow, Summers bounces up once again. Tommy kicks him in the gut….he hooks his arms behind his back…and he hits it! Tommy hits The Bullseye!

ONE... TWO... THR - - NO!

NO! NO! NO! Somehow Summers gets a shoulder up. Driven by nothing more than his blind hatred for Tommy, Randi, and a child who hasn’t been born, Summers finds a way to get his shoulder up just in time.

Rod Sterling: "Oh my God! I thought this one was over. How did Summers do that?!"

Tommy rolls off of Summers body, he hangs his head down. The Cowboy is clearly starting to lose hope, wondering what it’s going to take to kill the devil across the ring once and for all.

His hair matted to his face by the nauseating mixture of blood and sweat, Tommy pulls himself up once again. As he moves in closer to Summers, desperate for something that will end this match, Summers sweeps Bedlam’s legs out from under him! Tommy falls to the mat as Summers climbs up on him and begins delivering The Blitzkrieg. Closed fist, elbow strikes, and seemingly everything else Summers has rains down on Tommy’s head and torso. Blood spatters fly into the air. Once he’s sure that The Cowboy is down for the count, Summers looks out into the crowd, a sadistic smile comes across his bloodsoaked face, as he slides into a cover over Tommy’s lifeless body.

ONE... TWO... THR - - NO!

NO! Tommy kicks out once again!

Shawn Summers: "GODDAMN IT!!!"

Tommy sits straight up, and as Summers turns around, he once again makes eye contact with a man whose very existence makes him nauseous. The two of them lock eyes and both climb to their feet together. Tommy swings wildly and misses. Summers goes for a kick that gets blocked. Tommy spins quickly, going for a discuss lariat that misses before Summers goes for a back elbow that Tommy ducks.

But Tommy catches Summers with his back turned! He lifts Summers up onto his shoulders for a Rough Ride! In a desperate attempt, Shawn slides off and lands on his feet! He shoves Tommy, trying to create some distance, but as Tommy bounces off the ropes, he lands it! Tommy lands The Buckshot Superkick! Summers, reeling, bounces off the ropes, and driven by what could only be considered instinct, swings at Tommy. The Cowboy ducks, grabs Summers’ arm, hoists him up, and hits with his second attempt at The Rough Ride! Summers is down.


Tommy pins Summers and retains the naming rights to his child!

WInner: Tommy Bedlam wins the final fall by pinfall at 34:56

Kurt Harrington: "The winner of the final fall, TOMMY BEDLAM!"

Rod Sterling: "Bedlam has done it! Bedlam has beaten Summers and protected his unborn child from a lifetime of being named after the devil incarnate!"

As Tommy rolls off of Summers, exasperated, bloodied, and battered, the crowd in Mexico City is ecstatic. Bedlam wipes his face and looks down at the mixture of blood and sweat in the palm of his hand.

Allen Price: "How good do you think Tommy Bedlam is feeling right now? Knowing that he doesn’t have to name his kid after Shawn Summers has to be the best feeling in the world."

Tommy stands up and looks to the top of the ramp, and motions someone toward the ring. The crowd quickly erupts into more applause as Rocco Sullivan, still showing some signs of the attack from Shawn Summers, and Randi appear at the top of the ramp. Randi has her hands over her mouth as tears flow down her very relieved cheeks, and Rocco looks like a proud father.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Tommy wants to celebrate with the people in his life who mean the mos—OH MY GOD!"

From behind, an enraged Shawn Summers delivers a brutal chair shot to the back of Tommy’s neck and head. Bedlam crumples to the ground as Randi shrieks in horror. Summers slides to the outside of the ring and picks up a bat left behind from the X-Title match. He delivers a crushing blow across Tommy’s ribs.


Shawn draws the bat back over his head when suddenly…

Allen Price: "OH MY GOD!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "THERE’S NO WAY!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "IT’S…IT’S CHRIS CROOOOOWE!!!!"

The Mexico City crowd comes absolutely unglued as Chris Crowe, who FWA fans haven’t seen in months.

Allen Price: "We haven’t seen Crowe since Carnal Contendership."

Crowe doesn’t run to the ring. Instead, he walks, each step deliberate and intentional, never taking his eyes from Shawn Summers.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "He’s locked in on Summers. Is he here to save his old Deathswitch Initiative cohort?"

Crowe slides under the bottom rope and stands toe to toe with Summers. The two men share a long stare. Crowe holds his hand out, not saying a word to Summers who slowly, calmly places the bat in Crowe’s hand. The former North American Champion then places one foot on each side of Tommy Bedlam’s fallen body and draws the bat over his head.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Oh my God. He’s gonna crush Bedlam with that bat."

Rod Sterling: "We’ve already seen Tommy have problems with one of his former DSI cohorts. It looks like there’s problems with another."

The crowd has grown eerily silent, and for what seems like forever, Crowe stands there looking over his fallen former stablemate. As Summers turns around to give a knowing smirk to the crowd…CROWE CRACKS HIM ACROSS THE BACK!

The pop is deafening as Crowe stands over Summers' fallen, bloodied, and battered body. He hands Tommy, who has just managed to get back to his feet, the bat. Tommy unloads with a series of wild swings to the back and ribs of Summers. The ref tries to intercede, but Crowe turns around, sending the referee scrambling out of the ring.

Tommy picks Summers up by his hair, wipes some blood from Summers' face, and smears it across his own chest. In the meantime, Chris Crowe has returned to the ring with a pair of steel chairs in his hands. The former stablemates each grab one of Summers’ arms and drag his limp, lifeless body to the middle of the ring. As Summers kneels there, half unconscious already, Crowe hands Bedlam one of the chairs.

The two lock eyes over Summers…

Chris Crowe: "FLIP THE SWITCH!"

Both men swing their chairs, crushing Summers’ head between their chairs. Summers crumples to the mat, seemingly lifeless. The capacity crowd is unglued as “Wanted Dead or Alive” plays, not that anyone in the arena can hear it.

Crowe extends a fist toward Bedlam, who nods his bloodied head and reciprocates the fist bump. Chris Crowe holds Tommy’s hand up high in the air as the Mexico City crowd continues to drown out Tommy’s music.



Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score

The feed shifts to somewhere else in the arena. Somewhere that's not ringside. No, no. This is actually high above the ring, up on the overhead, enclosable roof that currently is not enclosed. And standing atop this roof, some hundreds of feet above the ring and the fans, staring out into the Mexico City night sky, is none other ... than XYZ.

How did he get up there? What is he doing there? Why is he there? These are unanswered questions that really serve no purpose to answer. The real question ... is why is the camera on him right now. And, well, who is really going to reject a 5-minute diatribe from arguably the most enigmatic person in the FWA, if not just the most difficult to comprehend.

XYZ: "I'm not one to cuss. Not one to swear. I don't like it. I hear the people around here doing it often. They say the F-word. They say the word for butt. The word for heck. The word for poop. They say this, that, and the other. It has never been something ... I've believed in.

But when I won the match last night, when I defeated the Walker of Death ... and Jason Randall of the Wildcard Clan ... you best believe I let out a 'DAMN YEAH!' I was elated. Ecstatic. Over the moon that you see up above me right now. I was feeling ... like a hero ... a leader ... an inspiration ... yet again."

A pause.

XYZ: "But then I remembered ... this is only the start. This is only the beginning. I've been close enough ... around a year ago. I didn't get there. Now ... I'm back."

Another pause.

XYZ: "Night 2 of Back in Business smells ... sublime. But that ... that ... is what winning smells like. The taste of victory from the smoke and fog of a battle. Night 2 is a follow to Night 1. It comes after. It is next in the timeline. So today ... on Night 2 ... it only makes sense that we revel in the smell of victory ... that was Night 1."

XYZ paces on the roof, making the watcher a little unsure whether this is entirely safe. Does he have a harness? Is there some sort of clip keeping him attached if he loses his balance? No. None. XYZ is a madman who laughs in the face of death.

XYZ: "When the snake enters the tanker carrying Ray ... it's the snake who must continue searching. When he goes down ... do you remember the Raiden who follows by phone? Do you remember the crawling past the soldiers in the theater? Do you remember the sneaking to the key in the port? Do you remember the snake slithering through the carrier in the sky? And when the radio goes silent, when you believe all hope is lost, he returns with a different name!


And at Night 1 ... of Back in Business ... the light carried on. The XYZ Championship is ... in our reach. And after tonight ... Bedlam of the Tommies ...

I am waiting."

A pause.


The thousands of the crowd chimes in now from down below.

XYZ: "NEVER ..."

Crowd: "DIEEEES!"

But XYZ pauses, not finishing his catchphrase with the screaming crowd below. He allows for a dramatic interlude as he prepares to make a callback to the start of his soliloquy.

XYZ: "fucking ...



We return to the arena with Kurt Harrington standing in the middle of the ring with his microphone.

Kurt Harrington: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a battle royale to declare the first FWA Trios Champions, where all three members of a team must be thrown over the top rope, with both feet touching the floor, for a trio to be eliminated from the match-up."

A beautiful tree stands in the middle of the stage. A larch in case you're interested. As classical music starts to play in the background for us to fully appreciate the wonder of nature...

Until the music suddenly cuts off as both Dan and Doug approach the massive tree from both sides and with CHOP. AFTER CHOP. AFTER CHOP. AFTER CHOP, The tree began to lurch forward


and the tree came crashing down TO REVEAL LUCY WAS on ONTOP OF IT AND RIDING IT ALL THE WAY DOWN. She lands cat-like on her feet, where she joins her brothers as their music kicks in.

Kurt Harrington: "Next, at a combined weight of fifteen hundred pounds… from the Yukon in Canada… Doug, Dan, and Lucy LuPone… The Lumberjacks!!"

The three siblings, after a swift march to the ring, climb into it. They are alone for now, and stare around the colossal arena before their eyes settle on the stage, just in time for…

Blair and Celestia Ravenwood walk out onto the stage, Kleio De Santos appearing through the curtain with them but disappearing again after sharing a fist bump with each of the sisters. The Ravenwoods wait on the stage.

Kurt Harrington: "Introducing first, from Lock Haven in Pennsylvania, weighing in at a combined weight of two hundred and twenty pounds, Blair and Celestia Ravenwood… the Coven!"

Trixie shares an uneasy glance with each of the sisters before leading the way down the ramp.

Kurt Harrington: "Anf their partner, weighing in at one hundred and twenty five pounds… from Baton Rouge, Louisiana… Bellatrix Bordeaux!"

The three women enter the ring and, after glancing at the Lumberjacks across the ring, look towards the stage. Their music fades out, and is replaced by…

The three Nephews arrive on the stage and, somewhat surprisingly, they are alone. They begin a swift walk towards the ring.

Kurt Harrington: "Next, at a combined weight of three hundred and ten pounds, from Everywhere… the Maid of Death, NOE-I, Kha’’rina Halruzh… THE NEPHEWS!"

The Nephews enter the ring, sharing more than a glance with the Coven before backing away into a corner. The lights go out and there's a buzz in the crowd before a familiar song starts to play...

"Like a moth to a flame
Burned by the fire
My love is blind
Can't you see my desire
That's the way love goes"

Three spotlights shine on the stage with Jackson Fenix on one side riding on the shoulders of a clown. On the other side in a spotlight is Nate Savage begrudgingly riding piggy-back on Monica and in the main spotlight in the center we see someone rising up through the stage. Xperienx Xtacee is in the arms of his beloved Antonio...

The lights come back on as the song kicks in and the trio of Xperienx Xtacee, Jackson Fenix, and Nate Savage all make their way to the ring...

Kurt Harrington: ""Making their way to the ring the team of Nate Savage, Jackson Fenix, and Xperienx Xtacee...THE UNDISPUTED XPERIENX!"[/b][/color]

They stop at the ring and Jackson is helped off the shoulders of the clown and gives him a hug. Antonio gently puts down Xperienx and the two share a brief embrace, and Monica lets Nate go and he nearly falls on his backside but Monica stops that happening. Monica looks like she might plant another kiss on Nate but she lets him go, and the trio enter the ring. Jackson and Xperienx do their hip thrusts in the center of the ring while Nate watches uncomfortably. Jackson gets too into it at one point and Nate has to stop him from embarassing himself while Xperienx is giggling in the background. They gather in their corner and wait for the rest of their opponents...

Those familiar with nGw recognise the next three combatants as they walk onto the stage. They don’t seem to be over-awed by their surroundings, instead presenting a confident air as they walk towards the ring.

Kurt Harrington: "From the Good Garage… weighing in at six hundred and ninety five pounds… Johnny Murdoch, Sonny Duzko, and Danny B. Goode… The Goode Fellas!!"

The three 50’s throwbacks slide into the ring, which has filled up considerably, and pose for the fans to moderate cheers. Their music fades out, and next we hear…

There’s a somewhat confused reaction at first, but this turns into cheers when three figures who are semi-recognisable (to varying extents) through their association with XYZ appear on the stage.

Kurt Harrington: "And at a combined weight of five hundred and ten pounds… Wild Jerry… Christian Howard… Sierra… THE MENAGE!!"

After walking down the ramp and slapping the hands with the front row fans, the Menage momentarily struggle to find an access point into the now crowded ring. Eventually, they find their spot and occupy a corner of the squared circle, looking around themselves somewhat apprehensively ahead of what is all three of their FWA debut. Their music fades out, and after a few seconds…

The lights of the stage flash a mixture of neon green, purple, with occasional flashes of red to the music. The screens flash an 8-bit skull logo repeatedly. After about eighteen seconds, the YOKAI Death Squad Trio makes their way out. Katsu keeps her hand to her side, cape flowing behind her. Ririko runs to one side of the stage, amped up, as Cali Hayama hops in place. Ririko joins her partners in the middle of the stage as there are sparks of pyrotechnics. Standing next to Katsu, Ririko spins around and holds up the MAYHEM "M," her masks "tongue" flopping around. Katsu crosses her arms in front of her, holding her hands in a "fox head” gesture as Cali Hayama kneels down in front of them, pointing her hand out like a sideways gun. The Canadian jumps up as all three begin to head down the ramp.

Kurt Harrington: "And next, representing MAYHEM, the Sky Devil, Cali Hayama, the Crazy Ghost, Ririko and the Kitsune Warrior, Katsu… YOKAI DEATH SQUAD!!!”

The three wrestlers head down the ramp, the rest of their well planned out entrance cut short by the sheer amount of people in the ring. They climb into it as their music fades, replaced by…

Three men walk out onto the ring: Reagan Cole with a motivated look of focus about him and, a little behind and one at each side, the masked TYLER and ‘the Saviour of Death’ Jeffry Mason. Whilst ‘the British Apprentice’ seems ready for action, his two compadres appear less than enthused about the task before them.

Kurt Harrington: "Next, weighing in at a combined weight of six hundred and eighty pounds… Reagan Cole, Jeffry Mason, TYLER… Necessary Evil!"

Reagan Cole slides into the now crowded ring, whilst the other two linger on the outside and exchange words before climbing up onto the apron. They warily enter the ring, staring almost down their noses at the sea of humanity (not to mention other species) around them.

Kurt Harrington: "And finally, already in the ring… Mike Stand, In-Sync, and the Backstreet Boy… the Bad Boys Band!"

The camera finds this last trio amongst the crowd. They beat their chests or raise a fist to little reaction from the crowd. Finally, the official calls for the bell…



Cthulhu’s Nephews
(Maid of Death, NOE-I, and Kha’’rina Halruzh) vs. The Bad Boys Boy Band (The Backstreet Boy, In-Sync, and Mike Stand) vs. YOKAI Death Squad (Katsu, Cali Hayama, and Ririko) vs. The Undisputed Xperienx (Jackson Fenix, Nate Savage, and Xperienx Xtacee) vs. The Lumberjacks (Doug LuPone, Dan LuPone, and Lucy LuPone) vs. The Coven (Blair Ravenwood and Celestia Ravenwood) and Trixie Bordeaux vs. Necessary Evil (Reagan Cole, Jeffry Mason, and TYLER) vs. ??? (???, ???, and ???) vs...
Open Entry Battle Royale for the FWA Trios Championships.
Match writer: SS.


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Twenty seven competitors are inside that ring, and you heard Kurt Harrington: only when all three members of the team are thrown over the top rope is a trio eliminated from this battle royale."

Allen Price: "Might want to count again, J-L! We’re down to twenty five!!"

Rod Sterling: "What on Earth are TYLER and Jeffry Mason doing?!"

Sterling’s confusion is shared by Reagan Cole, who watches with a perplexed expression on his face as his two partners - as soon as the bell is rung - leap over the top rope and onto the apron. They don’t glance back at him before hopping off it and onto the outside!!

#1: Jeffry Mason (of Necessary Evil) by Himself at 00:08.
#2: TYLER (of Necessary Evil) by Himself at 00:09.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Bad Boys Boy Band [3]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Coven [3]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [3]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [3]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

Necessary Evil [1]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Nephews [3]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [3]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Inside the ring, Reagan turns to face his two teammates, both of whom are already walking up the ramp…

Anzu Kurosawa: "Watch out! Now's not the time for a soap opera!"

Rod Sterling: "Here comes Trixie Bordeaux! She dumps her old rival unceremoniously over the top rope!!"

#3: Reagan Cole (of Necessary Evil) by Trixie Bordeaux at 00:24.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Bad Boys Boy Band [3]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Coven [3]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [3]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [3]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [3]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [3]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

Cole lands in a heap on the outside and rises to dust himself. He turns around to face his eliminator and is nonplussed to find Trixie staring down at him. He silently seeths… as Mike Stand and In-Sync both simultaneously take Bordeaux by the scruff of the neck and fling her over the top rope… unlike Reagan, though, she lands on the apron and escapes back into the ring beneath the bottom rope.

Meanwhile, chaos is ensuing around the ring. The Ravenwood sisters are targeting the Backstreet Boy, taking it in turns to stomp him in the corner. The YOKAI Death Squad and the Nephews have fought to the outside of the ring, with Katsu flinging Kha''rina over the announce booth and Ririko working over the Maid with knife edge chops against a barricade. Cali, meanwhile, is the victim of a drop toe hold onto the steel steps from NOE-I. After incapacitating Sonny with a double choke slam and Johnny with a pair of big boots, Doug and Dan Lapone find themselves both subject to consecutive arm drags from Danny B. Goode… who is then in turn taken down by a hurricanrana from Lucy! She appears to be the last woman standing in the middle of a chaotic ring… but has her legs taken out from underneath her by Ririko and Katsu on the outside, who then proceed to run the Lumberjack head first into the steel post!

The Ménage have also retreated to the outside of the ring but keep themselves to themselves, exchanging words in a team huddle, redeveloping their strategy from the safety of the ramp.

In the ring, In-Sync is desperately trying to lay into Doug LuPone with straight rights, but the big Canadian isn’t budging under the strikes. After a dozen fists, Doug nails In-Sync with a big headbutt, dropping him immediately. He turns around, spotting the Backstreet Boy up on the top rope. The Bad Boy leaps off, going for a leaping double axe handle, but Doug catches him… and then throws him up into a powerbomb position…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "AWESOME BOMB!!!"

Allen Price: "The Backstreet Boy is hurled over the top rope and out to the floor! He’s out of here!!"

#4: The Backstreet Boy (of the Bad Boys Band) by Doug LuPone at 03:39.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Bad Boys Boy Band [2]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Coven [3]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [3]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [3]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [3]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [3]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

In-Sync and Mike Stand try to swap Doug in an attempt to avenge their fallen comrade, but can’t budge him when trying to drag him towards the edge of the ring. Doug nails each of them with overhand chops, each of the remaining Bad Boys turning around to eat big boots from Dan! The Lumberjacks momentarily stand tall in the middle of the ring, until each of them is nailed by aerial attacks from Katsu and Kha’’rina, returning to the ring on opposite sides of it! Katsu nails Doug with a springboard forearm, whilst Halruzh hits Dan with a springboard knee strike, each of the lumberjacks knocked over in turn. Katsu and Kha’’rina rise and share a momentary stand-off…

… which is interrupted by Lucy LuPone! She hits both of them with a shotgun dropkick, a foot for each opponent! Lucy gets up to her feet and pumps her fist, the Mexican fans getting onboard with this new addition to the Lumberjacks!

… but she’s blindsided by Nate Savage with a lariat to the back of the head! Savage slides into the ring for the first time since the early stages of the match, much to the chagrin of the crowd. Nate doesn’t seem to care, hoisting Lucy up and hitting her with a piledriver! Dan LuPone looks to be getting his feet to save his sister, but Jackson Fenix and Xperienx Xtacee both waylay him with a chopblock to each knee! Doug is on the mat incapacitated, but the two make sure he remains there by showering him with crotch chops and hip gyrations. Savage, meanwhile, hoists Lucy up, and dumps her unceremoniously over the top rope!

#5: Lucy LuPone (of the Lumberjacks) by Nate Savage at 05:20.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Bad Boys Boy Band [2]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Coven [3]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [3]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [2]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [3]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [3]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

As the Coven take it to the Undisputed Xperienx in the ring, we cut to the outside, where Cali clotheslines NOE-I over the barricade and into the crowd! The Avatar lands on the front row fans’ laps, who scramble away from her. NOE-I looks to free herself from the chairs, but before she can Cali leaps over the barricade and hits her with a flying shoulder tackle!! The Avatar is knocked back into the second row, and Cali is on her in an instant with forearm and elbow strikes!

Back in the ring, Trixie Bordeaux and Celestia Ravenwood are trying to throw Jackson Fenix out together, with the UX member holding onto the top rope desperately to stop himself from going over. Blair, meanwhile, has Xperienx in a heel hook in the middle of the ring, releasing only as Nate Savage comes towards her and taking him down with a drop toe hold. Blair gets up and doesn’t see Dan LuPone coming! He nails her with a huge big boot! Dan helps his brother Doug up to his feet and then the two spy Trixie and Celestia, charging in with tandem big boots, sending both Trixie and Celestia over the top rope… with Bordeaux holding on, but Celestia fumbling the top rope and falling onto the outside!!

#6: Celestia Ravenwood (of the Coven) by Doug LuPone at 06:48.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Bad Boys Boy Band [2]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [3]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [2]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [3]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [3]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

Celestia momentarily looks frustrated, banging her fists against the apron, but then ensures that Trixie is safely back in the ring as the officials crowd her to tell her to leave the ringside area. The brothers LuPone watch this from inside the ring, and Dan doesn’t notice the ramshackle team of Katsu, Kha’’rina, and Blair sneaking up behind him, each grabbing a hold of one of his trunk-like limbs and bundling him up and over the top rope!! Dan lands in a heap next to the ramp!!

#7: Dan LuPone (of the Lumberjacks) by Katsu, Blair Ravenwood, and Kha’’rina Halruzh) at 07:15.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Bad Boys Boy Band [2]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [3]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [1]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [3]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [3]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

Rod Sterling: "The Lumberjacks are down to just one member! Only Doug LuPone remains, and he charges at his brother’s eliminators…"

Kha’’rina ducks underneath Doug’s clothesline and hits him with a spin kick to the gut… followed by an enziguri from Blair! And then a shining wizard from Katsu! Doug LuPone rolls out of the ring… and immediately the three women turn on each other! Blair Ravenwood connects with a vicious forearm strike on Kha’’rina, before Katsu nails her with a superkick! And then has a standing dropkick for Halruzh! The Nephew stumbles towards the ropes, and Katsu charges at her, looking to clothesline her over the top, but Kha’’rina ducks it and hoists Katsu over instead. And then in comes Blair, looking to clothesline Kha’’rina over, but again the Nephew ducks it and back body drops Blair onto the apron too. She lands next to Katsu and the two trade blows on the apron.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Blair Ravenwood needs to be careful! We’ve already seen her sister eliminated from this match. She doesn’t want to leave Trixie all alone."

Anzu Kurosawa: "But watch out! Here comes Kha’’rina!!"

