Edge- A legend?

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Taker and Ric Flair were never the main guys. Flair had tons, and I means tons of guys around him in his 70's era who were equally as big, and Taker has never been close to the main guy. While what Moonlight said is true (that he was the main guy on SD for years) the same could be said for Edge, because he's been the main guy on SD. Aside from that, he's been THE heel in WWE since 2005. No matter which show, Edge has been the main heel. And are you koking me? Foley? Big Show? No offense, but those guys are abotu 3 rungs down the latter from Edge.

Dude, How are you even going to argue Edge is more of a legend than Undertaker and Ric Flair. You asked peoples opinion, than you disagree. As far as me putting Edge in the same boat as HHH, Macho, Foley, Big Show, I'd say that's MORE than fair. Mick Foley is known as one the greatest hardcore wrestler of all time, and Big Show is one of the greatest big man ever in our sport. What's Edge known for? Being a top heel DURING the 3 brand era. Those 8 championships now just don't mean as much as they did 10 years ago.


Dude, How are you even going to argue Edge is more of a legend than Undertaker and Ric Flair. You asked peoples opinion, than you disagree. As far as me putting Edge in the same boat as HHH, Macho, Foley, Big Show, I'd say that's MORE than fair. Mick Foley is known as one the greatest hardcore wrestler of all time, and Big Show is one of the greatest big man ever in our sport. What's Edge known for? Being a top heel DURING the 3 brand era. Those 8 championships now just don't mean as much as they did 10 years ago.

I never said Edge was better than Flair, can you read? I never said that. Not once. I quoted you, where you said "Edge has never been the main guy" and I said neither have Taker or Flair. That has nothing to do with him being better than anyone. Taker and Flair are both better and more accomplished, and more important than Edge. All I was saying is while Edge has never been THE guy, neither have Taker or Flair.


I fail to see how Undertaker and Ric Flair were not #1 guys in their career. Hell, Ric Flair was even the #1 guy in the wwf at one point. Even after the dozen plus championships in NWA/WCW.

The Undertaker beat Hogan in his prime. Undertakers won the championship to main event two Wrestlemania's and he's never been defeated at Mania. Undertaker has basically been a main eventer for almost 20 years. You mean to tell me, he was NEVER the top guy at one point?

I normally argee with you most of the time Mike. But like myself and Snackz mentioned. There is Tier's to the "Legends" From your original comments you basically putting Edge up there with the top tier, and that's not the case, Yet.


New Member
Apr 20, 2009
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It does not matter how he won them
Its that he did win them
Hall of fame for Edge yes


I fail to see how Undertaker and Ric Flair were not #1 guys in their career. Hell, Ric Flair was even the #1 guy in the wwf at one point. Even after the dozen plus championships in NWA/WCW.

The Undertaker beat Hogan in his prime. Undertakers won the championship to main event two Wrestlemania's and he's never been defeated at Mania. Undertaker has basically been a main eventer for almost 20 years. You mean to tell me, he was NEVER the top guy at one point?

I normally argee with you most of the time Mike. But like myself and Snackz mentioned. There is Tier's to the "Legends" From your original comments you basically putting Edge up there with the top tier, and that's not the case, Yet.
I know we normally agree, so noo hard feelings, but dude I'm not talking about how good Flair and Undertaker was. I know they've been better than Flair. That's not even the argument though. You said "Edge has never been the top guy", and that is 100 % true. I just wanted to make a little side note that Flair and Taker, despite all your success, have never carried a company either. My point there was to do with your rankings. You put Flair and taker in "tier 1", and then Edge in "tier 3" which is fair. That's where Edge ranks in terms of legends and all that, I was just saying I'd put Flair and Take rin the tier 2 instead of 1, because tier 1 should be Hogan, Rock, Austin, and Cena, because they're the onyl ones to actually carry WWF. I'd put Flair and Taker with HBK, HHH, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, etc , in tier two, because depite their accomplishments, they were never the main guy.


