Yeah the Authority angle started off great but it quickly faltered around the end of fall and beginning of winter (pretty much as soon as Bryan ceased to become an issue for them along with the Big Show.) But in the beginning, there was a lot of great aspects to it - Bryan was fighting the machine alone while the rest of the roster feel pretty much neutered, they had The Shield as their muscle, they had a giant like the Big Show in the palm of their hands doing their dirty work for them (which was very tyrannical because they didn't NEED Show to carry out their orders since they had The Shield, but they got pleasure out of tormenting him anyway and showing the rest of the roster just how easily it would be to control them if they can control someone like the Big Show), Cody Rhodes got infinitely more over as a babyface by having to fight to get his job back after HHH/Steph fired him, etc. You even had under card guys like Ziggler getting a spotlight on them via being punished in a match against someone for speaking out against HHH/Steph.
Most everything after that just kind of fell apart. They want people to know Randy Orton is THE face of the company, yet when the current face of the company John Cena returns, they do nothing to oppose him (the closest they got was HHH taking off his jacket and wanting to get into the ring and fight Cena, but that happened after Survivor Series went off the air and was never acknowledged on-screen later) and you have Orton constantly arguing with the Authority about how they're treating him unfairly and then HHH telling him on more than one occasion to grow up. What was the last truly assholish thing that HHH and Steph even did, to be honest? Making Punk work a handicap match against The Shield? They weren't even the ones to put Bryan in a handicap match against the Wyatts, that was Kane.
The good news is that hopefully, they revert back to behaving more like an evil dictatorship the closer we get to Wrestlemania since that will be when they get their comeuppance and it's hard to get people to cheer for their eventual comeuppance if they aren't doing anything particularly morally questionable. The fact that McMahon is coming back sooner than later should definitely spice things up as well.