I was hoping to get some actual discussion out of you and some actual reasons much like Killz did, but I thought I was setting my sights too high :
I basiclyu watch wrestling because of the wrestling. The backstage antics, promos etc doesn't really matter that much to me. And WWE fans who bash TNA just make me laugh, as WWE over the past years has done many weird and stupid things, both in storyline and outside storyline.
Yes I do, that's why I started this thread for you. I'd also like you to go into as much detail as you can, even bring up their negatives too if you have any.^^ If you want to I can, but not today, as I am going to bed very soon. I don't want to make any enemies on this forum, as I know my opinions are a bit controversial at times.
This post isn't designed to flame you or anything although I can't guarantee that it won't end up being a flamefest of sorts but anyway.
Given how you come across that TNA is the greatest wrestling promotion in the world and they can't do no wrong, I would like you tell me what makes them so great and why you like them so much. Convince me why I should tune in to watch iMPACT, tell me what's so good about the company and the talent and why I should be watching them instead of the WWE etc
Basically, sell to me TNA how you see it.
To start with, I've been a wrestling fan since I was a kid. And Iæve probably (without bragging) followed like 20 wrestling promotions the last 15 years. From WWE, WCW, ECW, MLW, IWA-MS, ROH, CHIKARA, PWG, DGUSA, EVOLVE, DG, NJPW, AJPW, WSX, AND OFFCOURSE TNA, to mention some. What fascinated me when I first saw wrestling, around the age of 8, was not the antics or the promos, but the in ring skill of these people, who hurt themselves for my entertainment. When that is said, I do enjoy a good promo and some backstage antics, as it's all a part of what I enjoy the most in the world after smoking pot, WRESTLING! But basicly, a great wrestling match means much more to me than anything else that is a part of wrestling. And a match does not have to be a spectacular 5-Star match for me to rate it high (as one of my favorite matches of all time, and it was a dream match that actually happened for me) was JoMo Vs Evan Bourne in WWECW back some years ago. TNA intriged me from the first time I saw it (who's been since the star) and I've been following them ever since. Maybe I got skylaps when it comes to TNA, but over the years, their shows have entertained me more than any other wrestling promotion in the whole world. And some of my favorite wrestlers of all time is wrestling there. I put any AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Doug Williams, Frankie Kazarian, Kurt Angle or Jeff Hardy match over any WWE match. When that is said, a couple of my alltime favorite wrestlers are in WWE, and I'm really happy for what's going on in WWE right now. Bryan Danielson as champion is pretty cool! And with Moxley, Black and Brodie Lee coming, it's gonna be fun! And this years WM card looks way better than WM 26 and 27. I never said TNA is the greatest wrestling promotion in the world, as TNA has many flaws. To be honest with you, the greatest wrestling promotion in the world is Chikara, but that has to wait until another time. WWE fans who bash TNA because they hire WWE-rejects is pissing on themselves, as those wrestlers was once hired by WWE, and most of them are big stars. Big stars WWE should be sorry they fired.