The Nephew tries to knock both women off at once with simultaneous clotheslines, but both are blocked, and then Blair and Katsu instinctively pull Kha’’rina into a double front facelock…

Rod Sterling: "DOUBLE SUPLEX! Kha’’rina is lifted up and out of the ring, and out of the match-up!!"

#8: Kha’’rina Halruzh (of the Nephews) by Katsu and Blair Ravenwood at 09:00.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Bad Boys Boy Band [2]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [3]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [1]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [2]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [3]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

Blair and Katsu admire their handiwork for a moment, before beginning to trade blows again on the apron! They notice that the Maid is back in the ring, charging at them to avenge her teammate. Both drop down and hit shoulder attacks through the ropes, sending the Maid stumbling back into the middle of the ring. Katsu lines up for a springboard attack, but as her boots hit the top rope, Blair simply swipes them out from under her! Fortunately for Katsu, she hits the ropes and then bounces back into the ring. Blair climbs in, too, before taking down the Maid with a swinging neckbreaker.

Cut to somewhere amongst the fans, where Cali has NOE-I in a front facelock, attempting to take her up and over with a snap suplex… but the Avatar blocks it, and then takes Cali over with a suplex of her own! Neither woman is quick to rise, their battle on the outside taking its toll on both of them.

Back in the ring, Blair Ravenwood is trying to cut Doug LuPone down as if he were a tree with stiff kicks to the side, but eventually LuPone is able to retaliate with a clubbing blow to the back which sends her to the mat. Doug seems to be readying himself to hoist her up and attempt an elimination, when he sees Mike Stand charging at him and instead hits the Bad Boy with a HUGE back body drop! Mike is sent across the ring, and is only half a meter from being eliminated by the move! In-Sync looks momentarily dumbfounded, but then dutifully charges at Doug too, only to be caught in a single-handed chokehold. Doug then hoists In-Sync up over his shoulders in a military press. He turns towards the hard-cam… and HURLS IN-SYNC INTO THE FOURTH ROW!!!

#9: In-Sync (of the Bad Boys Boy Band) by Doug LuPone at 10:32.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Bad Boys Boy Band [1]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [3]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [1]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [2]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [3]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

Rod Sterling: "DID YOU SEE THAT?!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "I think Mike Stand did…"

Mike Stand has somewhat recovered from the back body drop, and caught the tail end of his friend being launched like a torpedo by Doug LuPone. He is up to his feet with his back against the ropes as the Lumberjack turns around to face him…

… and Mike Stand wastes no time in hopping over the top rope and eliminating himself!

Rod Sterling: "No, thank you, says Mike Stand!"

#10: Mike Stand (of the Bad Boys Boy Band) by Fear Itself at 10:50.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [3]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [1]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [2]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [3]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

Doug shrugs his shoulders… but then turns around into a series of chops from the three members of the Undisputed Xperienx! They back him up into the corner, the trio beginning to attempt to lift him up towards the top rope. LuPone anchors his weight down.

Rod Sterling: "Fenix, Savage, and Xtacee all trying to eliminate Doug LuPone here, but the Lumberjack is stubborn…"

Allen Price: "Looks like they’re going to get some help, though…"

Indeed, Ririko, Katsu, and then later both Blair Ravenwood and Trixie Bordeaux join in the effort, trying to heave the much larger Lumberjack out of the ring…

… and then Doug released a war cry, resonating even above the cheers of the Mexico City audience…


He finds a surge of energy, first simply forcing his way out of the corner and knocking all seven of his assailants down to the mat. They each charge at him, but not at once, to their downfall…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Big boot for Blair! And another one for Katsu!"

Rod Sterling: "Nate Savage looks to stop Doug LuPone in his tracks with a clothesline, but the Lumberjack ducks beneath it… release German suplex! Nate is thrown across the ring as if he’s nothing!!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "And then a flapjack for Xtacee! But Ririko leaps onto Doug’s back! She’s putting him in a sleeper hold – excellent strategy!"

Doug reaches up and grabs Ririko by the hair, dragging her over his shoulder and onto the mat!

Anzu Kurosawa: "Oh… maybe not so excellent."

LuPone follows up by hoisting Ririko up into a fireman’s carry and walking over towards the ropes, intending to eliminate her… but then he spots Katsu charging at him. He drops Ririko and goes for a big boot on Katsu, but she ducks beneath it… both Ririko and Katsu work on Doug with stiff kicks, backing him up into the ropes with them. They back away, and Katsu grabs Ririko by the wrist, looking to Irish whip her at Doug. Ririko gathers pace, going to a leaping forearm… but Doug steps away from the ropes and collects her in a bearhug…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Belly-to-belly overheard release!! Ririko is tossed all the way over the top rope and onto the outside!!"

#11: Ririko (of YOKAI Death Squad) by Doug LuPone at 12:28.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [3]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [1]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [2]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [2]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

Doug has to be quick to his feet with Katsu charging at him, and he manages to lift her up and over the top rope with a back body drop! Katsu manages to land on the apron, almost loses her footing, steadies herself… and then takes down the stumbling Doug with a springboard dropkick!

Anzu Kurosawa: "Katsu is signalling to the crowd that this one is over for Doug LuPone!"

Allen Price: "Easier said than done. How’s she going to get the big man up?!"

Katsu bends down to grasp Doug by the scruff of the neck… but she’s blindsided by Jackson Fenix! Fenix cuts her in half with a spear, and then his partner Nate Savage takes over. He drags Katsu up to her feet in a sleeper, backs up to the ropes… and then throws her over the top rope with a sleeper suplex!! Katsu is dumped unceremoniously over the top rope and to the outside!!

#12: Katsu (of YOKAI Death Squad) by Nate Savage at 12:59.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [3]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [1]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [2]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

Rod Sterling: "A huge surprise there in this chaotic match! Many would’ve expected Katsu to go far in this match, being the most experienced member of her team, but now Cali Hayama will have to go it alone!"

In the ring, following his elimination of Katsu, Sonny and Johnny of the Goode Fellas attempt to blindside him with straight rights and forearms, but Fenix and Xtacee arrive to turn the numbers back in their favour. After taking Johnny down with a snap DDT, Fenix and Xtacee succeed in getting Sonny over onto the apron. They take it in turns to connect with forearms, trying to knock him off and to the outside…

Allen Price: "That’s Danny B. Goode behind Fenix and Xperienx! They better turn around!"

Almost as if they heard Allen, the two notice Danny as he begins his charge at them. Fenix shoves Xperienx out of the way and dives on top of him… causing Goode to knock Sonny off the apron and onto the outside!

#13: Sonny Zucko (of the Goode Fellas) by Danny B. Goode at 13:41.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [2]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [1]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [2]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

Danny has his head in his hands, but has enough where-with-all to notice the Maid of Death charging at him. He drops down and pulls the top rope down with him… causing the Nephew to throw herself over the top rope thanks to her momentum!

#14: The Maid of Death (of the Nephews) by Danny B. Goode at 13:50.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [2]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [1]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [1]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

Danny breathes a sigh of relief, but then notices that Johnny is being manhandled by Doug LuPone, and goes to intervene…

Meanwhile, Cali and NOE-I have fought all the way to one of the entrances to the arena, way back amongst the crowd…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Both of these women are the sole representatives of their teams left in this match-up, and both are a long way away from the ring!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Smart! Can’t be eliminated if you’re half-way across the arena!"

NOE-I seems to be getting the better of the exchange, backing Cali up with European uppercuts and knife edge chops. She winds up for a lariat, but Cali ducks it and goes behind, before connecting with a backdrop driver! Onto the unforgiving concrete!!

We get a quick shot of the Menage, still keeping a safe distance from the ring and discussing strategy before they introduce themselves into the match…

And then we see in the ring, where Danny B. Goode and Johnny Murdoch are having little success in trying to throw Doug over the top rope. The three members of the Undisputed Xperienx, meanwhile, watch the affair from across the ring, weighing up between helping the Goode Fellas or eliminating them instead…

And back up in the crowd, NOE-I is struggling to her feet, although it now seems that she’s alone… until we see a slightly wider shot, and notice that Cali is up atop the entrance to the arena! She is maybe four metres above the Avatar, the surrounding crowd going wild as Hayama pumps them up…

Rod Sterling: "What is Cali Hayama thinking here?! She’s the last member of the YOKAI Death Squad in this match! This could be disaster for her time!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "High risk, high reward, Rod!!"

After a deep breath and a check that NOE-I is in position, Cali turns her back, and then flies off the top top of the entrance with a diving moonsault!!! The crowd loses it for the move, both women sprawling to the floor amongst the fans!

And, back in the ring, we are just in time to see the Undisputed Xperienx launch their attack on Goode, Murdoch, and Doug. The Goode Fellas are still attempting to eliminate the last remaining Lumberjack from the match when UX come up behind them, each taking a man after careful strategising in the opposite corner. Fenix takes Goode, Xtacee goes for Murdoch, and Nate takes the big man, with all three of them using the element of surprise to throw their target over the top rope…

Doug just about clings to the bottom rope and remains on the apron…

Goode, too, lands on the apron, a lone foot sprawling towards the floor until he’s able to grab the ropes and steady himself…

Johnny Murdoch, though, has no such luck! He lands on top of LuPone, the Lumberjack having a firm enough grasp of the ropes to stay in the match, but Murdoch bumbling down onto the floor!!

#15: Johnny Murdoch (of the Goode Fellas) by Xperienx Xtacee at 15:40.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [1]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [1]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [1]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [3]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Undisputed Xperienx have no time to rest, though, with Trixie and Blair launching a sneak attack on them after their exertions with Doug and the Goode Fellas. They hit simultaneously dropkicks on Nate Savage, bundling him through the ropes - between the second and third ones, to the outside but safely so. Fenix lunches at Blair for retribution, but Ravenwood connects with a low dropkick to the knees, followed by a brutal roundhouse kick to put him down! Trixie, meanwhile, is struggling with Xtacee, who backs her up towards a corner with some quickfire kicks. Bordeaux is saved by Blair, who comes up behind Xperienx and hits a Russian Leg Sweep. Trixie and Blair hoist Xtacee up and throw him over the top rope, with XX hooking onto the bottom one. They put the boot in, trying to knock him out of the match, and only notice at the last moment that Fenix is charging towards them, trying to save his new friend… the Coven ducks his attack, and launch Jackson over the top rope and onto the floor with a massive big back body drop!! Fenix has an ugly landing on the ramp!!

#16: Jackson Fenix (of the Undisputed Xperienx) by Blair Ravenwood and Trixie Bordeaux at 16:49.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [1]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [1]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [1]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [2]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

It looks as though Blair and Trixie would both appreciate a moment to recuperate, but they notice Nate Savage is rising across the ring from them. Unfettered by their numbers advantage, Savage stomps across the ring to face them…

… but he’s waylaid by the Menage!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Here comes the Menage! This rag-tag group of XYZites!"

Rod Sterling: "Chops from Sierra! Kicks from Christian! An eye poke from Jerry!! Nate Savage doesn’t know what’s hit him!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Or who! Which is understandable. These guys have barely been on TV at all…"

Be that as it may, Savage is quickly overwhelmed by the three-on-one attack from the Menage, backing up all the way to the ropes… allowing Sierra and Jerry to hit a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE and knock him over the top rope!!

#17: Nate Savage (of the Undisputed Xperienx) by the Sierra and Wild Jerry at 18:01.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [1]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [1]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Nephews [1]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Undisputed Xperienx [1]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Menage spend a moment congratulating themselves, but then see the Coven glowering at them from across the ring. They glance at each other nervously, before sliding out beneath the bottom rope and retreating to relative safety on the outside. The Coven don’t get a chance to follow, as Doug LuPone and Danny B. Goode, forming perhaps an unlikely alliance, descend on them with boots to the midsection and right hands…

Meanwhile, on the outside, Cali dumps NOE-I over the barricade and then follows her over. Hayama looks exhausted, but waits patiently for the Avatar to get to her feet before hopping up onto the top of the barricade, balancing for a moment and then jumping off to connect with a tornado DDT! NOE-I is spiked onto her head on the outside, the crowd popping for Cali’s ongoing exploits on the outside…

In the ring, Doug and Danny eventually break their alliance, with Goode striking first with a right hand on LuPone that doesn’t have much effect… and the Lumberjack fires back with a big boot! He looks to follow up… but suddenly finds himself peppered by strikes by the Menage!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Here they are again! The Menage re-introduce themselves to the match with a sneak attack on Doug LuPone, using the numbers to the advantage…"

Allen Price: "It’s certainly a strategy… and, given their limited experience inside an FWA ring, maybe it’s a wise one."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "You never let a lack of experience hold you back, eh Price?"

Doug is backed all the way up to the side of the ring, and the Menage even manage to lift him up and over the top rope. He lands on the apron, though, with Jerry, Sierra, and Christian following up with stomps to try and get him out, the Lumberjack clinging onto the bottom rope desperately.

Meanwhile, Cali has finally managed to throw Kha’’rina under the bottom rope, and is about to follow her in… when Danny B. Goode, freed from his tussle with the Lumberjack by the Menage, collects NOE-I and dumps her over the top rope!!

#18: NOE-I (of the Nephews) by Danny B. Goode at 19:30.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Goode Fellas [1]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [1]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Undisputed Xperienx [1]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Nephews [0]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Well, a little anticlimactic, but the Nephews are eliminated…"

Cali has slid into the ring, and Danny turns to face her with a smile on his face, clearly pleased with his handiwork regarding NOE-I. Hayama glowers at him, her own expression suggesting that he’s just stolen her elimination, considering she’s been tussling with the Avatar since the match began. Goode’s smile fades as Cali continues to glare at him… and then she puts him down with a spinning backfist!! Cali hoists Danny up…

Rod Sterling: "ETHER CALAMITY!! Cali’s finished many matches with that move elsewhere, and she might just have finished the Goode Fellas with it here tonight!"

Indeed, Cali follows up by dragging Danny to his feet, running him over to the ropes, and throwing his semi-conscious form over the top rope with authority!

#19: Danny B. Goode (of the Goode Fellas) by Cali Hayama at 20:13.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Lumberjacks [1]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Undisputed Xperienx [1]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Nephews [0]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Goode Fellas [0]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

Meanwhile, across the ring, the Menage decide that a change in strategy is needed with Doug. They each back away from him, Sierra the first to charge across the ring and nailing him with a baseball slide! It connects with his hands, the left one coming loose from the bottom rope to which he clings. Jerry is already charging across the ring, hitting another baseball slide to the same spot, the Lumberjack’s right hand now also loose from the ropes… just as Christian Howard hits a third baseball slide! This one catches Doug flush in the face… and the big man rolls off the apron and onto the outside!!

#20: Doug LuPone (of the Lumberjacks) by Christian Howard at 20:47.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Menage [3]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Undisputed Xperienx [1]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Nephews [0]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Goode Fellas [0]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [0]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage again take a congratulatory moment, but there is no time to scarper afterwards following this elimination like they did after the last. The remaining members of the Coven are waiting for them, with Blair hitting Jerry with a spinning wheel kick and Trixie knocking Christian Howard down with a running hip attack! Sierra is able to duck the attempted short-arm clothesline from Blair, but has no such luck with the mule kick from Bordeaux! And then she’s put on the mat by a bulldog from Ravenwood!

Allen Price: "Blair and Trixie both hoist Sierra up and drag her towards the ropes, looking to eliminate her… but here come Christian and Jerry for the save!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "These three may lack wrestling experience, but they’re hunting as a pack if nothing else!"

Indeed, the Menage first swamps Blair with clubbing blows that send her reeling, and then attempts to back Trixie up into the corner with a series of kicks. This frees Sierra up, who joins her teammates, but soon Blair is back up and involved. She first takes Sierra down with a scoop slam, before battering Jerry with a half-dozen European uppercuts, followed by an inverted DDT. Christian, putting his fears to one side, charges at Blair, but she easily sidesteps his non-traditional lariat and puts him in a sleeper hold. Howard begins to lose consciousness as Trixie stands guard around the hold. Sierra charges at her first, but Trixie hits her with a dropkick, sending her into the corner. Bordeaux backs away before hitting Sierra with a cannon ball!

Rod Sterling: That’s Bundles of Fun!! Trixie starting to feel it here!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "But here comes Wild Jerry…"

Jerry runs as fast as he can, which isn’t very fast, towards Trixie, who is rising in the corner, he goes for a corner splash, but Bordeaux ducks beneath it and heaves him up over the top rope! Jerry loses his footing and falls to the outside!!

#21: Wild Jerry (of the Menage) by Trixie Bordeaux at 22:19.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Menage [2]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Undisputed Xperienx [1]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Nephews [0]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Goode Fellas [0]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [0]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

Blair still has her sleeper hold locked in, Christian very close to unconsciousness, as Sierra crawls out of the corner towards them. Trixie cuts her off with a stomp, and then Blair instructs her teammate to hold her there. Trixie looks anxious but follows the order, pinning Sierra against the corner with a boot to the throat as Blair finishes the job, choking the airwaves of Howard and then dumping him to the mat.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "The Menage came here with a gameplan, but the Coven are having their way with them here. It looks like their time is running out…"

Rod Sterling: "For Christian it’s already run out, Jean-Luc. Only one thing left to do…"

Blair goes about doing it, hoisting Christian’s deadweight up with some difficulty, and then into a fireman’s carry. She dumps him as if he’s nothing over the top rope and then kicks him off the apron, watching him roll to the floor.

#22: Christian Howard (of the Menage) by Blair Ravenwood at 23:05.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [2]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Menage [1]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Undisputed Xperienx [1]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Nephews [0]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Goode Fellas [0]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [0]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

With Christian dealt with, Blair turns around with a smirk, barking orders at Trixie to get her up. Bordeaux obliges, dragging Sierra up to her feet and allowing Ravenwood to grab her by the air and run her towards the ropes…

… but, midway across the ring, Sierra reverses the momentum! She grabs a handful of Blair’s hair instead… and throws her over the top rope!! Trixie marches across the ring, a shocked look on her face, in an attempt to save her teammate…

… but she’s too late!! Blair falls to the outside and is eliminated from the match!!

#23: Blair Ravenwood (of the Coven) by Sierra at 23:30.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [1]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Menage [1]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Undisputed Xperienx [1]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Nephews [0]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Goode Fellas [0]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [0]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

Sierra wants to collapse after this exertion, but already Trixie is charging across the ring at her… and Bordeaux connects with a cross-body!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "That move looked to do some damage to Trixie Bordeaux, too, but Sierra is laid OUT!!"

Allen Price: "And Trixie Bordeaux at least has enough where-with-all to lift Sierra up and throw her over the top rope! That’s it for the Menage!! We’re down to three teams and three competitors!"

#24: Sierra (of the Menage) by Trixie Bordeaux at 24:24.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [1]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

The Undisputed Xperienx [1]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Nephews [0]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Goode Fellas [0]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [0]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [0]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

Trixie is exhausted and collapses to the mat, and is fortunate that Xperienx and Cali lock eyes on each other before her. Cali thuds into XX with an elbow strike, who returns with a trio of jabs, before Cali can come back with a series of forearms. XX ducks under the last of them, grabs a wrist, and hits a wrist clutch back suplex! He quickly gathers Cali up and throws her over the top, turning his back on her as Hayama lands on the apron and rolls back in…

Rod Sterling: "Xtacee is already re-focussing his attention on Trixie, who is still recuperating in a corner, but here comes Cali again! Double axe handle!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "XX is staggered, and Cali collects him in a front facelock…"


Xperienx is driven right on the top of his dome with the move, and rather than try and hoist his dead weight she decides to climb the turnbuckles, perhaps looking for another moonsault… Trixie is stirring now, though, and charges over towards Cali as if to knock her off the top. Hayama grips onto the top rope to anchor her weight down, Trixie unable to force her over the top rope despite Cali being positioned precariously on the second one. Bordeaux instead decides to climb up with her, gripping her around the waist…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "This looks bad for both competitors! They might end up handing the match to Xperienx Xtacee!"

Rod Sterling: "Trixie is going for a German suplex, or maybe even a back drop driver, from that second rope…"

Allen Price: "Cali senses her peril, though, and fights out with elbow strikes to the back of the head."

Anzu Kurosawa: "Whatever Trixie is going to do, she ought to be quick… Xperienx is stirring in the middle of the ring after that vicious brainbuster."

Finally, the sixth elbow strike causes separation, Trixie releasing her rear waistlock. Cali delicately turns around on the top rope, Trixie still standing on the second one, and leaps over Bordeaux, slamming her down with a sunset flip powerbomb!!

After showing off her high-impact offence, Cali immediately gets a chance to show off her reflexes, with Xperienx Xtacee charging across the ring at her, looking to flatten her in the corner… she hoists him over with a big back body drop, XX managing to land on the apron…

… but then he’s knocked off by a triangle dropkick!

#25: Xperienx Xtacee (of the Undisputed Xperienx) by Cali Hayama at 26:30.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [1]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

YOKAI Death Squad [1]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Nephews [0]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Goode Fellas [0]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [0]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [0]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Undisputed Xperienx [0]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Cali Hayama eliminates Xperienx Xtacee, and we’re down to two!"

Cali spends a moment on the mat after the dropkick, sucking in oxygen before once more dragging herself to her feet for the final push. Trixie Bordeaux is still lying on the mat following the sunset flip powerbomb, and Hayama slowly drags her up, looking over towards the ropes as if she’s about to dump her out…

But Trixie stomps down hard on her foot! And then rakes the eyes! Followed by a back rake!!

Allen Price: "Desperation from Trixie Bordeaux!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "That at least succeeds in causing a little separation, but Bordeaux looks unable to follow up! She stumbles back into the ropes…"

Indeed, Bordeaux holds onto the ropes to keep herself up, and eventually Cali recovers from the series of underhanded attacks. Hayama charges, looking to knock Trixie over the ropes with a clothesline, but Trixie falls down and drags the top rope down with her! Cali falls over the top…

… but lands on the apron! Trixie tries to reach over and collect Cali by the hair, but Hayama brings Bordeaux down throat-first over the top rope! Bordeaux stumbles into the middle of the ring… and she’s caught by a springboard forearm smash!! Trixie hits the mat, and Hayama climbs up to her feet, pumping her fist and winning a significant proportion of the crowd over to her cause. Then, she begins to scale the turnbuckles…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Cali Hayama climbs up towards the top once more. She seems determined to hit that moonsault!"

Rod Sterling: "And this time there’s nobody else left in the match to cut her off at the pass. Cali steadies herself on the top rope…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "A beautiful moonsault!! BUT NOBODY’S HOME!!"

Allen Price: "Trixie rolls out of the way!!"

Cali hits the mat hard and skids across the ring. Trixie collects her by the scruff of the neck and HURLS her over the top rope… but Cali catches the top rope with an outstretched hand! She dangles above the ground and, before Trixie realises Hayama isn’t quite gone, steadies herself on the apron…

Trixie turns to see Cali clinging on, kneeling on the apron, and charges at her, but Cali thrusts a shoulder through the ropes and catches Bordeaux in the sternum. She collects Trixie in a front facelock…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Trixie’s in trouble, here. Looks like Cali’s trying to suplex her up and out of the ring…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Or maybe she’s going for that brainbuster again?! I hope she’s going for that brainbuster again!"

Cali wrenches Trixie up, succeeding in lifting her up over the top rope, eliciting gasps from the audience. Bordeaux grabs the top rope with her hand, though, landing on the apron next to Cali and wrenching herself free of the facelock. Bordeaux hits an open hand slap, then a closed fist, and then a headbutt! Cali is staggered… but then fires back with three elbow strikes, followed by a spinning backfist! Trixie stumbles, but has a hold of the ropes…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Cali collects Trixie, is she going for a Spanish fly?!"

Rod Sterling: "Trixie wants none of it! She desperately fights out with elbows to the side of the head… Bordeaux reverses into a front facelock, and then a snap DDT!! Onto the apron!!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "But SOMEHOW Cali remains there! She’s still in this match!!"

Trixie, after a few lung-fulls of oxygen are drawn in, gets to her feet, walks across the apron, and climbs up to the top rope. She stares back at Cali, still lying face down on the apron…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "WHISTLING TRIXIE!!"

