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Luke Flywalker

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Jan 28, 2009
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Well fuck! David always looked drugged out and Reid has the potential... and he goes and does this!?

Damnit... so much for that idea.

Moonlight Drive

That idea would suck anyway, just because he's Ric Flair's son doesn't mean he'll be amazing. He's only been training for like a year anyway, give the guy time before he tries to be his father and fails.
May 13, 2009
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@ RKO Legacy: Not sure how old Reid is... TBH I never paid attention to the Flair family as much as I did the other Legends' kids for some reason. Anyway, kids and young adults are always getting in to that stuff. Personally, I've never touched anything like that. But then I had a parental figure in my life telling me how horrible it was, too.


@ anyone who cares: Reid's situation is one of the reasons I think Ric is a jackass. I'm gonna catch major heat for saying that, but I have always found the man to be stuck up. He decides to retire, goes through all of this planning and storyline to make it look good so he can go out with a bang in a huge match with HBK at Mania 24. The next night he has a beautiful ceremony done for him where everyone tells him how great he is and all these other nice things and everyone cries. And now, barely a year later he's decided he's tired of signing autographs and that he's still better than 90% of the wrestlers on the roster, (his words, not mine) so he wants his old job back so he can make more money than he's making signing autographs for the true fans out there who live just to be around him. Now, seeing as how he is 60 years old and has more than enough money to live comfortably for the rest if his life, forgive me if the word SELLOUT comes to mind. By all means let's go back to travelling with WWE so you can make more money when you've got a very sick kid in a very dangerous situation at home. By all means let's not sign autographs for the very people who paid for your house, your limos, your lavish suits and fancy watches, they don't matter. Even though you wouldn't be stylin' and profilin' without us.

One last thing before I close this rant. The last time I was at RAW, I had a very nice conversation with a lady who drives one of the trucks across country for WWE. She has a very young daughter no older than 7 and the child's favorite wrestler is Ric Flair. So Mr. Flair comes into the hotel where both he and the crew member and daughter are staying. The little girl asks him if he could sign something for her. He says "Sure, just let me go put my things up and I'll come back for you." But instead, he comes back down the elevator, walks out the back entrance, AROUND the entire building to avoid her and gets in his limo and speeds away, leaving the 7 year old standing there with her pen in hand. I'm sorry if I think ungrateful little shits like that should not be allowed in this business. It would have been one thing if he was being mobbed by a massive amount of people who were all in his face and his business. But it was ONE child. They say personality opens doors, but only character keeps them open. If that's the case, Ric's should have slammed shut a long time ago.

Thanks for listening to my rant.



@ anyone who cares: Reid's situation is one of the reasons I think Ric is a jackass. I'm gonna catch major heat for saying that, but I have always found the man to be stuck up. He decides to retire, goes through all of this planning and storyline to make it look good so he can go out with a bang in a huge match with HBK at Mania 24. The next night he has a beautiful ceremony done for him where everyone tells him how great he is and all these other nice things and everyone cries. And now, barely a year later he's decided he's tired of signing autographs and that he's still better than 90% of the wrestlers on the roster, (his words, not mine) so he wants his old job back so he can make more money than he's making signing autographs for the true fans out there who live just to be around him. Now, seeing as how he is 60 years old and has more than enough money to live comfortably for the rest if his life, forgive me if the word SELLOUT comes to mind. By all means let's go back to travelling with WWE so you can make more money when you've got a very sick kid in a very dangerous situation at home. By all means let's not sign autographs for the very people who paid for your house, your limos, your lavish suits and fancy watches, they don't matter. Even though you wouldn't be stylin' and profilin' without us.

To call him rude for wanting to come back is stupid. First off, we should wait and see before judging. I doubt he's coming back full time. It looks like it's only for this storyline, and, in that case, who cares? Everyone comes back for a storyline at some point.
But even if he does come back and start wrestling, that doesn't make him rude. It's kind of disappointing, because like you said, he had the great send-off, but I don't see how it's rude. Everyone, after they retire from entertainment, misses it. The majority aren't able to come back though, because they're either too old (actors/musicians), or too out of shape (athletes), but if Flair is able to come back now and then, who are we to stop him? I think you also should realsie there's shit that goes on that you don't know about. Contrary to what you may think, we fans don't know everything. How do you know he didn't check with Shawn, Taker, Triple H, and others, before he came back to make sure they were ok? Think before you judge him so much for wanting to continue to entertain everyone.

One last thing before I close this rant. The last time I was at RAW, I had a very nice conversation with a lady who drives one of the trucks across country for WWE. She has a very young daughter no older than 7 and the child's favorite wrestler is Ric Flair. So Mr. Flair comes into the hotel where both he and the crew member and daughter are staying. The little girl asks him if he could sign something for her. He says "Sure, just let me go put my things up and I'll come back for you." But instead, he comes back down the elevator, walks out the back entrance, AROUND the entire building to avoid her and gets in his limo and speeds away, leaving the 7 year old standing there with her pen in hand. I'm sorry if I think ungrateful little shits like that should not be allowed in this business. It would have been one thing if he was being mobbed by a massive amount of people who were all in his face and his business. But it was ONE child. They say personality opens doors, but only character keeps them open. If that's the case, Ric's should have slammed shut a long time ago.
But here's a question... If you ran into Ric Flair, and he started telling you about an encounter he had with a rude fan, you'd believe him too, wouldn't you?

