Seabs said:So they're going to put someone who is leaving after WM over the biggest star they have for a bit of trivia? Rock gains nothing from it, Cena looks bad and does such the current product.
And that a good think b/c it TRUE! LOL

Seabs said:So they're going to put someone who is leaving after WM over the biggest star they have for a bit of trivia? Rock gains nothing from it, Cena looks bad and does such the current product.
Randy Savage said:And that a good think b/c it TRUE! LOL1:! Cena going to turn heel the next day so it does make sesne!
Crayo said:The only way he'd officially "turn heel" on RAW is if Wrestlemania ended with him physically assaulting Rock to no end (which I don't see happening - he's a movie star), then the next night he "explains his actions" and performs a heel speech. But technically he would have turned heel the day before so yeah, I don't see it happening on RAW.
The most likely outcome is Cena wins cleanly and they shake hands. I was just being optimistic when I predicted a non-clean ending to Wrestlemania - in reality, it's highly likely Cena will overcome Rock and then WWE will go back to what it was.
Crayo said:I'm sorry but that would never happen and rightfully so. I think people are forgetting Cena is the #1 guy... he is The Rock of the current era. He is the Stone Cold Steve Austin of the current era. Someone returning after 7 years without wrestling beats him at Wrestlemania - that doesn't make your #1 guy look good now? All it does is scream "Attitude era is better than current era", which is not what Vince or anyone wants to hear at WWE.
I'm interested in why you think Rock will win though as you said it in another thread I think (the prediction thread?).
Draine said:I did. Cena is the undisputed #1 guy of the current era, just as you said. If Rock puts him over, nothing will really happen. He'll still be the undisputed top guy, Cena fans will still love the guy, and Cena haters will still think Rock > Cena. Cena will come back the next night on top, as the unbeatable Superman, as the fans still boo like crazy. Nothing changes, nothing happens, and one of the biggest matches in WWE history didn't accomplish a thing.
We discuss this in the TNA thread all the time. When pushing a face gets rejected, you let him take a few losses in a way that builds sympathy towards the character. One of you (I think it was Hoss) posted earlier that they are discussing more than one Rock/Cena. So a clean win for the Rock, which sets up Cena being a legitimate underdog going into Rock/Cena II (hopefully at Summerslam) would do much more for Cena than Cena simply winning here.
Which probably means Cena will go over.
Sylar said:Everytime Crayo predicts something it turns out to be the other wise
Crayo said:That's an IWC approach. Casuals do not think like that. They think "Who's the best, Rock or Cena, we'll find out at Wrestlemania". Cena loses, then it says Rock is better than him and the previous era is stronger than the current era. That doesn't result in more people tuning in to see the product at all.
I'm telling you now, unless Cena turns heel, he will not lose clean. I seriously think we'll be seeing a clean Cena win and that's that.![]()
Crayo said:This is why I'm excited as hell, I can't predict it, I just have guestimations.
Draine said:You can definitely say that about this year's 'Mania as a whole. The PPV itself, albeit unimpactful and poorly built, should be pretty good.