Feb 8, 2007
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Bronx, NY
I know we normally agree, so noo hard feelings, but dude I'm not talking about how good Flair and Undertaker was. I know they've been better than Flair. That's not even the argument though. You said "Edge has never been the top guy", and that is 100 % true. I just wanted to make a little side note that Flair and Taker, despite all your success, have never carried a company either. My point there was to do with your rankings. You put Flair and taker in "tier 1", and then Edge in "tier 3" which is fair. That's where Edge ranks in terms of legends and all that, I was just saying I'd put Flair and Take rin the tier 2 instead of 1, because tier 1 should be Hogan, Rock, Austin, and Cena, because they're the onyl ones to actually carry WWF. I'd put Flair and Taker with HBK, HHH, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, etc , in tier two, because depite their accomplishments, they were never the main guy.

Flair literally carried NWA and WCW on his back for so long that this statement is null and void.

Taker I agree with, he's never carried a company and has never been the main attraction.


Flair most certainly did not caary WCW. In fact, the way he was buried in WCW was embarrasing. When WCW was in it's prime, Flair had nothing to do with it. NWA? Maybe, but I'm having a hard time buying it, considering the legends he was surrounded with.

CT Styles

People are pissed off because all Edge's reigns are stolen. That's what his character does. He doesn't win anything fairly.

Moonlight Drive

Randy Orton sucks, he only won the belt in 2007 because Triple H had to wrestle THREE TIMES!


The Rated R CMStar

BTW...Big Show? You put Show on the same level of Edge just because he's one of the best big men? By that notion, Kane is above both of them.

As for Foley, not only Edge is above him in accomplishments and in general fan view, but he's also above him in the kayfabe.


Mar 11, 2009
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Leeds, England
Flair most certainly did not caary WCW. In fact, the way he was buried in WCW was embarrasing. When WCW was in it's prime, Flair had nothing to do with it. NWA? Maybe, but I'm having a hard time buying it, considering the legends he was surrounded with.

Bear in mind he wasn't constantly surrounded by the same legends Mike. The NWA toured, on the way they'd visit Steamboat's promotion, then Magnum TA's promotion, then he'd put over Sting, Dusty Rhodes and the Road Warriors. The man was the NWA champion and wrestled at least 8 matches a week, often to 60 minute draws, just to put on the best matches, put over talent and show everyone that the NWA was the place to be.

He was the man, if you'll excuse the lame play on words, and carried his company into the 90s the same way Hogan carried WWE.


Bear in mind he wasn't constantly surrounded by the same legends Mike. The NWA toured, on the way they'd visit Steamboat's promotion, then Magnum TA's promotion, then he'd put over Sting, Dusty Rhodes and the Road Warriors. The man was the NWA champion and wrestled at least 8 matches a week, often to 60 minute draws, just to put on the best matches, put over talent and show everyone that the NWA was the place to be.

He was the man, if you'll excuse the lame play on words, and carried his company into the 90s the same way Hogan carried WWE.

Yes, he was indeed the man, but don't you think there were some other "The man"'s around him? Flair was a huge heel for much of his time, so he wasn't even abel to carry the company in the same way a Austin, Hogan, or now Cena, could, because of that fact. People were paying to see the good guys succeed, and in the process, take out flair, not to see Flair take out them.
Anyway, I'd be more than happy to continue this convo in another thread, but I don't think it should here. The fact whether Flair and Taker ever carried a company is irrelevant as to whether Edge is a legend or not, because I wasn't even saying Edge did, lol. I was just saying while Edge never carried, the way I see it, neither did they. That's all. We should get back to Edge now, but if you insist, you can make a thread in the general and classic section about it.


New Member
Apr 19, 2009
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Edge is not the Ric Flair, no one can duplicate that and I believe that no one here is even comparing Edge to Flair. Edge is Edge while Flair is Flair, no one can copy the personalities of either individual. They were two of the most unique characters to ever be created in the world of wrestling.


@ Mike.... Your last post suggests that you don't think that a heel can draw.

"People were paying to see the good guys succeed, and in the process, take out flair, not to see Flair take out them."

Would you apply this to HHH, Orton and EDGE too?

...The rationale is that peeps pay to see a drawing heel get their ass kicked.


@ Mike.... Your last post suggests that you don't think that a heel can draw.

"People were paying to see the good guys succeed, and in the process, take out flair, not to see Flair take out them."

Would you apply this to HHH, Orton and EDGE too?

...The rationale is that peeps pay to see a drawing heel get their ass kicked.

I never said heels can't draw. I said as a heel, he didnt' carry the company. Of course he can draw, Ric Flair is one of the greatest draws in wrestling history. Again though, I still don't think he solely carried the NWA the same way Hogan or Austin carried a company.