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the dark knight

no the point doesn't remain. others didnt have a send off. i think if anyone had one like flair they wouldn't come back unless they're [insert jericho's insults]. also, just because others do it doesn't make it right anyway.

its psychological logic. whens the last time you saw flair? oooh it was just two days ago when he got his ass handed to him by orton. now, if it had been just mania (or w/raw) the last and everlasting moment we'd remember of him would be his send off or whatever it is that almost or did make us cry.

see the difference? so yea, it does ruin it.

mancilla 86

Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
i agree that flair coming back is a piece of shit! after telling everyone that he was retiring and to come back after all the glamour and going out at wrestlemania is really Blue on his part...flair may be the next funk who has multiple retirement matches..face the facts flair ..are you that selfish? let other people shine! your not hogan dont bother coming back!


no the point doesn't remain. others didnt have a send off. i think if anyone had one like flair they wouldn't come back unless they're [insert jericho's insults]. also, just because others do it doesn't make it right anyway.

its psychological logic. whens the last time you saw flair? oooh it was just two days ago when he got his ass handed to him by orton. now, if it had been just mania (or w/raw) the last and everlasting moment we'd remember of him would be his send off or whatever it is that almost or did make us cry.

see the difference? so yea, it does ruin it.

If anyone honestly expected never to see Ric Flair again, that's their fault. If you honestly thought, when he left, that that was the last we would see of Ric Flair, you were delusional. If he came back as GM, would you have a problem? No. I've seen you, and others say it. So the fact that he comes back in a storyline is no different. If he goes on to wrestle and compete, I'll be right there with you saying it ruins it. But if he's coming in for a month or two as part of a storyline, it doesn't ruin it at all. He'd still be retired from wrestling.

the dark knight

btw did i mention how Blue it is to keep saying just cuz im retired doesn't mean i cant fight? its bullshit, retired= stay the fuck home.

oh and if the report is true and the "people in europe" are offering him fortunes, why cant he just go and take it? doesn't wanna piss off vince? yeeea...

shit didnt see mikes reply

the dark knight

dude, coming back as a gm is one thing. keep coming back for nothing is another. coming back as a gm would ruin it a bit, but not like this. at least we'd remember the last image we'd get of him would be hbk/flair. not flair/batista.

aaaaaaaand retired from wrestling= the whole business. wrestling =/= in-ring performance.

i wish he turns heel, gets owned by hbk again and retires for good as a heel so nobody would remember anything good about him.


dude, coming back as a gm is one thing. keep coming back for nothing is another. coming back as a gm would ruin it a bit, but not like this. at least we'd remember the last image we'd get of him would be hbk/flair. not flair/batista.

aaaaaaaand retired from wrestling= the whole business. wrestling =/= in-ring performance.

i wish he turns heel, gets owned by hbk again and retires for good as a heel so nobody would remember anything good about him.

Nah, retired just means from in-ring competition. That's what it's come to mean over the past 20 years or so, anyway. But I still don't see how this ruins it. If he ends up wrestling Batista or Orton more than once, sure, it'll ruinit. But right now, as it stands, all he's doing is being an on-screen character, which I don't think ruins it.

mancilla 86

Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
i dont have an problem being an on screen character but just don say your retired and come back and wrestle! no one night stands and tag teams matchs none of that..heres a link that expresses all my feeling about flair wrestling please watch..
May 13, 2009
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See? I'm not judging or doing anything without all the facts. People who have been watching much longer than me seem to agree wholeheartedly. May Flair get his ass torn up by Randy next week when he "calls him out," and go his ass home. The only way I welcome him back is if they're setting up Evolution vs. Legacy and using him in that way to further the younger generations careers, and allowing Cody and Teddy to benefit from being in the ring with the legend of legends.

mancilla 86

Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
excuse my language but...this fuckin old flabby white haired guy just retired a year ago and had all the glory of going out at wrestlemania and now he wants to come back??!! fuck seriously stay home!


As Mike has said...

Retired means no more sanctioned matches. Nothing more.

Foley 'retired' (in a kayfaybe sense in 2000) and was even brought back to have his supposed fairwell at WM16. I'm damn sure not one of you bitched when he was made commissioner later that same year.

the dark knight

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats why nobody even remembers his "send off". its also why everyone keeps making fun of him.


Well yeah. As I've said before, I've got no problem with Flair being GM, manager, just coming back to WOOOO a bit...whatever. Just don't wrestle a fucking match. I don't care what it is...grudge match, tag match, unretirement match...don't do it. I don't even have a problem with him being physically involved every once in a while...just so long as the bell isn't ringing and he isn't walking his flabby ass down in tights.

mancilla 86

Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
yes thats exactly my point, i dont think some ppl understand is that flair just doesnt want to come back, he has stated he wants to come back and wrestle full time!! theres a difference between what foley did and flair did. foley only wanted to come back to job and create new superstar (edge orton etc) flair is the exact opposite you think this guy wants to job? hell no he thinks hes better than everybody, not only that but i was watching his farewell on raw on youtube last night, and it just makes me angry to go throuh all that and come back a year later! what other wrestler has gotten the same treatment as that? why didnt he just say no to that a awhile ago and say he didnt want to retire? just stay home no one wants to see you "wrestle" again!!! your done listen to what steiner said 10years ago!


^^^^You missed my point.

...and I THINK TDK did:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats why nobody even remembers his "send off". its also why everyone keeps making fun of him.

...That a reply to me?

If so, my point wasn't about the impact of Foley's send off, it was an analogy to further explain what kayfaybe retirement actually means.

The Rated R CMStar

I agree with both sides on this. First, the guy who has been calling Ric Flair a sell out and greedy for wanting to come back...you are obviously ignoring the most important fact: Ric Flair loves the damn business. Now, I am not justifying Ric Flair wanting to come back as a main event player, but can you seriously blame the guy for wanting to keep doing what he loves?


He has appeared way too much since being retired. It has taken away from his retirement match with Shawn Michaels. His involvement with Chris Jericho last year and this year made sense, but now with Orton? It's just overkill, and it's a lame way to kill time for a Triple H return. If they had just kept it with that they did at Judgment Day, it would be OK, but it seems like they want to actually develop a feud involving Ric Flair.

Ric, I kinda understand you, and while I don't believe you should never again get involved with the business, you're getting WAY too involve with the on screen product.

Apparently Ric Flair is forgetting how he was nothing more than a midcarder since 2002, and the only reason he's seen above that now is because of his WM24 angle with HBK.