Any thread centered around Eve Torres is a thread worth having in my opinion. To contribute something other than lovely words towards Eve, here are two gifs from TLC . . .

Acailler said:So, An Eve Torres Appreciation Thread is born :smug:
Respect Gohan6425 said:I like Eve she good looking and a great diva wrestler, but idk if she would be my 1st choice to go on a date with or do u know what do here she good looking but she a little chubee on her body.
Lady Deathbane said:You think Eve is chubby? Dude, in the least she's curvy but in no way is she chubby, not even slightly.
Respect Gohan6425 said:yes she is not that much but she is alittle.
Lady Deathbane said:Dude, she's not at all. In what part do you think she's chubby?
Stopspot said:Eve is not fat at all. Sorry Randy but she isn't.
Respect Gohan6425 said:she is alittle u have to look at her closly.