Thanks for listening to my rant.
You're welcome... I guess. You seem to come off as a person who likes to rant alot, and bash wrestlers without knowing everythinf you should know, and without knowing all the facts...

mancilla 86

Apr 1, 2009
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@ RKO Legacy: Not sure how old Reid is... TBH I never paid attention to the Flair family as much as I did the other Legends' kids for some reason. Anyway, kids and young adults are always getting in to that stuff. Personally, I've never touched anything like that. But then I had a parental figure in my life telling me how horrible it was, too.

By all means let's go back to travelling with WWE so you can make more money when you've got a very sick kid in a very dangerous situation at home. By all means let's not sign autographs for the very people who paid for your house, your limos, your lavish suits and fancy watches, they don't matter. Even though you wouldn't be stylin' and profilin' without us.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

i agree with you this old flappy guy needs to stop trying to come back, but i also read last week that he pays his ex two wives 250,000 a month!! for the divorce settlements, this guy needs money but the main point to come back after everything was given to you would be a slap in the face for the wwe and the wrestling business, gosh let other people shine now! i wouldnt mind him as a manager but as far as wrestling goes listen to scott steiner when he said this almost ten years ago "get the hell out of here old man!"

the dark knight

looks like the report was true, the fucker wants back. he's jewish anyway so we all kinda knew this was coming :shifty:

anyway, they already ruined his "send off" with his constant appearances everywhere so im not even pissed off anymore. its just making me forget his WM night faster. as for his storyline, i didn't watch JD so i dunno how that worked there. but with raw tonight, i think bringing him back is the only way the thing between orton and batista can still go on so its cool. it is quite bothering me though having to listen to michael cole repeat "flair said just because im retired doesn't mean i cant fight" every 5 minutes.
May 13, 2009
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Seems like someone agrees with me! And yes, I probably would believe him. But that doesn't make me naive or gullible. I've seen the way most fans act and it's disgusting. Example, the Jericho incident, or my own personal experience where I witnessed someone chase Dusty Rhodes at full speed screaming Dusty! though a hotel that they weren't even staying at into the elevator, and when Dusty managed to get the doors shut they proceeded to bang on the doors and continue to scream. People are idiots. I've witnessed bullshit like that with my own two eyes so yes, I would probably believe Flair.

And it's not rude for him to come back really, just greedy. If my son was in rehab for heroin I'd not be too concerned with my former job. Maybe if I'd been laid off and needed the money to provide for said son, but that's obviously not the case with Flair. And it was his personal quote that said: "I'm tired of signing autographs. I can make more money wrestling." S-E-L-L O-U-T.


IMO, he didn't deserve the send off he received last year because he obviously didn't even fuckin want it. If he knew he wanted to keep wrestling then he should have just done so until he got to the point where he physically couldn't Because right now it's painfully obvious that is going to end up happening. I really doubt he'll even consider HBK's opinion in all of this and wouldn't be shocked if we saw him back in the ring as early as Extreme Rules.
There will always be a place for Ric Flair and I really respect the fact that the guy has love for the business but he could be actively involved in many other ways. GM role, management helping young stars, behind the scenes, all that shit. But I honestly don't think it's something he'd want judging by how clear he makes it that he thinks he's better than all the new talent.
I really don't know what to say about this guy anymore.

Luke Flywalker

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All I can say though is... Chris Jericho is right, and perhaps his words got under Flair's skin?


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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1st IMO he looks like he been juicing. DID you see the size of those biceps. Before he retired they were all saggy and shit, Now they look the size of HHH's and not a sag or wobble in sight.

Back on topic. I defenietly think he is gonna turn heel. But in what respect i dont maybe join legacy, Or as some have said him and batista both turn heel and feud with HHH,HBK. Im not sure what storyline he will be involved in but i dont think it will be a fulltime role. Probs just a short term storyline. It could work with him and Tista in feud with HHH.HBK HHH could be pissed with Tista for costing him the title. And HBK could be pissed at Flair for coming back after the whole retirment big send off thing.


Guys, chill the fuck out. This doesn't ruin his send off. His retirement angle last year was a retirement from every day competition, where he's an active competitor. And so far, from all we've seen, he's sticking to that.
Everyone comes back. Hulk Hogan, Mick Foley, Steve Austin, the list goes on and on. Everyone comes back to be involved in a storlyine at some point. If he ends up coming bakc full time, and wrestling on a weekly basis, then bash him. But right now, for all we know, it's just a storyline, and there's nothing wrong with that. Everyone comes back at some point.

the dark knight

1st IMO he looks like he been juicing. DID you see the size of those biceps. Before he retired they were all saggy and shit, Now they look the size of HHH's and not a sag or wobble in sight.
i saw that and was shocked. i thought i either forgot how big the guy really was or it was just him wearing a baby-t which kinda make your biceps look bigger.

Guys, chill the fuck out. This doesn't ruin his send off. His retirement angle last year was a retirement from every day competition, where he's an active competitor. And so far, from all we've seen, he's sticking to that.
Everyone comes back. Hulk Hogan, Mick Foley, Steve Austin, the list goes on and on. Everyone comes back to be involved in a storlyine at some point. If he ends up coming bakc full time, and wrestling on a weekly basis, then bash him. But right now, for all we know, it's just a storyline, and there's nothing wrong with that. Everyone comes back at some point.
it does ruin the send off. at least to me. seriously now how many times do i have to explain this? shit, been doing it for a year now?

oh and hogan, foley and austin (the beer bash doesn't count) didn't even have a send off did they? the only send off foley and hogan got is YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU'RE FIIIIIRED. at least backstage.


^The point still remains. Everyoen coems back. It doesn't matter that Flair is coming back. In fact, people should be happy that he's adding a twist and new element to the storyline. Personally, I have no problem with it. If it wasn't now, he'd come back at some other time, just like everyoene lse, so he might as well do it now, while he's still in decent enough shape.