Bordeaux nails the Coffin Drop, the angle of it sending her back under the bottom rope…

… and Cali Hayama out to the floor!! Trixie’s done it!!

#26: Cali Hayama (of YOKAI Death Squad) by Trixie Bordeaux at 28:49.

Competitors (Remaining || Eliminated):

The Coven [1]
(Blair Ravenwood || Celestia Ravenwood || Trixie Bordeaux).

Necessary Evil [0]
(Reagan Cole || Jeffry Mason || TYLER).

The Bad Boys Boy Band [0]
(The Backstreet Boy || In-Sync || Mike Stand).

The Nephews [0]
(Maid of Death || NOE-I || Kha’’rina Halruzh).

The Goode Fellas [0]
(Johnny Murdoch || Sonny Zucko ||Danny B. Goode).

The Lumberjacks [0]
(Doug LuPone || Dan LuPone || Lucy LuPone).

The Menage [0]
(Wild Jerry || Christian Howard || Sierra).

The Undisputed Xperienx [0]
(Jackson Fenix || Nate Savage || Xperienx Xtacee).

YOKAI Death Squad [0]
(Katsu || Cali Hayama || Ririko).

Exhausted and somewhat austruck by the fact that there are no others left in the match than her, Trixie collapses into the middle of the ring, a smile spreading over her face as the bell rings…

Winners: The Coven [Trixie Bordeaux, Blair Ravenwood, and Celestia Ravenwood] at 28:49.

Elimination Order (with times):
#01. Jefffry Mason [Necessary Evil] by Himself at 00:08.
#02. TYLER [Necessary Evil] by Himself at 00:09.
#03: Reagan Cole [Necessary Evil] by Trixie Bordeaux at 00:24.
** NECESSARY EVIL are eliminated (00:24). **
#04: The Backstreet Boy [Bad Boys Boy Band] by Doug LuPone at 03:39.
#05: Lucy LuPone [Lumberjacks] by Nate Savage at 05:20.
#06: Celestia Ravenwood [Coven] by Doug LuPone at 06:48.
#07: Dan LuPone [Lumberjacks] by Katsu, Blair Ravenwood, & Kha’’rina Halruzh at 07:15.
#08: Kha’’rina Halruzh [Nephews] by Katsu & Blair Ravenwood at 09:00.
#09: In-Sync [Bad Boys Boy Band] by Doug LuPone at 10:32.
#10: Mike Stand [Bad Boys Boy Band] by Himself at 10:50.
** BAD BOYS BOY BAND are eliminated (10:50). **
#11: Ririko [YOKAI Death Squad] by Doug LuPone at 12:28.
#12: Katsu [YOKAI Death Squad] by Nate Savage at 12:59.
#13: Sonny Zucko [Goode Fellas] by Danny B. Goode at 13:41.
#14: The Maid of Death [Nephews] by Danny B. Goode at 13:50.
#15: Johnny Murdoch [Goode Fellas] by Xperienx Xtacee at 15:40.
#16: Jackson Fenix [Undisputed Xperienx] by Blair Ravenwood & Trixie Bordeaux at 16:59.
#17: Nate Savage [Undisputed Xperienx] by Sierra & Wild Jerry at 18:01.
#18: NOE-I [Nephews] by Danny B. Goode at 19:30.
** NEPHEWS are eliminated (19:30). **
#19: Danny B. Goode [Goode Gellas] by Cal Hayama at 20:13.
** GOODE FELLAS are eliminated (20:13). **
#20: Doug LuPone [Lumberjacks] by Christian Howard at 20:47.
** LUMBERJACKS are eliminated (20:47). **
#21: Wild Jerry [Menage] by Trixie Bordeaux at 22:19.
#22: Christian Howard [Menage] by Blair Ravenwood at 23:05.
#23: Blair Ravenwood [Coven] by Sierra at 23:30.
#24: Sierra [Menage] by Trixie Bordeaux at 24:24.
** MENAGE are eliminated (24:24). **
#25: Xperienx Xtacee [Undisputed Xperinex] by Cali Hayama at 26:30.
** UNDISPUTED XPERIENX are eliminated (26:30). **
#26: Cali Hayama [YOKAI Death Squad] by Trixie Bordeaux at 28:49.
** YOKAI DEATH SQUAD are eliminated (28:49). **
Winner: Trixie Bordeaux [Coven]

Number of Eliminations:
Trixie Bordeaux - 4 ½ (Reagan Cole, Jackson Fenix [joint - ½], Wild Jerry, Sierra, Cali Hayama)
Doug LuPone - 4 (The Backstreet Boy, Celestia Ravenwood, In-Sync, Ririko)
Blair Ravenwood - 2 ⅓, (Dan LuPone [joint - ⅓], Kha’’rina Halruzh [joint - ½], Jackson Fenix [joint - ½], Christian Howard)
Cali Hayama - 2 (Danny B. Goode, Xperienx Xtacee)
Danny B. Goode - 2 (Maid of Death, Danny B. Goode)
Nate Savage - 2 (Lucy LuPone, Nate Savage)
Sierra - 1 ½ (Nate Savage [joint - ½], Blair Ravenwood)
Xperienx Xtacee - 1 (Johnny Murdoch)
Christian Howard - 1 (Doug LuPone)
Katsu - ⅚ (Dan LuPone [joint - ⅓], Kha’’rina Halruzh [joint - ½])
Wild Jerry - ½ (Nate Savage [joint - ½])
Kha’’rina Halruzh - ⅓ (Dan LuPone [joint - ⅓])

Trixie remains on the mat, exhausted after the exertions of the match, as one of the officials at ringside rolls into the ring in an effort to lift her hand in victory. It’s no use, Bordeaux instead only interested in lying face down in the ring and attempting to regulate her breathing…

Kurt Harrington: "Here are your winners, and the NEW FWA Trios Champions… Blair & Celestia Ravenwood… Trixie Bordeaux… THE COVEN!!!!!"

There’s a mixed reaction for the announcement, but most of the fans are at least happy for the young woman in the middle of the ring. It’s only when her music begins to play that she lifts herself up to her knees…

Allen Price: "What a moment this is for Trixie Bordeaux! Her first taste of silverware here in the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance, and to do it on the biggest stage of them all?!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "I don’t know if it’s really sunk in for Bordeaux yet. That match was a marathon, with Trixie outlasting twenty six other wrestlers to win the FWA Trios Championships for her team…"

Bordeaux stares ahead of herself up the ramp, the official checking over her and receiving only a vacant stare in response. Trixie gets to her feet when she sees her teammates reappearing on the ramp and making their way to the ring: not only Blair and Celestia Ravenwood, but also Kleio De Santos and even Ethel, who applaud Trixie’s efforts as they make their way to the ring.

With Blair and Celestia now joining Bordeaux within the ropes and the ringside area cleared, the brand new championship belts are handed to the official, one by one, into the ring. He first gives one each to the Ravenwood sisters, and then finally to Trixie Bordeaux.

Whilst the Ravenwoods hold their championships up proudly, Bordeaux continues to stare down at the gold plating, mesmerised by it. Maybe even hypnotised. She is broken from this malaise when the others in the ring decide it’s time to go. They drag her up to her feet, the Coven leaving as a unit, with three new trinkets in their possession.

Last edited:


Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score

A woman gleefully skips across the hardwood floors, her dress flowing in the air with each playful hop. Rose petals lie on the floor which she carefully skips around. The camera pans up as we get a better look at the woman’s dress. An earthly green adorned with flowers and a golden trim. Her black hair flows. Princess Nova. She has a great grin on her face. She is in the entryway of The Residence, ready to welcome one more to join her and her “Sister” Keres. She stands, looking through the window. She has a slight head tilt, her body slightly stiff.

Princess Nova: “I knew it… I knew there was good in you…”

She moves her hands up, covered with satin gloves folding them.

Princess Nova: “I’m surprised she fought for long… She fought longer than me. But… Sometimes it just takes longer to free your mind and open your heart. Now, our family’s expanded. It won’t just be Keres and I.”

Sniffling, the TORN Angel is overwhelmed with emotion.

Princess Nova: “I finally have someone to share joy with. Elizabeth…”

She wipes a tear. It falls down, landing on a rose, creating a small drop mark.

Princess Nova: “I just… I knew there was something special in you. I knew you’d complete this family. I… I can’t wait to see what you’ll become. Years ago, I promised Keres’ mother and father that I will take care of her. But I now extend my pledge to you…”

Looking out the window, raindrops hit the ground, bouncing off the glass with a thud. A gentle thunderstorm is heard in the distance.

Princess Nova: “I know what it is like to be hurt. I- never really had a caring family. I know so many people took advantage of your kindness, hurt you for chasing a dream, a seemingly impossible dream. I know we had to do horrible things to you, but the sad truth is you need to sometimes hit new lows. Only then we can look up at the light above, see what…”

Nova’s head has a slight tilt up. The chandelier lights reflect off her tiara.

Princess Nova: “What we need to grab on to pull ourselves up. I know we hurt you. But it is over now, Elizabeth. I’ll be there for you. I mean it. Keres will be there for you. Nobody is going to hurt you again. You’ll become even stronger. I’ll make sure of it…”

The doorbell rings. Nova practically jumps up with joy and rushes over.

Princess Nova: “They’re here!”

The door slowly creeks open as the feed begins to cut in and out. Static appears before we see an image of… red drops falling. They land on soil, soaking it up. From the dirt, a single leaf sprouts out. More of the red liquid drops and the plant continues to sprout up, growing at a rapid pace. Thorns appear on the stem as a bud opens up in bloom. Black petals sprout forming…


A single black rose.

The feed cuts back as Nova leaps through the door to hug whoever is on the other side with a warm embrace. We hear the sounds of… a kiss. Nova stands in the doorway, a big smile on her face…

Princess Nova: “Welcome home, Elizabeth… There’s a lot of work to do, and I will be here for you… Always and forever…”



The crowd cheers as we pan around the sides of the ring. Fans jump in joy and hold up a myriad of different signs. We see a graphic pop up, showing the upcoming match between Al Blizzard and his brother Jason Quinn.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Al Blizzard versus Jason Quinn. This match has been building up for a while. Ever since Al Blizzard returned from what appeared to be a career-ending injury, he has been plagued by his past. His past finally caught up with him in the form of his own sibling, Jason Quinn. Jason threw out the challenge and initially, Blizzard wanted no part of his brother. But all it took was Jason kidnapping Blizzards’ girlfriend and son to snap Blizzard. Al accepted Jason’s request but on one condition. Bloody Massacre."

The camera fades from the graphic back to a view of the crowd.

The crowd cheer as Al Blizzard’s music hits. We see him stroll out onto the stage, sporting his usual gear in a white colour scheme. He stands on the stage for a few seconds, relishing in the cheers.

Kurt Harrington: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a thirty-minute time limit and is a Bloody Massacre match!!! Introducing first, from London, England, weighing two-hundred and forty-six pounds. He is ‘The Perfect Storm’... AAAAALLLLL BLLLLIIZZZARDDDD!”

The crowd cheer as Al begins to make his way toward the ring.

Anzu Kurosawa: "We’ve seen Al come back from injury, we’ve seen him lose matches due to interference, but this is it. No more games, no more interferences, just Al Blizzard and Jason Quinn, one on one."

Rod Sterling: "We still don’t know fully why Jason has done what he has done, but he should be sure as hell ready to reap the consequences."

Al Blizzard enters the ring and stands in the middle of the ring, cracking his knuckles whilst awaiting his brother.

The crowds’ mood changes as Jason Quinns’ theme hits and the boos grow deafeningly loud. Jason makes his way out onto the stage with a large smirk on his face. His gear clearly inspired by the character ‘Jon Snow’. In his hand he holds what looks to be a mask, all burnt and shredded.

Kurt Harrington: "And introducing his opponent, from London, England. Weighing in at two-hundred and thirty-eight pounds. He is ‘The Wolf Blood’... JAAAASOOOOON QUUUUUIIIIIIIIN!!!"

Rod Sterling: "Look at this guy, he kidnapped Al Blizzards’ family yet he constantly bares a dumb grin constantly."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "It’s almost like he doesn’t care about what he’s doing to his own flesh and blood."

Jason makes his way down toward the ring but as he gets to it, he pauses. He walks around toward the commentary table and places the mask on top of it before turning around and climbing into the ring.

Rod Sterling: "Jason just put a mask on our table…"

The two brothers back up into a corner opposite from each other.


THIRD MATCH || 1/30.
Al Blizzard
vs. Jason Quinn.
No Disqualification Match (Falls Count Anywhere).
Match writer: Blizz.



Jason and Al respectively both stand facing each other, the crowd cheering as the two brothers, for the first time ever are competing against one another. They start to walk toward each other and eventually are face-to-face with each other. Jason punches Blizzard in the face and stuns Blizzards temporarily, Jason hits him a few more times with some punches to the face, he turns and runs back toward the ropes but as he runs back toward Al he is clocked with a massive clothesline. Al Blizzard screams out in either satisfaction or anger.

Allen Price: "There must be a hell of a lot going through Al’s mind."

Al turns around to Jason, who is staggering to his feet. Al walks toward Jason but Jason kicks Al in the stomach and hits him with a DDT.

Jason slides out of the ring and grabs a steel chair from ringside. He carries it back into the ring. Al uses the turnbuckle to get back to his feet but as soon as he is back on his feet he is clocked in the head with a chair shot.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "A chair shot to the head, that’ll rearrange your inner workings."

Anzu Kurosawa: "The last time Al took a massive hit to the head he went a bit… cooky?"

Rod Sterling: "Cooky isn’t the word… you mean Perfect?"

Jason begins to lay into a grounded Al Blizzard with chair shot after chair shot. After seven chair shots to the back of Al Blizzard, Jason throws the chair to the floor. Jason kneels on the floor and grabs Al by the chin.

Jason Quinn: "YOU WANTED THIS!"

Jason slams Blizzards’ head into the mat as the crowd rains boos onto Jason. Jason smirks at poses to the crowd as they rain boos on hin.


Jason turns back toward Blizzard, who is staggering to his feet. Jason grabs Al by the hair. Al punches Jason in the stomach, making Jason stumble backwards but before Bizzard can get to his feet, he is met with a kick to the face. Jason then grabs Blizzard, fully lifting him to his feet and he throws him into the turnbuckle.

Jason walks over to Al and attempts to hoist Al onto the top turnbuckle but Al fights him off. Al readies himself and jumps off the top rope with a BLOCKBUSTER!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "What a move from the big man! You’ll never see anything like it!"

Rod Sterling: "Al Blizzard may be a big guy, but he doesn’t shy away from being agile I’ll tell you that."

Al gets up to his feet, he turns to his right to see the steel chair flat on the mat. He picks up the chair and hits his brother with multiple chair shots.

The crowd chant 'FUCK HIM UP! FUCK HIM UP!' as Blizzard constantly clocks Jason with the chair.

Rod Sterling: "What a chair shot!!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Jason felt that one for sure!"

Al Blizzard sizes up his brother. Jason crawls toward his brother and grabs onto his kneepads.


Al hoists his brother up and plants him with a Sit-Out Powerbomb and Al Blizzards holds Jason’s legs, attempting a pin.


Al moves off his brother and rolls out of the ring, he reaches under the ring. He pulls out a dark grey bag.

Rod Sterling: "Oh god what has Blizzard prepared for his brother?"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Oh I know what that bag is!!"

Al climbs into the ring and looks around the crowd as they cheer him on. He grabs the bottom of the bag and opens it up, from the bag he pours THUMBTACKS onto the ground.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "This never ends well for either competitor…"

Al Blizzard walks over toward Jason. He grabs Jason by his hair and pulls him toward the corner. He lifts Jason onto the top turnbuckle and climbs onto the middle rope. He grabs Jasons' head in a headlock, throws Jasons' arm over his own shoulder and hits SUPERPLEX ONTO THE THUMBTACKS!!!

The crowd go crazy and chant 'HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!' whilst Al and Jason both rith in pain on the mat. Al and Jason roll out of the ring. Al recovers sooner than Jason. He stands to his feet and looks around the crowd, who are cheering for him.

Blizzard turns toward the ring and crouches next to it, lifting up the apron. Al pulls out a table and the crowd cheer. He props up the table on the outside of the ring.

Jason meanwhile throws a load of chairs into the ring and slides in after them. He props them up in a row. He does a 180, realising Blizzard isn’t really paying attention to him and exits the ring.

Jason runs around the ring and blindsides Al before throwing him back into the ring where the row of chairs has been placed by Jason. Jason hoists Al up and SUPLEXS AL ONTO THE ROW OF CHAIRS! Jason attempts to cover Al.


Jason frantically scrambles to his feet, his bloodied face displaying utter shock. Jason backs up into a corner and picks up a sledgehammer that he threw in with the chairs.

Jason Quinn: "STAY DOWN!"

Al manages to get to his feet and looks toward Jason.


Jason charges toward Blizzard with a sledgehammer but he moves out of the way and Jason goes charging into the corner, chest first. Al catches Jasons' head and hits him with a neck-breaker.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Once again Al showing his ring awareness."

Jason falls backwards and Al climbs to the top rope, calling for the ‘Steel Skies’ but Jason manages to get up and knock Blizzard off balance and Al plummets INTO THE TABLE HE SET UP! The crowd shout out in shock!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Al just went plummeting through a table that HE set up!"

Rod Sterling: "That’s what they say Jean… he who sets up the table, goes through it."

Jason falls to his knees and laughs at his brother. Al is motionless on the table. A few EMT’s going to check on him.

Whilst Al is being checked on Jason goes over to the corner and rips apart the middle turnbuckle pad in one of the corners and takes one of the chains from it. He turns around, a crazed look on his face.

Allen Price: "I don’t know what Jason is thinking but it might be crazy…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Unfortunately, these fans like crazy."

Jason rolls out the ring, pushes the EMT’s away and grabs Al by the hair, he lifts him up and tosses him in the ring. Jason rolls in after him, he then grabs Al by the hair, wraps the chain around the front of Al’s face and locks in a CROSSFACE!!

Jason Quinn: "TAP YOU SON OF A BITCH… TAP!!!"

Blizzard screams in pain as the chain is pulled into his face. Blizzard, with sheer determination, manages to anchor his body and throw Jason off to the side,

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Al Blizzard showing his skills and experience by using his own body to anchor himself and throw Jason off him."

Al gets up to his feet and stumbles back into a corner. Al points to the crowd as they cheer for him. He turns back toward Jason. He sprints at Jason and hits him with a brutal running knee strike. Jason falls out of the ring but is pursued by Al. Al turns his attention to under the ring and pulls out a light tube.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Ahhhh, this is my jam!"

Rod Sterling: "It might be your jam but I don’t think at this current time it’s Jasons’ jam…"

Blizzard then smashes the light tube over Jasons’ head and the crowd’s cheers get louder than they have been all match. Jason tries to run away from his brother but is met with a kick to the gut, Jason slams into the announce desk, knocking the mask he put there onto the floor. Blizzard punches Jason in the face and this makes Jason fall back flat onto the announce table. Blizzard climbs onto the table and picks Jason by his hair, however, Jason hits Al with a LOW BLOW!

Rod Sterling: "EESH… I could feel that from here."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Well… we are three feet away from them…"

Jason slowly gets to his feet and kicks Al in the gut, he then hoists Al up and PILEDRIVES AL THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!!!

The crowd boos Jason yet cheers the show onward!

The two scramble up after a while and Jason retreats into the ring, followed by Al.

Jason gets to his feet and turns toward his brother.

Al Blizzard: "COME ON! FINISH ME! DO IT!"

Jason smirks but instead of attacking Al, he simply throws the mask from earlier at him. The mask lands at Blizzards’ feet. Al stares at the mask and picks it up whilst Jason eggs him on.


Rod Sterling: "If Al puts that mask on… I don’t know what will happen, to anyone in FWA. No one will even stand a chance."

Al is seemingly about to put the mask on, but he grabs the mask on either side and RIPS IT IN HALF! Jason screams in agony.

Jason sprints at Al but Al hoists him up calling for the AL CUTTER!! Jason manages to squirm off Al Blizzards’ shoulders and grabs him from behind setting up for his finishing move! He successfully grabs Al and hits him with a FINAL HOWL!!! Jason goes for the pin!

ONE… TWO… THR - - NO!!!!

The crowd cheers at the two warriors in the ring and a chant of 'FIGHT FOREVER!' rings through the arena. Jason picks up a sledgehammer he placed in the corner earlier and goads Blizzard to run at him. However, we see Sophie, Al Blizzards’ girlfriend run into the ring, alongside Robert Steel, Al Blizzards’ best friend and old tag partner, They stand in between the two, Sophie trying to talk some sense into Jason and Robert trying to calm Al down.

Sophie: "This doesn’t need to end like this!! You two need to sit down and talk this out."


Jason shoves Sophie out of the way but at the same time, Al shoves Robert out of the way and before Jason can react, Al hoists him up onto his shoulders ready for the Al Cutter. He turns around to face the crowd but is suddenly kicked in the gut by ROBERT STEEL!


Robert grabs Al Blizzard and hoists him up for the Double Underhook Brainbuster aka THE ETERNAL REST which he connects. The crowd boo Robert as he gets to his feet. He turns to Jason and they hug, the boos grow louder and louder.

Blizzard attempts to get back up to his feet but Robert backs into a corner. Jason holds Al in place and Robert charges at Al and connects with a PUNT KICK.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "I cannot believe Robert Steel has sided with Jason Quinn in all of this."

Anzu Kurosawa: "I’m… I’m speechless."

Al Blizzards’ girlfriend Sophie climbs back into the ring after being shoved out of the way and tries to shield Blizzard from being attacked by the pair anymore. Jason looks at her in a sympathetic way.

Jason Quinn: "You know Soph, I almost feel bad for you."

Robert climbs out of the ring and goes toward one of the guard rails. From behind the rail, he picks up Al Blizzards’ son, Matthew. The crowd are stunned in silence.

Rod Sterling: "Goddammit leave the kid outta this!"

Robert helps Matthew into the ring and Sophie runs over to him. Jason turns to Al, who is trying to get up but struggles.

Jason Quinn: "You poor… poor man. It’s time to end your suffering. Robert… do it."

Robert nods and grabs Sophie by the arm. She screams and tries to break Robert’s grasp but she is helpless. Robert punches her in the face, seemingly knocking her unconscious.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Not like this…"

Robert places Sophies’ head onto a steel chair as Jason picks up another chair. Robert then places his foot on Blizzards’ neck to stop him from moving.

Al Blizzard: "SOPHIEE!!!!"

Jason then CRACKS HIS STEEL CHAIR DOWN ONTO SOPHIE’S HEAD!!! The crowd are plunged into silence with even some crowd members crying at the shocking scenes they are witnessing. Jason and Robert then rip up the ring mat, exposing the wood under the padding and ring fabric, Robert then picks Al up and hits another ETERNAL REST onto the exposed wood!!!!

Rod Sterling: "Just end this already…"

Jason stalks Al whilst laughing maniacally at Blizzards’ almost lifeless body.


Jason then goes to pick Al up but Al Blizzard low blows Jason, making his brother stumble backwards toward the ropes. Al clambers onto his feet and picks Robert Steel up and connects with THE AL CUTTER!!


Before Blizzard can attack Jason, he is grabbed from behind by Jason and Jason connects with THE FINAL HOWL!!! Jason Quinn covers Al Blizzard for the pin.


Winner: Jason Quinn via pinfall at 28:12.

Kurt Harrington: "Here is your winner…. ‘The Wolf Blood’ Jason Quinn."

Jasons’ arm is raised by Robert Steel who is still dazed. The crowd pour boos onto the pair.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "We may have just seen one of the most brutal matches to ever grace this ring. I thought that maybe, just maybe, Al had one final chance."

Rod Sterling: "Al Blizzard took his eye off the ball and was punished for it."

Anzu Kurosawa: "Jason Quinn has just pinned his own brother Al Blizzard. These two warriors put each other through hell and Jason… The Wolf Blood stands victorious."

