Well, its the middle of July and you know what time that is! That's right, it's time for Fantasy Football to start up. Grab your Sports Illustrated: Fantasy Football Edition and lets sign up for Fantasy Football!
Im gonna try and get about 16 of us. We're going to do it traditionally. Just let me get a strong list of people so I know we can get a good league.
1. El Joo Magnifico
2. Peepshow
3. Wordlife
4. Gamebreaker
5. Soulpower
6. Kaedon
7. SnackZ
8. Nino
9. Travis
10. phantomgerald
11. xtremebadass
12. Enigma
13. YOU?
Im gonna try and get about 16 of us. We're going to do it traditionally. Just let me get a strong list of people so I know we can get a good league.
1. El Joo Magnifico
2. Peepshow
3. Wordlife
4. Gamebreaker
5. Soulpower
6. Kaedon
7. SnackZ
8. Nino
9. Travis
10. phantomgerald
11. xtremebadass
12. Enigma
13. YOU?