Edge enters the Raw chamber and wins the title?

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the dark knight

then you were probably responding to something from another post. cms' point was clear that the point is they allowed someone, regardless of the type of match and whats it for, to actually participate in a match after taking the spot of the guy who just got his ass kicked by the new guy.


do you want me to start a cena discussion? its been too long. but long story short: edge actually loses.

You mean like when Cena was eliminated within minutes of him entering the Elimination Chamber? Don't be ignorant.

And I was afraid people were going to draw comparisons between entering the Royal Rumble and entering the Elimination Chamber. However, I didn't think people would be that foolish. I was wrong. The Royal Rumble has 30 guys. The Elimination Chamber has 6. The Royal Rumble is for a number one contendership. The Elimination Chamber is for the World Heavyweight Championship. Many participants in the Royal Rumble are simply selected for no other reason than that they need to fill up the match. All of the participants of the Royal Rumble won qualifying matches. None of the guys that forced themselves into the Royal Rumble won. Edge did win.

And whoever said that 2008 was booked with "tastleless crap" is, quite frankly, an idiot. We got Orton's reign of terror, Jericho on top of the WWE, a great Jericho/Michaels feud, a great Taker/Edge feud, Hardy finally winning the big one, and Flair's epic farewell. If you didn't like 2008, then I don't know what you're looking for.

The Rated R CMStar

None of the guys that forced themselves into the Royal Rumble won. Edge did win

And? The fact is not whether they won or not, is the fact that they were allowed into the match, accepted by authorities, announcers, referees, etc. Yes, they didnt win, but had they won, their victory would have been accepted.


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Jan 31, 2009
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The Rated R era has begun
This was booked absolutely brilliantly, this is exactly what Edge needs. Recently, on Smackdown! he has been made to look rather weak, which is a shame, as he is meant to be the Rated R superstar etc.
A possible move to raw would be brilliant for the WWE as he was getting rather boring on Smackdown! as of late.

I thought it was a little fishy that he was eliminated after 5 minuites in the smackdown! chamber match, and looking back to what he said on Smackdown! "I am the raated R superstar, I always find a way out" it fits together perfectly.

Also, it opens up promising doors for Rey mysterio who has been nothing but a tasteless mid carder for ages, maybe he will get a title run soon. I loved the way the Edge vs. Rey played out at the end, this is definately going to end up in a feud.

Anyway, Im nothing but shocked and surprised at the outcome, although Id rather have Taker win the WWE championship.
WWE have proved that they dont have to book their usual tasteless predictable crap like they did in 2008.
All I can say is, dont throw the title around willy nilly, seriously, how lond did edges last two title reigns last? like less than a month each.

I'm glad Edge was allowed to win the match clean regardless of how he got there. Hope it's a sign of things to come. I'm afraid that an Edge/Rey feud would end up with Rey having to be utterly embarrassed way too often. Look what they did to Rey during his title reign! I don't know whether I could cringe my way through another Rey title reign where he gets beaten up every week in non title matches.

Edge deserves to be seen as a capable wrestler who wins matches because he is better than the opposition and not because he has help to cheat his way through. A brilliant heel but the writing is getting a touch ridiculous.


And? The fact is not whether they won or not, is the fact that they were allowed into the match, accepted by authorities, announcers, referees, etc. Yes, they didnt win, but had they won, their victory would have been accepted.

That was one of a few different factors I listed. They all work together to show why the Royal Rumble is a different circumstance from an Elimination Chamber. Sure it is easy to discount each one individually, but when they are together, it is a different story. The fact that you ignored the other points tells me that they are valid.

the dark knight

You mean like when Cena was eliminated within minutes of him entering the Elimination Chamber? Don't be ignorant.
no, i mean like when cena held the world title for over a year destroying everybody in his way only losing ONE clean match. dont be a smartass.


no, i mean like when cena held the world title for over a year destroying everybody in his way only losing ONE clean match. dont be a smartass.

It's not being a smartass. It's being right.

During the reign you're talking about (the only one in which he held the belt for over a year), he did quite a few things to put other people over.