Allen Price: "I don’t know how Robert Steel and Jason Quinn can even show their faces here after what they’ve done to Al Blizzards’ family."

Jason and Robert make their way onto the stage and turn around to look back at the destruction they’ve caused. Al Blizzard lying in a pool of his own blood with medics attending to him. Sophie lying lifeless on top of a steel chair also with medics attempting to help her and Al’s son Matthew… in the corner of the ring, stunned into silence with tears running down his face. We fade to black on the view of Jason looking back at what he has done.

  • Wow
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Reactions: Dubb and Rosie


Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score

Backstage in the interview area, Todd Salum is standing by with two men who are struggling to fit into the picture together due to the amount of gold in their possession; it is the FWA World Tag Team Champions - FTN. Salum addresses the camera as Alyster Black nods his head, pulling a pose which it seems like he suspects Chris Peacock to be matching, but the dual champion instead looks down at the floor… muted, almost.

Todd Salum: "Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to welcome my guests at this time - they are the team of Chris Peacock and Alyster Black - collectively known as FTN, which is a sentiment I can get behind if I am being honest, gents. First of all, congratulations to you both for retaining your championships in that Triangle Ladder Match against Aka Manto and dayspring/nightfall last night."

Alyster Black: "We appreciate that, Todd and fuck it; if you want to be an honorary member of FTN, we’re more than happy to have you on board. Ain’t that right, champ?"

Black nudges Peacock with the back of his hand, but Peacock barely reacts. Black does not seem to notice this, though.

Todd Salum: "Also, Alytser, another reason to celebrate for you last night with Krash overcoming Jeremy Best in the main event. Of course, you had a bit of a hand in that, too."

Alyster Black: "I sure did! We buried that creepy little SOB and I was happy to get a few licks on that fat bastard Baxter as well.”

Black points down the camera.

Alyster Black: “Hey, you fat fucker, we’re coming for that title, by the way, it’s just your six-hundred pound arse between us and a Grand Slam!"

Even though Alyster is clearly enjoying himself, Peacock could not look less interested in what is going on, he taps on the nameplate of the FWA World Championship.

Todd Salum: "Neither of your weekends are over just yet, though. Of course, we’re still to see you compete tonight in your respect matches, Chris-"

Alyster Black: "Huh? I don’t have a match! dragonperson does!"

Todd Salum: "Of course… well, do pass on my best to them. Chris, we know that you are defending your FWA World Championship against Cyrus Truth in tonight’s main event. How are you feeling about that, but more importantly, we’ve heard some worrying things about your rubs after that fall you took in the ladder match last night. Are you going into this match at less than one hundred percent?”

Alyster sheepishly scratches the back of his head and looks away as Chris makes minimal effort to lean into the microphone.

Chris Peacock: "We’ll have to wait and see."

Uncharacteristically, Peacock then slinks out of the shot and walks away from Salum and Black, but with how he straightened himself out and the pained expression on his face, it is clear that those ribs could be troubling him a lot more than he is letting on.

Alyster Black: "Chris… Come back! CHRIS!"

With a frustrated groan, Black follows his partner out and Salum turns around to watch them go, revealing that the back of his burgundy jacket is embroidered with the letters ‘FTN’.


"Check out my melody
Check out my melody
Check out my melody
Special (check my melody, my melody)"

"You think you're special, you do
I can see it in your eyes...."

We see footage of Steve The Techno Vampire having his hand raised over Ratin Mikichin

"I can see it when you laugh at me
Look down on me and walk around on me"

This cuts to footage of the next week where Ratin Mikichin returns the favour

"Just one more fight about your leadership
And I will straight up leave your shit...

We now see footage of Meltdown XXXI where we see Steve and Ratin stare at each other from opposite corners.

'Cause I've had enough of this...And now I'm pissed-


The bell rings and the two locks up as the chorus kicks in! We see them clash week after week. In the ring. Out of the ring. Everywhere!

"This time I'ma let it all come out
This time I'ma stand-up and shout
I'ma do things my way, it's my way
My way or the highway!"


"This time I'ma let it all come out
This time I'ma stand-up and shout"

We see clips of Greg, egging on the fights.

"I'ma do things my way, it's my way
My way or the highway"

A shadowy higher power looms in the distance

"This time I'ma let it all come out
This time I'ma stand-up and shout"

Clips of Steve DJ'ing...and a close-up of Ratin's butt!

"I'ma do things my way, it's my way
My way or the highway"

"At Back In Business, it vill be..."

"At Back in Business it will be..."



he video package ends in the place you'd expect it to...a close up slow-motion shot of Ratin's jiggling butt cheeks.

There is the same collective groan that follows this music in the Estadio Azteca as there is everywhere else in the world, as it means the entrance of the FWA’s most maligned character (but still more over than Funky Fedora), Ratin Mikichin. Ratin comes out in a red and green mankini to honour Mexico, dancing to his music.

Kurt Harrington: “The following is a resumption of a match which began on Meltdown XXXI, and it is an Anything Goes Match! This match will not end until a winner has been decided by either pin fall or submission! Introducing first, from Kazakhstan… RATIN MIKICHIN!”

Jean-Luc Watkins “Well, this is my cue. Everyone was saying that four commentators was too many, so there can be three for as long as this takes.”

The camera catches JLW shaking his head and removing his headset and pulling out his phone. Allen Price looks to do the same thing.

Anzu Kurosawa “No, Price… you’re sticking with us on this one. You getting that win at The Grand March has meant that we’ve been putting up with this for weeks. You’re going to suffer with us.”

Allen Price: “That’s just not fair!”

Ratin enters the ring and raises the roof a few times and then does an awkward shimmy in the middle of the ring, disgusting various members of the crowd.

"Children of the Night, what sweet music they make"

The lights in the stadium go out, leaving us in a blackout in Mexico. An eerie silence comes over Back In Business as ominous chanting is heard as men in mysterious black cloaks carry out what seems to be a black coffee with an upside-down cross over it. The group settle the casket into a standing position on the stage. The music die down, and all is still for a moment; two of the creepy cloaked figures start to approach the front of the casket.

....really building up the tension...

....They open up the casket lid....

To Reveal....

A BUTT-! Round and pale, and so many pimples. What a sight! It's a full moon at Back In Business!

What looks to be a Ratin Mikichin clone in a mankini laying in the casket the wrong way around to show his big ol' butt!

The lights of the arena light back up as a groovy beat starts up as we see Steve, The Techno vampire, stand ontop of the massive stage fixture as flimsy bat cutouts one might make in an arts and crafts workshop spring up all over the arena, bobbing to the sound of the sweet melody of Steve's music






And suddenly Steve The Techno Vampire leaps off the stage, but thankfully he's attached to some kind of zip line as he "Flies" down to the ramp, his cape billowing fully extended in the wind as he keeps singing.







Rod Sterling: I have a theory that if we all just, don't comment, this will all go that much quicker. Agreed?

All the rest of the commentary just nod numbly, too busy wondering what kind of merciful God would bring them such a spectacle, at the biggest night of the year, and considering all their life choices and what horrible roads they went down to be in a position in life to watch a grown ass man, dance and sing while pretending to be a vampire. What have they become?


Is it Techno? Not really, but he's making his grand entrance on the grand stage as Steve flies down full on batman, landing on the ramp, as he adjusts his fancy cape and power walks to the ring


He climbs the steps....


And he's in the ring shaking his groove thing.



As Steve settles and the music fades out, the camera gets a glimpse of Jean-Luc Watkins shaking his head before he starts sending a text message.

Rod Sterling: “The man in the middle for this one is none other than Joey Ortiz, who has been linked to this ongoing war in his own way. After his run ins with Shawn Summers, managing this was a punishment for him from Jon Russnow.”

Ortiz looks less than pleased to be officiating this match, and he begrudgingly sighs and then calls for the bell so this much-anticipated match can officially resume.


Ratin Mikichin
vs. Steve the Techno Vampire.
Anything Goes Match.
Match writer: Man & AON.


The fans are on the opposite of tenterhooks as Ratin and Steve circle the ring, and they lock up! This generates some frustrated groans from fans and commentators alike as this was the position taken up by both men on Meltdown XXXI when they took advantage of the Anything Goes stipulation to hold the show to ransom and force Jon Russnow’s hand into giving them this match here tonight.

Thankfully, they do not have similar designs for this match and Steve gets an impressive-looking go-behind… but Ratin thinks quickly and backs Steve up into the turnbuckle and crushes him against it using his body. This causes Steve to drop to the met and he sits against the bottom buckle. Ratin points at Steve to minimal reaction from the crowd and then starts raising the roof, looking to back up into Steve… but Steve gets his boot up and kicks Ratin away before he can apply the Stinkface!

Ratin stumbles into the middle of the ring and Steve reaches up and pulls himself from the mat up onto the top rope in an amazing feat of athleticism, and the Techno Vampire steadies himself on the top rope and he waits for Ratin to turn around, and Steve flies through the air, taking Ratin down with a Diving Cross Body! There are ripples of applause from the crowd as Steve takes a moment on the mat next to his opponent to recover.

Rod Sterling: “Hey, that wasn’t all too bad! I don’t think anyone expected to see a flying vampire here at Back in Business!”

Anzu Kurosawa “Looks like we’ve got some company, guys.”

Greg walks out from the back to extremely loud jeers from the crowd. Joining him is the mysterious entity known as The Higher Power, and the two large bodyguards that he was seen with on Meltdown XXXI. One of them is Russian and one of them is Chinese. The quartet make their way towards the ring.

Both Ratin and Steve get to their feet and Ratin holds the small of his back, and Steve then shoots him off into the ropes and ducks down, looking for a Back Body Drop, BUT RATIN JUMPS OVER HIM AND HITS A CODE RED!! The fans are wowed as Ratin stays in position to have Steve in a pinning predicament!


Steve kicks out and both men pop up once again and seem to be wanting to kick things up a gear, even this early in the match. Ratin swings with a right hand which Steve ducks. Steve goes for a Back Suplex, but Ratin flips over and lands on his feet and when Steve turns around he goes for a Roundhouse Kick, which Steve also ducks. As Ratin spins out of the kick, Steve jumps onto his back, but Ratin Snapmares him over his shoulder, but Steve rolls through and gets back to his feet.

The Techno Vampire charges at Ratin and wraps his legs around him in a wheelbarrow position and then bounces off of the mat and transitions into a Headlock Takeover, but Ratin uses his legs to create enough momentum for his body to escape it. They both get straight back up and go for each other again. Steve leaps into the air and looks for a Dropkick, but a cartwheel from Ratin helps him avoid it (and permanently scar anyone watching).

Whilst the two men in the ring are surprising everyone with what they are doing, the crowd are starting to get behind the rapid-fire exchanges.

Anzu Kurosawa “These fans seem to actually be appreciating a bit of what these guys are trying to do - this is reminiscent of lucha with the quick counters and exciting offence. I’m actually starting to get behind these guys a bit!”

Allen Price: “You know, this isn’t so bad! I can sit and watch this quite happily, although the monitor being here to reduce the quality in which I have to see Ratin’s body in is helping. Sorry for you folks with the Ultra 4K HD MI television sets at home.”

Rod Sterling: “That doesn’t sound like any sort of TV I have ever heard of, Price.”

Allen Price: “I wouldn’t know - I don’t have one!”

After exchanging a few quick holds, both men reach the middle of the ring in a fighting stance and as they pause momentarily, they hear the fans cheering for them for the performance that they are putting on. Both Ratin and Steve look at each other with proud smiles on their faces and Steve extends a hand to Ratin… and Ratin accepts!



Winner: Steve the Techno Vampire via pin fall at 1:1:4:26:22

(One month, one day, four hours, twenty-six minutes and twenty-two seconds)

The bell sounds and both men pop up out of the pin and Steve the Techno Vampire has a shocked look on his face as his arm is grabbed and raised by Joey Ortiz. Ratin Mikichin wears a dejected look, devastated that he did not prevail in this final encounter between these two rivals.

As for the fans, they actually find themselves standing and applauding the efforts of both men. Whilst it was not the prettiest eight minutes of wrestling they’ve ever seen, what they did see was two men who gave everything they had for their entertainment. At ringside, Greg is proudly applauding and wiping a tear from his eye and The Higher Power stands behind him, arms folded.

Kurt Harrington: “Here is your winner… STEEEEEVE THE TECHNO VAMPIIIIRE!!”

Rod Sterling: “I can’t believe that it’s actually over, folks. For the best part of a year, these two men have been indistinguishable from each other but on the biggest stage we have to offer, it was Steve from Tranceylvania that has emerged victorious!”

Allen Price: “Steve must have picked that winning pinning combination up from me at The Grand March, but J-L - look! It’s over!”

Jean-Luc Watkins “Look, my professional dignity compels me to say that these two have just put on a passable match, but it had no place taking place here where I had to watch it.”

Both Greg and The Higher Power enter the ring along with the two large bodyguard characters, and Greg waits for the music to fade before he hugs Steve and then puts a reassuring arm around Ratin. Much to the chagrin of the fans, Greg is in possession of a microphone.

Greg “Hi everyone, I’m Greg-”

As is customary, Greg is cut off by a ferocious chorus of boos from the fans, even those that are not native English-speakers.

Greg “Now, I just know that all of you here tonight are as proud of these two men as I am after their performance tonight - together, they officially competed in the longest match in FWA history! Give them all a hand, huh?”

Despite the disdain towards Greg, the fans do go along with his wish and they show their appreciation for the efforts of Ratin and Steve tonight at Back in Business.

Greg “You see, it was a few months ago that I was contacted by the almighty Higher Power, and his wisdom helped me realise that these two men are actually the future of the FWA. Ratin and Steve-”

Greg is cut off as The Higher Power snatches the microphone from him! This raises the intrigue of Steve and Ratin, and also causes Greg to gasp in shock.

Rod Sterling: “A little trouble in paradise here, perhaps?”

THP: “Enough, you blithering fool. When I asked you to give me two of the FWA’s greatest competitors I wanted you to bring me someone that these fans actually respected, and cared about. Did you know how hard I had to work to get you both this spot on this card tonight?”[/color][/b]

Both Ratin and Steve seem supremely offended by those comments, and Ratin is handed a microphone of his own from someone at ringside.

Ratin Mikichin “You have no right to speak to Ratin and Steve in this way. We did everything you asked of us and more. We came to the Back in Business and we showed these people that we should be taken seriously.”

Steve the Techno Vampire “Ve vorked harder than ve ever vorked in our lives, and I have lived for several hundred years in Trancesylvania! Do not speak to us in this vay again.”


Ratin Mikichin “No, we do not. In fact, I think it is time that we found out, right here at the Back in Business. Now, tell Ratin and Steve who you are.”

Ratin reaches for the hood, but one of the large security guards pushes him back and The Higher Power slowly reaches his hood and pulls it back, revealing his face…


Josh Drake “IT’S ME RATIN!”

Allen Price: “Aw, son of a bitch!”


The fans shower down boos as the arguably least popular competitor in FWA makes his return after almost two years - but he’s actually been back for some time it would seem! Both Ratin and Steve look largely unimpressed, and Greg is completely awestruck.

Josh Drake “I'll just cut right to the point unlike most people on here. Why do most people on here feel the need to jump the shark every promo? Why are there idiots out here that believe the human race is going to go extinct every day? Why do people buy into Capitalist brainwashing? Why do people feel the need to persecute countries like China and Russia while doing jack shit to keep western countries honest? Well you're about to find out next week on Fallout!”

Anzu Kurosawa “What is this guy talking about?”

The crowd are silent after those words from Drake, but they begin to boo even louder as the two bodyguards - one Russian and one Chinese - begin to attack Ratin and Steve and they lay them out with stereo boots to the faces and then get down and begin to attack them with punches and kicks whilst they are down. Greg stands in the corner, cowering in concern and confusion.

Allen Price: “This isn’t how I saw this going down at all - we know that The Higher Power is that goofball Josh Drake, but what is his goal here? More importantly, is someone going to come out and give these guys a hand?”

The crowd are very confused as the unfamiliar theme music plays, and strobe lights focus on the stage before the name ‘AKIHIKO KAWAGUCHI’ is displayed on the screen, with those informed fans cheering as the Japanese competitor jogs out from the back, making a beeline for the ring as the mugging of Steve and Ratin resumes in the ring.

Jean-Luc Watkins “This… this man is the reason why this all started. Ahihiko Kawaguchi was supposed to face Steve the Techno Vampire last year and visa issues prevented him from competing and Ratin Mikichin stepped in. He’s finally landed here in the FWA, seemingly to help out the men whose emergence was due to him not being here.”

Rod Sterling: “For Ratin and Steve’s sake, let’s hope that he lives up to the billing. ‘Puroresu No Akuma’ is here in Mexico City!”

Kawaguchi slides into the ring and attacks the Russian guard from behind with a clubbing blow. The Chinese then looks to strike him with a punch, but Kawaguchi ducks it AND DROPS HIM WITH A BLUE THUNDER BOMB! The Russian is back up… AND HE EATS A JUMPING KNEE TO THE FACE!

With both guards down and removed from the ring, Kawaguchi helps both Steve and Ratin to their feet and they thank him. Then the three of them turn towards Josh Drake, who looks like a deer caught in the headlights. Drake motions for Greg to get involved… but Greg shakes his head! He’s not going to fight the men he has spent the last several months bonding with! For the first time ever, Greg receives a showing of support from the crowd, and he leaves the ring, walking up the ramp.

Anzu Kurosawa “Greg didn’t want any part of Kawaguchi, and I don’t blame him one bit! He’s out of here and Josh Drake is all on his own in the ring.”

The fans cheer as Steve and Ratin stand alongside Kawaguchi and together they bear down on Josh Drake. The weasel has nowhere to run, but he still tries… but Kawaguchi grabs him by the cloak and pulls him in… GOLDEN CAGE PRESS!!! Drake lands on the mat hard and then gets up onto his hands and knees in his oversized cloak.

Ratin and Steve look at each other, and they share a nod. Steve lifts Josh Drake up from the mat and holds his arms behind his back. Ratin Mikichin does his raising the roof gesture and then stands in front of them… and bends over.

Jean-Luc Watkins “What is happening?”

Allen Price: “No… they can’t do this…”

The fans begin to cheer loudly as Ratin pulls on his mankini so it is almost invisible in his crack… AND STEVE THEN SHOVES JOSH DRAKE’S HEAD INTO THE ASS OF RATIN MIKICHIN! The fans cheer loudly and Steve makes sure it gets ALL the way up there, and Ratin twerks and smears his business all of the face of Josh Drake!

Steve finally releases Drake, and he drops to the mat, retching and dry heaving due to the horrible experience he just endured. Ratin’s music begins to play and Kawaguchi raises the arms of both Ratin and Steve to a good cheer from the crowd. Steve steps forward and throws something onto the mat, and a large puff of smoke fills the ring.

Rod Sterling: “What was that? I can’t see anything!”

The smoke subsides… and Ahihiko Kawaguchi is the only person left standing in the ring. However, on closer inspection, there is a black cape and a mankini left on the mat!

Allen Price: “They’ve vanished!”

The camera focuses on the garments on the ring… but then they start to move… and a rat scurries out of the mankini and a bat flaps its wings from underneath the cape. The crowd gasp as the bat then grabs the rat by the tail with its feet and then starts flying away…

Jean-Luc Watkins “That’s not them, is it?”

Anzu Kurosawa “I guess he was a real vampire after all…”

From in the ring, Kawaguchi waves goodbye to Ratin and Steve as they fly away together higher and higher… out of the stadium and into the night’s sky.

To live happily ever after.



Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score

We cut to a video package for the upcoming anniversary show, featuring some footage of the venue - Bridgetown, Barbados - followed by highlights of those competing at the event. Particular emphasis is paid to the Golden Opportunity briefcase, to be contested within the Steel Roulette, as well as an FWA X Championship match featuring an opportunity for one of Back in Business' winners…

the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance proudly presents…
The 18th Anniversary Show!
Live from Bridgetown, Barbados on Sunday 27th August, 2023.
Only on the WC Network.


The Golden Opportunity Match.
weaselperson vs. Alyster Black vs. Katsu vs. Reagan Cole vs. Death Walker vs. Jackson Fenix.
Steel Roulette Match. Winner gets an FWA World Championship match at a time of their choosing over the next 365 days.

Tommy Bedlam [c] vs. XYZ.
X Rules Match. FWA X Championship.

The Trio Eliminator Tournament: semi-final matches.
Winning team gets a shot at the FWA Trios Championships.

The FWA Hall of Fame Ceremony.
2023 inductees: Nova Diamond, Gabrielle Montgomery, Randy Ramon.


Kurt Harrington: "Ladies and gentlemen, this next bout is scheduled for one fall and has a thirty minute time limit!"

The introduction to weaselperson’s theme begins playing, eliciting a loud pop from the audience. The moment the clean, and almost soothing introductory passage finishes, weaselperson bursts forth from the curtain, walking out onto the impressive Back in Business stage, and takes a brief moment to absorb the electricity in the air as the audience showers them with adoration, cheers and the occasional sound of barking.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Well, we’re in for a treat with this one fellas."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Absolutely Anzu, weaselperson verses… do I need to call them dragonperson?"

Allen Price: "Indeed you do Jean-Luc! dragonperson is making their in-ring debut tonight and it will be bloody, violent and glorious."

Rod Sterling: "All that and more. weaselperson, aka Zachary Kazadi is on a tear lately and looks to continue their winning ways with a victory over dragonperson tonight."

Anzu Kurosawa: "That’s right, weaselperson is coming out here tonight fresh off the heels of defeating the World Champion and alleged dragonperson associate Chris Peacock."

Allen Price: "It was a fluke."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "While also boasting a submission victory over the other half of tonight’s main event in Cyrus Truth."

Rod Sterling: "You have to know those two victories on the road to Back in Business garnered dragonperson’s attention, and you know that both persons are here tonight to prove that either of them is the best wrestler in the FWA."

Allen Price: "The best wrestler in the FWA is the one carrying the World Championship, but a case can be made for whoever walks out of this one victorious."

Anzu Kurosawa: "Or more likely whomever walks out of this one alive."

weaselperson wastes no more time before making their way down to the ring. They’re itching for a war, they’ve been begging for this match ever since making their return. And tonight they get to scratch the itch that every gladiator has deep down. The one that begs to be tested.

Kurt Harrington: "Introducing first…from THE MEADOWS! Weighing in at TWO-HUNDRED AND TEN POUNDS! This is WEASELPERSON!"

The crowd almost drowns out weaselperson’s music at the mention of their name, barking loudly in response. weaselperson climbs the ring steps and enters between the middle and top rope…for a brief moment they decide to indulge themselves, climbing up the turnbuckles furthest away and looking over the crowd before erupting into a series of barks with them.


weaselperson and their die-hard fans continue to bark even as their music slowly dies down. Silence soon fills the arena.

The tron comes alive with the sight of the cuddly dragonperson. A close up of their loveable face, big dead eyes, wide smile, green fuzzy scales. The camera begins to zoom out, and the audience gasps at the sight before them.

dragonperson’s head isn’t attached to their body. It lays on the ground, surrounded by blood. A hand reaches down from the top corner of the screen, grabbing the head by one of its many horns and dragging it off screen.

The lights go out and an unfamiliar tune begins to play.

A spotlight shines on the stage where a hooded robed figure stands, their back turned to the audience. Their hands sit down by their sides, the right hand holding the dragonperson head, while the left holds a few trinkets, one of which is a wrestling championship belt, and the other a blunt object.

As the intro to their theme finishes, the hooded figure turns around and begins a slow walk down the ramp and toward the ring, dragging their belt as well as the head across the ramp as they go, leaving behind a bright red streak of blood.

Rod Sterling: "Jesus Christ…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "You’ve taken the word right out of my mouth Rod."

Anzu Kurosawa: "Now this is quite the message to send to your opponent before a match."

Allen Price: "He’s out for blood tonight folks, that’s all I’ll say on the matter."

