deth said:Eve's chin is manlier than mine :sad1:
HHHBestHeelEver said:am I the only one that doesnt find her hot in any way?
Acailler said:I'm actually hoping Kaitlyn takes the belt....Eve is much better chasing.
Acailler said:I'm actually hoping Kaitlyn takes the belt....Eve is much better chasing.
Mustafar Reginald said:Disagree here. Maybe it's because she's currently heel, maybe it's just me being a fan boy, or maybe it's because I'm not a fan of Kaitlyn's, but the idea of her chasing after the championship is totally an unappealing one for me. I did thoroughly enjoy her series of bouts with Beth Phoenix for her championship, so if she lost it to someone like Natalya then I'd be fine with it.