Flair Is the Greatest of All Time: Who Can Dispute Me and Win

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The Rated R CMStar

Rock was a celebrity, not a great wrestler. Hogan was a great frontman and the greatest draw ever. Flair had it all, in and out of the ring and drew, with Antonio Inoki, the largest crowd to ever attend a wrestling event: 191,000, in N. Korea in the mid 90s. I can give you the exact date, attendance and location in a future post if you like.

But I'm glad to find that you're reading and learning. You little trouper.

Oh, so you are basing Ric Flair being the best in every aspect in the business. That way, Ric Flair doesn't even stand a chance in being the best. Did he put great matches? Yes, he did. Did he was a draw? Let's say yes. But was he the best wrestler? No. Like I said, HBK was way better, and I am going to put guys like Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect also ahead of him. And in being a draw, Hogan, Rock and Austin own him like I said.

And if you mix those two aspects, Austin and Rock have Flair. Austin put great matches, not technical classics, but great matches, and outdrawing Flair puts him ahead. Same goes for Rock (who btw didn't become a celebrity until 2001)

Oh, and that Inoki/Flair match happened in Korea, and practically anybody is a draw in Asia I am not taking away anything from Flair but, he only got amazing draw number once in his life and not even in USA.

Wrestling Station

3 letters to answer this topic.

(I would have said Batista but its 7 letters :shifty: )


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Also that event was in fucking NORTH KOREA.

It was a supposed peace festival and we all know how dictatorships work when it comes to their festivals.

They send out really nice invitations to people indicating to them that they can come to the fest or they can go to an NK detention center.

Given that the event was held purely for political reasons and that the people who showed up likely didn't have a choice in the matter I don't think the numbers are very relevant.


And now i will be taking my leave. Well, none of you care, but ehhhh, I'm getting to much of a laugh from this thread to post anything worthy. o_O

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Hey look everyone! It's yet ANOTHER douchebag who wants to join the forum and prove everybody wrong by presenting an argument saying "I am right, and you are wrong no matter what you say, because I am right".

Seriously kid, you're about 50 members too late for this gimmick. Give it up, shut your mouth, and start posting actual SMART wrestling discussion instead of just doing the generic "You lose because I win" argument.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
Piper was so good on the stic he was granted his own segment just to talk! Since then there have been over 15 Piper's Pit rip-offs and none ever as memorable or long running. Piper's skills created a niche in the biz. No one else can say that.

Oh, so you are basing Ric Flair being the best in every aspect in the business. That way, Ric Flair doesn't even stand a chance in being the best. Did he put great matches? Yes, he did. Did he was a draw? Let's say yes. But was he the best wrestler? No. Like I said, HBK was way better, and I am going to put guys like Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect also ahead of him. And in being a draw, Hogan, Rock and Austin own him like I said.

Ummm....I already don't like this guy too but you are WAYYY off. Flair was a draw. Not even debatable. He was indeed the last true world champion, he went from territory to territory selling out large arenas such as the Tokyo Dome, Texas Stadium and The Superdome (THE largest indoor arena). Did you also know he was the first wrestler to ever earn a million dollars in the biz, and with out a contract?! To say Austin and Rock own him on draw is stupid to say cuz it ain't true. Flair wasn't a force in the age of the TV ratings, he was too old to attract the young audience, but in the golden age when you were paid for what you drew, Flair was worth his weight in gold. Plus to even compare a jealous hack like Bret Hart to Flair is asinine. Hart was a nice wrestler but he is just a footnote in the history of wrestling. Flair is his own story, there is a reason he got the sendoff he got eventhough he spent his best years working for the competition. Hart, Hogan, Austin, and Rock will NEVER see that. And as much love as I have for Curt Hennig, pfffttt....he ain't no Flair. You are way off base with your assertions. You can hate anyone you want, wrestling is a matter of opinion, but with certain people in certain aspects you have to respect them. I hate that cocksucker Kobe Bryant and think he is super over rated playing with a stacked team and his coach deserves as much credit, but I still have to respect the dude.

The Rated R CMStar

Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect are better wrestlers than Ric Flair. If you look at it as in general package, of course Ric Flair is better than them, but since I made that comparison strictly based in in ring abilities, I stick with the fact that Hart and Perfect are better wrestlers than Flair.

Ummm....I already don't like this guy too but you are WAYYY off. Flair was a draw. Not even debatable

Not saying he wasnt

he went from territory to territory selling out large arenas such as the Tokyo Dome, Texas Stadium and The Superdome (THE largest indoor arena). Did you also know he was the first wrestler to ever earn a million dollars in the biz, and with out a contract?! To say Austin and Rock own him on draw is stupid to say cuz it ain't true. Flair wasn't a force in the age of the TV ratings, he was too old to attract the young audience, but in the golden age when you were paid for what you drew, Flair was worth his weight in gold.

Even in differen times, The Rock and Austin are indeed better draws than Ruc Flair. Flair indeed sold out many arenas, but not on such a regular basis as Austin or Rock had, practically week in and week out. Also, the business demanded more from the latter. They had to sell merchandise, they had to draw ratings, PPV buyrates, they even had to handle the fact that wrestling was main stream because of them and all the pressure that came with them. Was Flair a draw? Yes. But Austin and Rock are way bigger.