Rod Sterling: "So what’s the deal with the new music then?"

Allen Price: "It’s a throwback to- wait a minute, I don’t have to answer that."

The hooded figure stops at the end of the ramp, taking a deep breath before letting go of the dragonperson head and reaching for their hood, throwing it back to reveal the masked visage of Alyster Black.


Jean-Luc Watkins: "How shocking…at least this match is now guaranteed to be a banger."

Rod Sterling: "Too true Jean-Luc, we have a fight between two men sharing the same philosophy and love of combat. What more can you ask for?"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Rawr…rawr…rawr…"

Alyster turns to the discarded dragonperson head and punt kicks it as hard as he can, sending it flying deep into the back rows of the bottom level of the Estadio Azteca stadium.

Allen Price: "Some lucky fan gets to bring that home with them tonight!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "I can hear the sound of children crying around the world, Allen."

Anzu Kurosawa: "I would have loved to have taken that home and mounted it on my mantle as a constant reminder that it’s dead and gone."

The house lights turn on as Alyster begins climbing the ring steps and Kurt Harrington begins his introduction.

Kurt Harrington: "And introducing their opponent…this man is the 13th FWA Triple Crown Champion, having held the FWA World Tag Team Championship, The FWA X Championship, and the FWA World Championship! He has been a double champion on three separate occasions! The longest reigning and greatest X Champion of all time! The current holder of the CDW Tentacle of Justice! And also one half of the current FWA Tag Team Champions with his best friend Chris Peacock! As well as the current, greatest, and longest reigning CWA World Tag Team Champion of all time alongside his other best friend Krash!"

Alyster enters the ring, opening his robe to reveal the FWA World Tag Team Championship is wrapped around his waist. He holds up the belt in his hand, it’s the CWA World Tag Team Championship, the camera also picks up the sight of the third object he’s carrying, it’s the aforementioned CDW Tentacle of Justice.

Kurt Harrington: "He boasts wins in singles competition against some of the greatest competitors in FWA history, including but not limited to…CHRIS KENNEDY, RYAN RONDO, AND DEVIN GOLDEN! He is undefeated against Michelle von Horrowitz, undefeated at Back in Business, undefeated in the Warehouse, and undefeated in his home promotion from which he is on loan from to appear here tonight…COSMIC DISCORDANT WRESTLING!"

The masked man takes the tentacle in his right hand then rushes to his corner, scaling it and throwing both hands in the air, putting all three championships on display.


He hops down, dropping the CWA World Tag Team Championship and the Tentacle of Justice down in his corner…



And raises the double middle finger to weaselperson at the end of his ring introduction. The music begins to die down and the audience shows both men in a melody of rawrs and barks.


Alyster removes his robe as well as final championship belt, handing it off to a member of the ring crew as Kurt Harringston exits the ring, leaving only Alyster, weaselperson and referee Larry Stevens behind.

Unencumbered, Alyster steps out to the centre of the ring, getting in the face of the waiting weaselperson. Larry Stevens is quick to get between them, interrupting their jaw-jacking and forcing them both back into their respective corners. He then calls for the bell and the match is underway.


FIFTH MATCH || 1/30.
vs. dragonperson.
Singles Match.
Match writer: rawr.


Alyster and weaselperson step out of their respective corners, circling each other. WP darts forward, going for a single leg takedown that Alyster side steps. The masked man taunts his furry foe while moving back to his corner. WP slowly approaches him but Alyster ducks under the top rope, sticking his head out of the ring and Larry Stevens is forced to keep WP at bay.

Larry calls for Alyster to come out of the corner but the masked man is in no rush. WP on the other hand looks eager to fight, but not so much that he loses his cool. He simply backs off into the opposite corner and is content to wait for Alyster to come to him.

The masked man lets out an audible groan and shouts at WP some more, demanding that he get fired up and attack him. WP simply waves Alyster off. Black storms to the centre of the ring and demands that WP come to him, WP obliges and they finally lock up.

Both men jockey for position, pushing one another. WP shoves Alyster back a few steps but Alyster turns around, pushing WP back into a corner. Alyster doesn’t let go and Larry Stevens begins his five count, reaching to the count of four before Alyster finally gives the clean break…only to take the opportunity to chop weselperson.

Alyster retreats backwards with his arms raised in celebration while weselperson turns their attention to referee Larry Stevens, berating them for allowing Alyster to get away with the cheap shot. Larry cowers until WP turns their attention back to Alyster, approaching his masked opponent.

WP settles in the middle of the ring and beacons for Alyster to join him, the masked man teases ducking under the ropes again before acquiescing to WP’s request. They lock up again with Alyster trying to push WP back, only for WP to immediately take Alyster’s right arm and keylock it. Alyster tries to throw a forearm at WP but the wiley grappler keeps out of arm’s reach while still keeping the hold locked in. The masked man takes the easy way out, backing up to the ropes and hooking his free arm around the top rope to force the break. weaselperson doesn’t let go however and Larry Stevens is forced to begin counting. WP breaks on the count of one and backs away with a smug swagger.

It’s Alyster who berates Larry Stevens this time, grabbing the referee by his shirt collar and shouting obscenities at him.

Allen Price: "Yeah, tell him Alyster!"

Rod Sterling: "weaselperson broke at the count of one, just what is Alyster Black complaining about?"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Rules for thee, not for me."

Alyster shoves Larry back and storms toward weaselperson with his arms outstretched, looking to lock up again. WP meets him in the middle of the ring and immediately applies a hammerlock on Alyster. As the masked man attempts to throw a back elbow, weaselperson trips his legs out from under him and lays down on the hold.

Black can be heard swearing loudly in frustration as he quickly rolls out from under weaselperson and plants his foot on the bottom rope. WP lets go of the hold at the count of two this time.

Alyster is quick to get up to his feet and immediately goes after his opponent, again locking up with him, except this time Alyster manages to land a knee raise right into WP’s chest and follows up with a forearm strike.

weaselperson isn’t phased however and immediately strikes back with one of his own. Alyster cops it on the chin then shakes his head and throws another. WP responds. They trade forearm strikes, going back and forth at a rapid pace, neither man staggering, both refusing to give an inch.

It’s Alyster who seems to come out on top though, rocking weaselperson for just a moment and managing to land two forearm strikes in a row. Alyster grabs WP by the scruff of the neck and hits him with three more rapid-fire forearm strikes. He reels back for an elbow strike to take WP off their feet but weaselperson cuts him off with a jumping knee.

Alyster is rocked, WP follows up with a roundhouse kick to Alyster’s right arm. The masked man steps away in pain, only for WP to hit him with another roundhouse to the same arm. Alyster moves to the ropes and receives a kick to the chest for his trouble. WP then grabs the arm and pulls Alyster down into a fujiwara.

The masked man is quick to escape, rolling forward then scrambling to his feet. He throws a rolling elbow at WP as he follows him up to his feet and catches WP flush on the jaw. Alyster takes him down with a snapmare then hops into the air and delivers a dropkick to the back of WP’s head.

Alyster pulls WP down to the mat and covers him lazily, not even earning a one count for his efforts. His lackadaisical cover leaves his right arm exposed and WP manages to pull him back down into the fujiwara. Alyster manages to roll with it though and pulls WP over, almost into a school boy but doesn’t quite manage to pin WP’s shoulders down. Both men give up their attempts and rise to their feet.

WP throws another roundhouse that catches Alyster on the arm again. Alyster stumbles toward the corner, eating a few more kicks before he ends up laying against the turnbuckles. WP grabs him by the arm and attempts to whip him across the ring but Alyster holds onto the ropes and block. WP with Alyster’s right arm in hand, simply kicks again, catching Alyster on the upper arm. Alyster lets go of the ropes and WP whips him across the ring.

WP follows him across but Alyster puts on the breaks in the opposite corner and catches him with a back elbow. Alyster tosses WP into the corner and hits him with a chop, then a forearm strike, then another chop.

Allen Price: "It looks like weselperson has been invited to the Violence Party!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "An invitation that weaselperson has eagerly awaited by the looks of things."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "He’s thrown a few vicious looking elbow strikes back at Alyster and is rocking him."

Indeed, weaselperson manages to push Alyster back to the centre of the ring, backing him off with a tirade of forearm smashes before rolling up with a rolling elbow. Alyster is turned around from the strike, WP grabs him in the half-nelson…SUPLEX! Dumping Alyster Black right on his head. Cover!


Alyster kicks out, shoving WP away and scrambles to his feet, ready to trade hands again and openly inviting weaselperson to join him. WP stands up with him, going toe to toe with the brawler, each man throwing bombs, forearm after forearm. Alyster eats a big one but fires back with sick sounding knife-edge. WP barely reacts through, not showing an ounce of pain to his opponent and fires back with two more forearm strikes. He follows up with a series of roundhouse kicks to the arm then reels back for just a second too long and eats a dropkick to the knee for his trouble.

WP twists, clutching at his knee but doesn’t fall. Alyster springs back to his feet and grabs WP, throwing him overhead and dumping him right on the mat with a saito suplex. WP lands near the ropes and uses them to climb to his feet. Alyster follows up with a running forearm strike that catches WP before he manages to rise fully, sending him through the top and second rope and landing him on the apron.

Alyster hits the ropes and catches the rising weaselperson with a second running forearm that send his careening down to the floor. The masked man is on a tear, stomping his feet as the crowd claps along, encouraging him to go for a drive. As WP rises to their feet, Alyster runs the ropes and comes flying toward WP with an elbow suicida…

Rod Sterling: "Oh my God!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "weaselperson got out of the way!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Not only that but he caught Alyster and threw him arm first into the guardrail."

Allen Price: "Jesus, someone stop the match please."

Alyster is down and seemingly out, laying in a heap by the guardrail which has bent due to the force of impact. The masked man clutches his right arm close to his chest as weaselperson stands over him, admiring their handiwork.

The referee has reached a count of three before WP gets back to the task at hand, giving Alyster a few wake-up kicks, mostly aiming for his head. At the count of six WP pulls Alyster up to his feet, the masked man weakly throws a few elbows to create some separation but WP gives him a knee rise to the chest to stop that.

WP goes to throw Alyster back into the ring but doesn’t release him, instead spinning all the way around and throwing Alyster at the guardrail once again. WP then restarts the count, ducking their head into the ring then returning to the outside.

He takes Alyster by the bad arm and wraps it around the rail, applying a keylock. Alyster is screaming in pain as weaselperson leans back to wrench on the hold. The outside count reaches 6 when WP finally lets go, only for him to wrap Alyster’s arm around the bar and kick it viciously. WP then goes to break the count.

WP takes Alyster by the arm, forcing him to his feet. The masked man throws lefts to try and get away but WP just wrenches his arm, wringing and twisting it. WP pulls Alyster to the ring post and slams his arm around it, once, twice, three times, FOUR!

Anzu Kurosawa: "weaselperson is taking a play out of the Alyster Black handbook and is absolutely decimating him outside the ring."

Rod Sterling: "You can’t imagine that anyone would include a sickening crash into the guardrail as part of their gameplan, but the way weaselperson has operated since has almost been surgical in nature."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "It’s not out of the realm of possibility to imagine that weaselperson has planned for this contingency, or that they even trained to pull off that throw in the event that Alyster tried to dive."

Allen Price: "This is looking really bad guys. Alyster has a tag team to worry about, he can’t go around getting injured in a match like this."

The masked man is in agony but weaselperson isn’t finished with him. He hits Alyster with another roundhouse to the arm, followed by one to the chest. He takes Alyster’s arm again and goes to slam it into the ring post one more time but Alyster manages to shove him away, sending him headfirst into the post.

With some separation created, Alyster stumbles away to recover, hopping onto the apron and leaning against the ropes. He holds his arm out, opening and closing his fist to get his blood circling as weaselperson climbs up beside him. They lock eyes then begin to trade forearm strikes. Alyster throwing lefts, and WP responding with rights. Alyster lets out a primal roar and throws a right handed forearm strike that rocks WP but hurts himself in the process. The masked man toughs it out and grabs weaselperson, looking for the Russian Legsweep to the floor…

WP begins laying into Alyster with back elbows that forces him to release his hold on WP. A roundhouse to the arm follows and Aylster drops down between the ropes, desperately making his escape.

Alyster back to his feet, throws another right arm elbowbutt but WP catches his arm and locks in an armbar on the apron. Hanging upside down as he wrenches on Alyster’s arm that’s draped over the top rope. Larry Stevens is forced to intervene, beginning a count that almost reaches five before weaselperson lets go.

WP slides back into the ring and is relentless with his assault, laying into Alyster with a barrage of roundhouse kicks to the arm and chest. Backing the masked man into the ropes. WP whips him across the ring and charges forward, only to get run through from a shoulderblock from Alyster.

Rolling backward and quickly springing back to their feet, WP responds with a shotgun dropkick that sends Alyster back into the corner. WP follows with a flying forearm and continues to hit roundhouse kick after roundhouse kick, some landing on the arm and shoulder, others toe-bashing Alyster in the chest.

The masked man continues to fight back, as WP backs off and charges with a rolling elbow, Alyster catches him with a boot to the jaw. The masked man leaps out of the corner tickling WP and rushing him across the ring, into the opposite corner. Alyster hits a few shoulder thrusts then transitions into left-handed elbow strikes and chops. The Violence Party goes off without a hitch as Alyster finishes the chop/elbow combo and pulls WP’s head down to deliver a few knee lifts, then kawada kicks. Alyster looks to put him down with an enzi but WP ducks it. Alyster lands flat on his face and WP leaps for his arm, locking in another fujiwara.

WP starts landing hammerfists on Alyster’s arm, especially at the joints. They’re close to the ropes, enough that Alyster can reach out with his foot and drape it over the bottom rope. WP is quick to let go, rising to his feet and immediately putting the boots to Alyster’s arm. The masked man recoils, pulling his arm to his chest as he cowers by the bottom rope. Larry Stevens has to step between them, pushing weaselperson back.

Rod Sterling: "This onslaught from weaselperson has been absolutely vicious."

Anzu Kurosawa: "And brilliant, by taking out the right-arm you limit Alyster’s moveset and force him to strike with his non-dominant hand."

Allen Price: "Hey! Those left-handed strikes are still devastating Anzu, enough to put down a cheating chump like weaselperson at least!"

Alyster is back to his feet, still clutching at his arm. He and weaselperson circle each other for a moment, the crowd is barking in support of their furred hero. WP lunges at Alyster and eats a boot to the midsection for his troubles. Alyster follows up with a forearm then stomps at WP’s knee. WP drops to a knee as Alyster hits the ropes and connects with a dropkick to the same leg.

Alyster scrambles to his feet, grabbing WP’s leg and hitting a dragonscrew on the mat. He still has a hold of the leg as he rises to his feet and hits another. Still holding on, Alyster looks to lock in the figure-four but WP kicks him away.

WP back to his feet as Alyster charges in, ducks the roaring elbow and grabs Alyster around the waist, sending him up and over with a german suplex, into the bridge.


Alyster kicks out but leaves his arm vulnerable, WP is quick to take it and apply a cross-armbreaker. Alyster however locks his fingers in a tight s-grip, preventing WP from locking it in fully.

There’s a struggle as Alyster tries to move to the ropes, whilst WP hammers away at his grip, trying to break it. weaselperson manages to apply the hold in fully but Alyster has broken the threshold of the ropes. Still, the masked man can again be heard screaming in pain as weaselperson hyperextends his injured arm.

A stern warning from referee Larry Stevens forced WP to release the hold, but he doesn’t give Alyster an inch. Stomping and kicking at his arm until Alyster slowly rises to his feet. A sharp kick to the chest wakes the masked man up who responds with a kick to WP’s thigh. A second kick follows. WP readies to catch the third but Alyster fakes him out and hits a bomb of a forearm smash instead. WP backs away, clutching at his jaw. Alyster follows him, grabbing him around the waist and throwing him overhead with a release german suplex.

WP rolls right back up to his feet and waits for Alyster to rise before charging, looking for a lariat that Alyster ducks. A second german follows. But Alyster holds onto the waist, bringing weaselperson back up to his feet. He transitions into a tiger hold, looking for the suplex but WP fights out of it, throwing his head back and catching Alyster on the nose. Alyster lets go of the hold and instead aims low, taking WP down with a chop block.

Alyster grabs the leg and raises it high into the air, then smashes WP’s knee down into the mat. He does it a second time, this time with his foot placed firmly at the knee pit of weaselperson, and stomps down hard. WP turns onto his back and starts throwing up kicks to push Alyster back, but the masked man catches his feet and delivers a questionable stomp to WP’s lower body. Alyster then finally locks in the figure-four dead centre in the ring.

WP can be heard howling as they struggle in the submission hold, slamming their fists, shaking from side to side, desperately trying to turn it over. But Alyster Black is in full control. Everytime WP is about to do something Alyster just lays down, slamming himself into the mat and wrenching on the hold.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "This is devastating for weaselperson."

Allen Price: "Alyster has put in the leg work, pun intended, and this is the payoff."

Anzu Kurosawa: "You have to wonder just how long weaselperson can last, a normal man would have tapped out or passed out by now."

Rod Sterling: "Speaking of which…"

WP has worn themself out and has fallen with both shoulders laying on the mat.


They don’t even give Alyster the satisfaction of a two count before sitting back up. WP growls as they lean forward, swiping at the masked man and only hitting air. They focus their attacks on Alyster’s leg, only for the masked man to shut him down by slamming down yet again. But with Alyster down WP is able to roll, turning both men onto their stomachs. Alyster was ready though and rolls with his furry opponent, both men end up back on their backs, the hold still applied with weaselperson in trouble.

Rod Sterling: "weaselperson is so close to the ropes, all they have to do is inch over there."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "It’s easier said than done Rod, weaselperson would have to pull themself over and drag Alyster with them."

Anzu Kurosawa: "And with the way Alyster is wrenching in that figure-four I can’t imagine anyone managing that feat."

Allen Price: "Come on Alyster, tap that furry freak out! Do it for Chris!"

Always aware of their surroundings, weaselperson gets to work in pulling himself and Alyster toward the ropes. Slowly crawling backwards on his elbows. Alyster slams back on the mat, trying to put a stop to WP’s efforts, but WP powers through. Just as they’re about to reach the ropes Alyster rolls away, turning over with WP twice and moving well away from the ropes. Alyster slams down, holding onto WP’s ankle and wrenching back as far as he can.

Larry Stevens is down low, hanging over WP, waiting for the submission. WP refuses to give in however, meeting Larry’s concerned pleas for him to give in with a loud bark, rallying the crowd behind him. The barking intensifies, echoing through the arena as WP is energised by their support. WP raises their arm, turning over slowly. Alyster raises his own arm, turning away to keep WP planted on their back. But WP won’t be denied. Both men tilt over slowly until finally WP manages to turn Alyster over onto his stomach, reversing the pressure of the hold. Alyster roars as he quickly lets go of the hold.

WP quickly crawls to the ropes for separation as Alyster springs to his feet. Safety isn’t guaranteed in the ropes however as Alyster charges, delivering a running face wash to WP. Larry Stevens admonishes Alyster who ignores the ineffectual referee and hits the ropes again, this time leaping into the air and landing with a double foot stomp on the back of WP’s head.

Alyster drags WP by the leg into the middle of the ring then lifts both legs up. Alyster steps through and crosses WP’s legs into a figure four before turning them over.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Oh no, this is a precarious position for weaselperson."

Alyster reaches for WP’s arms, grabbing the left with no problem but WP puts up a fight with the right. Alyster doesn’t have the grip strength to overpower him, he’s forced to let go of the left arm and hit WP with a series of slaps and palm strikes to the back of the head, all left-handed, before reaching for his snout and pulling him up slowly. Alyster puts a boot to the back of WP’s head and stomps down.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Curbstomp!"

Allen Price: "And that’s all she wrote for weaselperson."

Alyster trips over, tied up in WP’s legs but quickly scrambles to free himself. He then shoves WP, slowly turning them over, struggling with the dead weight of his opponent. Alyster covers, pressing all his weight down on WP’s chest.


WP powers out, tossing Alyster off of his body and rolling over onto his front, slowly pushing himself to his feet. He rises, carefully putting pressure on his leg but can stand, though he’s very ginger on that worked over leg.

Alyster swings wildly with a forearm smash. WP eats it, stumbling back, almost losing his footing due to his hurt leg. But he doesn't go down. WP swings back, throwing an elbow that catches Alyster on the jaw. The masked man staggers. WP follows up with a second elbow strike. Alyster responds with a chop.

Elbow, chop, elbow, elbow. Both men are trading with everything they have. The crowd in Mexico is losing it. The entire arena rumbles with their feet stamping as both men continue to trade hands. Neither one backing down, neither giving an inch.

WP throws a roundhouse that catches Alyster on the injured arm. The masked man swears loudly before responding with a kick to WP’s knee. weaselperson stumbles back, landing on his rear end and clutching at his knee as Alyster runs through him with a vicious knee strike!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "ONE HIT KILL!"

Allen Price: "THE STRUT!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "EQUALIZER!"

The three commentators make their call at the same time but whatever you call it, it’s effective and manages to put down weaselperson.

Alyster falls into another cover.


WP throws a shoulder up. Alyster sits up, clutching at his hurt arm. He rises to his feet and demands that WP stand up, waving his arm up and down. WP is slow to rise, the knee strike having taken a lot out of them. When they do Alyster swings wildly…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "ONE SHOT KILL NOW!"

The entire commentary team groans as a sickening thud is heard through the arena, but not from Alyster’s finishing manoeuvre. Instead it comes from WP catching him with a headbutt.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Alyster was just a little bit too slow with that one, and paid a hefty price."

Alyster crumbles, falling down to the mat as WP is left staggering, clutching at his own forehead from the blowback of his reckless strike. Alyster remains motionless for a few moments before he begins to slowly roll over toward the ropes. WP sees him escaping and hurries to catch him but Alyster rolls out of the ring and to the floor, landing with a thud. Larry Stevens prevents WP from following, not that weaselperson was desperate to, they’re taking a moment to catch their breath.

Positioned at ringside beside the timekeeper is Dr. Smith, the famed FWA doctor. He scrambles over to Alyster and is checking on the masked man.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Dr. Smith now, checking on Alyster. It’s rare for any match to end by doctor stoppage but after a headbutt like that I cannot imagine that Alyster Black is in shape to continue."

Rod Sterling: "There’s no way that Dr. Smith would throw this match out, Alyster wouldn’t allow it."

Anzu Kurosawa: "You’re being remarkably quiet Allen."

Allen Price: "…"

Alyster can be heard talking to the good doctor who produces a pair of surgical scissors and begins cutting at his mask. A large hole is cut just under the right eye and nose of Alyster Black, an opening for blood to escape from. Alyster slowly rises to his feet, looking over at WP who is sitting in his corner. The blood dripping from the opening in Alyster’s mask excited his opponent who now pulls himself up to his feet with the aid of the ropes.

Larry Stevens is urging Alyster to return to the ring, the masked man has no problem with that. Sliding inside and rising to his feet. He meets WP in the centre of the ring again, they go nose to nose, shoving each other with small headbutts. Alyster leaves behind red stains in the fur of weaselperson’s weasel suit but that’s just fine by WP.

The small headbutts turn into forearm strikes again, both men trading once more. This time Alyster’s strikes lack the mustard they had before. But they continue to trade nonetheless. WP ducks a strike, go-behind, and hits a German.

Alyster is thrown overhead, landing on his neck and shoulders but springs up to his feet. He throws another forearm that WP ducks. A second German? Alyster fights out of it, hitting elbow after elbow until WP lets go. Alyster spins on the spot, ROLLING ELBOW! WP is stunned. Alyster hits the ropes, WP charges after him. WP lands a jumping knee then takes off to the opposite set of ropes. Alyster follows! Back elbow rocks weasleperson.

Alyster ducks down, lifting WP up on his shoulders. He charges toward the centre of the ring, DEATH-VALLEY DRIVER! NO! WP fights out of it with a series of elbow strikes of his own. Alyster drops down to a seated position, WP kneels down behind him, still raining down with elbow after elbow. WP grabs a full nelson, pulls Alyster to his feet, DRAGON SUPLEX with a bridge!