First, he made Umaga look like more of a monster than ever before. Their match at the Royal Rumble was phenomenal (many people list it as their MOTY, though I personally do not). Cena had to fucking break apart the ring and literally choke Umaga out with the rope to beat him. If that doesn't make him look strong in losing, then I don't know what does. If you want to talk about who "destroyed" Umaga, it was Triple H, not John Cena.

Second, he gave legitimacy to Booker T's title reign over on Smackdown. I don't know if you recall, but it was highly speculated that Booker's title reign would merely be a transitional one to take the title off of Rey Mysterio and immediately put it back on Batista. When Booker T pinned John Cena at Cyber Sunday, it cemented Booker T as a legitimate world champion. If you want to talk about who "destroyed" Booker T, it was Batista (with HHH putting the icing on the cake), not John Cena.

Third, Shawn Michaels was inserted back into the world title scene, and the momentum that he got from his program with Cena carried Michaels all the way into a title feud with Randy Orton. You can claim that Michaels could have done it without Cena, but the fact remains that Cena certainly didn't "destroy" Shawn Michaels.

And finally, the best example of all - Randy Orton. Before feuding with John Cena, Orton was feuding with GOD DAMNED DUSTY RHODES. It takes a big superstar to turn that into a world title holder within a couple of months. Cena did that. How? Cena was so epic, that when Orton put him out (I realize that Kennedy was the one to actually injure him. That is irrelevant), he instantly became the number one heel on Raw.

So, tell me; after John Cena legitimized Booker T, Shawn Michaels, Umaga, and Randy Orton, who did he "destroy"?

the dark knight

the fans. with his boring ass title reign. dont mean to shit all over what you just posted, its all good stuff but doesn't change the fact that the reign fucking bored me, personally to hell. as well as others. you're looking at it from a smark's point of view...

how many clean matches has he lost, except shawn's? did he even lose the belt? if it wasn't for that injury god knows for how long we were gonna see him as champ.


seriously, wtf?

sure, he made most of his opponents look like legitimate THREATS. but that's all it was. threats, nobody was able to beat him. just like superman. that COULD'VE worked if had lost the title frequently via intereference or whatever but that didn't happen did it?


No, it didn't happen, and that's the reason why John Cena is the biggest asset to the WWE right now. That's the reason why he's their undisputed Ace. That's the reason that he draws fans, boosts sales, and incites a reaction. For somebody like Stone Cold to get a great reaction, he had to Stunner everybody who walked by him. John Cena is able to make both himself AND his opponent look strong.

Not everybody can beat everybody. If there were no ace, then the WWE would be floating around with no direction, like then were doing on Raw from about 2002 to mid-2005. Before that, they had Stone Cold and the Rock as their anchors. Before that, there was no Ace (Michaels and Hart were unable to carry the company), and so the WWF was at one of its worst points entertainment-wise and financially. Prior to that, Hulk Hogan was the Ace, so there was somebody to build everything around.

Finally, the WWE has found an Ace. Now that they have that Ace, it looks like they're starting to create his foil in Randy Orton (Randy being the Rock to Cena's Austin). So, no, Cena didn't lose to all those guys cleanly. And I say, thank God. Because if Cena were just another Triple H/Shawn Michaels/Mick Foley/Edge then the WWE would not be able to stabalize. Those guys were great, but they were not the Ace. John Cena is the Ace.

Edit: And no. I'm not looking at it from a "smark" point of view. If anything, you are. You're the one shitting over Cena, when to a casual fan, Cena is the best thing in the WWE right now. I'm looking it at from the viewpoint of an wrestling fan who knows what the fuck they're talking about.

the dark knight

define "casual fan" to me.

and well, it happened now. cena lost cleanly a few times and nothing bad happened. you're wrong anyway, cena reached a point ages ago where he doesn't need to be champ to draw or sell tickets/merchs. i didn't say he has to lose the title cleanly, just lose it! again, your post's well thought and all and i respect your opinion but once again, that is not what i was saying.

oh and you are looking at it from a smark's point of view. but thats why i ask for your definition of those...so until you answer.

The Rated R CMStar

That was one of a few different factors I listed. They all work together to show why the Royal Rumble is a different circumstance from an Elimination Chamber. Sure it is easy to discount each one individually, but when they are together, it is a different story. The fact that you ignored the other points tells me that they are valid.

Actually I never read your post. I was just answering to Peepshow.