Jul 28, 2009
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Flair Is the Greatest of All Time: Who Can Dispute and Win

^^^Hogan??!! Yah right. He's way behind Rocky and Rock doesn't list. Seriously, how many memorable Hogan promos do you really remember? They were all the same thing. Nothing stand out about them. There's a reason Roddy's movies did better than Hogan's.

Flair is great but he'd be hard pressed to be better than Foley, HBK, Jake Roberts, Dusty, Roddy Piper and Raven.

Being great on the stic goes way beyond having the charisma to get the fans rallying behind you with catchphrases.

Enzo Malenko, you're the best poster I've met in here yet. Let make this Street Fight between you and me. Shake? Who do you pick to pit against Flair?....... But now I've met Two Scoops. So step aside Enzo. TS and I are the IWF elite and I've posted the thread to make anyone prove it. Put up or shut up or I'll bring back LogicalWMD!!!

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
I love how you just ignore all of the valid points posted above you in favor of trying to do a street fight your already convinced your right above all over opinions in the first place.

Seriously, you're full of shit. Shut the fuck up.


Let make this Street Fight between you and me. Shake? Who do you pick to pit against Flair?

Christ! :roll:

I've never seen anyone with so much to prove on the interwebz in my life...

Seriously, mate, jus' go get a dick enlargement op.... It's probably quicker in the long-run and a damn sight less annoying/gruelling for the rest of us here.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
Flair Is the Greatest of All Time: Who Can Dispute and Win

Oh, so you are basing Ric Flair being the best in every aspect in the business. That way, Ric Flair doesn't even stand a chance in being the best. Did he put great matches? Yes, he did. Did he was a draw? Let's say yes. But was he the best wrestler? No. Like I said, HBK was way better, and I am going to put guys like Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect also ahead of him. And in being a draw, Hogan, Rock and Austin own him like I said.

And if you mix those two aspects, Austin and Rock have Flair. Austin put great matches, not technical classics, but great matches, and outdrawing Flair puts him ahead. Same goes for Rock (who btw didn't become a celebrity until 2001)

Oh, and that Inoki/Flair match happened in Korea, and practically anybody is a draw in Asia I am not taking away anything from Flair but, he only got amazing draw number once in his life and not even in USA.

If you are really 16 you never saw Flair in the NWA on a weekly basis. This man was so phenomenal on the mic that he puts the Rock, SCSA and Mick Foley to Shame. I have tapes from WWW Wrestling from the mid 80s in which he gives interviews that would shock you. If you're going on the Ric Flair of recent years, you're sadly deprived. Flair was not only the greatest wrestler, but one of the greatest entertainers the world has ever known. He neglected to seek crossover appeal because he would wrestle often 3 times a day, party all night, have several women and continually travel. The man was light years apart from Hogan, Austin and the Rock. All Austin could could do was appeal to the blue collar crowd with his beer drinking and irreverence for authority and profanity. Flair had an amazing command of King's English and the language of wrestling which he either ad libbed or composed himself. He would even make up words and expressions. The man was simply a genious and and in ring savant. His matches had fans so excited they thought some issue of global magnitude hung in the balance.

That's how good Ric Flair was, and I have the materials to prove it and the experts to support me and the 16 titles to put a cherry on top of it.

The best poster in here, who doesn't even like me, Enzo Malenko has seconded me and made my argument even more strongly than I have. I don't care about rep power so don't ever give me any. No one has presented arguments refuting Flair's Supremacy. I win the street Fight and I share the credit with Enzo. My last post in this thread. Enjoy dissing me, girls.


I was thinking all day about who this reminded me of. I remember when I was Trav40, I had some gay "interwebz battle" with this guy, but I couldn't remember his name. I just found him though. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy and this guy....


....were the same members.

btw, Hogan was the greatest of all time, even though I hate Hogan.


I was thinking all day about who this reminded me of. I remember when I was Trav40, I had some gay "interwebz battle" with this guy, but I couldn't remember his name. I just found him though. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy and this guy....


....were the same members.

Sounds plausible given that WCW3ever has at least lurked here in the past as he's refered to Hell In A thread on a number occasions and that's been gone for some time now.

The Rated R CMStar

If you are really 16 you never saw Flair in the NWA on a weekly basis. This man was so phenomenal on the mic that he puts the Rock, SCSA and Mick Foley to Shame. I have tapes from WWW Wrestling from the mid 80s in which he gives interviews that would shock you. If you're going on the Ric Flair of recent years, you're sadly deprived. Flair was not only the greatest wrestler, but one of the greatest entertainers the world has ever known. He neglected to seek crossover appeal because he would wrestle often 3 times a day, party all night, have several women and continually travel. The man was light years apart from Hogan, Austin and the Rock. All Austin could could do was appeal to the blue collar crowd with his beer drinking and irreverence for authority and profanity. Flair had an amazing command of King's English and the language of wrestling which he either ad libbed or composed himself. He would even make up words and expressions. The man was simply a genious and and in ring savant. His matches had fans so excited they thought some issue of global magnitude hung in the balance.

Apparently, neither do you.

The rest is just a ton of bullshit. You could argue Ric Flair is better than Stone Cold (and be wrong in the process), but the single fact that you are actually trying to establish Ric Flair as a better draw than Stone Cold is simply ridiculous.

That's how good Ric Flair was, and I have the materials to prove it and the experts to support me and the 16 titles to put a cherry on top of it.

The materials to prove it? Like ignoring all the posts in the thread except Enzo Malenko's and mine. And going by the logic than the 16 World Title have any influence on greatness, Triple H then would be the second greatest ever.