Alyster kicks out. WP stands up, urging Alyster to rise. When the masked man finally does reach his feet WP charges and connects with a lariat!


Anzu Kurosawa: "He damn near took Alyster Black’s head off!"

Allen Price: "NO! Come on Alyster, you cannot go down to your own move!"

weaselperson drops down and hooks the leg.


Alyster kicks out at one! WP is shocked, in complete disbelief. Scrambling to referee Larry Stevens and grabbing him by the lapel, barking right in his face.

Alyster is on his knees, screaming at weaselperson and raising both middle fingers. WP turns his attention from Larry back to Alyster and dives onto him. Both men roll around the mat, trading punches until Alyster manages to kick WP away. They both rise to their feet and meet in the middle of the ring with a pair of forearms that hit their mark. Both men stagger but Alyster looks worse for wear. They trade forearm strikes, but Alyster’s are slower and more sluggish.

WP is quick to take control, hitting a few strikes in a row before catching a forearm thrown by Alyster and taking him down to the mat. Alyster is in trouble again as WP grapevines his left arm between his legs and goes after the right, trying to lock in some sort of hold, but Alyster refuses to give up his injured arm. WP is content to just hit Alyster with elbow strikes to the back of the head until he does.

With Alyster’s injured arm in hand, WP pulls back on it, wrenching it back as far as he can. Both of Alyster’s arms are being torn from their sockets as WP tries to push Alyster’s elbows together. The effort of which leaves him exposed, Alyster manages to move his hips, getting them under his body then bridges up, pushing WP onto his back and pinning him.


It’s the closest anyone has come to winning the match so far, and only because of weaselperson’s obsession with tapping Alyster Black out.

WP gets up to his feet, overseeing his downed prey who is bleeding and operating with only one good arm. WP has Alyster right where he wants him and is looking to finish this one off. Slowly backing off and waiting for Alyster to rise. The masked man rolls onto his stomach, on all fours, slowly rising. He’s in the perfect position. WP charges, leaping into the air. WEASELER! NO! Alyster rolls out of the way. WP stomps down on the mat recklessly, his knee giving out from under him, the leg work Alyster putting in earlier paying off. WP stumbles into the ropes, clutching at his knee.

Alyster is slow getting up, WP charges at him again. Alyster leaps off the mat and catches him with an enzuigiri. WP is knocked loopy but doesn’t go down. Alyster throws him over his shoulders, takes two steps to the centre of the ring and drops him on his head with the death-valley driver.

WP is down and Alyster is slow to get to his feet. But he’s feeling it, raising that injured right arm in the air and calling for it.

Alyster grabs WP by the back of the head, pulling him up to his feet.

Allen Price: "You know what fellas, this match has been roughly 60/40 in favour of weaselperson. But it doesn’t matter how hard you kick his ass, it doesn’t matter how many times you drop him on his head, or if you bust wide open. All Alyster Black needs to put you away is One Shot."

Alyster reels back and throws the lariat! ONE SHOT KILL! That hits the mark!

Allen Price: "WHAT?!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Oh my God!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "weaselperson is still standing!"

Alyster swung as hard as he could but weaselperson has barely budged an inch. Alyster’s arm is wrapped around WP’s chest and neck, hanging around him. WP absorbed the full force of the One Shot Kill.

Rod Sterling: "The arm work from earlier! weaselperson has completely nullified the One Shot Kill!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "What can Alyster Black even do in this situation? weselperson has stripped him of his greatest weapon."

Alyster stares at weaselperson in disbelief as WP casually grabs him by the mask with both hands and delivers a second sickening headbutt. Alyster crumbles down to his knees but WP doesn’t let go. WP turns his hips, reeling his leg back then throws a K-O Knee that puts Alyster down and out.

WP drops into a lateral press.


Alyster pops the shoulder up. WP takes the kicked out arm and floats over into a cross armbreaker, Alyster locks his hands though, keeping WP from locking it in. A few well placed strikes break Alyster’s grip and WP finally locks in the cross armbreaker.

Alyster scrambles, kicking his feet and flopping. Trying desperately to break the hold or reach the ropes. He’s close enough to the ropes to get his feet on the bottom and WP breaks at the count of four.

Alyster rolls onto the apron, clutching at his arm while WP gets up. Larry Stevens tries to separate them but WP shoves him away and puts the boots to Alyster, aiming for the arm. Alyster is kicked down to the floor and WP follows him out. He pulls Alyster up to his feet by the mask, tugging at it and tearing it open further. WP lands a straight knuckle arrow right to Alyster’s busted eyebrow, drawing out more blood. A few more knuckle arrows follow before WP whips Alyster into the guardrail. Alyster hits them hard, laying back against it for support while WP charges and hits a shotgun dropkick, Alyster is sent toppling back over the rial, landing with a thud on the concrete floor.

WP is slow to rise, hopping on his bad leg, having tweaked his knee on the run up. But he’s good to go, reaching over the rail and pulling Alyster up. In suplex position, WP lifts Alyster up and walks him a few steps back to ringside then drops him on the floor with the brainbuster.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Brainbustaaaah!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "That’s another move out of the Alyster Black playbook, though not quite the same variation."

Rod Sterling: "Not to say it isn’t absolutely devastating to be dropped right on your head on the floor."

Allen Price: "That’s enough Aly, stay down, you have FTN to think about, this match isn’t worth it!"

Larry Stevens is leaning over the ropes, berating weaselperson and has yet to start his count. WP slides into the ring and gets in Larry’s face, pointing at Alyster on the outside, demanding that Larry begin counting.

Stevens reluctantly begins his count. Alyster is slow getting up, on all fours when Larry reaches the count of three and crawling to the apron. Alyster reaches up and pulls himself to his feet, sliding into the ring right before the count of seven.

WP pounces on him, kicking and stomping on his injured arm. He takes the arm and drapes it over the bottom rope, vaulting himself up and dropping boots repeatedly on it. WP pulls Alyster up to his feet by the arm, applies a hamerlocks, and hits a back suplex. He holds onto Alyster and pins him with a bridge.


Anzu Kurosawa: "There wasn’t a lot behind that kickout, the end may be nearing for Alyster."

Rod Sterling: "weaselperson has executed their game plan to perfection. One more big move and he will put Alyster Black away."

WP immediately gets back up to his feet and backs away into the corner. He lays in wait for Alyster to rise again. The masked man is on all fours and WP charges, this time connecting with THE WEASLER, the double foot stomp to the back of the head drives Alyster down. WP then takes Alyster and begins the complicated process of locking him in WEASEL ME THIS, the paradise lock!

The masked man fights as much as he can but is locked in the hold while weaselperson sits down on him, barking from atop his new throne. A throne that begins to wobble. WP hops to his feet, watching as Alyster struggles in the hold.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "With the state that Alyster’s arm is in you can’t imagine he will last much longer in this hold."

Anzu Kurosawa: "I don’t imagine the hold will last much longer, just look at him move! He’s slipping out."

Indeed, Alyster is beginning to free himself and WP is incensed. WP hits the ropes and leaps into the air, delivering a second double foot stomp to Alyster’s backside, knocking him out of the hold and sending him rolling to the apron.

WP goes down after the stomp, holding his worked over leg then gently shaking it. The double foot stomps have taken their toll. He slowly rises, as does Alyster with the aid of the ropes, and meets his opponent with a well placed forearm strike. WP drapes Alyster’s arm over his shoulder, looking for another brainbuster, but Alyster blocks by hooking his foot on the bottom rope. A barrage of elbow strikes follows and Alyster takes WP by the scruff of the neck, dropping down to the floor and guillotining his opponent over the top rope.

WP stumbles back, clutching at his throat as Alyster follows up quickly. Sliding into the ring and taking WP down with a chop block. WP doesn’t stay down, quickly rolling to his side and using the ropes to get to his feet. He steps forward and nearly trips on his bad leg, Alyster makes sure he falls with a dropkick to the knee. WP falls against the ropes, clutching at his knee.

Rod Sterling: "What a break for Alyster that weaselperson’s leg would give out like that!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "A lucky one, and one that may have cost weaselperson the match!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Alyster has him in position for Satan’s Spike!"


Alyster grabs weaselperson by the trunks and tries to lift, barely raising his opponent’s feet off the mat. WP shakes their legs, going back down just as quickly as they were lifted.

Allen Price: "No…no…noooooo!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "The One Shot Kill has been neutralised, and it looks like Alyster doesn’t have enough power in his arm to muscle up weaselperson for Satan’s Spike."

WP begins lifting Alyster up himself, the masked man swings his legs wildly and fights back down to his feet. Alyster and WP end up in a collar-and-elbow tie up, just as they started the match. Both men pushing with all they have but neither gaining an advantage. That is until Alyster stomps at WP’s knee again. Alyster then scoops WP up, not as high as he would normally, but enough to put WP down with a body slam. Alyster steps over WP’s body and ascends the ropes.

Rod Sterling: "The One Shot Kill is useless and Satan’s Spike is unviable. All Alyster Black has left is to take to the air!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "This is his final option, weaselperson is too good a grappler to succumb to the bulldog choke, and has cut off every other avenue to victory for Alyster Black."

Alyster climbs to the top rope and doesn’t even look back as he leaps wildly, turning over in the air and landing an ugly moonsault, knee first in WP’s face. Alyster bounces from the impact, miraculously ending up with an arm draped over his opponent. Larry Stevens drops down to count the pin.


weaselperson kicks out, even if just barely. But if one moonsault won’t do the trick, Alyster will go for a second one. He gets up and rushes to the ropes, climbing slower than previously. He reaches the top, again not even looking back, else he would have seen weaselperson stumble into the ropes. Alyster is knocked off balance, falling down on the top turnbuckle and crotching himself.

WP exits the ring and begins to ascend the turnbuckle with Alyster. He pulls Alyster up with him, standing Alyster on the top rope while he places one foot on the turnbuckle. WP pulls Alyster’s head down beneath his armpit then butterflies Alyster’s arms.

The crowd gasps as weaselperson steps to the top rope and leaps forward, pushing Alyster Black out with his body and driving his head down with a Double-Arm DDT from the top rope. Both men land in an awkward heap. Alyster’s head has been driven down into the mat and weaselperson has tweaked his knee again.

Neither man is moving except to roll away from one another. Both men lay flat on their backs, staring up at the ceiling. Larry Stevens begins to count both of them out.




Still nothing.


weaselperson lifts their knee up to their chest, rubbing it, trying to get the feeling back or to overcome the pain.


Alyster hasn’t budged an inch, a pool of blood is forming by the opening of his mask and staining the mat below.


weaselperson rolls over to their stomach and begins to crawl to the ropes.


They begin to pull themselves up to their feet.


Alyster Black still lays down motionless. Likely knocked out cold, all weaselperson has to do is cover him and win.


weaselperson finally rises to their feet, standing without the aid of the ropes. Larry Stevens stops counting while WP approaches Alyster. He bends down, ready to make the cover and is pulled into a small package.


WP slams his fists down on the mat in frustration as Alyster rolls back onto the apron. WP rises as well watching as the masked man lays down on the apron, face down, looking completely out of it. WP looks from Alyster to the top rope then back again. Gritting his teeth and betraying the nature of his gameplan, WP begins to ascend, though he’s slow moving due to the damage sustained on his leg.

It’s enough time for Alyster to rise to his feet. Meeting weasleperson just as he plants one foot on the top rope. Alyster leaps up, throwing a forearm strike that knocks WP off balance. WP doesn’t fall though, he ends up seated on the top turnbuckle just like Alyster was. Black throws a second forearm then a third. WP responds with a straight jab to the jaw, then grabs Alyster by the mask and begins driving his head down onto his outstretched knee.

WP makes the mistake of letting go however and Alyster Black swings wildly with the right.

Allen Price: "ONE! SHOT! KILLLLLLL!"

Even with his arm in the state it’s in, nothing is stopping WP from tumbling down from the top rope and landing square on his head.

Alyster falls back into the ring and pushes WP’s carcas over. Struggling to turn the dead weight of his opponent over but eventually doing so. Alyster lays down over WP’s chest.



WP drapes his foot over the bottom rope.

Allen Price: "Are you kidding me?"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "What is it going to take for one of these men to put the other away?"


Allen Price: "Did Kurt just say what I think he said?"

Anzu Kurosawa: "We are 26 minutes deep into this one fellas, and both men are spent."

Rod Sterling: "It would be a shame to see this end in a time-limit draw, what a battle, what a war!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "It’s make or break time, one of these men is going to have to dig down deep and pull something out that is going to put the other down for good."

Alyster is in the middle of an existential crisis when Kurt makes the announcement. He pulls himself together with a few slaps across his own face then grabs weaselperson by the arm and slowly drags him toward the centre of the ring. Alyster collapses on top, cover!


weaselperson turns their body enough to pop the shoulder up. Alyster desperately wants to berate referee Larry Stevens but doesn’t have time. Instead he reaches down and wraps both arms around weaselperson’s neck, applying the Bulldog Choke.

weaselperson doesn’t sit in it for long, immediately grabbing Alyster’s wrist and elbow on his hurt arm and applying pressure. Alyster is forced to let go as weaselperson slowly turns over and applies a kimura. Alyster pushes himself up to his knees, bringing weaselperson up with him. WP has the kimura still applied though it looks to be out of pure instinct more than anything.

Alyster howls in pain and rushes to the ropes, both he and weaselperson tumble through the top and second rope and land on the apron, he’s successful in escaping from the hold but both men are spent. It takes them a dangerously long time to rise to their feet.

Larry Steven’s pleas for them to return to the ring are ignored as they begin trading forearm strikes again. Forearm, elbow, chop, forearm, slap!

Both men are putting everything they have left into this trade. weaselperson however puts a stop to the trade with a roundhouse kick to Aly’s arm. The masked man swears loudly as WP reaches for his neck…only for Alyster to stomp at his knee again. WP nearly falls, hanging onto the top rope to keep from going down. Alyster grabs his arm, hooks his leg around weaselperson and throws caution to the wind as he takes weaselperson down with a Russian Legsweep from the apron to the floor.

Everyone in the arena winces as both men land with a sickening splat. Thankfully referee Larry Stevens is still on the ball and begins his count.


Allen Price: "They’re dead, they are dead. Both of them!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "That was a bad landing for both of them."


Jean-Luc Watkins: "weaselperson was reaching for Alyster in those final moments, you know he had a similar idea in mind."


Rod Sterling: "You’ve seen tonight just how far gladiators are willing to go in the name of competition."


Alyster begins to stir first, raising his injured arm in the air and slowly closing then opening his fist.


weaselperson slowly turns over onto their stomach.


Alyster slowly rises, barely getting to his feet, he falls down, body draped over the apron.


Alyster slides into the ring, he’s safe.


weaselperson, on all fours, manages to push himself to his feet. The arena is rumbling again, the crowd urging him desperately to return to the ring.


And steps forward to enter the ring, but his knee buckles under him and he trips back down to the floor.


Winner: Alyster Black by count-out at 28:47

“Sonne” begins playing over the speakers at the conclusion of the match as Kurt Harrington rises to make his final announcement for the match.

Kurt Harrington: "Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match as a result of a count-out, ALYSTER BLACK!"

Alyster remains on his back, staring up at the ceiling. Barely able to acknowledge his win. Adrenaline has subsided and all he’s left with is an enormous amount of pain. He does however raise his left arm in victory, fist closed as the crowd applaud his efforts.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Alyster Black has survived weaselperson."

Allen Price: "No, Alyster Black beat him! He beat him to within an inch of his life and if he was allowed more time then he would have taken his life!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "I’m not one to argue with that sentiment. What a battle. What a bloody, sickening hard fought battle."

Rod Sterling: "Expectations were high, though I imagine no one expected this."

Larry Stevens has set Alyster’s championship gold down beside the masked man who has barely stirred since the ringing of the final bell. Meanwhile weaselperson has climbed to his feet and looks on at his bloodied opponent. Dr. Smith is trying to check on them but weaselperson brushes them away. Still, he stares at the ring, right at Alyster Black for a little while longer before turning and limping their way to the back.

Alyster is helped to his feet by Dr. Smith and a few ringside attendants. The crowd still politely applauds as he is helped to the back.



Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score

Straight on from ringside, the camera is with Alytser Black as he is helped backstage by Dr. Smith, and Smith deposits him down onto a production crate. Black is still barely with it, but he grunts in the doctor’s direction as a thanks for looking out for him. Smith pats him on the back and then leaves the area.

Alyster sits still and silently for a moment, until he sees someone approaching out of the corner of his eye. The sight of Chris Peacock, ready for his own match, causes Alyster to exclaim out, but Chris does not reciprocate his joviality and does not even look at his tag team partner.

Alyster Black: "Come on, help me up. Let’s head out there and win you this match, mate."

Chris Peacock: "No."

Alyster Black: "The fuck you mean, no?"

Chris Peacock: "I don’t want you there."

Alyster Black: "I get it. You want to do it on your own. I get it. That’s fine, I’ll just watch from here."

Finally, Peacock properly acknowledges Alyster for the first time in the evening. Alyster can tell immediately that Peacock is not happy about something.

Chris Peacock: "It isn’t about not wanting to do it on my own. It is about not wanting to do it with you there. Haven’t you involved yourself in enough matches this weekend, anyway?

You kept that fucking quiet that’s what you went to do last night when I was getting treatment for the injury that YOU gave me. He might have needed your help, but I don’t, okay?"

Too tired to argue, Alyster lets out a disappointed sigh.

Alyster Black: "Come on, mate…"

Chris Peacock: "Come on nothing, Alyster. You fucking told me, to my face, that this…"

Chris gestures between himself and Alyster.

Chris Peacock: "... is what we’re doing now. Was that just bullshit? You know what… don’t even answer. This isn’t what I should be focusing on right now. So if you really want to help me, just fuck off and leave me alone. Let me beat this guy, because he’s made you look like an ass enough."

It was a low blow from Peacock, and the momentary quiver of his lip shows that he perhaps regretted bringing up Black’s record against Cyrus Truth as soon as he had said it, but he remained overall firm in his stance. Despite being battered due to his match just now, Black slowly slides off of the crate and onto his feet and walks away.

Alyster stops.

Alyster Black: "Good luck, Chris."

Peacock doesn’t answer and then he shakes his head and slaps himself on the cheeks a couple of times, as ready as he is ever going to be for the biggest match in his career.


For the final time this weekend, we return to ringside and there is a clear air of anticipation in the arena as what the entirety of the last two nights has led up to is about to happen. We are shown the four commentators at the commentary table once more and it is clear that all four members of the booth are acutely aware of the gravity of this situation. Allen Price in particular has a very nervous energy about him and he seems to be inside his own head, not paying attention to his surroundings.

Rod Sterling: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the match that we have all been waiting for. Chris Peacock will walk into this match with two championships in his possession, but if Cyrus Truth has his way, he will no longer hold the FWA World Championship when we leave Mexico City tonight.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s right, Rod. Tonight we are going to find out if Chris Peacock is the chosen one that can bring stability to that title that has been missing for the last two years. Or, can Cyrus Truth finally realise the goal that he has been working towards for over four years?”

Anzu Kurosawa: “The number four is associated with Cyrus Truth; a four time World Champion here in the FWA, four years since he last held it, and tonight is his fourth time in the main event of Back in Business… but will fourth time be the charm. Your boy is going to be hoping not, isn’t that right, Price? Ummm…. Price?”

Allen Price: “Sorry, Anzu. It is a bit much for me at the moment… but let me assure you all right now that Chris Peacock believes in his heart of hearts, as I do, that he can defeat Cyrus Truth as he has done in each of their previous encounters. Can I say it, this time? I never get to…”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Be my guest, Allen.

Allen Price: “The time for talking is over… because THE MAIN EVENT IS RIGHT NOW!”

After a couple of audible pained sighs from Price’s commentary partners, the attention turns to the ring where Kurt Harrington is dutifully waiting in the ring with his microphone and the spotlight shining down on him. The bell rings, echoing around the stadium and garnering a loud response from the capacity crowd.

Kurt Harrington: “The following contest is for the FWA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!”

The lights go out in the arena.

Seconds later, we see light once again. Not produced by spotlights, but by fire.

As a haunting rendition of The Longest John’s “Ashes” plays from the stadium’s speakers, we get a better view of the scene emerging from the darkness. Flecks of what look like ash have started to fall from above as a brazier has been set up dead centre at the top of the entrance ramp. The fire that burns within it is not overpowering, and in fact? It flickers and struggles to remain alight.

From the shadows, a figure in a heavy, leather coat approaches the brazier. Their hood is drawn up to hide their face, but we see enough of the figure’s jaw to see that he is pensive, contemplative. The flame struggles to stay alive as ashes continue to fall…however, we see that despite the rain of soot and dust, the figure’s coat is unblemished, unsoiled by the remnants of fires past.

It’s then that the figure extends a gloved hand into the fire.

But the fire doesn’t burn him.

As the song enters into the refrain, we see that the fire burns stronger, brighter. The figure removes his hand slowly, taking a bit of the fire with him and holding it, cupped in his hand.

And bringing it to his face, the light of the flame illuminates the face of ‘The Exile’. ‘The Wayward Warrior’.

Cyrus Truth has arrived at Back in Business to return to the throne.

‘The Vagabond King’ has returned…to tend to the flame.

With one swift motion, Cyrus closes his fist and lowers his hood as the lights of the arena come back on.

And a new entrance theme plays him down…


The crowd allows themselves to let out a monstrous roar in support of Cyrus as he marches down the ramp, looking dead in front of him at the ring the entire time. The fire on the stage is matched only by that in the eyes of ‘The Exile’ as he knows better than anyone how important it is for him to walk back up the ramp with the FWA World Championship in his hands.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It is cliché. It is something that we like to say time and time again as Cyrus Truth walks towards the ring, but it has never been truer than it is in this moment; the long and winding road for Cyrus Truth back to being able to call himself the champion of the world ends here, in Mexico City. One man stands in between him and what he has craved for more than anything for over four years.”

Anzu Kurosawa: This is the moment that Cyrus has scratched and clawed his way to for literally years. He was the man that stood up for this company last year when it was under attack and now he looks to be the one to unite it once more. One of two men to win the Carnal Contendership more than once… one of the greatest champions in the history of this sport. He will do everything in his power to reclaim the throne tonight.”

Rod Sterling: “I have had the privilege of watching Cyrus Truth wrestle for a number of years, up close. I have seen the blood, the sweat and the tears that his body has shed all in-”

Allen Price: “Vain, Rod. All in vain. There will be no fairytale ending for Cyrus Truth here tonight. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a part to play in Chris’s entrance. And for those who said I’d never make it, take a look at me now.”

As Cyrus reaches the ring steps and looks around the arena for the first time, he briefly raises an eyebrow at Allen Price scurrying past him and up the ramp. ‘The Exile’ shakes his head and then walks up the steps and enters the ring, where he allows his passion to burst out of him by roaring into the night’s sky with his arms outstretched.

Cyrus removes the leather coat and takes care to place it under the turnbuckle and he looks back up the ramp with a face of disdain.

Rod Sterling: “Many have called Cyrus Truth the heart of the FWA and I think it would be hard to argue with that statement; whilst the champion is popular with these people, I think it is fair to say that they’re fully behind Cyrus here in Mexico City.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Mhmm. Sorry, I’m just trying to keep an eye on Price and whatever he and Peacock have planned. If another truck comes out I am resigning…”

The challenger’s new entrance music fades out and attention turns to the stage where Allen Price is now standing with a live microphone. The crowd are not best pleased and he is showered with some boos, but he ignores them as his excitement levels are just too high.

Allen Price: “Thank you, everyone! This Back in Business weekend is about to end with a bang - because it is time for the match you have all been waiting for! But first, to play your FWA World Champion to the ring… please join me in welcoming Grammy Award winning recording artist and Oscar winning actor and the star of Shark Tale… WILL SMITH!”

