Well yeah...but not every performer wants to end up like Mick Foley.
Well, let's take into account what Mick Foley was. Yes, he was mad, he was death defying, but also, he was able to touch the heart of a very different person and stay married to her since 92 and create a stable that thrives to this day. Here are the facts...
His wife, Colette, is four and a half years older than Mick. She was a model and even though he was the goofy sort, she was kind enough to offer Mick the option to give her his phone number, when he asked for hers, just a short while after they'd met while he was promoting a racing game. They spent the summer together and then shortly thereafter, she moved into the an apartment in his building and then before too long, they were married.
Not only did he earn the love of an older woman, he bore four children with her. However crazy he was, Mick Foley was a great human being, and his will to go above and beyond actually gave him the determination and willpower to do what he wanted to. He achieved all he did because of his extreme nature and I'm not sure he'd have gotten any less hadn't he had the resolve he did.
It takes a special kind of person to accomplish all of this. He got bumps and bruises, but along the way, he built a life and a family that broken families could learn a thing or two from. The price for his success was high, but Foley never complained about wrestling being stiff. Actually, he proposed a stiff match to Vader and he agreed.
So, Brie knocking Liv out should really be a run of the mill kind of event. Only problem is many aren't used to it, which is why there's been such an intense fallout over what Brie did. There shouldn't be, but you can place the blame on wrestling for being so fake.
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