And I was afraid people were going to draw comparisons between entering the Royal Rumble and entering the Elimination Chamber. However, I didn't think people would be that foolish. I was wrong. The Royal Rumble has 30 guys. The Elimination Chamber has 6.

The number of participants is really irrelevant.

The Royal Rumble is for a number one contendership. The Elimination Chamber is for the World Heavyweight Championship

Depends on what Elimination Chamber you're comparing, but again, this is rather irrelevant

Many participants in the Royal Rumble are simply selected for no other reason than that they need to fill up the match. All of the participants of the Royal Rumble won qualifying matches. None of the guys that forced themselves into the Royal Rumble won. Edge did win.

But, had Kurt Angle win the Royal Rumble, would it be illegal? No. Sure, he didn't do it, but had he, even if he stole Nunzio's spot, his victory would have been legal. Same goes for Edge.

And whoever said that 2008 was booked with "tastleless crap" is, quite frankly, an idiot. We got Orton's reign of terror, Jericho on top of the WWE, a great Jericho/Michaels feud, a great Taker/Edge feud, Hardy finally winning the big one, and Flair's epic farewell. If you didn't like 2008, then I don't know what you're looking for.

That I agree with. I can't look back at any PPV from 2008 and say "MY God, how could they book that card", because every PPV was from above average to simply great


define "casual fan" to me.

and well, it happened now. cena lost cleanly a few times and nothing bad happened. you're wrong anyway, cena reached a point ages ago where he doesn't need to be champ to draw or sell tickets/merchs. i didn't say he has to lose the title cleanly, just lose it! again, your post's well thought and all and i respect your opinion but once again, that is not what i was saying.

oh and you are looking at it from a smark's point of view. but thats why i ask for your definition of those...so until you answer.

Okay, well you have clearly shown me (and everybody else, for that matter) that you cannot hold a debate. You simply respond with "you're wrong anyway" and refuse to admit that I'm even on the same topic as you (an interesting way to avoid conceding defeat, I must say). If you'd like to continue this conversation, as I would, then I must insist that you respond to my previous post in which I clearly lay out whom John Cena has HELPED as opposed to who you have yet to claim that he has HURT. And I request that you respond in a post that doesn't look like a seven-year-old wrote it. "Legend" or not, you are proving only be immature, uninformed, and frankly, unintelligent. Let me know if you want to talk like a big boy, and I will be glad to take the next step in our conversation. I will even hold your hand if you ask nicely.

A perfect example of how you should respond can be found in CMStar, whom I am now going to continue my discussion with, since he is capable of holding a debate.

Where were we?

CMStar, I understand what you're saying, and from a kayfabe standpoint, it totally makes sense. Well, it doesn't make sense, but it makes as much sense as replacing a participant in the Royal Rumble, so you are 100% correct there.

However, I simply cannot wrap my head around the simple booking behind it. Then again, I am openly stubborn to the idea of not having an Orton/Cena main event at Wrestlemania, so I'm probably not a very good person to logically argue my point. There are two scenarios that I think could have avoided the bizarre booking of the Raw Elimination Chamber, while still inserting Edge. However these alternatives would have been consistent with the fact that Edge was out of line, in kayfabe. The scenarios are as follows:

1) Edge forces himself into the Elimination Chamber and along the way he eliminates John Cena. However Edge himself is later eliminated, and thus does not win. This way, we can still get an Edge/Cena feud, though it would not be for the title.

2) Edge is eliminated from the Chamber by a roll up from Mysterio minutes into entering the match, much like he was earlier in the night. Could you imagine how insane we could go then? I think that would have worked really well, and it would have re-ignited the obsessive role that Edge played so wonderfully in late '04 - early '05.

Both ways would have avoided the fiasco that was the Raw Elimination Chamber.

THAT SAID...this has proved to be only a minor detail in what looks to be a major feud that is planned for John Cena and Edge. If they had centered it on Edge and Vickie's power abuse, then I would have to object. However, I am willing to admit that I did overreact here, and I'm not going to let it ruin what COULD be a great Wrestlemania main event. I have faith in both John Cena and Edge that they will work out something awesome for their title match. Hopefully others look past the minor booking blip and look forward to the Biggest Stage of 'Em All.