To the surprise of the crowd in attendance who react loudly, the actual Will Smith jogs out onto the stage with a microphone in his hand and he begins rapping the lyrics to ‘Gettin’ Jiggy With It’ as Allen Price awkwardly dances and throws up some gang signs.

On your mark, ready, set, let's go,
Dancefloor pro, I know you know
I go psycho when my new joint hit,
Just can't sit.
Gotta get jiggy wit' it, ooh, that's it.
Now honey, honey, come ride,
DKNY all up in my eye.
You gotta Prada bag with a lotta stuff in it,
Give it to your friend, let's spin.
Everybody lookin' at me, glancin' the kid.
Wishin' they was dancin' the jig,
Here with this handsome kid.
Ciga-cigar right from Cuba-Cuba,
I just bite it.
It's for the look, I don't light it.
Illway the an-may on the ance-day oor-flay,
Give it up jiggy, make it feel like foreplay.
Yo, my cardio is infinite,
Ha ha!
Big Chrissy style's all in it.
Gettin' jiggy wit' it!



As the chorus of the song begins, a figure walks out onto the stage as Smith does a small jig of his own and the crowd respond loudly when they see that this is the FWA World Champion, Chris Peacock. Peacock wears the same style of white jumpsuit that he did at The Grand March when he last faced Cyrus Truth in a match although this one has small video game controllers patterned on his legs which are coloured in with light blues and yellows.

The main feature of course is the FWA World Championship which is strapped around his waist, with his FWA World Tag Team Championship slung over his shoulder. On his other shoulder is the Singapore Cane which he used to win the latter from The Connection. Peacock and Price bump fists, and Price then brings Peacock in for a tight hug, which causes the champion to wince slightly. Peacock and Smith share a nod and then the champion walks down towards the ring, finally acknowledging his challenger waiting there for him.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It was questioned earlier tonight by Todd Salum whether Chris Peacock is one-hundred percent going into this match with Cyrus Truth here on Night Two of Back in Business, after that almighty fall from the ladder out of the ring last night in his pursuit to defend the FWA World Tag Team Championships, and that action seems to have caused a rift of sorts between Chris Peacock and Alyster Black. The question really has to be one of whether ‘Disco’s Last Warrior’ has bitten off more than he can chew.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Chris Peacock has developed a reputation for being one of the most resilient competitors in the FWA; it takes a lot to keep him down and Cyrus Truth will know that. Cyrus must feel like a shark in blood-infested waters… it is feeding time on the weakened champion.”

Rod Sterling: “I am just surprised that Price was able to get Will Smith in for this… where did he get those strings to pull on? Regardless, an A-List entrance for the man who has taken the FWA by storm since arriving here almost three years ago. Jeremy Best of the ‘new’ generation fell to one off the ‘old’ guard Krash in last night’s main event. Will Chris Peacock suffer the same fate against one of the all-time greats?”

Peacock walks down the ramp and a determined look crosses his face as even with all of the pomp, the noise, the music and the lights… he is now solely concerned about the man that he will be facing in the ring in a few minutes’ time. He barely acknowledges Allen Price and Will Smith patting him on the back as he reaches the base of the ramp, with Smith finishing out the song and Price then jogging back around the ring towards the commentary table.

After entering the ring from the apron, Peacock stands and measures Cyrus Truth for a few seconds, and ‘The Exile’ intensely stares back at him. Peacock then turns around and places his cane against the steel steps on the outside and a ringside crew member collects his tag title. The champion unclips the championship from around his waist as the music stops and all that can be heard is the noise of the crowd. He looks deeply into his name on the main plate and then rests his forehead against it and it is then accepted by referee DJ Franchise.

Rod Sterling: “Chris Peacock passes the championship over to the official… meaning that this could be the last time his hands touch that title for quite some time if things do not go his way tonight.”

Allen Price: “I told you that I had some connections, didn’t I? As a plus side, he didn’t slap anyone… but this is an important moment for Chris Peacock, I can assure you. Recent events have taught him that he is not invincible, but he has worked through those flaws, decided to be his own man regardless of what people think. You will not have seen a Chris Peacock like the one you’re going to see tonight, let me assure you. The time for fun and games is over.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Indeed. Let’s take it across to the ring for Kurt Harrington to make the official introductions of the competitors…”

In the middle of the ring, DJ Franchise raises the belt up into the air and the crowd cheeers, with both Peacock and Cyrus’s eyes locked on the prize.

Kurt Harrington: “The following contest is your Back in Business XVII main event, and it is scheduled for one fall with a sixty minute time limit… and it is for the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance WOOOOOORLD CHAAAAMPIONSHIP!!”

Another loud cheer from the fans and Kurt smiles, nodding his head. The camera then lingers on Cyrus Truth in his corner.

Kurt Harrington: “Introducing the competitors… first, the challenger. From The Long and Winding Road and weighing in at two-hundred and twenty-seven pounds…





The crowd is unanimous in their support of the challenger in this match, but despite the vast appreciation from the crowd and many willing him on, Cyrus keeps his eyes focused on the title in the hands of the referee.

Anzu Kurosawa: “Fantastic support here tonight for Cyrus Truth in Mexico City.”

As the attention then turns to Chris Peacock, there are a few boos scattered into the still-very loud reception from the crowd.

Kurt Harrington: “His opponent… from Boogie Wonderland by way of New York City and weighing in at two-hundred and ten pounds… he is one half of the FWA World Tag Team Champions and he is the CURRENT, REIGNING and DEFENDING FWA WORLD CHAMPION….





Despite the lack of full fan support, Peacock is not fazed by the occasion in the slightest and he watches as Harrington is passed his FWA World Championship by the referee and leaves the ring with it. All that remains in the ring now are the two competitors and the official.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It has all been building to this moment, wrestling fans... who will leave Mexico City as the FWA World Champion?”

Everything is ready to go.

The bell rings.



Chris Peacock
[c] vs. Cyrus Truth.
Singles Match for the FWA World Championship.
Match writer: Man.


There is a couple of seconds after the bell rings where the two men stare at each other from across the ring. Cyrus Truth has his eyes firmly set on the man that is standing opposite him whilst Chris Peacock exhales and then allows himself a chance to stare up into the sky over Mexico City… and that is when Cyrus Truth pounces! The crowd become unglued as the challenger takes advantage of the champion’s momentary lapse in concentration and Cyrus barrels straight into Peacock with a knee to the ribs.

Peacock is clearly pained by the move and taken by surprise, and the shot to the area which was hurt in his match last night causes him to double over in the corner. Cyrus straightens him up and then runs his knee into Peacock’s ribs and gut several more times and then knocks him back into the turnbuckle. Truth then elbows Peacock in the side of the head a couple of times and this sets him down against the bottom turnbuckle.

Rod Sterling: “What a start from Cyrus Truth here; he has been waiting for this moment for so long, it is no surprise that he is not interest in hanging around!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is not looking good for Chris Peacock, because here is Cyrus Truth and he’s going to take the champion for a walk with the FIRST FIVE STEPS!”

The challenger clenches his teeth as he stomps into Peacock’s head the first time, and then another four forceful stomps to the face and then chest and ribs of the champion. The crowd actually seem stunned by what they are seeing and Truth delivers a couple more hard stomps onto the injured ribs and continues until he is forced to back away by the referee, not wanting to risk a disqualification by allowing DJ Franchise to start a count.

Peacock pulls himself up with the assistance of the turnbuckle pads and nods his head to the official when asked if he is able to continue, but it seems that Peacock is mostly out of it already. The referee gets out of the way and Peacock steps forward out of the corner and then is immediately scooped up onto Cyrus Truth’s shoulders!

Allen Price: “What is happening?!”

There is a shocked moment of silence and then rapturous cheers from the crowd as Cyrus TRANSITIONS DOWN INTO JOURNEY’S END…







Cyrus kicks out just in time!

Anzu Kurosawa: “What a manoeuvre from Peacock! He almost ended Truth’s aspirations in record time… after almost succumbing to one of the most devastating moves in the FWA.”

There is a gasp of relief as Peacock flops forward from on top of Cyrus after countering Journey’s End mid-move, just when it seemed as if he was going to be losing his championship inside of two minutes. Cyrus springs back up to his feet with a shocked expression on his face but he reacts the quickest and then knocks Peacock to the mat once again with a Shoulder Block.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “We have seen that before, of course, during the F1 Climaxxx where Peacock defeated Truth with that exact counter to the Journey’s End. He almost pulled off a quick victory in this match in what would have been a truly shocking moment, as would have Cyrus hitting Journey’s End and winning the match right there.”

Allen Price: “I think Chris knows that he got lucky there, J-L. He’s not been particularly bothered about Cyrus Truth - against my advice - and it almost came back to bite him. He needs to get his head in the game.”

The Shoulder Block from Truth has Peacock holding his lower back and the champion is not quick to get straight back up to his feet, which works in Cyrus’s favour. The challenger drops a knee down across Peacock’s ribs and Peacock splutters on the mat and wheezes in pain and Truth then presses his knee down more on the champion’s injured ribs. Peacock uses as much strength as he can muster to force Cyrus off of him and then gets onto his hands and knees once he has pushed the challenger away.

This leaves the window wide open for Truth to attempt a kick to the ribs, but Peacock manages to trap Cyrus’s boot with his arm and then gets to his feet whilst still in possession of Truth’s leg and then drives the point of his elbow right across Truth’s knee. Peacock then falls back and takes Truth over with a Dragon Screw, but the bump on his own back seems to cause him some discomfort.

Truth quickly shakes his knee out, knowing why Peacock targeted it, and then approaches the champion as soon as he gets up and he looks for a punch, but Peacock blocks it and connects with a jab of his own. Another jab lands and Peacock spins on the spot for a dance move, but Truth grabs him as he turns and looks to take Peacock over with a Back Suplex, but Peacock flips through and lands on his feet behind Truth.

Peacock goes for a big punch to finish his sequence, but Cyrus blocks it and grabs Peacock around the waist, looking for a German Suplex, but Peacock shoots his fist into the air and catches Cyrus right on the mouth with the Fight Fever back fist! The blow doesn’t take Cyrus down and Peacock spins back around to follow up, but Truth turns himself and then cracks Peacock in the jaw with a Discus Punch! The champion was taken completely by surprise and falls to the mat, holding his face.

Rod Sterling: “It looked like Peacock was going to be mounting some good offence there and building a bit of momentum, but Truth is very quick to cut him off. Look at Cyrus shaking his hand out, I think that one could have hurt him a little.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Undoubtedly. There was some venom in that punch, Rod, and Cyrus is in no mood for any silly antics. Although, as we all know, behind the goofiness lies a dangerous competitor and we’ve already seen Peacock get a couple of shots in at that knee.”

As Peacock gets back up to his feet after the punch, he rushes in at Cyrus, who looks for a Hip Toss, but Peacock blocks it and goes for one of his own. Truth counters that and the two quickly rotate around each other across the length of the ring as they both try and land the move. Cyrus is the one that is able to get it off, and Peacock winces whilst holding his back once again.

However, the champion rises once more and this time right into Truth’s path, who elevates him up and spins him around… and then drops Peacock across his knee with a Tilt-a-Whirl Gutbuster!! Peacock gasps for air once more and holds his midsection and his ribs in particular and Truth then rolls him onto his back and makes his first cover of the match;


Anzu Kurosawa: “We’re only a few minutes into this match but already we’re seeing just how problematic those ribs are going to be for Chris Peacock, guys. Even moves that Cyrus does that aren’t even specifically targeting them are hurting the champion… although that one was right on the money.”

Allen Price: “Chris Peacock is a fighting champion, Anzu. He’s battled through worse than this and whatever else Cyrus can have for him. Chris Peacock simply does not lose to Cyrus Truth.”

Once more, Peacock is left straining and gasping for air and he gets onto his hands and knees again. He is almost retching due to the tightness of his ribs and their soreness, especially due to how they have been targeted by Truth repeatedly since the beginning of the match. Like he did before, Truth looks for the kick directly to the ribs, but Peacock manages to absorb it and catch Cyrus’s boot once again.

As before, Peacock stands up with his opponent reduced to hopping on the spot as a result but this time Truth gets his other foot up and cracks Peacock with an Enziguiri to the back of the head! Peacock drops down to his knees and Truth gets back up to his feet once again and runs the ropes, where he aims to drive his boot into Peacock’s face, but the champion gets up and explodes through Truth with a Clothesline!

Peacock stands over Cyrus and then does what Truth has been attempting to do to him and he kicks him hard in the ribs, and then jumps into the air and drops a leg down across the back of Truth’s neck! The champion declines going for a cover at this stage, and he instead grabs Truth and places him over the middle rope. Peacock runs the ropes behind Cyrus and then drops a leg across the back of his head once again. He then drives his knee into the back of Truth’s head, causing Truth’s throat to be driven into the rope.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “After Cyrus definitely made the better start to the match, we can see Chris Peacock settling into some sort of rhythm now. He’s going to keep doing this to Truth for as long as DJ Franchise will allow.”

Thankfully, the official does come across and dole out a warning to Peacock and the champion backs off, making a count of five unnecessary. Peacock however does not want to waste any time and he picks Truth up from on the rope and forces him into the nearby turnbuckle. Peacock hammers Truth with a couple of punches and forearms, reducing ‘The Exile’s ability to fight back.

Peacock takes one of Cyrus’s legs and puts it through the ropes and then hits Truth a couple more times to keep him in position. Truth resists with a facepalm to Peacock, and Peacock responds in turn by putting both hands on Truth’s head and biting on his forehead! The crowd do not seem overly impressed by the champion’s tactics against one of their heroes, and once again DJ Franchise has to come across and put a stop to Peacock’s plans.

Ignoring the official, Peacock sinks his teeth further into Cyrus’s skull and DJ Franchise is forced to physically get involved to force Peacock back.

Rod Sterling: “That is some great officiating by DJ Franchise, there. We don’t want a match as important as this one to end in a disqualification. He’s giving them both a chance to wrestle the match how they want to, but is not afraid to get involved if he has to.”

Allen Price: “This DJ Franchise needs to mind his own business, if you ask me! Let Peacock cook in there. Yeah Chris, go on, don’t pay a damn word of attention to this clown.”

Chris Peacock does act on the sentiments of his agent on commentary and he brushes past the referee, not paying him much attention, and he kicks Truth’s leg whilst it is in the ropes! Cyrus instinctively holds his knee and Peacock shoves him back. Ignoring the referee’s demands for him to stop, Peacock then pulls on Truth’s foot at such an angle that it contorts his knee in a very uncomfortable way.

DJ Franchise begins to count as Truth finds himself unable to break Peacock’s impressive and considerable grip, and Peacock finally ceases when the count is about to reach five. With some space between them, Truth takes the opportunity to bring his leg back from the ropes, and Peacock rushes in and connects with another forearm strike to the challenger. With Truth groggy, Peacock lifts him up in a Scoop Slam position but instead of sending him down into the mat, he puts Cyrus on the turnbuckle in the Tree of Woe!

The crowd cheers for the uncommon spot and Peacock then gets in a few stomps on Truth’s head and chest, taking advantage of his challenger being able to properly defend himself. Peacock climbs up onto the turnbuckle in the middle rope and he delivers a few clubbing blows to the same knee he has focused on in the early stages of the match.

Peacock then shows off his balance by remaining on the top turnbuckle until he has properly steadied his footing. He leans forward to use the post to support himself and stomps on Truth’s knee a few times as well, with Cyrus groaning and wincing due to the predicament he finds himself in. The FWA World Champion straightens his body back up and then jumps into the air and he lands a jumping stomp across the top of Truth’s knee!

Anzu Kurosawa: “Chris Peacock has shown he has no issues in using the environment to his advantage, and the Tree of Woe is exactly that… it sucks.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Given their respective styles in a typical setting, one would be surprised to see that Peacock is the one that is more content to take his time and is not in a rush as he tries to weaken the knee of Cyrus Truth.”

The momentum and impact of the stomp caused Truth to fall from the Tree of Woe and he landed on his front in the middle of the ring. Peacock ignores his admonishing from the referee and grabs the leg to which the knee he has been working on belongs… and he drives it down into the mat!

Cyrus holds the knee once again and Peacock stomps on his chest to keep him flat down on his back and the champion puts one of his feet on Truth’s inner thigh to hold him in place and he then straightens out the leg… and stomps right on the side of Truth’s knee! Peacock does not show any emotion on his face as he makes it clear what he is trying to do and what he is working towards.

Allen Price: “Chris Peacock might have some banged up ribs, but he knows if he can wear down a part of Truth’s anatomy just as much, then things are evened up. That knee is not going to be feeling good and we know that this work is all a precursor to the Commentator’s Curse. Jean-Luc, how do you feel about that one?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “You have really tested me this weekend, Price. Almost moreso than ever before. Do not bring me to a breaking point with you.”

It is not the Commentator’s Curse, but Peacock does get a simple submission in as he drops his knee onto Cyrus’s and then continues to pull at it a 90 degree angle, with pain etched on Cyrus’s face. Peacock avoids Cyrus’s attempts at swiping at him to cause a break are fruitless as Peacock is able to dodge these and avoid getting struck. Cyrus kicks at Peacock with his other leg, but a pointed elbow to his other thigh prevents Truth from trying that again.

Anzu Kurosawa: “Peacock is doing a good job with that knee of Cyrus Truth right now. That elbow to the inner thigh will cause a big bruise due to where it is on the body, and Cyrus will think again before he tries to get that leg involved.”

Despite Anzu’s assertions, Cyrus does attempt to kick out at Peacock with his other leg and Peacock once again puts it to bay with an elbow strike which does cause Truth some additional discomfort, but Truth then catches the arm and pulls Peacock in… and he applies a Crucifix… TRUTH IS TRYING TO LOCK PEACOCK INTO THE LONG ROAD TO NOWHERE!

The champion realised immediately the perilous position he is in and he flails both of his arms and tries to land whatever strike he can and make contact with the challenger who withstood some time in a submission only to get himself into position to apply one of his own. It is only when Peacock grabs onto the same leg that he has been working on and wrenches it sharply that Cyrus abandons his attempt.

Peacock stands over Cyrus after evading the Long Road to Nowhere and then stomps down on his chest to knock him flat again. The champion then walks over to the ropes and leans on them momentarily, moving his hair from his face.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Competing in that ladder match last night - and especially that fall - seems to have taken some of the wind out of Peacock’s sails. This slow and methodical pace isn’t what we usually see out of him, but it could well be a necessity.”

Rod Sterling: “Chris can’t allow Cyrus time to recover like this; it could be that lack of big match experience that the champion has compared to the challenger. We wouldn’t see Cyrus giving Peacock opportunities such as this.”

After taking a moment, Peacock returns towards Cyrus and drops down to grab him - BUT CYRUS PULLS HIM IN FOR A SMALL PACKAGE!


Both men pop up out of the pin and with the crowd loud in response to the near fall, both have a surge of adrenaline and Peacock looks for another Clothesline, which Cyrus avoids by ducking it. As Peacock turns around, Truth meets him with a kick to the midsection and he then hooks him up… and he takes Peacock over with a Fisherman Suplex! Peacock arches his back upon contact with the mat, but Cyrus also drops down as well, holding his knee.

Anzu Kurosawa: “The work that Peacock has put in on that knee seems to have paid some dividends, because even though Cyrus was able to get that Suplex away, you can really see that it took a lot out of him to do it.”

Allen Price: “It comes back to what we were talking about earlier; if Peacock can stay in this for long enough to get Truth to the same level of malady that he is in, that disadvantage goes entirely.”

As Truth pulls himself up with the assistance of the turnbuckle, he sees Peacock sitting up as well and charges in… connecting with a Running Knee to the face! Cyrus slaps his knee a couple of times to get some circulation back into it and then measures Peacock, before adjusting his footing so it is his ‘good’ knee that lands on Peacock’s face to complete the Wanderer’s Wrath combination!

The challenger rolls through off of the knee drop and has a pained expression on his face still, the discomfort clear. He in fact opts not to go for a pin on Peacock after the Wanderer’s Wrath so he can lean back against the turnbuckle and massage his knee a bit and he sees that Peacock is on his hands and knees again, and on the third time of asking he scores with a kick straight to the injured ribs of his opponent! Peacock puffs his cheeks out and falls onto his side, and he grabs the bottom rope and pulls himself underneath, his feet landing on the floor at ringside.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I don’t know what it is, but Peacock going out to the floor really has me a little tetchy; we can’t have another big match ending in a count out. Is Peacock the kind of guy that would get himself counted out so he leaves with the title? Why am I even asking that?”

Allen Price: “Make your jokes, Jean-Luc. We’ll be the ones laughing at the end of the night. No, he just needs a breather after that cheap shot Cyrus just took with the kick to the ribs!”

Initially, DJ Franchise looks to prevent Cyrus from exiting the ring so he can follow up on Peacock, but the death stare he gets in response causes him to rethink this.

Rod Sterling: “Even the referee knows that it would be foolish to get in between Cyrus Truth and the FWA World Championship; especially after how long and how hard he has fought to get into this position.”

Truth exits the ring on an adjacent side from where Peacock is leaning on the ring apron and taking a moment to recover, and the champion audibly protests as Cyrus grabs him from behind by the head and neck. It is clear that the challenger’s first and foremost thought is to get the champion back into the ring, as that is where he can win the match. Cyrus attempts to lift Peacock up, but Chris resists it by catching Cyrus with an elbow to the face.

It knocks Cyrus back slightly, but he retains his grip on Peacock’s head and it is only when Chris kicks him in the damaged knee that he backs off, turning away. Peacock then reacts quickly and he shoves Cyrus forward and Truth’s knees collide with the ring steps and he falls over them, landing on his back! The fans at ringside are shown to be concerned for Truth’s welfare, having had a front row seat for that one, and Peacock leans on the steps and a smile forms on his face.

Anzu Kurosawa: “I’m not sure whether something like that was Peacock’s intention when he left the ring, but Cyrus coming out to meet him at ringside definitely played into the hands of the champion. He’s scrappy and he is resourceful, for all of his flaws.”

Peacock takes a moment before walking on the steps and stepping off of them, ensuring that he stands on Cyrus’s knee as he steps off. This gets a few in the crowd up in arms and they throw some boos at him, but it seems that he is not bothered by this at all. Lifting up the foot connected to the knee that he has been targeting, Peacock takes a look around the Estadio Azteca for a moment… AND THEN SLAMS IT INTO THE STEEL STEPS!!

The challenger is in an awful lot of pain and the look on Cyrus’s face shows that he is also furious about this current turn of events. Peacock lifts Cyrus up and brings him towards the ring apron and he runs Truth back into the ring apron! Truth grits his teeth and Peacock rears back, and does it again! The period of control for the champion out of the ring continues and he looks to repeat the action once more, but Truth manages to stop him and he clubs him in the back.

Peacock attempts to force Truth back into the ring apron once more but even on one good leg, Truth is able to resist him. In a burst of adrenaline and with a guttural scream, Truth Headbutts Peacock on the bridge of the nose and without any hesitation, he lifts Peacock up in a front Suplex… and HE DROPS PEACOCK ON THE RING BARRICADE, RIBS-FIRST!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s the same barricade that he fell on last night, wrestling fans, courtesy of his tag team partner. We saw earlier on that Peacock is not pleased with Alyster Black as a result of that action, telling him to not accompany him to the ring tonight and just being generally icy overall.”

Allen Price: “Come on, Chris! You can’t let him do something like that to you - he’s not the guy!”

It is actually a young fan in the wrong row that tips Chris Peacock over the barricade and back down to the floor, and a sudden burst of anger is shown surging through Allen Price.

Allen Price: “What does that little brat think he’s doing?! HEY! HEY!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Price, it is a child. ALLEN - SIT DOWN!”

As the surrounding fans begin to celebrate with the young boy, Price’s headset clunks and the commentator is shown marching around the ring, pointing at the child and shouting all sorts of obscenities at him. Whilst this is happening, Peacock is still down holding his ribs and is in a great deal of pain. Cyrus on the other hand tries accessing Peacock, but the official exiting the ring to deal with Allen Price prevents him from doing so.

