
Taker and Ric Flair were never the main guys. Flair had tons, and I means tons of guys around him in his 70's era who were equally as big, and Taker has never been close to the main guy. While what Moonlight said is true (that he was the main guy on SD for years) the same could be said for Edge, because he's been the main guy on SD. Aside from that, he's been THE heel in WWE since 2005. No matter which show, Edge has been the main heel. And are you koking me? Foley? Big Show? No offense, but those guys are abotu 3 rungs down the latter from Edge.
Dude, How are you even going to argue Edge is more of a legend than Undertaker and Ric Flair. You asked peoples opinion, than you disagree. As far as me putting Edge in the same boat as HHH, Macho, Foley, Big Show, I'd say that's MORE than fair. Mick Foley is known as one the greatest hardcore wrestler of all time, and Big Show is one of the greatest big man ever in our sport. What's Edge known for? Being a top heel DURING the 3 brand era. Those 8 championships now just don't mean as much as they did 10 years ago.