Risking disqualification, Cyrus barges past the official and then spins Allen Price around and the commentator/agent/dimwit looks like he has dropped the contents of his bowels. Cyrus puts his hands on Price and shoves him down to a big cheer from the crowd. Price screams in ‘agony’ and then Truth turns his attention back to his opponent and he rolls Peacock back into the ring. DJ Franchise leaves Allen Price smarting on the floor by the barricade and rejoins the competitors in the ring and counts the pin as Truth is covering Peacock;


Rod Sterling: “Peacock kicks out! You know, if it wasn’t for Allen Price getting involved there and diverting some of Cyrus’s attention away from getting Peacock into the ring, then that Front Suplex onto the ring barricade could have been enough to win this match for ‘The Exile’.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “We’ve learned well enough by now that Chris Peacock will take any advantage available to him and that’s going to include having his manager abandon his post at the commentary table to run interference. On the plus side, we’ve got some more room over here.”

The challenger looks extremely frustrated that Peacock kicked out of the pin and as he rises out the crowd swells in anticipation as Truth stares at his opponent with daggers in his eyes. Peacock gets up to his feet and he is immediately scooped up onto Cyrus’s shoulders into a Fireman’s Carry… but before he can hit Journey’s End… Peacock slides off of his back and lands on his feet behind Cyrus.

Truth turns around and Peacock meets him with a kick to the midsection and HITS HIM WITH A DISCO THRILLER STUNNER!! It catches Truth out of nowhere, but doesn’t down him. He falls back into the corner and Peacock gets over to him as quickly as he can - which is not very quick - and he climbs up onto the middle ropes and starts laying into Cyrus with punches to the top of his head. The crowd does not chant along as they have in the past, but they cheer when Truth catches Peacock’s fist and Peacock’s eyes widen as Truth looks up at him defiantly, and then gets underneath him through his legs whilst he keeps hold of Peacock’s arm.

This presents Peacock’s head through his legs and Truth drives his boot into it! Peacock’s body goes limp on the turnbuckle and Cyrus allows him to fall across his shoulders in an Argentine Rack. The crowd cheer as they know what is likely coming next.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “The pure determination of Cyrus Truth has got him back into the match, and if it looks like both of these men have been battling for over half an hour, it is because they have. Now, Truth has Peacock on his shoulders, in prime position for the Exile’s Edge…”

Anzu Kurosawa: “I don’t think that Cyrus is going for any old Exile’s Edge, Jean-Luc…”

Despite operating on basically one good leg, the adrenaline surging through Cyrus’s body allows him to bear not only his own weight, but Peacock’s as well, as he starts stepping onto the turnbuckles and climbing up. The fans rise to their feet as Truth reaches the top rope, but it looks very uneasy…


The crowd go WILD as Peacock is laid flat out due to the move, spread eagle in the centre of the ring, unable to move aside from breathing. Cyrus Truth has a pained expression on his face, but he claws himself across the mat and drapes an arm over the champion’s chest…





Rod Sterling: “Oh, come on, Price! You know that’s just too far. Chris Peacock was beat there, guys, and if it wasn’t for Allen Price… this one would be over and we’d have a new FWA World Champion.”

The crowd are beside themselves, and Price protests innocence as the referee scolds him. DJ Franchise seems like he’s about to eject Peacock’s manager from ringside… but before he does, two figures are seen making their way down to the ring… Upon seeing them, one very small and one regular size, the crowd begins to cheer extremely loudly…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “THAT’S KONCHU HAO AND EPSILON! Cyrus Truth doesn’t have any real allies so to speak, but this is as close as they come… and Konchu is not going to allow Allen Price to derail this match any further!”

Epsilon is the first to reach the bottom of the ramp where Allen Price is, and Price laughs in the face of Konchu’s minion… but Epsilon kicks him in the shin! Price jumps up and down on one foot, howling in pain and then Konchu Hao lets out one of his trademark cackles which the crowd joins in with…


The misfortunes of Allen Price continue as he hops into the path of Konchu Hao… and Konchu grabs him and hooks him up… RASPUTIN’S REVENGE TO ALLEN PRICE!!! The fans cheer loudly as Price could even be dead on the floor, his body entirely limp and motionless. From in the ring, Cyrus Truth nods at Konchu Hao in appreciation… and then together, Konchu and Epsilon pick Price up and begin to carry him to the back.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Alyster Black given his marching orders. Allen Price neutralised. Chris Peacock is all alone. If he wants to beat Cyrus Truth, he HAS to do it on his own.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “I think that Cyrus Truth himself was surprised that Konchu Hao would come out here to assist him, but ‘The Mad Wizard’ has his own history with Peacock, which could have played into it, but fundamentally, Konchu Hao is all of us who want to see which man is the best. Which man can win this match on his own.”

With Allen Price removed from the equation, the attention turns back to the ring where Cyrus Truth picks himself up and measures a rising Chris Peacock. Cyrus applies a Full Nelson on the FWA World Champion… and drops him on his head with a Dragon Suplex! The fans cheer, and Truth bridges impressively…


Peacock did not kick out - Truth’s knee gave way and caused the bridge to collapse! The damage done by Peacock throughout the match saves the champion. Again, Peacock avoided defeat and losing his championship. Cyrus holds his knee close to his chest, it seems that the more he tries to force it, the worse it gets every time it comes back to remind him that it is still there.

Despite this, Cyrus picks himself up. Peacock rises too, although it seems that he has no idea where he is… Cyrus kicks him in the back of the knee and then runs the ropes at the best of his ability, but he is severely hindered. Truth looks to hit Peacock with a boot to the face, but Peacock springs into life to avoid the Broken Path… and he runs the ropes… PEACOCK COMES BACK WITH A SPEAR… BUT CYRUS LEAPFROGS IT… BUT HIS KNEE BUCKLES UPON LANDING!!!

Cyrus is down on the mat, holding his knee again… and PEACOCK RUNS THROUGH THE CHALLENGER WITH THE STRUT!!! Peacock falls down on top of Cyrus, exhausted, not hooking a leg, just lying on top of his opponent…




Jean-Luc Watkins: “Listen to these fans! Cyrus Truth kicks out of The Strut, not for the first time ever, and Chris Peacock can’t believe it. Peacock thought he had him, even with that poor excuse for a cover. You can’t afford to cut corners at this level. That could be the turning point in this match, can Cyrus weather this storm?”

Peacock looks desperately, holding up three fingers to the referee, trying to argue his case to the official, but DJ Franchise is resolute in his position. It was only two.

Slowly lifting himself up to his feet, Peacock backs into the turnbuckle and waits for Truth to sit back up. Peacock forgoes the dance moves which often precedes his finishing moves. He runs in, looking for ANOTHER STRUT - BUT TRUTH GETS UP AND DRIVES PEACOCK INTO THE MAT WITH THE MEMENTO MORI! The STO has Peacock’s head slamming against the canvas and both men are now down on the mat.

At this moment, the crowd get on their feet and make their support for Cyrus Truth known with chants of encouragement directed at the challenger.

Rod Sterling: “Look, regardless of how you feel about these men, you have to respect what they have put themselves through, all for the privilege to call themselves the FWA World Champion.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Neither of these men are prepared to give up or prepared to go down. They want to win this match with every fibre of their being. They both need to win this.”

Both men rise to their knees at the same time, and Cyrus hits a chop across Peacock’s chest, which almost knocks him back, and Peacock leans forward and hits Truth with a hard forearm. In a mirror to Jeremy Best and Krash last night, the crowd cheer when Cyrus connects with a strike. Peacock is now being firmly booed by the crowd at each turn, and they jeer him each time he hits Cyrus.

After a particularly hard forearm, Peacock looks around and shakes his head at the reaction he gets from the fans. He rises to his feet and Cyrus does his best to follow… and PEACOCK BACKHANDS TRUTH ACROSS THE FACE!! The disrespect shown from Peacock towards the legend gets him booed even more, but he does not react to it.

What generates a reaction of concern from Peacock is the look of pure rage on the face of Cyrus Truth. Peacock attempts to hit Truth once again, but Cyrus blocks it! Another extremely stiff chop from Truth knocks Peacock back a couple of paces and Truth hits him again, sending him into the ropes. Truth shoots Peacock across the ring and meets him in the middle, looking for another Memento Mori, but Peacock ducks underneath it.

Peacock, with a sudden burst of energy, runs past Truth and climbs up onto the turnbuckle and gets onto the top rope as Truth turns around… GLITTERBALL DROP-NO! TRUTH POWERBOMBS PEACOCK DOWN ONTO THE MAT!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Great counter from Truth, and he really seems to have an answer for everything that Peacock can throw at him at the moment. What is it going to take for either man to beat the other?”

Rod Sterling: “It is going to come down to Journey’s End versus The Roller Disco. Both moves have put away countless opponents, it is the key for them both. Cyrus… he’s going for the Journey’s End again, though!”

Instead of going for the cover off of the Powerbomb, Truth grabs Peacock’s legs and rolls him back over and then lifts him up onto his shoulders once more in the familiar Fireman’s Carry… JOURNEY’S END!! NO! PEACOCK GRABS TRUTH’S KNEE AND ROLLS THROUGH… AND CYRUS TRUTH IS TRAPPED IN THE COMMENTATOR’S CURSE!!

Again, Truth fails to hit Journey’s End on the slippery champion, and it is the worst possible scenario for Truth now. The Commentator’s Curse - the very reason that Peacock has targeted his knee the entire match - is locked in. In the middle of the ring. There is nowhere for Cyrus Truth to go. Truth screams in pain, and Peacock roars for him to tap out.

Anzu Kurosawa: “We know that Peacock has no qualms over pulling on that leg until he hears a snap. He has worked on this hold, perfecting it. And Cyrus Truth… he tapped out to weaselperson. He saved himself for this match. Now he’s here… does he risk his entire career?”

As Cyrus makes it clear that he is not going to submit, Peacock cranks up the pressure on the hold. He pulls back as hard as he can. He wants to hear the snap. If Cyrus is not going to end the match on his terms, he will do it for him. The fans almost beg Cyrus to live to fight another day. They’re in the middle of the ring with nowhere for Truth to go.

Cyrus shakes his head, the pain he is feeling almost unimaginable. Peacock pulls back even more; he will break Cyrus’s leg if he has to.

In a shocking move, Cyrus’s hand hovers above the mat. The crowd gasps as his hand shakes. Cyrus contemplates slamming it against the mat. It would end the match, but also everything he has worked towards. It would be admitting that he is not good enough.

That is just something that he cannot bring himself to do. Not here. Not now.


Cyrus shakes his head, he screams out into the sky above the Estadio Azteca. Instinctively, he raises his other foot into the air and he slams it down onto Chris Peacock’s ribs. Peacock gasps, and Cyrus realises that this is his way out of it. More kicks to the ribs follow.

The grip of Chris Peacock slowly loosens. The damage to his ribs from his fall last night means that he is struggling to even breathe as Cyrus doubles down on the stomps.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is almost primal. These two are going everything that they can to survive as well as go in for the kill. This is how badly both of these men want to be the FWA World Champion. This is what it means to them.”

Rod Sterling: “After what Cyrus Truth said to Chris Peacock on Fallout, I think that Peacock realised just how much he wants this - how much he needs it. This is a battle of sheer willpower now.”

The stomps do the trick, and Peacock lets go of Cyrus’s leg. Once again, both men are down on the mat. Neither move, and the crowd cheers loudly due to Cyrus escaping the submission. Simultaneously, both men do their best attempts at rising to their feet from the mat.

When standing, Chris Peacock clutches onto his ribs, almost unable to stand straight. Cyrus Truth stands defiantly in the middle of the ring… but the fans all gasp as his knee buckles from underneath him; ‘The Exile’ unable to put any weight on it at all after the Commentator’s Curse. Jean-Luc Watkins speaks, but in a solemn tone.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Whilst the mind may never quit…”

A devious smirk forms on the face of Chris Peacock, and he backs into the corner. Cyrus Truth stares at him with brilliant resolve. His mouth quivers, showing his disappointment, but his eyes have the same steely “fuck you” determination that they have always worn. He knows what is coming and he knows that he cannot stop it.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “...sometimes, the body just can’t go any further...”

The crowd begins to boo as Chris Peacock leans back in the corner and produces both of his middle fingers and directs them at his opponent, fully accepting his role as the villain of this story if that is how the fans wish to view him. Peacock drops his head and CHARGES ACROSS THE RING AT CYRUS AND HE RUNS TRUTH INTO THE TURNBUCKLE BEHIND HIM…


Boos fill the Estadio Azteca and Peacock falls on top of Cyrus, hooking both of his legs.




Winner: Chris Peacock via pin fall at 41:16

‘He’s The Greatest Dancer’ plays through the speakers in the stadium and confetti begins to rain down from above the ring as Chris Peacock moves off of his opponent and onto his knees, and he buries his head in his hands in elation. The crowd do not match Peacock’s happiness due to the attitude he displayed throughout the match and the repeated shows of disrespect towards his opponent.

Kurt Harrington: “Here is your winner and STILL the FWA World Champion… CHRISSSSSS PEEAAAACCCOOOOOOCCKKKKK!!!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, I am not sure how many anticipated this result, but Chris Peacock has done what many thought to be unthinkable of him; he has managed to leave Back in Business XVII with both of his championship reigns still intact. I think this is a definitive moment in his career; not only is it a victory at the biggest show, but an acceptance of himself as what some have viewed him as all along.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “If you won’t say it then I will, Jean-Luc… I don’t think Peacock can be much blamed for how he acted tonight. These fans wanted Cyrus Truth to win, and he didn’t. Peacock achieved what he set out to do and when push came to shove, he did it on his own. Not sure what else can be asked of him.”

Both of Peacock’s titles are given to him by the referee and he cradles both the FWA World Championship and his FWA World Tag Team Championship close to his chest. Across the ring, sat in the corner is Cyrus Truth. ‘The Exile’ looks forward at Peacock with a blank expression on his face.

Rod Sterling: “After tonight, or even before it, I do not think that anyone was denying Cyrus Truth’s credentials… but ‘The Exile’ will have to wait a bit longer before he can ascend this mountain one more time. I think we all know that he will not stop, and nor should he. Tonight could have gone either way, it just so happened that it was Chris Peacock’s weekend.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Absolutely. I fully expect Cyrus Truth to be back in this position, sooner rather than later.”

Peacock rises to his feet and raises his championships above his head and walks over to the corner where he climbs up onto the second rope. Cyrus Truth pulls himself out of the ring under the bottom rope and starts making his way to the back. The referee attempts to help him due to how much he is limping, but Truth pushes him away as he is going to do this on his own.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, wrestling fans, that is it for another year. We walked the path to Back in Business together, and it has brought us to this point where Chris Peacock has retained the FWA World Championship… wait…”

Anzu Kurosawa: “There’s someone in the ring! The confetti, I can’t see…”

As Chris Peacock celebrates in the corner, he doesn't notice that someone else is in the ring. They are a tall figure but their face and what they are wearing is obscured by the confetti that is still showering down onto the ring. The fans cheer as whoever this is seems to be motioning for Peacock to turn around, shouting at him to do so.

Due to the music and the loud crowd reaction, Peacock is completely unaware that this individual is waiting for him. He climbs down and turns around to scale the opposite corner… BUT GETS KICKED RIGHT IN THE JAW, KNOCKING HIM DOWN!!

Rod Sterling: “Wait… it can’t be…”

The music abruptly stops and the fans are very confused as to what has just happened, as they could not even get a proper look at Peacock getting floored. The confetti finally thins out and the crowd and the cameras can finally get a proper look at the man who just laid out the FWA World Champion, and they uproariously cheer when they see who it is.


The crowd go BALLISTIC at the sight of Ramon back in the FWA after his apparent death in Rio last year at Back in Business XVI. Randy Ramon looks down at Peacock - his former Ground Zero mentee and the man who retired his best friend earlier this year - and doesn’t say a word. Ramon reaches into his pocket and pulls out a purple bandana… and drops it down onto Chris Peacock’s chest.

Rod Sterling: “No one… had seen or heard from ‘Rockstar’ Randy Ramon an entire year. He’s getting inducted into the FWA Hall of Fame at the Eighteenth Anniversary Show, but it turns out that it is not posthumously as we initially thought. He’s here in the flesh and it looks like he is here for one person… and that is Chris Peacock.”

Rod Sterling: “I can’t believe what we’re seeing… this is not how I thought Back in Business would be ending, that is for sure.”

All that can be heard is the crowd’s bewilderment and excitement about the jawdropping events which just occurred. Chris Peacock - spent after two gruelling matches in as many nights - has not moved since taking the Remix, which he never saw coming in the first place.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That… is all we have time for, I am afraid to say. It has been headlines galore this weekend, but the man standing tall when all is said and done is one we never thought we’d see again. On behalf of myself, Rod, Anzu and now presumably human test subject Allen Price, thank you for watching… and goodnight.”

The final shot of the night is a slow zoom on the bandana on the chest of Chris Peacock… a warning that a new challenge for the FWA World Champion is coming in the form of an old friend.​


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I may do a more "in depth" review of night two after. But I'm going to say this. Big thank you to the Mods and everyone who did matches on this show. Writing was top notch 100%. It is a lot to be proud of. I honestly have had a rough experience with "Mania" type shows for e-feds with several having the fed close right before it can be posted. Or if it has, it genuinely feels like a last gasp before a death of a fed. But this show is hype and has me excited for what is next. So mods, members,



Also, big congats to the new champions of the night. Tommy, Welshy, Sully, it has genuinely felt like you guys have been due for something. Even if one ended with my character finishing second (BTW, you guys captured Cali near perfectly) I'm glad Trix got a big moment.

Thank you, guys.

The Golden One

Active Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Gonna give an in-depth review of the show and will try to read every word of it, even the matches.

The presentation is great. I have no notes there. Superb stuff.

I like Michelle being in the ring for almost an hour prior to the show starting.

So, I have a hunch of something and want to track how many of the matches or segments either didn't feel entirely purposeful to me or didn't give a fulfilling conclusion. Since this is Back in Business, it feels like a lot of the feuds/matches should have endings that feel like a fulfillment one way or the other. I should feel closure, etc.

And on that note, it was somewhat disappointing to have Michelle-Snowmantashi match end the way it did. I know the promo from Jon wasn't at the level he can do, but as someone following this feud and well-aware of the meaningfulness of Snowmantashi to the MvH character (from reading close to 100 promos from her), and knowing this match was to happen with the significance of it both in terms of retirement and being 7 years in the making ...

AND having it be at Back in Business ...

yeah, it just felt unfulfilling. I wanted to see MvH win in a more conclusive manner. Now, I know this is a continuation ending and it's probably done to give another match. And for SS and Jon, whose views and feelings are most important, they probably wanna do it the right way and I can accept that. Just as the fan/viewer, my feeling is my feeling. 'Tis what it 'tis. So 0/1 on the tally I mentioned above. Purposeful. Meaningful. But not fulfilling because this match, along with maybe 2 others, I came into it wanting a conclusive finish.

The Cole/Bedlam segment was fine. Idk really the importance of it except to maybe build Bedlam up but considering the match wasn't even taking place on Night 1 and it happened really early in Night 1 ... shrugs. I'll be nice and say 1/2. This segment probably got hurt by placement on the show more than anything else.

The cum truck is w/e. The tag title match itself was really good. No other notes. 2/3.

The Trevor Walker segment didn't feel purposeful. I'm sorry and I know Shade is having fun. E-FED IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! But for me, it just wasn't like ... it didn't add to the high-stakes aura that I want from Back in Business. 2/4 (2 of 4, not 2 and 4).

I will be honest and say I don't know the Katsu and El Vengador characters. The match seemed fine. A bit short for it to be "21 minutes." Sprints are fine, especially when there are lots of marathons. Just probably needed to recalibrate the match time. Seemed like a good short match, though. And purposeful. Nothing funky. 3/5.

The Big Bryan Baxter segment was properly placed, quick, and progressed a character. 4/6.

The triple threat was solid. Death Walker's intro was cool. Jimmy wrote a good, fun match that probably was closer to 12 minutes than 19 minutes. 5/7.

The pre-match attack on Parr continued the segment from before. Quick match. For BIB, it's whatever but I know with a no-show and because Prod is a good member, we should protect the Parr character and leave open a continuation of the story. 6/8.

I liked the Johnson-Bedlam segment and now kind of see how Tommy has been a focal point of the show and the mid-card scene as a whole. So the Cole segment has a little more to it for me. 7/9. The Tommy-Johnny segment also laid foundation for a future feud.

The Garden of Eden match was unique and fun and presentation was great. It also progressed a character. No notes. 8/10.

I'ma say something I haven't said anywhere before: I didn't like the Ramon-Krash stuff from last year's BIB. I didn't like the death angle to begin. I felt it was a little goofy. Maybe it was intended to be that way, but it just "missed" for me personally. But I think Dubb and SJW really made the most of it with the arc of Jeremy Best and Krash.

Krash-Best was fantastic. The story told there was excellent. I honestly thought most of the match, if not all of it, would be Jeremy not being the aggressor and not wanting to do any offense to Krash. So all Krash offense w/ Jeremy moving out of the way, etc., for any infliction to Krash. But Jeremy hit the enzuiguri and we were off. 9/11.

Night 2

The Stingray/Funky Fedora stuff was unnecessary obviously, and it was weird placement. I see the post thinking, "Oh shit, here we go, and this is what it was." Unsatisfying. 0/1.

The Summers-Bedlam match was awesome and had a v fulfilling feud ending. And we get a return to boot. No notes. 1/2.

XYZ segment could be argued as not necessary but it did establish which title he's going for and does insert more XYZisms on the show for a character who's about to get a title shot. 2/3.

In the trios match, I was trying to take stock on which of the teams were jobbers and which were handler-run. The roster section is missing some. It was a good match! No notes. 3/4.

The Princess Nova/Eternal segment was good. No notes. 4/5.

I gotta say I don't like storyline matches on BIB where the handler runs both characters. Just me. The Blizzard-Quinn match doesn't feel high stakes enough. I want a competitive element, especially for this show. The angle and feud was probably great and it seems like there is an emotional story being told here, but it's still a storyline match involving two characters run by the same handler in our biggest show. 4/6.

Good Aly-Peacock segment building from the main event of N1 and laying seeds for something between them. 5/7.

Steve-Ratin and Josh Drake is what it is and having that right after Blizzard-Quinn with only a segment between definitely threw me off on the momentum from early in the night. 5/8.

The barking is silly but that's okay! Weaselperson vs. Dragonperson was good, albeit super long. I didn't mind the countout for this match. No notes. 6/9.

Another good Aly-Peacock segment continuing from the earlier one + the match that just happened. 7/10.

Great main event. No notes. 8/11.

I would've liked the "return" to happen on another show aside from BIB. Just would rather the World title match itself -- the work of the two handlers and the amazing promos they gave, plus awesome match write-up to close this feud -- be the lasting image of Back in Business instead of a return from who hasn't been in the fed for a whole year being the lasting image. Could've been saved, is all. Didn't give me a fulfilling ending to the show itself. Cool return, for sure. Just not wanting it here in this spot. 8/12.

So, all in all, there were 23 matches or segments on the whole show and I (personally) felt fulfilled from 17 (edit: 18) of them. I think the only tough or problematic stretch for me personally -- and the one I mentioned in Discord -- was going from the Blizzard-Quinn storyline match to the Ratin-Steve match right after. That felt like a lot in a short amount of time.

There was an excellent balance between matches and segments. I thought the show was good. Maybe could've been a bit tighter and dropped some stuff, but that's no one's fault and shouldn't overshadow how much I enjoyed this show.

Happy to be back and more engaged with the FWA!

Edit: Editing this to say I probably was thinking too simplistic about Michelle and Snowmantashi. So I'll change that and say I just have to wait and see what stems from it before I outright say it wasn't fulfilling as a fan watching/reading. So disregard what I said above.
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